Show D GUA ildia consult county clerk or the respective at sign era orator ter further in formation in the ali district bourt urt probate Irn bito division in and for davis county state ot of utah in it alip matter of tile the estate of john K R do 85 f sham deceased NOTICE the n of 0 FAl zabeth B wt arar the g din of 0 the pette oi of jol john n R desbrie Do DeS Shayn bRin coee deceased for confirmation of the sale bala nf f tile the follo following ollow winz lne real of said decedent to wit 68 75 5 more or less lc in S 2 IT an row S R L LM emall billal all sn BO lots 7 and 8 unblock aa plat A Kays kaysville ville Town alte survey wlm improvements thereon sold to menry henry M na S n rash lot 1 mock block 9 plat ID fl 11 1 1 kim 1 8 athe Town lt gold to arthur smith 11 tor for the sum suits of 0 kiil liil ash an undivided one I 1 lnla interact Inter ct in lt J block 1 IS plat pia t A Kays kaysville ville survey known aitho sheffield lewis an and 1 I di pro property nerty sold to H J Held tor for the sum of n cash RA appear from tho return of sale anle billed in this thin court 1 has ila 8 heen set or on ay dis day v I 1 liell a ni court nuo in the he court mom of nf sald bald robirt in farmington city comity utah witness the clerk nt f suld said court will tile ical thereof abil abbed lied tills this etli day of october A 1 D 1001 ws seal sea thomas it 11 phi I 1 I 1 alps clerk ekx S NOTICE TO s william J ickson deceased creditor Ored Kors s will 1 I fit claims with ers q leftie 1 n at her in e 0 bavi county utah on an or before the day A it mrs ann E F jackson administratrix of the estate tate of wililam william ja jackson e akson dere aspri nato data ot of fir arst t pub publication sept reb A D 1011 0 i A n B sawyer attorney tor for administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of enoch lewis deceased creditors will present with vouchers rs to botho the at bountiful davis county utah on or nr before tile tho ath day of 0 february A ja D mdavid 1 toker stoker S nd administrator of tho the estate 0 of 1 enoch lew lewis ia let dee cased 1 hate of first pub publication lical ion oct fth 1901 1 0 willey jr I 1 attorney for ilia adamini noyl in lathe the district court probate division in a aad I 1 I 1 for davis county state of utah anile la to matter of altho tile estate ot of john lamb deceased s V OTIO ETho tho petition ot of andrew grant administrator of 0 the estate stjohn 0 john lamb deceased dor eased prating praying for the settlement of 0 funai account 0 ot sa said d andrew grant adment trat or and lor for the distribution of the residue ot of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on saturday the day of 0 october A D MI it at 9 a m at tile the county court house in the court room of 0 said court in barmington city DavIs county utah te the clerk of said court with tho the seal thereof affixed this ath day of october aa A 1901 t acal eal thomas ai 11 phillip clerk cleric by nepal eahl palmer deputy clerk its IQ the Di court probate division 0 n I 1 in and for or davis county mate tate of 0 utah uta h in the e estate ot alna martin deceased NOTICE the petition of Mahon Mation rl it brown braving f for die issuance to himself of letters of adul administration in the estate of 0 zina deceased has been set tor for hearing bearing iceon on batur saturday day the mth day of 0 october octoba r A D 1901 at Is 0 it a tn at the he county court house in file court room ot of said ala court lu in 1 farmington city DAVIS county U utah ah witness I 1 the lie clerk ot of said court wath with tha ali seal I 1 thereof hereof affixed this ibis bill day ot of october A D ol 01 oh seat seal thomas it II phillips dork clerk by jalmer balmer deputy clerk to lathe the district court probate of 01 vision in and tor fo r day I 1 s county klate of utah in the matter of the estate ot of lot smith decea deceased ed NOTICE the petit petition ion ot of S IV Dar kead ad ot of the estate of lot smith deceased praying tor for the settlement ot lenal a account e count ot of said S IV W darke administrator and R nd tor for the distribution 0 of the residue 0 said estate to the persons entitled has been set tor for heart ng on tuesday t hie lie an is day ot of october A 1 D at 11 0 a NL matth at the county court house to in the courtroom court room of 0 said court in kar city Davis coan t ty utah witness net the clerk of said court with tile the sea seal thereof affa this ath day of 0 october A P D 1101 1901 seat seal thomas it II phillips clerk STATE LAND SAM SALE office of the state board ot of land commissioners sio ners salt lake city utah september 1961 notice Is hereby given that in accordance with law aw the state board lioard of ot land commissioners tiers will on october ali 1101 beginning at li h ui day offer at public auction at the court house of 0 pasts county at farmington utah and sell to the blat iest bidder tor for tho the respective tive tracts the following described app raked and unsold state stale I 1 lauds ands situated in davis county utah subdivision see sec tp K R acres noli nt se I 1 wi it si so aw 99 90 A and lot 21 1 nap 1 a so no SO 30 local survey u rp e y sn an n iw all all I 1 S in ill le lc 0 abol A all 1 Z 3 sn 2 ie WW 0 all ka 21 ail ie W C all 16 pit in ae 0 0 W 0 11 Q eh 04 sw it 81 be le ie 01 fl all lid IM on an to lo all AH 1 aa lo 10 a till all ia M 40 ie 10 MO all if i 10 lo MO co lots 1 li 4 5 sands and S ii a iw 5 1 3 no land will be bedoll sold for or less than ti alio e appraised value thereof rind and not more than 10 acres 0 agricultural land nor more thun than 0 acres ereso 0 fridland arid kanii nor more than four 22 sections c ct lons of grazing lind will bo be sold to an any ally one individual comi y or corporation and salci of sue lands is will III bo be made only to citizens 7 ensoft 0 the he united states olthos or thos who have declared their intention to become such v terms of sale one tenth cisa payable at al the remainder of the purchase pur chaSt chagA price in ten crual payments with 14 terest at the ho rite of fire per cent per py ble in ill advance on de deferred ferrett payments hy by order ol of the L tate hoard of 0 land cofel 11 nilst ls loners oss byron croo secretary |