Show mm LORENZO SNOW FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE MORMON CHURCH EXPIRES SUDDENLY FROM bronchitis CAUSED BY A COLD death of venerable president came as a great surprise as he attended conference sunday serious illness began wednesday brief history of his busy life lorenzo snow the venerable head of the th normon mormon church chur cli died suddenly thursday afternoon october 10 at his bis residence the bee I 1 ce hire house in a salt lake Hi his death was directly due to bronchitis caused by a cold and was a great surprise to the general public who were not aware of the illness ot of the president fier serious lous or otherwise until he be wason was on the threshold of death for some borne time the president had been in feeble health owing to advancing years and those near him realized his growing feebleness but they did not realize that the end was so near they insisted however that the be bolt beit it possible care of his bis health be taken and for this reason be did not apper at the late confere conference ace sire save at the sunday afternoon bession when apostle clawson was wa elevated to the first presidency the exertion caused by this to him great effort had bad a depressing effect and monday he was not so BO well but rallied tuesday and seemed no worse than he had bad been for some time lime the illness which terminated fatally began beg an about a month ago when president snow attended a social function where he caught a severe cold cola A hacking backing cough followed the cold and although everything known to science coupled with the best of care was done no relief relict was afforded it was not until wednesday morning that anything like a serious derangement was even suspected by those around him when ile be was attacked by vomiting spells spella which kept up almost incessantly for some time and he was pay 7 PRESIDENT LORENZO SNOW fifth tah president of the church ol of jesus christ of 0 latter day saints born april 3 1814 died october 10 1901 1001 enable to retain any food oo on ills his even eren the bligh slightest test forbel of tood food wall dot rot retained this added to his bis already weakened condition when drs wilcox aud and richards Kic hards were summoned sum mooed wednesday evening they pronounced his condition condit ioa as being very serious indeed it etwas was bol until that line that the alio family fully realized the extreme gravity 0 of the situation frequent visits were made at intervals during the night at 4 thursday morning there was i b decided change anace for the worse and at the conditions were a little worse than ter over and the end came at the hour stat dated ed ills HIS EVENT EVENTFUL CAREER lorenzo snow fifth president of the mormon church was born at mantua co ohio april 3 1814 at wenty twenty ons one he be entered oberlin college to secure acure a classical education in 1830 1836 he be became a convert to and was baptised baptized sed by elder eider john S boynton Eoy oton in 1837 he began tile hie active ministerial career continued throughout his busy life in midy isao 18 lie took his bla grit first mission to europe and waa was appointed counse counselor lorto to parley P pratt president of tho the british mission in 1841 lie be published a pamphlet the only way to be saved which hu half been translated into german french and italian in 1813 1643 lie he returned to america at the head of 4 50 convert on a specially especially chartered vessel in 1841 1844 lie he conducted it vigorous campaign in ohio for joseph smith for president of the united states in 1815 turning to education lie he was placed at the tha bead of the nauvoo grammar school lie ile left nauvoo in the exodus of 1846 for salt lake but on account of sickness did not reach there until 1848 in october 1849 he was sent on a mission to italy where lie he remained for three years and translated the book of mormon in 1853 1852 he be was elected a member of the utah house of representatives in accordance with the law of 1850 ile he was returned to every session until 1882 three times to the tha house and twenty three to the counell council IQ in 1855 with fifty families he founded and named brigham city which was his home until he became president of the church in 1804 1864 he went on a mission to tile the sandwich islands and labored diligently for fora a time in that part of the pacific in 1872 1874 he accompanied george A smith and other utah people on a tour of the countries of europe and palestine in 1877 lie he was released as president of Box boxelder elder make after having presided averit over it since its organization in 1880 he be was convicted of unlawful cohabitation and sentenced to tareo terms of six ix months each but liter later released on a writ of habeas corpus on april 6 1880 he be became the president of 0 the quorum of the twelve apostle Apost lea which position he be retained until september 13 1898 when he became the president t of the church and chose its as is counselors georgia george Q and ancl joseph IF smith president snow during his life was the husband of nine wives whom h he married in tho the following order charlotte charlolle squires mary A goddard sarah ann ana prichard harriet amelia squires eleanor houtz caroline horton mary elizabeth houtz phoebe amelia woodruff minnie jensen the three last named survive him ile ho married charlotte squires and mary ilary A goddard on the same day in the nauvoo temple under the plural marriage system Ilem lie morrid arrid saraband sarah Sara bAnn ann prichard Pric bard and harriet A squires at nauvoo also and his fifth wife at winter quarters Quart Ts previous pi evious to the march across the plains ills his first wife died antho in the early days of tile the settlement of salt lake valley the others have been well known in utah in the days daya that have iohd flace elapsed |