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Show ! Review - Wednesday, October 29, 1986 - Page 4 J QpUtBtmsmnt Unmmu) Jevonne Levin to become bride of Ti Smack in temple ceremony Ti Smack and Jevonne Levin have chosen November 6, 1986 to unite their love in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Ti is the son of Richard and Rita Smack, Twin Falls, Idaho. Jevon-ne'- s parents are Fred and Trudi Levin, Pleasant Grove. The newlyweds will be honored at a wedding breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rasmussen, an aunt of the groom. A reception will be held that evening at the Manila Stake Cen-ter from 7 p.m to 9 p.m. The couple invites all friends and relatives to meet with them. Deanna VanWave will serve as maid of honor. Bridal attendants will be Jynae Winger, Jechelle Levin, Jonique Levin, Debbie Levin, Krista Levin, Shelly Nelson, Amy Smack, Jenni Smack and Kati Smack. Flower girls will be Whit- - nie Winger and Emily Nelson. Ted Smack will serve as best man with Brad Nelson, Ralph, Ric, and Ryan Levin attending. Special guests will be the grand-mothers, Mrs. Ester Smack, Mrs. Mildred Larsen and Mrs. Anna Levin. The bride-ele- graduated from Pleasant Grove High School and LDS Seminary. She was active as a cheerleader, and was in dance and orchestra. She is presently em-ployed in Provo. Her fiance graduated from Twin Falls High School and LDS Semi-nary. He participated in choir. Ti served an LDS Mission in Korea. He has attended Ricks College and UTC and will complete his educa-tion at BYU. He is employed in Pro-vo. The couple will live in Pleasant Grove. Jevonne Levin, Ti Smack Shelie Parduhn, Andrew Hale to exchange vows in Temple f' 6 ' ! ' ' ' - f Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parduhn, Highland, are pleased to announce the marriage of . their daughter, Shelie, to Andrew Robert Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Johnson of Pleasant Grove. The couple will exchange vows in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on Saturday, Nov. 1. An open house will honor the couple that same evening from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents, 6190 W. 10050 North, Highland. All "friends and relatives are invited to attend. A wedding breakfast will be hosted by the groom's parents at the Jordan Queen following the wedding ceremony. Special guests will be grand-parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parduhn, and grand parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. John Dean and Mrs. Thelma Johnson. A bridal shower was given by Nancy Parduhn, Julie Jones and Kayla Parduhn. Shelie graduated from American Fork High School and LDS Seminary. She attended Snow College and Utah Technical College. She served an LDS mission to the Peru, Lima North Mission and is employed in American Fork. Andy graduated from Pleasant Grove High School. He attended Riverside City College and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He will be attending the West Valley Police Academy and is employed in American Fork where the couple will live. Andrew R. Hale, Shelie Parduhn Local man completes training " -- ' ' . f. 1 v - j i ju 1 - ' ' - I it - , i Kurt Fugal, Pleasant Grove, with Stephen Petersen Carpets and Interiors, completed the 86-1- 6 Class of the Hardwood Flooring In-stallation School conducted in Memphis, Tenn. The school was established in 1979 to help provide a source of proper installation techniques on all types of hardwood flooring, and draws experts from the U.S. and Canada as instructors. A tour of a hardwood flooring plant in the Memphis area was included in the course. Eighty students from all regions of the country attended the school. Student occupations ranged from installer to salesperson. The program is designed for anyone interested in the hardwood flooring business. Beginners along with the experienced installer have en-thusiastically encouraged con-tinuation of the school. Kurt Flegal Lucille Walker Moyle to celebrate eightieth birthday wmMmmimm;! mmmmmimm illilliillNi:i::ii:v llliyiiilfllll ... Lucille Walker Moyle will be celeb-rating her 80th birthday at an open house to be held Nov. 1 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Kathleen Rasmussen, 578 E. 770 North, Alpine. All friends and relatives are invited to join with her daughters at this time. She requests no gifts, please. Mrs. Moyle was born in Lindon in 1906 to Benjamin and Ruth May Keetch Walker. She married Wendell Thomas Moyle in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on June 15, 1931. He died March 23. 1974. She has four daughters, Mrs. Celone V. (Meridee) Smith, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Mrs. James A. (Janene) Coop-er, Cherokee, N.C.; Mrs. Ronald W. (Kathleen) Rasmussen, Alpine; and Mrs. Alan R. (Susanne) Smith. Little-ton, Colo. She has 30 grandchildren and eight Lucille W. Moyle Teresa Harvey to wed Mark Moser in rites Mr. and Mrs. Ross West and Keshia announce the coming marriage of their granddaughter and Mother, Teresa Harvy and Mr. Mark Moser. The wedding will be Saturday, Nov. 1, 1986 in the Pleasant Grove Senior Center, 100 E. 200 South. The marriage will be at 4 p.m. with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. All relatives and friends are in-vited.. No formal invitations are being sent. Shellie Eggett named to Snow Jr. College royalty Shellie Eggett, daughter of JaLynn and Bernie Eggett of Lindon, was crowned as first at-tendant in the Miss Snow Pageant held in Ephraim on Oct. 23. For her talent number, Shellie sang a vocal solo. Shellie is a 1986 graduate of Pleasant Grove High School and is currently attending Snow College in Ephraim. She is a member of Ascension and LDS Institute. Shellie was sponsored by Nielson Hall. As first attendant, Shellie will receive a scholarship and will also reign over the Homecoming ac-tivities at Snow College the week of Oct. 27 thru Nov. 1. Of her experience, Shellie said, "Not only have I had a great ex-perience, but I've .made 14 new friends." Shellie Eggett , Anita, the answer is yes We understand that Anita found a clever way to invite Chris to the dance. We are also happy that he has accepted. Goodness, it is Prefer-ence time again already? by MARCELLA WALKER Yes, Anita, Chris will go. This message is for Anita Larson of Pleasant Grove. It says, "Yes, I'd love to go to Pre-ference with vou. Signed, Chris". Colonial Kousc Reception Center tTH? the Colonial House and you even do your own catering." 768-334- 5 187 West Main Lehi, Utah Working forV0D and mm THE MAN WHO'LL GET THINGS DONE 1 Please don't let your right . ; ' and privilege to vote go & ' w unattended. Vote for an s honest wage. Vote for the i-- children, the elderly, the infirm. Vote for problem & : . ' ' solving. Vote for Utah. , , j Vote for Lynn Davis. v ; 1 lb ''' Lynn Ray Davis is a hardworking man One of the first things that Lynn Davis Take Hooding as an example, '' with realistic ideas and workable wants to do when in office is to fix the Salt Lake is up an etw ''" r solutions. He cares about the local and inequity in the tax situation. He believes Weather Service is prcdiciin? state government. He won't just talk thai corporations should pay a lair lax. even greater threat next u'- about what needs to be done. He'll GET and should pay their employees a lair lor disaster'.' We need to Im'k lul things done. wage. "Utah is a wonderful state and a good Davis believes there is a place for place to live," says Davis, "but I want union work here in Utah. A myth is that in Ut1 to see it become a great place to live. I high union wages lessens a company's It yOU re Inlereb want to see Utah become the place where ability to bid effectively in contract VOt6 for Lynn R3Y " ' men and women can earn an honest work. "That is false. The non-unio- n iioljSg of Representati"1 wage. I want to see our children, our companies undercut unions on their . . c elderly and our infirm cared for and contract bids by a very small amount. DIShICI OO valued. I want Utah to be thought of as but they pay their employees much less the place where problems and and pocket the difference. Very lew difficulties are planned for and resolved people can live off these low wages and $IU1 before they occur. want Utah to be raise a family, too." divert this extra water m" nif TI IH place to live." Another area for improvement is River or pump to the deseii 11 Davis has past experience in lobbying Utah's social programs. "Sure, there are into the Great Salt fake, m' j j in Washington for Geneva. He was some people who abuse the system and support the building "I l'" secretary of the South Geneva Labor don't really deserve what they get. But CUP." Council and helped to set policies and there are many others who do deserve (. r guidelines for labor management. He help like the mentally ill. the elderly and The slogan Lynn P' knows that what happened at Geneva our children. Investing in people gives "Serving you and Utah ''"V,, (;;. was unnecessary and he's lighting mad! the best possible return." reason for that. "loo "WJ) .1 "When elected. I can exert pressure on Another good investment is in legislature forgets wholly) 'j ,;,iie the Governor and other legislators. can problem solving. "I want Utah to be on won't. I'm here to serve .m"1 see that it doesn't happen again." the cutting edge of problem solving, the best way possible. Utah State Legislature - Democr-at- Paid for by the committee to elect Lynn Ray Davis I j3Pv.s To the citizens I f of Legislative .i District 58 ... V. . , (Pleasant Grove, American Fork, North Lehi, Alpine, Highland and W ' '; ' Cedar Hills): I l - 1 It has een my honor to represent you in - I , 1 the state legislature for the past four years. I 1 f 'I f I During this time I have been available to I t'' II ' 1 you and many have brought your vital lw J Lislia!S5 concerns to me. EDUCATION I have been actively involved in bringing better education to your children with-out raising your taxes. I have supported using our school buildings all year in-stead of only nine months, and improving teacher performance through career ladders. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS I worked with state and local officials to improve that dangerous intersection at the mouth of American Fork Canyon, and the road running west to which you commuters to the Salt Lake Valley like to use. NEW JOBS AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT I have supported all legislation aimed at holding our present business and industry. I also sponsored the Centers of Excellence bill which is now bringing millions of dollars in new high technology jobs to our state. PROPERTY TAXES I have strongly opposed any increase in property taxes and will continue to do so. FLOOD CONTROL I have strongly supported most of the local efforts including the Jordan River project which now gives us control of the level of Utah Lake. I have opposed the plan to pump Great Salt Lake into the west desert - the cost is too high and the probability of success too low. If you would like me to continue to represent you in this way, your vote for me on November 4 would be appreciated. Thank you. IFL1 State Representative District 58 |