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Show Utah Idaho Central Has Large ; Deficit. A deficit ot 173,943.25 tor 1918 is shown in the annual report of the Utah Idaho Central railroad, which has been tiled with tho state public utilities commission. The total corporate cor-porate deficit ot tho company now totals to-tals $410,234.67, according to the loport, an Incienso of $55,088 50 over ov-er last years report. Tho report shows that by ngicement Interest for one year was donated to.thojcjpmpany, by the holders of bonds dlfdyjonvcrt lblo notes. Tho donation was mado late In 1917. The net operating rcvenuo of tho company Is given as $190,332.57. Deducting De-ducting taxes amounting to $58,128.70, there remained an operating oper-ating Income of $138,203.87. Passenger revenues for the year wero around $438,000, which was o decrease ot about $35,000 from the preceding year. Freight revenuo In-creased In-creased by about $40,000 to $296,000 On thd exponso account, It Is shown that the equipment expenses wore cut by nearly $18,000 to $41,000. On tho other hand there was' an increase. ot $19;000 for'tbo expenses of con- ductlngr finnspoifntlon, which was largely In tho wnges of trainmen and oilier employees. Way and Btiucturo oxponscs remalnpd about stationary at $123,000; power expenses 1 grow" by $5,01)0. to $102,000; traffic expenses ex-penses were cut by abo'ut 20 per cent to $9600; and mtscelaneous expenses expens-es by $9000,. to'flOO.OOO..' The report shows a total Issue ot $5,000,000 in stock, but on this thero Is a discount on the bonds of $658,-449.71. $658,-449.71. Term bonds total $4,733,000 and cunent liabilities $691,256.50, there being a discount on the bonds of $666,449.71. Tho company claims among Its assets Investments of $5,967,416.81. The company owns 131.27 miles ot road and 161.37 miles ot track. The investment per mile of road is given as $45,230.64. Thero were 354 employees In 191 S obtaining $415,832.33 in wages. Tho company has 49 electrically equipped passenger cars and a total ot 179 cars. Tho company served 4,303,523 icvcnuo passengers In 1918; and 504",-621 504",-621 free transfer passengers. Tho average fnro per revenuo passenger was 10.2 cents; tho tevenuo per car mllo was 29.5 cents nnd per car hour $1.79. Operating expenses per car mllo wero 23 cents and per car hour $1.36. Salt Lake Tribune. |