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Show Pfc Attclio Azzelio has been transferred from Fort Flagler, Wash., to Fort Lewis, Wash. He writes that army life is "OK" and that he is learning "a heap about . fi"hting". e e e e e ' 'HIGHLAND B0Y.' e Marie Atxelio Mike Tomas ard Pat Ruhich.j son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin IV-, china, left Wednesday to report to Fort Douglas where they will be inducted into the army. M:k! is a graduate of Bingham hii'ii I school, class of ''4? "id ''' student body president. The boys enlisted Marcn 27. i Miss Marie Azzelio and niece, Josephine Rottini, spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rottini of Murray . Mrs. Geor"e Smilanich spent Thursday in Salt Lake City. She later visited friends in Midvale. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brimhall and Mrs. Carl Kanniainen join-1 rd Mrs. Dewey Mayne and dau-1 ,,'hter, Shirley, of Copperton, to drive to Provo and attend funeral fun-eral services held Monday afternoon af-ternoon for an aunt of Mr. Brim-hall Brim-hall and Mrs. Mayne. Mrs. Walter Bolic of Salt Luke City spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bolic. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kopesec Honored on May 1 The twenty-ninth wedding anniversary an-niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kopesec Sr. was celebrated Saturday Sat-urday evening at the Highland Boy Catholic Center. The hall was decorated with yellow and freen streamers. Favors and tale ta-le decorations were in red. white and blue. A punch stand was arranged in one corner. Dancing was enjoyed and a de- t licious luncheon served to 30 , guests: Mr. and Mrs. Joe? Ko-1 pesec Jr., Mrs. Mary Pazell, Mr. I and Mrs. Tony Azzelio, John Oo-lic, Oo-lic, Mrs. James Byrne, Mary Bolic, Bo-lic, Mrs. Walter Bolic of Salt! Lake City, Billy Pino, Mr. and j Mrs. Joe Scorzato, Mrs. Frank Kascek. Louie Pullman and Mis. Rose Ycngich, Mr. and Mrs. Kopesec Sr. have ; lived in Highland Boy 27 years and are highly regarded by the ', entire community. j Grade School To Honor Mothers The faculty and students of the Highland Boy grade school will honor the mothers of the , community at a tea given Friday I afternoon. A special program '. has been planned by the stu- j dents and is under the direction of Miss Morinda Grange, principal, princi-pal, and Mrs .Robert H. Bailey, teacher. Bach mother will receive re-ceive a rose. It is planned to serve refreshments. Program Sunday Special Mothers day services are being arranged at the Highland High-land Boy Community House for Sunday evening. A program is being rehearsed by the Harmony and Songster clubs. Miss Ada Duhigg will preside. All residents resi-dents of the community are invited in-vited to attend. Pvt. Eugene Tazzcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tazzcr, has been assigned to th eengineering corps and is now stationed at Camp Claibourne, La, |