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Show ... for Shopping Development 4 Lower Campus Sold by BYU Arrareiijjts have tt3 property improvement wto piaa to remvste the buiidins specialty shopping and Qitertamwst center with a to be wstalgk itmoEfftrt bvwn as "Acakmy Square." i ill s njsr n?i: nn arid; is &c iBstars&a srf Trtriky pia..-c- Square in SfiS Lake Gty . In a press conference this fiiSfTfi& the contract between Uiiversity officials and the developers was signed, and p&ynsstt for Uas preperty was Ttns was anrwunced today in frcsai the BYU p.i--'t- e comnisinifatjofts offic, whids foikjws. Possession of the property will be gives ia the summer S7S. President Oaks said, braise of the tin needed far the university to vacate aad far the deekers to prepare their mm Kkase tiWn hh Square Associations Academy sasiswr sf !?!, is !!cr EX' tisst ts vacate aad the developers time ta eeiiipkle their plass. was ctruiiuxtui si plans, i price between. developxemj iu BYU President Paltin Ossiis said Vrevwsity K. ta siasiiaiRg vsricus prop(nl3 for the use of lower custom for over a year, and time thg proposal as th most promising for preserving the property and promoting the WeresU of the fomrrsmity and the university. Sile of the property and the final teJBjs ot ssle hsvs beea appftred by the university's board of tniecs and the Church, Preadeney of tie wtddi serves as the officers of ftt the summer of 1877. Asked about the effect of the mail deveKv-nen- t on downtown Provo. Mayor Grange said he li sits as attrsctiss sisular Trolley Square in Salt Lake Gty or Ghirardelli Squre ia San Franc jco, bat with a specsa! charnj ali of its own. The jjroject involves a cluster of four buildings on the oid cairnB, home of Bfigham YoiS5g Academy whidi was estabiiied in ttlZ and became the university 5n 1903. TSiey are (formerly Academj' Building), dedicated in USZ, the College Cwutdtied oa Fage i 13 Amusements mack 1S23 Oit&siiied Comics bh II n Editorial Obituaries warmer aftaraooe's; Wedaes&j? sear tat ta tMlgkt i of prababiiily IS Society Sports - r ' m $3,00 PER MONTH - PRICE Bid-49- bj ; predpitatka Wedmoay. aer wn thmiga itji ar. w niiT PROVO, UTAH, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1975 YEAR, NG. 245 1G2ND Mr. Jorws also repuried that they had not yet decided on the '.se 5 "sfhKi! tN cM Vi'ivrten's I'mversity GjTJBUtaian Avenue, and the Industrial Arts buikiuig tc the south will be put. fie said thry have urged the roi am ts? rsstter. sstel'ite to turn over to them as they available, so work can Ke be started on Uvern. anticipated that approximately of space 3Q,9flO square would be open for business ia partners have been working cksly with Provo City was $r the associates. The buyers, t however. indka?e4 lliey wiB kpend severs! million dollars over the purchase prke for the rebuilding, redecorating and runashuw of the facility purchase toiij K' the imvm.iy ti-- fdure," belated. buildings w uuiS C&i as university In answer to a question ebwt the parking, Chris Jones, developert, admitted that itUa a enanmftCtd t&(U) by BYU. The gnwp wia Uke poskesMoe of the property ia the ARCHIThCT'S MOfX of bu lower campwc buiidiagi ii be iitsllicto inu &uuCtu h$ AcdcS2y Square Associates far conversion into a shopping center. Sale oi toe property to Ha ek the anchor of Academy Sisr on or end, Downtown iU ann,ceneHt ts tse near -- develi-per- s 1 tHs me what our swukw til be nudinf be, but Purcfeii by Academy Squtf e AdSuoatet, It siii be designed by Architects P!vHm Alliance of Salt Uke Ciiy, the saia architectural d kiwer campts w duwnluwa of cresuve gr.-vpnsvo la ijreu ia inrcce st tki rw C5Ks.Trwa uf utiui-uor- i CENTS 10 0 H ii1 if !I IS ! iji : Americans To dvanced But Cut The teal was the $102 million less administration requested. A subcommittee reduced the amount because the administration's figures on how many refugees would be relocated were imprecise. The unanimously legislation Cong. tee today approved legislation to provide JJ05 million far of more than resettlement 100,000 South Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees during the next 14 months. than or the Viet Vietnam North WASHINGTON (UPI-- The Mouse Appropriations Commit- 'The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Of Recognition administration had sought aid for relocating an estimated 130,000 refugees, but in testimony before the subcommittee last week officials could pin down only about 115,000 for which aid would be needed. The bill, which was approved in closed session by voice vote, goes to the floor of the House for possibie action later this week. Before approving the legislation, the panel adopted an amendment by Rep. Otto that prohibits Passman, any use of the funds for aid to New Viet Provo City officials approved some adjust menu in the city's prpjvwpd budget for next fiscal year to account for including some federal grants and other revenue changes into the city's accounting system. City Auditor Blaise Hall said the major adjustment is to include an $86,000 contribution from the Provo School District Lutotiw city's budget The city is to provide 124,000 for a 1 10,000 building for the district's handicapped children program and storage for the city's shade tree equipment The library was given 13,000 and the swimming pool $12,000 as grants from the general fund. at Revenue the swimming poo! was less than predicted last year, when a lima R Hints Acceptance broadcast by Hanoi Radio that the Viet Cong's Provisional Revolutionary Government has claimed title to the South Vietnarnese Embassy in Washington and designated Algeria to take over the premises. Hanoi said the claim was made in a diplomatic note to the State Department apneas i Hi j the first direct contact with Washington. By United Press utteroatKmal Officials of the new Saigon government have indicated in private discussions that the eKUiiUuSustson s yttip&rcd to accept diplomatic relations with the United States, L'PI correspondent Alan Dawson reported today in a (kiayed dispatch from Saigoa The statement followed a Grants change was made in the fpe structure eliminating family passes. Air. Hall said. The fire department was given $25,000 for purchase of two ambulances and the Redevelopment Agency was given $."5,800 from a federal grant. The city allocated $12,125 for street improvements in the villages of, uai! Valley. Auditor Hall said tlus was U pay for an agreement made by the city in with the previous property owner whose interest has now been purchased by the Marriott Corp. The .city undertook to make certain street improvements after other development had occurred, said Mr. Hall. V -- authoritative source said today the U. S. government has decided to remve some of the Americans and their dependents from Laos as the Communist Pathet Lao tightens its grip on the country. The source said the Uni' ed States also is considering shutting down operations in some parts of the xwntry following the collapse of the side of the BURMA of the By JOSEPHINE ZIMMERMAN A plan of mcbilkanon ilutnLig w.vs againji discussed Twsisy during sessions with Utah Cour.ty pible officials various city afld wter intwests. It was generally agreed ihat pffiDtrty uarsers fairtJ win flooding conditions during the next few weeks should call t?wir r ity offsem's ii they represesiUuive1?,' ft.-st- , live within the boundaries ci-'- If the ct pr&biett) K comes too great for city officials to handle, they in torn can notify James O. Tracy, UiJ-- j County Civil Defense n director f?? Mr. Tracy Li now preparing n inventory of equipment and manpower available in the eoiinty and in each community, sc he can call for additional hrtp if needrtl, Mr. Tracy is tite ftiiy person ir the county vliC m'.y ' ; v.t; 2 ,W U o o.rnw 6fsl 'y -- Pjpsifjents of the cctiiity arcs may contact either Mr. Tracy or Wait Dra$er. who Is the ; county flood control ih caa" be eoyrdioatcr. reached at the Utah County Duilding during their resjular inking hours, or can to 1 i$ouTH i lt:rs ? Tuesday , Hugh McKeHsr and Jack M. Gardner of the Provo, River Water Users - Afl'jcistion, out tiiat Deer .Creek pointed Reservuii' can teke mmi of Lhe !Cejtt5saedcaj?!J in as what an Ford "act of g. M - MAP OF AREA involved in the seizure of the unarmed U.S. merchant vessel the Mayaguez is shows in top photo. The Mfyaguex is below (rom a recent file photo. Pres. Ford has appealed to China help in a peaceful tdutioB, but hu alerted 1,600 VS, marines on Okinawa to be prepared to depart for Thailand is s show of force. fo- For Provo State Land Sale Closer to siKwpack measurfmeriL'. tra flood threats or the varies merchant vessel seized by Cambodia, sources said. Pentagon sources sgid 1,000 Marines on Okinawa received tfie order ta ''prepare ta depart soon" for Thailand in a show of piracy." But Press Secretary Ran Nessen emphasized Fnrd "has not ordered any i mihtary action" and would not do so without first consulting Con-N said Ford was not 5 No amount was settled upon this morning. Board members diredeti Sjpt. Dan W. Peterson th unarmed, American d Monday ' Alpine School District Board of Education this morning vcM to hold a bond election sometime in the fail, citing building needs and inflated building costs as the reason. teviewed an of release UBiitary-chartere- described Bonding Vote Set contacted througn the vtnh Highway Patrol sifter hours. Representatives in attcfiaC iU : the two meeting held military military strength against the Canibodlan armed forces who seized the ship Mayaguez early 1 examine the proposed budget and determine a figure which will cover the nerds of the district for several years. 1ie f igure of $12 million was discussed but no decision was made. The district has major building programs, underway in tareet cities and board members this rr,srr,L"g were told construction needs for the next five years could cost as much as M million. The district is currently operating with a $2 million deficit, part of which will continue through next year. and -P- d- app-'yin- g pressure, today sought the help of China aad alerted 1.00C Marines to prepare to go to Thailand if necessary to win THAILAND 1 (UPI) Ford, iplomatic By EOBEST McDCVC ALL Trie promised sale of state land north of the State Hospital to Proro Gty moved a step closer ia fruition at a Morula? meeting between the govern. and city commissioners but RKtowiig um mtiiig some Deadline (UPI) Democratic WASHTt'CTON eSsrificetsoa of Provo's to most of the buy ptwjmai nt ury - Washington Iht Hosse tiHv sustiiir.ca PfMideKt vets si a Mil d tbit won Hrt 14 fara jfsite The ISoese vote wat a victory fur Fortt't farm v4 fiscal poiky "whatever - action tod b zttA !v?3 FtyrHi aire Fnrd to consult ith Congress oil tlse L. matter. Bil Sea James Bucllfy, "' iontiaued HCX.Y., to press foi Jrjnediait mi'lUry ai lion. beingr " seii necessary, including military f ok,7 f Byrd toid repoiters- Meat lawraakers tocfe 3 more cautious attitude icfcrvd die lard operate 3 golf course or some' oilier type of recreational facility on Land between ISO and S North. Thus far the mental health has not been willing to declare property from 200 to S50 North surplus. Project sponsor Wayne Saunders said this property Is m Important part of the project and It is vital ihai this 8?!ire4 by the citv Leader C Byri todsy urged President Ford to M a deadline for the release merchant of an Amerk;sn veel by Cambodia. If Ccmbodia does net release fce ship and Its crew by that sfcoaid time, t?s tlj!?d St se BULLETIN the keeping congressional leaders advbed of the precautionary moves he has taken. Pentagon sources indicated Cambodia may have planned "like a motorcythe ambush cle policeman beninr1 a billwhen it learned that board" the MayaqiKZ was sailing 60 off its ' sfcres under charter to the U.S, military and reportedly carrying some rruli-Ur- y equipment. Tlse Marine alert was orderd despite a warning the Thai government would not permit U.S. military bases in tnat country to be used for the forcble recovery of the Mayaguez, which was being held by two Cambodian vessels near a tiny island about 30 nv.los offshore in the Gulf of Siam. The aircraft carrier USS Cersl Sea ssiid severe! dctroy-er- s also were steaming toward the area. And U.S. aircraft were continuing air surveii-lane- e of the seized ship, wiuch risks f-'- Provo has been invited to have some property involved reappraised and the land Provo wants to trade is to be appraised. The governor also indicated tie will propose that the city be given a permit to 48-Ho- ur . of Ik said the Board of Examiners will then hive to ratify any agreement reached with the oiy.. Senate At t? Monday meeting, the gaveraor Lndicsted what he thought the state could agree to ce, and he sought 3 saprts. az&nA sough. Byrd Asks '; emerg;Bcy have ram-- kintal Health Boat u which has land, trade some and leaae some. Hfike ?4illcr, adminlstratlvs assistant to the governor, sJd Gov. Rairpton will now make a presentation to the state local officials expressed dissapointmeit that the sale appears to be moving slowly. The governor promised the land ta Prrvo in a letter sent air tost a year ago but despite legislative action ?nd a series out' OwtactMea Sought WASHINGTON rmtmgs Mm teaiia for the sak lavs not hmu ironed can ask the governor to make the '. servbes , of - the ' Utah National Guard available. Ownty 05,TMsas3ionef,Verl D. StiW pointed o?it. ' Schools Ph n ?for Floocf log Ai obilim lion I continued unsettled security situation. The disclosure came as the capital emerged from a three-da- y holi lay weekend that saw the resignation and flight from the country of several rightist ministers and loyalist generals as we!! as a large nunber of other senior military officers. County tor-Uta- 3 jKV of Discussed Help resided Laotian coalition government. The source said it has not yet been determined how many of the approximately 820 official Aniprirans nd fhpif dependents in Laos would leave as - Dawson also quoted PP.G officials as saying' a!! North Vietnamese troops would begin withdrawing to the North once total security has been established. Some of them already have started the trip back, the) said. The Viei Cong officials said diplomatic recognition of Saigon would have to come from Washington and that the new regime is unwilling to make first overture. The statement coincided with a British government announcement it is recognizing the PRG and has instructed, its officials to reopen the British Embassy in Saigon. The officials said that under certain circumstances the PRG would be willing to epi diplomatic relations with the Viet Cong United States. officials never demanded a break in ties with the United States but made end of U.S. military aid a precondition to peace. China's An result Cify 'Ad justs For Federal VIENTIANE, Laos (UPI) the identical appropriating amount that was approved by tie House panel. However, before either measure can be considered. must Congress pass legislation authorizing the money to be spent. The House was considering an ope authorization (Continued oa Page a) The House Rules Committee immediately cleared the measure for floor action without assent. The House leadership has tentatively scheduled the appropriation measure as well as a companion authorization bill for floor action Wednesday. NTT"" Depart From Laos approved Monday C H niher than bst$ Icecsi ' :' (CcntiausdonPageS) Thailand Objects ;.;:Tc Bases'" Prime Framoj indicated today tlie Tb?i government would bar the United Slates from using bases ' ' te' rectver the ia captured merchant ship BANGKOK Minister (UPI) Kukrit Tha-laii- Mayaguez case ccrs ifwtfve Thailand." Kukrit news " tHerence tuid "Thnefre - we will - noi he 'The it 4 Prow will be offered mvA w teftd inHved, frcm abnl North o about ?M Korlh for appraised ; pnee of 85,ff50 Ses thf value of about Eve acres of streets snd reads v proposed for the property. ftwa would exchange 40 (CJwned bb Pag Sj . 880 tie M He made his remarxs wl-e- wnetner . ihe Thai goyenmteot 1?kM. i let the LWted States see Aj7?criccfl farces barfd Li "Thailand ta get asked bsc&thsship. |