OCR Text |
Show TwkUt. My f 8 Uv f f J, fFff If srt!e k NORTH SALT Ridwifr ctorat price range- SiLi tA, feet Cattle eostrra Netadi M9f?f8 KjUfiga'jS'Kjiay ft 8M8M SIM Sj!ur chMe, Dec JOOii, 43S5M R jy s iss mum rkrCtUe: 4?4 183? 3532 .v.,t S4SSSSS0t GBtk- haier c jessH7 UVeSiOvk JOJET.ai Uw ftees' tUPlt-Liw- 4,S mus 47S548 3M7 594 304 00: Nn Opt t Feb S J lOtaiOSoWaxFlxaCTFtrtBrlltrts lii 5047 47 25, receipts ByUiuxi Prws Roan 2 Ranted AMAX Of? PanARiAir414fUpl4 GilW!!5033Ofn-8 Goodricl GoodyTllO!ClSl-20f- 8 II 22154 UpM At!!iidtf2i:at3orfU Av0arp4340ffl4 8 Polaroid 3074 Off 114 PPGW 1.7027 14 Up 14 Pulinan 1.7053 14 Off fUlston 901iMUp7-- i UpM Hrastn.28540(f2 ItilySuglaai HUpl ltam;ikel46J4afl-Hmywll 4011 UpM ldmiBicllSHUpl-- tiiy Ind2.a5 inl0SU24Oa413-Off3- JritHarv 8 InlTiTl 52 x24 Off KerrMcG1841-20ffl-- 2 UliValI.Tdll-- OnEd2241-40ff- OnBdSObllM Own! Pw 2 13 Up M CUrtlALKlkSHOffH 30c bod lb, regular Caborne.Onl., 2010clb. 'xv higfi 1S; aliTsppro!., ounce. yurteiiver Tin. N Y Turgsteit per 'my t!4(-!4- tsS-17- Raak. b ddiv-er- powder, 98 JQiOc H 8 per cent 45 80 87 18 2 Inuerai i vrp 8? Cs 21 .10 23 Crows Pixnt Cons. Mn 14 .25 29 27 .30 95 .08 94 07 38 3 50 40 Oesem Ctoff ill lam Om. MtaiitCo. riM l'U isimnj Knipire Mibm Ce BuniuH Mining SUfidard Otw (wlninaa Corp Licid Hum Mifiirji ureal fcestero Mines Justhciw Petroleum Love Oil ftnoutres I 2 Prince Cons. Mining SaKeOUC South Standard Mng SUndilid Metals Qrp. Teletians Industne 'i'mbc Mineral Ke. Tr.ton (isrporatia! UnitH Park City Mines Utah Cons. Mug. M:si I . 16 22 .34 45 47 25 25 .35 ffJNAy BUSINESS i r 14' N Trade !4'- 14 Sub? I asrade Htawfl Air IWirt Piyrm i We SJC 15si Kir-Wi- syi i J4S num 7' H- N Capital trfowth lay. Groafji Ma. 1m. Truai is rVesieru 14 Vt JiU Putnam Investors PuiBsm Gronth Wisdsor r'tmi LuknS160261-20ffl-- 20 OS 2 25 ffl ,11 87 ,14 08 .81 .S4 ,075 J 50 8 0o ttv SKU Mutuai Fund Mag8wx854 Marail.8f39af34 - Up Maraorlm-1265- 2 TsPLT.70b281-2Up21- .ruined hi jrick horse su MsrF12424J40ftM QjrtissWA2Sl-20ff- MeDonD.401054 Cyriopl.4fle Out In. Sig 28114 ftytcnH 801234 MGM!147-8Up3- DEdisl.4Sill-0ffl-- MaEan2,85660ffl!-- DiamdIntl2,131-8Up- W)rtl20B258UpM UAUncvSQa HPi.8S231-8Upl-- Mowrola.7tl52MlpM lWift24e6374UDM UnE3ecl.2BUUp!4 WSlTeliai8MUpM Niss2.303!-Mali &n S3 1! Off 34 LWnal.708Upl4 MBrM50ffl-- 8 8 "ftansam.58914Upl4 TVaiBWAirS740rfl4 THOjnt.54b!8540ffI4 TCFM.4O1034Offl4 !k64k)U1.261433Up8 Mi!OI3 403974Upl-- Diawy.l2g52HOKHI DDwChl.40UUpm UravDlHSMOrrU Duftrtll-4faU21-2Upl-2 8 8 2 - DuyfiL17?l6ML'lEtttrflAirS80ffl-- NUHsU 1.20 14 74 Off NUGyp?0512MUpi-- SPasCn812S-- 8 JiaiSUJSL.COffSS E3tfaqpl028WUpN Up 1 NCRCp7233MOffIl-NagMo 1.1811 Nliriutll43-Off- - Esrartl4SX!-20f- UnOCsl 1.983? 75 4 R2 HEATHMAN-BROVV- Service 82 5 06 08 U Of' Dept. Special lube ,3i 485 36 90 03 2 S .OS Oil Chong 5P 14 75 .70 .82 ii SERVICE DEPARTMFNT Name is New Policy is New - The Service The location the Same - The 175 North 1st is New 1 9 TiMimwriHT iiilu hm nwiii Li ULniLIiLb Li , UU uLijv!i 70 ATLAS STEEL RADIAL . OC1 ATLA plies plus cne steel Dei! under the tread make Ihe Atlas Steel Radial 70 Tire more than "just another" radial tire. Designed and engineered to be a fine performance tire, ihe wide track Atlas Steel Radial 70 has demonstraled its ability io deliver long iniieage. In addition its wide, deep tread provides good traction on wet or dry surfaces. Glx rayon RADIAL The economy 78 Series radial, provides good road holding ability, long wear, and better gas mileage than A wide range of sizes covers full 'size and non-radial- sporis or imported cars. 7 - urns Afternoon PAHIS(f.ftrartetli31d3wn8IO 13 ISSOdownOSO NEWYORS ffendy nd Karman, noon 165 40 down 0 35 (hp-Shsr- Bwe pnoe for refining settling and tWab.icaied gold 16540 down 3 35 per troyouxs. Sailing price, fsbriccd gold per trey ounce. 170 05 down 0.38 NEW YORK (UPI) -- Handy and ISamwi MondayqwHeijlveri$4 56 per fine (cents. Gngelhiknl quoted a elver base price of on if 845$ up 6 wnts alverof 84.574 ! up 6. 1 0 Sefote you boirow. there niay oe questions weighing o:t youf rtud about payments, tatos, anytl.ing For quick, coutteou? answers call u" todsy VV8 won't name f or tsik shop unless you wan: us to. If Dial Finance Silver Prices We don't want you to tike ut just for our money. jjjSjk 12WN.Sti.ti 3741371 'lit! MMr S ly i ij L021S to i price for fabricated $15,000 cents. fmw WM by e Fny!r!efie-ufni- i wii! b a h d jrria Direct from factory, ?rav5"'g, P'ev, Friday, My K08XS IS A.K. 'Til 3 F.5. NO MIT TO KIND NO iUCKU NO tfi'arONS SWIM IN IT, BAtHS IN IT WTOItM AND AWSOVtO & 5 16. fJSS. 'TU 7 PM. NO STKAtt TO CWAff HO SU3E WAfK HtOOf it roWSOOf WKiWItS flat i.'i.sii. -- ,. a i j ; j ; i x MSDICAR! ' tttn with or linpfoperly held fcwfe. NO OBUOATION t buy wofin f I 0$ m erMsv, Msy 16t. Tmy!d3., ThH 404. 77flS. . . ATA PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD. tc ny Radial tires You've heard dbcul !hem. You be cc.r iior-ring ihem. Nov; is time !o buy ihrn1 Atlas radial tires are on sale during May for 25 oif your nearest participating Chevron dealer's available and the tires arc regular station price (Federal excise tax excluded). Credit terms baoksd hy Chevron at more than 14.C00 stations across the Country. Ali a-- uu COVFRAOE " y hontty mt hlp, ymi w l! i youtssff i l,,ytisot Al f ? a 4Mtl "W Hi y9t M(wcia mptui tr Iww toa it hoj bemt. TIBW3iKii a' glod hSy did Teu art aretwted vnlr my nol tiHii'Sw. imwbr SIIANOUIATION cob wcur t any i 1 yuui wi jcvi ucaiCL xjuo v Your parficbaim in r. s. hUiiWilti uBBmfl od A!Hed Surgicei Ko. Ri ft LSStfcK.1535 Thna!eai$t AppSc; Co. 3, rjki4 iiL, 46) m h West-Prov- o NEW YORK (UHi Foreign Kid Dcmesuc gold prices Mofrtiy : FHANKFXIKT ijjjff VISIT OUR NEW REVITALIZED By Roger B Jitm Gold Prices 0 60 fill L Oil Change UahH.i3bZ6l4Up34 Mming fixing 165. 15 dwn fl!if!fi540ilo(yn035 13 if. tjofm 9646340ffl4 E2hytC!.3DS?0(9-- 6 N UUjTerfmi24e!40ffl4 IJmTef 6 15 8f 15 1C .ii 1 LAAJaJb lajLI Lfai1VH UnCrTp.42b80ffl4 USGyplS0177SUpl-US3Saei2.a)S55c;.'3-- If ja i! 12 in Parts SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAN FRANCISCO (UPI I -The National Automobile Club estimates that commuting to by car alone costs almost three times as much as traveling in a car pool. 2 US WITH THIS AD Pooling Pays Off 201-- 2 ijgf s The Textrai 1.1021 14UplS4 TkfcilBte3! 14 70 81! rU that he was arrested 4 OwnZ!.8036M 38 Na Traar 14 Tsnss l.9r2 WOff 14 Ttaoo2aSJ540ft!4 Tbtlnstrll0il4Up4 82 A8T T 44 4 Telq)romp60fii4 2 4 II eade ..jm.. Aa Elizabethan named Bank for practicitsg biack nrls. w Teledvne31sl6V8 M U87 J StnkiyVl.?01614 Off 21 51 j? 74 ill 12 U 08 It ii',' 05 J? IVwrfuM 38 15"' 1125 Mass U' ii 76 S7 M l'A N. Trade t;t. !58f 111? if lnsl 25 !(iniitnne Mfwnuui Fuel t Merck Fidelity timet idehty Tread r insUnvftui l fcvest ('. af A 4H:X tTOSS 1?, 17's 'auWI3i27i40ffl-167-- 8 814 75 15 OS 14 Stigar (ims Oil Utah-Wv- RUinuri jrr,JiC.U lb. 8 3$ 2 75 13 .12 Inc r BUkii'Vci Titt 3S-- , Fund " Nf Qsissy MisMj North Liiy Mining Patt City Cons. Mines Park Premier Mining ftro-Stive- ft xf1 5 3S 1,0.-1- lauisiana PariliC Res. MmmoU Mining Co. Muviematie Industries Newparfc f ' A!bils I ihtiv i- ?" vt SrBhin.48gi?140ffl4 LTVCorp Cbrtnliai2i71-2Up- .20 iseeundary) producers 22 newe-- t 99 per cent 4e Ri NfcW Tfle ;43 Vtr,4U , 14', tr'-- Ida Sua . ASK S't Sumrtin ' , 3 t U i Z'--t '. Pitt !Ww - 4 Sp.and 7S45340ff34 54Up34 SUiOL'Od2x28l-80f- f 34 SdOllfxi24234Upl2 St0U0ti136x6114Offi4 8 UggMy21-23!- CbnnSatl38MUpN Finer !n rrtmary ppjducers U.S. lb.; Cfv4r VwrtKcr.tia S& S5 V- Fnasticr BID Kirnt Vmrttv 2'" SdErarels266 Kre.2430UpM Krogl.a)Offl-- , 2 19 - 25 7 055 ftaeU Metal Prw NFW YORK (UHl Mutiny: Ajifmnum. prinary, S S per chs plus, pure 50 lb. mff s 35 Mr h. Mmmy, domestic, 99'i per cent, f s b Laredo, Te . buik 19750c lb Oxiper, tlectwiytic, delivered US 22755dc ("iKtui'nrk Tunnel t ont Tel Inc Csns r jjfeta Mwiing Fiirtt Metal Prices MitstM M 1 S' i. Mii1 IWV ? THE CVCNTf:- SmRrtd!Uf253540ff34 SCaidlJ58l8540(fJ4 fioutKi) 1.401! lip 14 Kopptr 2.40x58 54! UpM Kraftoo 1.92x3934 UpM 34 OjK22SMUpl-- 4 1 undwtged. Press to reUslers '(jnnk- A, in ca.tma del veredt: extra bvie large a-5meai urm 4547 3 I IS f itS li8V.i; iWKN CUSE kac B-- atf fc S 7r Ct' . l M KfflghtR.542S7-8Up3- atSrv2.49g38S-GrC&i2.308S14OfH-- Coopbl.44450ffl-CPCInU242J4liF?- delivery IS hJ awra, ASi.B.K 4V ' 84' SkaggO))24MUpl4 Up Kenoctt2.803t!4Ofr7-- ChryslerCpllUpM (XJpii037-Ofri'- to !7 &ir is ftftAk lot tiiaoB ASK F3cral tU. u .a.4!! S57SJ t? Xerat 7Liit 38 Ssniltik681-20ff3- 4 KaisrAl 1.2031 4 anSv!.44!-- Vn only. TAieTti NkseI. etectrolytk cathedes, f o b Port UveKffi; Gstk arc cslves &S. Ejriy sks AugKer cattle largely stead? Saughter Btistjl Silver Mines t H)rnb.d& Urtium thiei Hjsaulidaltid Miiwi - paid 07 i hill t'umet mmg pnoe 01 X STx twjtor, Bulk f fSlt.KiWit M m Buffer and Eggs U S fl CsntMjtLtfi ship had sei?fd aft unarmed Am!eaB ship ic the Oulf of Ttiriiand The Duw Jones indtistnal Ouctuated nijich 'Jiruughoul the day. was off 2 i9 punu to 847.54 shortly before the rirrs? Advsncf? !e'd a narrow lead over declines wrung the 1.831 issues crossing the tape. Turnover amounted to about 2.000.000 shares, duvrn from the 28,440,000 traded Friday. Prices were mixed in fairly active trading on the American 41. t; t?l Wh TSi.a Mnrt. SheiKX2S04454OrfM SnsC.888 1654 Off 34 2 JofmMv 1.2023 CerroCl15l40ffl4 Up bo bid 6:5 035 3 98 01 ii ULu w Sunt T - Nartfcwftit Hu SUoMri220S2Up214 StRpgisl.4023Off34 i.70S InlIP8per2523-40ffl-- S40ffl CBS1 CfeUrae203514Gff!4 Qaie 4 liKNckl 4277-- GmPac.82dl4340ff34l ,S3 32 112 'S 46 J 37 day !S 66 wi -- iii Si. 3t faMkartnue VawiMrtatK l r .HACKS tl. i rwyi ffiMO)tp62i6Upll-- - 801081-- Q8siel!0343-!Off!- 318 318 75 42 41 RiKOf! 2!g"5fl i Up 54 Saewyl 8048 14.CW 154 4 lnRndZ7S:-- i Brw49t534Urf- - Gta1V1.80S57-8Off7-- Se ICS'S M"Mi) M Ro.wll!n2Sl-2Upl-- 2 nifntnl13.Van-- BrisMy!.DJUpll-Burrghs iit 6?rV&C9t!b. Lead, commit S & - VvrsteT) l aited 38dv i? i via Robrtsn 13017 14 ldahoP19626 Ofm-- Off;- 48 Re- 1! m Repail60a32Offl-RfyrlMHtlSl-2Upl- 4 8 2 RayUiBl44340ffi-RCAOrpll774UpS4 mEk'inSUmi-- i HousLPI.56r21-8Up- BtiiidCa 8085 to Si it vrk PuSCall20!434Up38 GuifOil 1.7018 ErthStHlaaMOffl 32 Prodi&29634Up!4 GrflxS 1.04s 802134 Sfcssdnc 6 1034 Up S4 BedomM 3514 lp BsHrM 4xl?8Up3--t S.S8 3 34 Of' Bab&Wii 34 Off 14 JW1.8M10ffl-- Up 92b27Sf80ffM GtiWU2 .90 55 Philip! J Grant WT4 134 S7VI.059 f7 lama Vatei gntse basis wwie was tw pr ime i,13 Jfc 3 toerfs choiee mm few ef Ke M.r,!, Rocky Mia Srivier Blcwiia fee good and low choice 4S most good 360044 .00; betters nigh gmxtdwits 42 0O43.7S, goad single! 28 cows utiiiiy 30 tMrnnertia! 22.09-275. some uUutycumrnernal from fesd tots cutter 27.25-3bulls yield grade 50, instance 33 00 on wrtl shrunk yield grade 1. BppaQ)1.40fiS54UpS4 AaninOil Bnf 48 75. 1.156-- 875-1- nvu; I dosed rrJted is fairly actav? trw&ig oe toe New Vofi Stock Exehfin .Monday xtrr the litate liouse arjaanct a Gi)Pac.Kig4iM Asaran-2171-20ff!- 4 Borden and PORTLAND (UP! -f- USTAf steers fVnnev!.ie5S14afl4 PeniPL1801814Upl4 Ptnresol 1.2021 740ff 14 4478 On Ported 578 Up Up M 8 AjTraC.K3SI-80fr3-- OnOibl 72 1 4 Off im&m 4 2 Of f l--i Gn(3eci6047MUffl2 GriMat 1.20b Off 28 PWw!.80W!4OffM GnFood 1.40227-- a AMFlnlMXMOffM Anasrfa 4i67-UpS14 GaiA1!r!.ie33 ji ArnNGs2.J434S40ffl-127-AmStnd A.tfrAT3405H40ffl-- i $ 006 Stfs chw-- s obi Rrtiand Cms f 825 Kjiprg Kavsal Pcrfbnd Oreirt 156 T 8! S t8nwt2triev 3t t i Mk'Fu Hthel r..2barie-sX- TatasScsrs. Egspncos 0042 Portland livestock 1.202558 Up 2 20 31 14 Off 14 PacCasl.ffliSl-- FVuufl80l7MUpM AmJtoii5!- - Anreo 1.60a L'pM 2 kfj cnoK U0; ht! J iaf &.-- Miix-rj- J 46 53c lb. 0wwCF 889 Owertitll7238340ffl4 FmJMn2te38Ml'pH FrepiM 1.8027 5075-- uir astieparif4bUSfj: & in pnoe gsoted mosliv ,000.ifcgs.J,X9aeji,SK. Off 14 OubdMis23i8rj(i'34 ABrand2:81-rjpi-- : Ariz PS 1.36 8 - AmHes3Gg!7J4Upl AnAirunesSMOffM So NwstAiil 4521 aCp au up 14 Up SH Strang kadi eJniee ifld on me S 15 ftn 1 tUPli Were steady. Cows jtrwsg la 59 hignw. trad ctaoe and prime 1.225 lb sum 5! 88; Swjiii-S- V1?rrt)rv ieai 3 K biiv--i barley 7$ Btidwrs bigrr e 47 tewnii a, tH'er 13 JS5 tnw !!&!w il S3S, 258 iba 47094715 24 SO 278 fcs 46 ttx 77&3U6 24 Sr5ijB 24 Cauie and Oivea No hut! (liU! 8.900 Shijfr 3S54jBl ! suit Nt)rtlaT;l.28540ff34 Nwftol80.I-2Upll-- 2 rirttiei M:Qp 92 18 i.73 48 14 Off M Auw2.38.31 34 J8 UpM Dp 40 8 41 32 bnias steady to Sheep: 530 Ssufc-Whigher Siughter ewes steady Own mi jjritne lis it 3&k iama&; choice Wkf of prtms 108 lb shore iambs 49 58. cull to good &onsew!7.904 00 Tuesday's estimate: Cattle and Calves: NcdtPrl84SI-8UpI-- io ;e AludCh:8C'4iUUpl-AHeOha 261074 feu. 00; cant 859--l M lbs 46 .5048 06; good and low rhotce S.jS-S.3- 6 Uuoty s4 caftwrriai sows . TZ3i25a0, few utility Camer and cutter 17 SO. So'GsJ!9M340ff34 4 FVwfedaiil-ifJff- AJSegQCdllUpl4 pdi feiid about JC 906 uol I bafers pntne j?utMii 141-- f 50 EvansP35S8Up8 Ex OI10 1 ris. 08, Frket MaesiaysOosjBj 4 ld ff 0f4AKAilW.Lisor 2(8 '1 uosm g Stocks Aircoinc.)mS;-iOfr;-- li twfer, t 44 0B44 80 254? 75; Nc 2-No 54 27B-3- lb ssimaSs) Tuesday's cauie, ItfChogs. Apr uti'Ky tvF (arrow and H 280 248 lb 47 S08-3- 0770 & 46 36: cutter canwr 2550,505, Higf I.MO. trade gjlts 30 higfior: No Get 2S4S INI J75: ffWK as 068WS8J4 sor: .ttwr.t$im , hnffji Am UpM Sr 0ty No J SS ant OaOilTIi-Orsi- o: Omaha livestcck trade" far; steers steady; tower; dwce and prime grant SIM8 00; rH and prune Sfrl 96 ia Ay 4044 e:y gued vimoAiyl. T . iwri UA Ogden Grain 4 58 rirp- . 4 sorrrwrat iwvy sravung, j Jon TUB tut a? Alooal3i47MUn- tw tilt 44! short car UiUik: aa-Its. 4i oaiia, grease Utah ami Camtaned Bui flier Ob 75S Ores. Idaho puU, aba ( K.M !b fiuik se3&S5 3 A)csnAl.Sffil-2Qffl- . j'Jtn fiiUi if JyHfcOBreS3& 35cB 2 58 A, fwi-Tj1- , seen, bit$ t fmv 155 Dee 206 si 50 VMunj: 5as May 3 3034 SSh34.S83 Aug 4 tCfw .V itrsvi!ser '. etees OB a." ctutTtli yaidtTtlrra!vi lHnf cm c.iwp Nov WaS K 32 Abbcfil 1.4473 Adams 4lli 27-- rzgf oufina-- Mi rjrsxajsoj fJ iuiiy ateauV. w- - tjfar C! OS 7542 )r4 IX Unn tM3i;UP!(-Gns- a. wi laj Trading Active A4k 8! Feb Ai CMMJ Danv&r Oram S.L Livestock &2CAG0 Over The Counter,.. IVw, Uiak -- Pagt 5f3, THE HERALD. 13, at T,afptr. las Atlas SS." ea U S eat 0 As us 5i.wi Ca Chguron n |