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Show Scene by GENE BEENKASUT iVPH -CcgressMina! reform castued the public s imagtoauoa wwn And Dsdk&hrd Is tht frag-iGrowth of Central Utah Tuesday, iay U, iS5. THE HERALD, ftswo, WASHINGTON 8 Ua old Defects in Defects Plan Highway Traffic National Safety On the Administrations vehicle defect identification program in 1966 through June of 1974. domestic and automobile foreign manufacturers issued l,5d2 recalls involving nearly 46 serious situation. whatever has Fortunately, while a recall campaign may involve tens of thousands cf a particular model, in most cases he loose or missing bolt or failure - prone part or discovered on only a handful of vehicles. Nevertheless, even one inspected for potential truck on the highway is too Some dealers sell recalled apparency inspections, Identification Vehicle provided by the manufacturers would be used to spot cars that have been recalled. However, the implemenNumbers (R-Wis- .), and unequivocal policy against the Arab economic such programs, tation even on a pilot basis, is still mostly in the talking-about-stage. Which means that until of boycott and discrimination ugdluSt jWS. it "You take a horse cut on those roads at night and some such system is you'll get yourself run instituted nationwide, the responsibility for seeing over." Dino DiCarlo, on why that potential vehicle his re - enactment of Paul Rcvere's famous ride from Boston was made in the defects are corrected will daytime. individual owners. remain largely up to Letters to Editor Plea by Father; Protect Rights Of Public Against Criminals w to reply to our M?y undertipped waitress, i am undoubtedly one of the people to whom her letter was addressed. I am also one of a generation of people who were taught to work for a day's pay, and upon accepting a position, I at the way Winkle aided his attorneys in his defense. We were suprised, because we bad heard he was incompetent. I can assure you, this was not our impression ai ail. In fact, it was almost cunning to watch this individual, the way he corrected his attorneys, or would whisper in their ears ev'erytime he heard a statement jgs wgj pot vry agreeable. We were not surprised in the least when we heard several expert witnesses, doctors and psychologist, testify that this man, Winkle, was competent, had average intelligence, and knew right from wrong. We were also not surprised, when twelve memht-r- s of a jury, found him guilty in two counts of first degree murder by a unanimous decision. A feeling of relief came to my wife Mvi im, k&bwiog Cul j4SuCC hod ra.." its course. Winkle would be put to death for unmercifully killing oar according to ins sentence daughter, by the judge. Now it seems that fate has turned the corner and Winkle will live of a quirk in our law regarding capital punishment. Maybe even someday Winkle will oe paroled. In such situation ars any of us safe? I submit to you that we are not. As long as laws can be. interrupted in fiivor of criminals, none of us are safe. Piease, my fellow citizens, in the name of ail that's sacred, i beg you to write your lawmakers and ask them to put a stop to this miscarriage of justice.'-- Ask them to change the laws that inflict part time peace of mind to thos of s who hsve been trespssse--i against. Help give us "mercy," instea-- of the criminal If we want to tetef crimes of violence, we mast have laws ttet our judges can" administer;; "without: threat of accepted the responsibilities it entailed, and did my work without a constant worry about the wages and pay I was to receive, as this had been settled al'the time i was Mrea, In my lifetime i have' probably eater, out many times roce than the average person, and it is my contention that the cafe menus are the price of the meais, and I do not find any notice that I am to pay the waitress' wages in addition. It is also a contention of mine that a good meal is much more the product of a gaud chef than of a waitress who carries the food from a kitchen portal w a counter or table. I know PXaivj other people who ?e,ve the public, (clerks in other areas of a building where food is served, attendants ; at emss stations, some of whom still wash a windshield, gar3ge mechanics who use skill .and courtesy in .filling tN demands of a demanding public, telephone operators, and the list could go (? indefinitely , and their servke Isn't given with a look over their shoulder as Us whether or not . they are left a sizeable tip, or for that matter, any tip at till It it ever came to d vui-.-- , Ti vj't is approve a motion to discontinue any and ll tipping, and for the emj'jjv- -r that to pay suific-ien- t wag should not be the way of Ufe for any for1 e. it riuift 3ejrnifr,t cf our SiiKerely M D reicrson Provo tig " someone twisting; them out of roeortion to where they re as ineffective as if 'Ae sprint havp them at ail. Thank you for your assisUiius. I'm wr you'll slew Nt!.ev- - tonight kEo'Sa.'"v've done your part ii1 fwlpiEg I'Urfig aboiji th;v changes we so desperately ned. Our leaders say thej'ii do the will of the people. Let's tel! itm wart, ani see if they do If we do our part, the rest is tyt Up 10 v-- VH7i. Sincerely, - Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. O'Hara ' Canyon Rid, Favwm. Utah years mndSucr cent thereafter if this obligation is ever paid off, which js highly doubtfui. It costs the Treasury around 8 per cent to borrow money. to shortly conduct another "for sx&icsr weapons test peaceful purposes" of course ! That was the hypocritical way Prime Minister Indira which not all states require. The National History Traffic Safely Administration has discussed with several states the feasibility of setting up programs to deny licenses or registration to vehicles that have been recalled but not checked or repaired. Computer - stored "If this country stands something, it is this: That equality and justice are worth more than oil." Rep. Robert W. Kasten Jr. urging that the United States adopt a clear I be India P lans New Bomb Test licensing mechanisms rather than by periodic for Editor Herald: Robert S. Allen through state registration er So They Say Tipping "Th? verify defect correction vehicles without con ecting the defects. Many owners simply do not return their vehicles for inspection, and even when they do, dealers are not always prepared to make the necessary corrections, To xNtW xj many. Responding to the GAO study, safety administrator James Gregory suggested that the best way to attack the problem would be to reasons, says the GAO: Not all owners receive defect notifications. Another Side it (ft - defective automobile or defects and remain on the highways. Among fh? Editor Herald; As the father of Lillian O'Hara Anderson, one of the teenage girls murdered by James Winkle in 1972, 1 wish to speak out to all interested parties that are wondering as I am, "Where do we go from here." My wife and 1 were amazed at the due process of law during the trial iifj wore nijifA ploseiwj W!'ft '"p way the judge and attorneys conducted themselves We were more amazed fern- been million vehicles. Yet according to a report by the General Accounting Office, millions of these vehicles have never been Gandhi Last sa&ctimoaiously character"'! India's first long-standi- st a time whn spring time, India was buymg MICrZis, late - model Russian fighter - bombers and SAM anti - aircraft missiles for cash. The Soviets require India to pay on the barrelhead for weapons. While surrounds the forthcoming Indian nuclear test, experts are certain it will be larger than the device fust a (equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT). That is about the magnitude of the first nuclear , detonations by France and Red test second is anticipated to be an actual bomb, and could be of megaton magnitude (equivalent to a miliiontonsofTNT). India now has accumulated sufficient plutonium for that. With French help, India has built its own large plutonium extraction plant and is estimated to have upwards of to related be DEAR READER to me like a good your leg, or should pulled. Any benefits on a person's health The hospital returned my watch, however, I am now skeptical that the watch could have been worn fay the its deceased nuclear industry lagging, inflation rampant and agriculture gravely plagued by droughts, mismanagement and ever increasing shortages While India's population is soaring; at around 15 million a year. ; the country's food Could the watch now be radioactive or harm me in any way if I wear it again? DEAR READER Don't give it another thought. The watch will not give you any radiation at all and it will not harm you in any way. A more practical point is that many watches can be - - It sounds way to get I say foot, it will have are strictly magnetized C.A. as cnptpHed bv Lvnn Tilton 16 Y EARS AGO . May UAS American selected A Companion Royal Boing was held in the Park araia durinj that time. One featured fighter was Ro-Sh- e Ajcdda Pierce of Sprir.gvi!!e. Wrestling headliner at the time was Tigpr Backley who was pitted against Floyd f fciiisen of ; Salt Lake City. !Sutj'tcient police protectioa ws promised to prevent fans from tossing chairs and looee furniture about the arena as hod been done the previous week. The administration promised rural electrification for mere than one million farm fami'ies than dependent upon kerosene or candles for illuminating , . Lions jeihel as their , homes. The .sdi.Ur.iutration .. also ' vowS lower electrical rates for the 13 homes than ixt cent rat-sl snioving,1 tf'firtci'y. vhASitnea the has government literally persistently bitten the hand that feeds it, the U.S. has continued to dish out vast quantities of grain. Latest instance Is the xycaLm "sale" in March of Gandhi 800.080 tons of !ai. Put while euphemistically labeled a "sale. this $128 million transaction is actually a giveaway. It's under Public Law 480 food ?cr peace program) and consists of a credit at 2 per cent interest the first 10 hiv Rpijb!in opened all of their doors to the people. Now the burden U on the Democrats to do the same," proclaimed House GOP leader John Rhudei after the confa-enc- e ote. The GOP dig at the lopsided 288 Democratic majority found its mark. Democrats will consider behind closed doors at a May 21 caucus a similar "sunsliiiife rcSwin&H by Bill Chappe!l.D-Fla- . Rep Not only N't DwnorrjSits have also scheduled a vote to repeal 9 curu rule that binds a member to vote on a bill on the House floor the way that of the Democrats ht. two-third- s havedfcreed. The Democratic Study Group, a libefal-orwnie- u research organization of som? "Sh House DeioocraU and a leader in achieving recent reforms, has congressional urged repeal of the binding rule. Rep. Bob Eckhardt. new DSG chairman, said the rule tuts been used to bind members only twice in the pat 30 years and now "serves no purpose other than as a prop for Republican fairy tales about the evils of King Caucus." substitute for cooking and at the table. I also used no salt, although I have no reason not to do so. I'm still not usirig salt. DEAR READER There are very few people who are not getting enough salt. There is salt in most of your food, - particularly milk, dairy products and meals. That includes fish and poultry. About the only people who need to take salt other than what is already in unseasoned food are those who are doing heavy manual labor or perspire a lot, usually in hot weather. Then, there are rare people who have a kidney defect and talcing diuretics to eliminate salt and fluid retention someuines uepicic their salt stores, but since you are taking no medicines this doesn't apply to you. The truth is that most people get entirely too much salt, of far more than the body needs. I think you can safety foreget about that problem. Send your questions to Dr. Lamb, in care of this iiewspaper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio City Station, New York, N Y. 10019. For a copy, of Dr. Lamb's booklet on spastic coiut, said 50 cents and a toig People stamped envelope to the same address and ask for the "Spastic colon" booklet. . work relief bill and again on Jan, 21, 1371 when Democrats were bound to support change in House Rules to eliminate the that Republicans guarantee d of each would get House committer's budget to hire their own staff members. The binding rule was used repeatedly by Democrais in the early ',900'g, Zoa.v.: --- What the caucus rule on binding says, is that if of ail Democrats in Ui House vote for a position on a bill, then ail Democrats mast vote that way on the floor or face disciplinary actios such as exclusion from the caucus and in effect denial of seniority and committee assignments. A member can escape being bound if the issue involves "construction of the constitution" of lite vo-;- would violate his campaign pledge to Cmiiuiix-iiis- , What the Democrats will not repeal, however , is a procedure not set down in a rule by which the cawnis ,, in 3 simple majority vote, can bind Democratic members ut cWifiiitU to vote a certain way on an issue before any given panel. Nub&g that Repaiiiaas do in the name of reform is expected to shame Democrats Liio dumping instructions Ui committees on how to vote. e tli-a- by Pick Tartwr CARNIVAL a 132 hours, 30 seconds, stayed awaks on a water 10 for 12 days and told jokes for five bouts and 15 minutes. The twisting record, which was his first, is to the current Guinness publication, tlw sponsors said, and the others would be m the new one. ; . Ifey s&id English's other accomplishments J vj&r f ui 4 ' included treading water for 1814 hours, 2 m?.rk which was later beaten. md kissing 2,832 worncn :n 24 . Ikhii-sa feat not recognized by tifcaf'sLor!k.,i' offi!". - Tkncw, f1 two-thir- -;- aJnindes and f r . English's spor.jors said they would eater his seven-da- y long playing 'record fe the Ouiness Book of World Records, which wili pJso include the facts that English twisted 1 particularly under Champ Clark when the term "King Caucus" was coined and even the Democrats blushed and preiiy much dropped the practice. Speal-j- against spectators, employes of radio station KFMB, and an anteater from the San Diego .. -- one-thir- t . H. Eckhardt referred to a Jan. English, of I Jolla. Ciif., completed his seventh day of "pong" at noon Saturday in a mobile radio studio a center here, playing shopping ; l 22. 1335 caucus action t'at bound Democrats to vote for a tennis. MayO,l75 - steadily self-address- (UPI) Roger Guy English, 24, who has set world records for twisting, staying awake on a water bed and ieiiing jokes, act another this time record this weekend for playing electronic table 40YEARSAGO . , ' SAN DIEGO typewriter cost $68.50 and had a fully standard keyboard. For-'- Ralph president He .rt'plad N'i Other officers chosen were Aivin Tesischpr, J. Lynn SUw;. W. J. Walter, Hansen, Wge Scott, Howard J?!?!, AM David S Ta4of.'- W." P, 'Hs"Hav sr.d , ine News Grant. three-mont- named vice president with Carol Batcmsa at secretary and Jane Fowler chosen Also program chairman. Kirfcbam. was scnaag Peggy historian; and Bruce Ellison, business manager. President Johnson s?ju the Vietnam conflict was part of a Chinese Communist drive to take over all of Asia and he pledged, "They shall never succeed.' He added, "liifir obiecuve is not the fulfillment of Vietnamese nationalism. It is m erode and discredit America s ability to ' ht-iprevent Chinese domination overall of Asia." Fic-zeduatn were three for a dollar and bologna was 39 cents pound. 25KEAaSAGO electrical Quirks in Actress Elizabeth Tavior was honeymooning with Conrad Ililton Jr. The couple were at Pebble Beach, Calif., but a h wtiding trip to Europe was in the plans, Springvllie High Sciioo! won the state Class 8. Track Crown Second was Cypres and Payson K.gh School was third. MayI3,!S5 Ken Peck was chosen student body president for Lehi High School. iHs sister, Kathy, was by equipment used in hospitals arid it is possible that your waich may be magnetized and not function properly. DEAR DR. LAMB Picas? advise me if I am getting the propel amount of salt. During the time I was preparing meal for a relative who had a heart condition and was on a salt free diet, I used only salt Remember Whan? From the Herald Fits, these during treatments. psychological. The harm is thai someone who may need good medical attention may delay seeking competent help while having his or her feet "'manipulated. " A DEAR DR. LAMB couple of weeks ago I visited a friend in the hospital. He was concerned becase he couldn't determine the time of day, so I loaned him my wrist watch. His condition grew worse and he died some IP days later. development although the Indian economy is notoriously prolonged treatments. correctly? In addition, India is erecting two giant power plants at Madras with the capability of turning out more than 250 pounds of plutonium a yesr. There is no lack of funds for with located in the feet to provide relief for aches and pains. As I understand it, ech reflex is said corresponding part the body, and massaging it in a certain way brings relief to that part of the body. What do you think of this? Can it be harmful if used early last year. stagnant, Then I learned that he was being treated for cancer of the prostate and had been given radium treaments and cobalt of pounds of plutonium on hand enough for at least 15 bmbs of the size exploded sinister position maintained by India over the years." DEAR DS. LAMB -- 1 have several friends who are going to a foot reflexologist, who manipulates reflex "buttons" to 300 this Graphic instance of that is the snide cracks by Foreign Mhister V. B. CJiavan when the U.S. withdrew from Cambodia and South Vietnam. At the very time U.S. ships were unloading thousands of tons of grain at Indiaa ports, Chavan gleefully acclaimed the Comiiiunisi triumph as a "gratifying vindication cf the is declining. Aiitoundmgly. although Leg (roo'r) Being Pulls China. India's n nrnduetion Or. Lawrence Lamb secrecy tight of pontificating and lecturing" by Prine Minister Gandhi and other high of fcials. in Johnson admin' Orations futile efforts us woo Indian good will. During that period, the U S. shipped more than 60 million tons of grain and other food to India literally saving millions from starvation. Not only has the U.S. gotten nc thanks or credit for that, but at that stream supercilious arising from P L 480 "sales" in the 1960s by the Kennedy and millions of IndiaM were threatened with famine and her government was secretiy trying to wheedle huge quantities of grain from the U.S. Also endless State the fo sn it hss besn subject off ?2.2 a F.u owum Indian debt ct i&r. nuclear bomb detonation last ., year, cunnutu? being dcrniied early this yey. !ww H Ms tfefssd ints pzm ihat po!irtias piay. House ReH2hlcai voted last week a bare quorum of tae m GOP members io vim thdr party confersoces to thepiibiic. The mov desen'es credit from those pushing for more ccesi to what our public grwtMnj hndir do hfhif?-- i dosed doors, but H probably would r pave come if Democrat had not in recent years turned over more and more control of how things rue ia the House to their party 5l? fl '"rkSo face of it, this sounds like an extremely From the start of the t'ie km used to be a Sat more fun Dad, mswing Uis before I got oio fcnough. t?!p!" 1) i t |