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Show ri Flyers to Rely On Kate Smith PHILADELPHIA 4tTf -The Phiiadelpaia Flyers, who were on the wge of last su?ssfig their $eeott& 5trmiht playoff series, may rely oa an dd'frksd tonight when they islanders m ptay the ftew the seventh and deciding game tat of the &sn!?y Cup semifinal fOtmd. On occasions when Kate Smith's rendition of "God Bless as played prior to Ajmrics" j- - a. , Imuran wBiriiiia mstesd of the hatkrml Anthems, the flyers Had a 1 record. an c 42-3- Jack HwEi, : ajjgwaxi ;js..v;i.fi hqt vt u N - Thf Flyers jkt titsir is gs with Kate again tooiglU be-i- 2 mb tfcsy hB advantage in their series with $ the Islanders tndfe ! 3 tie and must win the seventh game to go into the finals against tne Buffalo Sabres. t r fj ff ' i their s second straight "miraeie" after coming from three games back to beat Houston QUEBEC CITY (LTD -Presidents of World Hockey trt franchises League sound to supposed philosophical and players hke jocks. Gordie Howe sounded like both Monday night after the Houston Aeros heal the Quebec for their second Nordiques straight AVOO cup, arid for guwi reason. "I'm extremely tired but I'm damn happy I stuck around this year." Howe said after scoring his final two goals as a player. "But it's time to hang up the skates. I'm slated for the front office. They're going to name me President of the Houston 7-- 2 Arms." Howe opened in the firs his son, Mark, Labossiere added c7!y the scoring period while and Gordon goals later in thestanza. "The only way to fail is not to try to," said Kowe. "I'm going to have to work my butt off. i ve got a lot of organising to do." The Aeros switched to defensive hockey in the last period and got goals from Larry Lund and Frank Hughes. Bill Dineen has won the WHA championship both years he has been the Aeros' coach and he admitted he's going to miss yS2? ." I I "2 they want to use Kate Smith as a cratch, that's fine with us," said Islander defenseman Karl. Gerry around a few more years," he said. "If he wants to play a little more, he can certainty be my guest." Dineen piayed the part of the humble hut proud winning coach. "Quebec has a great team " he said, "the second best. We are the best. We just overpowered them." Rejean Houle scored both Nordique goals, one in each of the first two periods. Quebec Coach Jean-GuGendron was a humble loser. "They've still got to flay tlw And New York coach game Al Arbour said the singer "will be no factor. The game will be played on the ice." flyers center and team captam Bobby Clark; said they "doTi't plan to do anything difcrently for the tevuith game, not after you've played 100 games this year one way." But he admitted that if there the hot shouting of junior Terry is such a thing as the Islanders Hatch, won the Region Four state golf tournament having momentum after their three straight victories, "I qualifying round Monday at the Wasatch Mountain State Park hope it doesn't mean anything Golf Course. in or we're treble." Bulldogs Top uamyt The Bulldogs shot 311 to defeat Brighton by eight shots for the team honor, and Hatch shot a three over par 75 to top all individual players. 595-59- 6, remaining three teams, mi'1 Wa- a one under fired par Parcell Brian SO, pet .615 A. m ih MSlwaute IS 8osUx Detroit Baltimore Oevrtand New Y !4 11 13 12 .529 24 12 IS .444 4H 11 IS .423 11 17 Oakland Texas Kansas Oiy California L 18 12 1? 12 13 12 Philadelphia Nr York SL Louis Montreal 13 M .481 12 14 .462 4 5 S'4 12 IS .444 S 11 14 440 w. I pet k. pet - Kevin MURRAY (348) Shafer 81, Mark Crosby 8f., John Watson 88, Jeff MuhJstein S3. KEARN3 R. (365) Greathouse 87, Bill Bills 92, Roger Cuff 92, Ed Seymour 94. li mi"",1B " m -- p 2.. Or Kasu 1! 17 14 .7 .561 i"t Atlanta 17 !7 MO W 3'4 IS IS m 3: Smt)u0 San Vmtnxo U 17 .452 6 7 i'1 ttHSUMi 11 2S .534 11' U .4w 41t 17 a. . Mrrtrral rsa Oncinnat! at Philartrtphi, pnponsd. rata $ p as. 0). 2 30 p.m. Hgn (Spiilner ?:35 p.m. irtf jss Oidisssti (Nalan (IWerwod ), 7:35 i;ld 8 06 Mints ijs 372 Pitt Z7 CaiiPful - Gnff- 1(5 t 20 42 !lt! V. IS 27 ICS 20 33 IS 2i W 358 S .347 S Jf ?t li IS 10! 74 13 (Jl 3 35 27 jiotisaJ Garwv, SD 22'; 3G4 hWs. mU. J43 . HB !4 i) 64 il 2D Zi IIP ii NY liw.Mii 17 LiH'-.'.- t Jti tJfv Mny k art. 42 .412 'e ii lest O hrniOi S S 58 'J 3? 63 8 21 29 H I R it a i: W ttwi. li .3TS Hn PI m Iw a '$mm8asm vi I Ii vVJ nr- f au tikes Ech Tax FET Tl5 j j 1.63 1.83 " 175x14 "l4J3l" Jm 33.39 33.73 35771 I j n 1,94 : 125.48 S9.7Q" 143.3S 140.40 ' 1 1 23.23 23.40 "TglfjjF UsT "mis" 35.33 17.70 igjTTgy 20.81 2J4" 70.20 72.34 38.17" ppr98- -' 6 mm. ' Pay incl. Ut 1QS.20 61.73 35J0" T 4 53.10 jT34.8577 g141,32 3M1piBT47"rj4j4 35.57 142.28 23.11 71.14 1.84 2.04 j 31.37 3 I Sct of incl. Tax 28.55 30.83 1.46 "33jTlj4 34.04 2J tt Par inci. 185x13 165x14 165x15 BLACKWAU RADIALS 1 'T37JSTl5.50-f ill f I .151.00, ,28.16 li s Con 3 BsH 71 e.4M. -- 4 Wirifieid, LA sri aH - asd fjifsrnJt? Offer Good 15 Mil Moryan. Cn '1-t W; Ail TSSEJ MCUTSS sE Nsiiwal pw ca rkkM LesiBW: Suttoa. 333 .S i JA tA, ss ssssr sssss' "a. as Kone "&m i points m$M "D" lf J -- ate mi own . Ksn A 3J, Jusrw. "u 40, Bn is, Juifi SD 41, Q arrf Ck'!!.. On Lttf Mr. Jim and acaver, KY 4 J ."st, fJi 58, ."s!w; m ' vtttete) 33 42 Viryim, M 5 ONLY Most AmflNtan ll, 71," '" Syft &: On.- - m.m 11 i tant yo.tf PVC voSv, tntloli new points, condenser and rotor (if ntaded). Help rteon up the oir. Moke on appointment for a SUPER TUNE-UP- ! !W, - 23 in IMPROVE YOUR GASOLINE MILEAGE! REDUCE EXHAUST EMISSIONS! Moy l7, l !fies.--i! 13 n twm "02" 155x15 L 1C, Mn$u&, ?AI Si. Airnciin League- fevers. Cai 21 Ctis, Y.C IS; si li; fwwt KC li; Noni' am! RiiTn iiytsn, and Dsvisi, Tx t. ! 68 im .Ai !i 24 .37 24 74 i7 31 .369 YnU2L Vdiiij jn -- 29.74 I 175x13 P!ul 21. iw!u U,"i. ... iWBl Ijesg1' at r 2; IhitiaX Oi, Wvm KCIl, May. ii il! Leogus. ffi: Baicn, On l iii pm. PYw ifcw .VUstftNY. :hj,i, bait Ow. Mm iff KifEtauailr, JO ss a On Csrinal Os (srw 37? VOLUME DIFFEEEkCE Montreal NY, Sohmiii. PM, SUrgeil, P;tt and SmitSi. St L 5 Aiicncr. League: tfcrUA, Del 7; BurroiKhs. Tx (, Gndi and May, Ba'l, , Kits, Bras Hinrk, Ocv. ftnis, NY and Jatterm. Oak S. set. BUTIM KAKIS TKi 1 ? 29.43 165x13 - Kitnan, te ' 224-101- sSff cg 155x13 at Philadeiphia Major League Leaders sS at teul (SssoiJ MattoM! an um pool co. VOLUME mm mimz 155x12 pm at SI. Lout A.iBt-)- Pairings for the first round of match play competition in both tournaments will be announced in Sunday's Herald The women's tournament begins match play Monday, May 19, and the men's tournament 14525.40 Piaurgh 84) at New Yrft (K,rsnai; 1 1!. S B p .t. at St. tf ais Lb Anjvkis iHaAtm iG)cihen 32), t Vpm WntsHxteyt GgftMs at Chiraco San Francisco weSucfe)$ Osssm Chicajf) at BaJunw?, mghl Kansas (3ty aetrt, ragfa; Milwaukee at Trxas, fttght drv&'ind at Minma, refiiu Nw ynrk at Calitoma. mth m afternoon 1 M.1 at before Friday an exUfision of time will be given to them until Saturday . ;SUic at a twkkmt mmiiesxt ts mtai ids: ku vtm ktk CflfiKAii round Yokohama m Tim sm 8! (Fltenoftis ti.ies 55chj postgraduate scholarships for this year. "" Tory's (htm . tk J If n wSUk &ffff?( "St? 11 tl'PIl Senior baiketbsi! forward Rich Haws of Llah State University has been named one td five alternate recipkirts for IS National Collegiate Athktic Wad1 ey has won wtd has been a runnerup once. He will one egain t--r strong favorite, but will have to howl fntrguitj nights Other men's cfutmpiiwis have Baett fJi vtn Simmons, Blaine six-gai- e Mrmnffeg Slze Atlanta 1, night New York 3 San Francisco 2. nsit Lo6 Angciesi f St. Louis . 10 khm, pm Ssitigaiiet!, 1 3'K m am Hi, 22 !6 t Texas iSatoo Mi (S'otw Mi, S pm Oesdarel i Peterson IS) at Minnesota (Alburv Spm. York iMkWi Ml at Califonua i 10K p m. (Fsm Boswi Wise Hi A CtekUixi (Abbott 11 n f.h. 16 Monday Rpssfei Cfetrufi 5 Kansas City S. Bight. Oakland S Buston J, night TWgiri GtnMi (Ait Time M A bbaiumore Chicago p laeAiigeks Ondimki Altsmafs As the men's tournament three times as. ( 15 Si Detroit SLfctow s, m m 15 12 7 pet, Haws Named Schnieter 87, Jeff Colgrove 89. GRANGER (340) - Gary Hensiey 81. Paul Davia 84, Brian Condie 87, Jeff Thurcr.an West w. Jack iiU-rin-g B)fc RtSrgh We lm L w. is 8 mm y"wigMMwMiiil East I. 10 - "awaBiwBMBBBMiMHMaiMBMBBWHawpB htzjm . Kirjmtey (M, mummmmmmmmtmm Tkilis Peirero. and Dot Mecham- 35, Gary Major League Standings Amerfcaa Ea ijj including an eagle cn the par five 14th hoie. PROVOOID - Terry Hatch 75 Jeff Wall 78, Clyde Barton 79, Maury Jackman 79, Jeff Turner 85, Jeff Hill 87. - Frank BRIGHTON '?! Huff ?6, Rom Fox 79, Scott Brandt 80, Scott Watnam 85. OREM (333) - Jeff Ward 79, Terry Jacobsen 82, Rick McMuilin 85, Robert Hogan 87, Kelly Kirwan, 89, Tyler Christiansen 90, HILLCREST (336) - Rick Bodell 78, Randy Zorko 85. shington, UCA and Washington State, were out of contention. y u mens the in ikv. NEW YORK VOLUME BUYIXS M&XES THE DIFFERSKCE HATCH shot a three over par 75 to top all individuals is the Region Four qualifying tournament &i Wassteh MHftti Sate Park yesterday. Hatcfe also helped the Provo Bul!dogs to the team title, TERRY Provo had four players shoot EUGENE, Ore. (LTD -S- in th? 70s. In addition to cott Simpson fired a second Hatch's 75, Jeff Wail shot 78, round three under par 69 and Clyde Barton and Maury Monday to give USC a one-sh- Jackman fired 7&s. The lead going into the final 36 were also recent Bulldogs holes of the Pacific 8 Golf winners of the BYU Chanvionships at Eugene Invitational Tournament and Country Club. row have their eyes set on the The defending champion state tournament lii'te which behind Trojans, will be held next Monday at the surprising Oregon State after Golf and Country Club. the first 18 holes, rallied behind Ogden Hatch bogeyed two of the to surpass the Simpson first thres holes and shot four Bea vers by a stroke al the halfover par on the front nine. way point, However, on the 6ack nine he Host Oregon was third at 602 ; got things going arid really Stanford fourth at 605 and UCLA fifth at 606. The IrarffimiwBr1 stick Johnson Cup. PAC-8Go- lf' would be nice to have him A! each other in the best of Anyone Likrtsit-- m the scratch tournament is urged to do so. All that is necessary is to bol a qualifying score between now and Friday r;ght a? Rf'gaS lanes and to be available during the evenings nest week when match play competition begins. For those who cannot possibly bowl the qualifying men's 1 - Jas i a seven game series. tournament, find a average of over 155 to qualify in tne women's tournament. Already assured uf spots in the tournament are last year 's champions, Wadley and Davis, and last year's ruimerups, Ted singer appeared in hen the person last season Flyers upset the Boston Bruins here to capture the Stanley the for qualify Vm Richan, snd Rick Woodar4Divls has wes the Other wne'$ tiite champions have bhr& JrtiS be Each ij atrh pits two bowlers e : The USC Leads Howe. "It Pmsbsurgh and gain Uw semiworried about finals, sren Kate Smith. icie4 by s ag?Jf!-- i e i . The tounamcr.; has snr.uai;y Jers ia auXSf4 the tap ISJj Valley and a considered the dimas of the boIing seasoa A beautiful specially errsved t.zZ wstch ! pftisesited to the wmne. of eaco ujumament. bt qualifying scores. After the 18 finalists in both divsKjrss sre decided the temamafit change is a single Each bowling. U -- Pwvg, Y begirt Tuesday, May 20. Ail aatctes via be at R?gal the tournament entrant must bowl sis games in the qualifying round. In the past it has taken a average of over 180 to 1973, THE HERALD, teuraament. and JoAas Abe! in use women's touroamert, Iht dliser 14 spots js ech Icurrx-- . are And the JslaivJers, who tts QMfilu'ying fur ihe H places remaining ia ea-i- t taatch play tournament is now taking pbee a Repl Lanes The top 14 men's scores will qualify for the match play portion of the tournament that begins next w?ek, and the samt is true of Use top 14 women's scores. Qualifying ends Friday n?gh! There is no entry fee, but bowlers must pay the cost of SMI The I:Jad?r3, again employtight defense the Flyers are tarnous for, won 2- in Lufig Island Sunday night, their third straight victory, to force the seventh game showdown. men's tHe ladley. t!arr?km. snd Jf?an Davis. Use wsnea's eharapMSi, mil ne cut to defend Sseir aert wetk in The Daiiy fterald Bowtuig Tournaments at Regal Lanes. A ol now their opponents have not rsarwd bi it ij, W 9 rrgihcyjki. -i Go6 to Qwiin i s4rT ing tf Avco Cup Tuesday, May . 665 Sre. pw-- m t. t. m .iaegg lMKitj0MrM(jir. Cmf &W9 V fiowi ime nifsiif r riiiuriii irwiiMnamiin in i fMnnwwiiiTmiWiiwiiiiiwuiiwi in wnwiiiimi wi lamwr HMMmWW iiwu'i'mni nifrrr n in lilirrr "n TiTliiTwr-- r iirr rirrrii- -r iwii 9 5 |