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Show PAGE THREE! BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1935 F.H.A. Helps Utah Home Owners In Paint Problems Recruiting Campaign to Increase Personnal Of Army to be Staged li Q00R AND Tilt CHILD' SNAPSHOTS SCHOOL By Director William Peterson, Br Dr. ALLEN C IRELAND TJ.S.A.C. Extension Service Sim Dtftaum in t tmU lanM houses Nnt of the rural The majority Utah need paint. In riding the length of the Btate recently, one wa3 heard Summer Heat to remark that if he could sell to each Too many cautions cannot rural home owner in the state the printed against sunburn. No matpaint he actually needs,, or even the ter how much is said or written, paint he acknowledges he needs, he no matter what one's past experi couH do the most thriving business ence may have been, that is being carried on today. the majority of The large majority of the rural people show unreasonable haste in achouses are frame, covered with wood quiring a sunburn. seiding. This type of structure will "I'm going to be not endure and maintain without tanned like an Indipaint in this arid climate with low an," they say, a moisture and high temperatures that the In content in winter and high temperan skin is natural. dian's tures and exceedingly dry air in sumChildren are in danger, because mer. don't know there is any danthey Why paint the house? First, the ger. In the summer, all paint preserves the wood by giving it day for play. The release from a complete covering and, if the pro- school is tempting, with so many per basic pigment is used, it developes to do. If parents aren't a chemical preservative. Second, it things mindful and watching, the first seals the small openings and makes day or two in the summer sun may the house tighter and warmer. When bring a serious burn. Then a week of suffering, often confined to bed. good oil and pigment are applied, they fill the outer pores of the wood, thus And it isn't always as simple as preventing the entrance of water and that. Burn from the sun is no different from any burn. It isn't conbacteria, that will naturally disinten there fined to a sore skin. Poisons, or wood. addition the I grate are many small cracks and openings body toxins, are formed. The child in wood. Two or three coats of paint may be feverish and nauseated. In will completely seal these and make attempting to throw off the poisons, a solid and continuous covering to the kidneys may be injured. Sometimes severe prostration results. protect the structure. In all cases of sunburn, it is adWood should be thoroughly dry to place a child in a physivisable rewill when painted, after which it main dry and the storms will not cian's care. Wise treatment will complications. But the penetrate through the coating. Third, prevent the wisdom is shown at the greatest small Into insects. the eliminates it beginning. Take the sunburn gradcrevices .cracks, knot holes, and openually, a little each day. Give the of insects the under casings, ings skin a chance to tan painlessly. are many types congregate. They Are you making your child? 8 life often injurious and annoying to the insisting on regufamily living in the home. Proper alarnightmare by school? Don't mist at promotion these will completely destroy painting Dr. Ireland's next article. insect nesting places and prevent their reoccurance. No better antiseptic can be added to the house than are both pure white. The color schenib to be used in the painting of th6 a coat of paint. Fourth, it tremendously improves buildings is an individual choice bul buildd there should be care to preserve col the apperance. structhe not or harmony and adaptablity so as t6 do preserve only ings tures but add character to the home, get the most for the money expended le shows someone is living there who Buildings well painted not only pre has pride and believes in preserving serve the structure but add buoyancy ' the farmstead. and a sense of pride to the people who The story is told in one of the live in them. A house northern counties that a .family be- and with a good roof is the most sat1 came discouraged with their farm- isfying and economic addition that stead and decided to offer it for sale. can be made to a farmstead. When the real estate man, with whom If all the paintings In the state thai to be done should be started they had listed the property, looked it over he informed the owner that yeari there would not be one$50 spent in paint would add many tenth enough painters to do the job; "hundred dollars to the sale value of therefore, it would be necessary large-thplace. The buildings were clean- ly for e rural people to do the paint cd up and painted and made attractive ing consult a painter as to what to how to mix your colors. Th6 for sale, but when the woman of the buy house saw the effect of the paint, Federal Housing Administration will she said. "No. we will not sell. Our helD finance vour rjaintinsr urogram. farm buildings iook. Dener man uuuao on surrounding farms that we had thought of purchasing. We will keep it and be happy." What kind of paint should be used ? If the building is old and has not been painted for some time a liberal amount of linseed oil with a light pigment should be used for the first coat. The house should have at least three coats. From the standpoint of for wood, two basic elements in paint from the essential pigments, white lead (lead carbonate) and zinc white (zinc oxide). These! pigments not only have a good cover- Prank Phillios. President of the definbecome but they ing capacity Petroleum Company, Says: itely a chemical protection. If there ' Phillips might well be called "Advertising or wood for is any tendency organic runs the motor of which the gasoline material to disintegrate in the presit is the great At rate, business. any form will ence of any moisture, it which speeds up power accelerating acetic acid. business activity. combines The acid immediately "Critics of advertising and there with the lead to form lead acetate, a been many of them during the have rank poison and powerful antiseptic, which gives the woo da complete pre nast few vears earn at the millions servatlve. White lead and zinc white of dollars spent by manufacturers and Ji for-rettin- 4: - ' L L- 1 XmW i L V 1 KUtT 3 ..-- A MERMAID? tr No, only Mary Ellen Brown, Movie Star, in a new tripod rub red-brow- they-hav- ber bathing suit e A Jf iy sswP'', ' sfw . u. inii Dunns ut iiir. aiu.iu.iuaiit.i.A iiarry b. niiHru, sr, "n(1 Junior take time out and let other members of the Wtlken family take nam nf hiulnm Thl mm ku nmHnrrd more uhlskrv than ajiv other living person and together with his two sons, i sub-statio- A THOUSAND DOL- rum. m LAKS A LIFE: That's what is being; offered in the I 1 ramaii li v.'Wi si zT 1 alnnn ...T AitlirHr. i ywRuemof wsw,, . QTJISHED not the story of the three bears, but of one teddy bear which happens to prize of $500 a year for life, and a third prize of $100 a year for life. There are 1210 addtional prizes offered. Those who compete merely write slogans of ten words or less describing Camay soap. The contest started July 16 and ends Septembe? 30. gsWjJ be the plaything of some champion puppies in Sussex, """ miM'uTiiiml ;.v,,, " British PILOTLESS PLANE pilots experimenting; with M aeroplane operated by radio, will take off, land and fly 109 miles per hour and rise to m height of 'over 10,000 feet without a soul on board. BICYCLES BATTLE BLAZES Here you see the Are department of Campbell, Calif., with all the laddies rarin' to go with their bicycles. This is the first town, in the United States to equipment in of wheels. j es of the interior product. Obviously, then, untruthful advertising defeats its own purpose and cannot thrive. "Take any widely used product you will automobiles, radios, electric refrigerators, toothpaste and you will find an article which could not find its place in the American scene without the low prices made possible by mass production, which ,as I have pointed out, has come as a response to the demand created by advertising. Because advertising has made us want the niceties of life and has educated us in how to secure them, the American people enjoy a standard of living undreamed of elsewhere on this earth." econ- omists have long told us, that an economic war entails suffering just as does a military combat. The latter kills with gas but the former may kill with slow starvation. Sometime, please God, the nations will learn that if one member suffers all must suffer and the world body will learn to so live as to gain the serene health of peace. abolish motor ta'-o- r retailers in telling the public about their products and their services. Such criticism is absurd. If it were not for increased demand stimulted by advertising, goods could not be produced economically enough to be generally obtainable. Mass production would not be possible without mass selling, and mass selling can only be accomplished by advertising. Because of the economies of volume production, advertising has actually lowered the price of merchandise, rather than raised it. "'Another criticism of advertising' has been that some of it is untruth- -' ful. But just as advertising speeds the good product to the heights, its accelerating effect hastens the death what The world is learning ' T ffiy5 well-paint- e and son-in-la- W'S. Well-painte- j "Under the provisions of the recently enacted National Defense Bill, the War Department will increase the enlisted personnal of the Army from in118,000, to about 165,000, or an the men some during 45,000 crease of next year. About 15,000 of this increase is expected to be effected by September by recruiting agencies of the Army at Oflarge, and to District Recruiting task the big ficers has been allotted of enlisting this large number of men within a comparatively short space of time. Extensive plans are now under way trict to meet this problem, according trict to meet this priblem, according to word received from Colonel William C. Webb, the Army Recruiting Officer, in Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake City office present a busy scene these days and as a part of the exrepansion program, two additional were recently cruiting established; one at Pocatello, Idaho and the other at Ogden, Utah. The recruiting personnal of the District has been increased by five officers officers and fifteen in anticipation of a busy campaign. Plans are also being completed to send five recruiting parties, each parthree ty consisting of one officer and stateofficers, on wide canvassing tours. Approximately four months time will be spent in covering all of the towns of five hundred population and over, in the States of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada. It is planned to publish of these parties as they get under way and to post advance notic es of their arrival in each town. UNITED STATES AGAIN HELPED FRANCE France has not treated Uncle Sam right in the matter of war debt payments. And yet a few weeks ago fiyour Uncle again helped France nancially. You will recall that France was having trouble with the Franc. Good American dollars were taken from the treasury and the United States helped stabilize French currency by buying Francs. Was this a Itwasnot.lt was disturbed money A farsightedness. market in France would eventually affect us just as a cancer in your liver will eventually stop your heart. In the heart of the average man this venture into higher taxes is a mystery. , It brings on little ills and frets. The multitude of taxes upsets the mind and one is worried as to how to pay them and what they are used for. Manv of the taxes seem to be caused by dreams of the New Dealers. It Is never well to dream except it be in bed and even then it's likely to end in a nightmare. See Our New WALL PAPER SAMPLES Sun Tested - Washable Painting - Tinting Paper Hanging WILKINSON & SON PHONE 3-- 3 j - ; JAAAfo THE MOST FINELY A You will find many things to delight vou. many advantages that you can car, when you not find in any other to drive invitation dealer'a accept your Chevrolet the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet! It's the only nvatch-Ies- a car in ita price range that brings .y.oujhe Fisher-t- he superior safety beauty of Body by the glidconstruction of solid steel Turret-To- p Ride! And it'a n ing comfort of the also the only car in its pric range that brings you such a perfect ioZonoc of all motoring advantages, such a fine combination of style and stamina, and safety, pick-u- p power and economy, speed and dependability! Visit your Chevrolet dealer the most findy accept his invitation to drive d car ever built today! balanced . low-pric- DESERVES A CAR EVER BUILT D INTERIORS ARE MUCH MORE LUXURIOUS AND MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE THAN EVER Good Business Good Stationary LOW-PRICE- YOU WILL FIND THAT NEW CHEVROLET I T B t Knee-Actio- Poor Business .NEEDS . -- low-price- CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. C.M.A.C Campari Omlo'l low WitrW pricn anj my Good Stationary tm-- A Cmral Mutort Valu ' to help it become a good business When you write a letter, distribute folders or send out a statement, these printed messengers are your sole representatives. If cheap ink is used or flimsy paper or broken type, they cast a slazy reflection on you. We can give your printed matter and you a fair fighting chance with your customer or prospective customer. BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Personal Printing Department 4h I1H H H CHEVROLET COMI IN ORIVI IT TODAY WITHOUT OBLIOATIfM DEALER ADVERTISEMENT FE!0M1 Tremonton, Utah C VROLET, lias. Phone 20 |