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Show BEAR RIVER GOING HOLLYWOOD Sunday Night Suppers III IHI. (By May Mann) Written for the Bear River Valley Leader '-- - -- . .ur & ,) . I iI ' ,"' , Car " a (' vi - - f' : I. Bringing you the personal and intimate side of Hollywood, the city which in a short period of years has been built of cans of camera film to equal the fame of ancient Babylon, the Bear River Valley Leader introduces in this issue "Going Hollywood," a column flashing the latest news from Hollywood. This column is direct news from the film capitol. It will give you inside glimpses of your favorite stars, at their homes and at the studios. The latest fashions and activities of Hollywood will unfold in this column. For special information on Hollywood or your favorite star write into this paper and watch the weekly column for the news. "Going Hollywood" is a movie column being featured on Western newspapers and has a large following of readers. It is syndicated throughout the west and is written by May Mann of Brigham City (left) who is chatting with Patricia Ellis (right) who makes frequent trips to the cinema capitol and who is in constant correspondence with the film stars and the studios. PAGE FIVB THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1935 VALLEY-LEADE- By Caroline B King Home Ecoruftnus and Cu! nary Authority We see them on the screen, we read about them in the magazines, the newspapers, we hear about them and discuss them over the tea cups, these stars of the cinema and we wonder with some curiosity as to their personality in real life. These successful people with fame, position, wealth and this worlds gifts in such abundance indirctly influence and pattern the ambitions and characters of the masses of movie fans and people who watch them on the screen and the many who try to become like them. Women never thought of discarding lace and satin petticoats for masculine slacks until Marlene Dietrich set the vogue. And on the screen Miss Dietrich wears very feminine and lovely clothes, but interested in her private life the public found she affected masculinp attire and pairs of pants are seen on the feminine form - ' today. Womene', fashions are directly brougt fromHhe scren. When Jean Harlow bleached her hair to a silver white platinum blonde, every fifth girl in the country became blonde too. Gloria Swanson wore ankle length skirts in her pictures and soon dresses dropped from the knee to the ankle and even those who had dieted for took years to be slim and sylph-lik- e up the Mae West figure and ate pounds of bon bona to become curva-ciou- Consult Clerk of the District Court or the Respective Signers for Further Information. ( NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Louis P. Knudson, Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Portage, Box Elder County, Utah, on or before the 26th day of September, A. D. 1935. LELAND KNUDSON, administra- tor of the Estate of Louis P. Knudson, deceased. LEWIS JONES, Attorney for Administrator, Brigham City, Utah. Date of first publication, July 25, A. D. 1935. Date of last publication, August 22, I upOME over for Sunday nighta supper," you phone to half dozen good friends and then forthwith you set wiu to work planning the nicest, chummiest, pleasantest menu ever one which you hope will not be too much trouble, but still as attractive and appetizing aa It can possibly be. Buffet suppers are always Jolly affairs, and very little trouble, besides, and If one or two brand new dishes, or exciting and unusual combinations of foods can be offered, the success of the affair Is assured. Therefore. 1 am offering you herewith four of my latest inventions which 1 think you will find equally acceptable for simple home suppers with Just the family to them, as well as the company s. ous en-Jo- merry-go-rou- y nd "Better Meat at Better Prices" JULY HARVEST Lee's Meat Market UTAH Every Day Until BEEF STEAKS 18c 10c RIB 10c 25c BEEF LIVER . man, nothing high hat or important about him, but rather modest with a pleasant grin who trys his yery best to be likable and is succeding amazingly. As I listened to his program, back in my mind was the Mary Brian romance and that I had just recently read whene Dick Powell had completed his new home which was furnished according to the tastes f Mary Brian and someone on the radio had predicted that it would be wedding bells for these two this summer, and then Oakie didn't, say yes and he didn't eay no, so I summoned my courage. With Louella Parsons, the international syndicated movie columiat on one of the famous Powell arms, and myself on the other we wended our way down the theater aisles at the Dick conclusion of the broadcast. was leaving for Annapolis, by plane within the hour, and even though in such a hurry he was not at all impatient at the questions I asked. Finally as we were about to reach the theater door I asked, "Mr. Powell, is it true that you are to marry Mary Brian this summer?"" Louella Parsons tried to save him the answer by laughing and said, "Why he's going tender in the syrup. CooL Remove to marry me, should I get a divorce." from the syrup and place in the But Dick didn't joke and said one litpie shell. Arrange Mi cupful of tle word which should clear up any sliced Brazil nuts over the apples, further news on that romance. "No." top with whipped cream am) sprta-kl- e and then with a pleasant goodbye he with sliced Brazil cat meats. was caught In the crowd of fans waiting outside the theater to get a glimpse of Mr. Powell. Traffic was these days." And so he left. at a standstill and one of the traffic Perchance I met Dick Powell that said there was nearly a very evening at the conclusion of his policemen who had been gatherthere thousand "Hollywood Hotel Broadcast," which ing for over an hour to await Mr. originates from the stage of a down- Powell's departure. town Los Angeles theater (so don't An so until next time, when we save up your money for a reservation call on Mae West who lives in shall Hoin th Orchid Room of Hollywood hotel in Beverly Hills an apartment tel because Manager WrHson could on- with a built bedroom whose specially ly direct you to a front seat of the ceiling is one solid mirror and the theater.) But be assured that the floors are covered with white fur program is well worth while. Dick And you would be surprised to Powell is a most unassuming' young rugs. know the real Mae West. per. Cook, stirring weU for five nun--1 utes. add 4 tablespoons of flour and i blend well, sUr In 2 cups of mllk,i or part chicken stock. If convent-- ) Season4 eot, and cook till thick. nicely and add the chicken cut toj cubes. Simmer ten to flftees. mln--i utes, add 1 teaspoon chopped part- ley and 1 tablespoon of pimlento Serve on toast or In paa? sliced. shells. Corn and Braxll Nut Custard is another very good Sunday nlg&t suMer dish. Mix one cup of corn,! canned or out from the cob, witkj- cup of finely cut Brazil nuts, two well beaten eggs, teaspoon salt, ; pepper and paprika to taste, and aj few drops of onion Juice and 1 cups of milk. Mix all well and turn Into a well buttered baking diss.' set in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven. Serve with fried tomato slices. ' Apple Brazil Nut Tart is aa tlclng reply to the question: "What for dessert?" Bake a pie shell of good pastry. For the filling make a cupsyrup of 1 cupful of sugar ful of water, and I tablespoons of red cinnamon drops. Pare and! halve stz apples and cook them tin ; , OVEN 25c Shop and Save Time and Money at Pay'n 15c Your Livestock Phone to A. D. 1935. I And to meet some of these glamorstars of such universal appeal and interest. Most of them live in Hollywood. The Hollywood, which like ancient Babylon, is the most discussed city in the world. We read of those wild parties, people who spend money like water, where everyone lives in castles and marry and divorce every Postoffice consisting! affair. West Wildwood, N. J. Dorothy Lincoln, Ind. e Life is one gay other on year. general-stor7 of lockboxes a few rescues Olive Marshall from Reeves, Brazilian Chicken, (Illustrated) and the stars live on a daily drowning in 15 feet of water and counter retained on ground it gave the first dish, is a pleasing variaof excitement. And then again says: "I just did what anybody else few residents "place and excuse for ration tion of the ever popular Chicken a so. we are stars The told it 'tisn't that would have done." gossip and debate." la King, and makes a delectable are very common every day people main dish. The recipe calls for two who live quietly and rise at dawn, go cups of cold cooked chicken, but I to bed before the curfew rings and have sometimes made my Brazilian work very hard for a living, trying to dish with crab meat, cold cooked get along in the world, the same as veal, or ven shredded dried beef of the rest of us. many 27 excellent results. Veal is wit SPECIALS FOR SAT, We meet some one who has really shown with the recipe photo. met a star, and whatjs she or he Mett one tablespoon of butter ia like we query. Well, the answer is a paa of batter and add cup of usually either "Sweet and Charming" Brazil nuts sliced lengthwise, and or some lewid story that is supposed 1 tablespoon of sliced green pep to be a deep dark secret and the tellTREMONTON, er will give you the real low down on that particular celebrity, (letting you Powell. Noon Town feel the importance of the confidence "Well, I had the gal to lunch yeshe is about to pass on to you, which terday," he answered, and then startten times out of ten is either hear-sa- y POT ROASTS ed off on some other subject, so your or fiction. guess is as good as mine. So let us find out for ourselves and Sirloin, Young Beef Then came the call to go back on visit some of the stars at the studios, the set of his latest picture. "Now I Pound Pound at their homes and at their parties have to get into a heavy suit of arand meet the real persons as they are mour," he sighed. "You see, I am BOIL HAMBURGER when they are not playing a part. supposed to be afraid of the night and Most of them you find to be friendly so go to bed in a suit of armour to Young Beef Fresh Ground and quite genuine, and others, well, it protect myself. What we don't have Pound 2 Pounds takes all kinds cf people to make a to be to get laughs from the people world, as the saying goes. Jack Oakie is even funnier off ROASTS screen than on. He is one of the few comedians who constantly clowns, no Beef - Rump or Young matter the time nor place. Out at Prime Rib - Lb 2 Pounds Paramount he was riding round the lot on a bicycle for exercises during;-:- , lunch hour, when I happened along the 104 Sell Us See and he stopped' for an introduction. .j Incidentally the st.ill camera man stopped too and asked Oakie to posej on the bicycle for a picture which he B obligingly did, going into a charac.. teristic pose. "A Utah flash!" he said, "This rose will not only slay the peoples in Utah but Long Beach as well." In the past month Ooakie has reduced twenty-fiv- e pounds by a vegePEASCWanCsP.. table diet. During the filming of "Call of the Wild," Oakie was on location for a number of weeks high up to feed her family 3 Cans It, of course, is the ambition of every housewife in the snow country. "And a fella do can store Our so that every meal is anticipated with pleasure. had to eat to keep warm." He exMUSTARD much to help. Our foodis are all established and advertised brands plained, "Why every morning we were most found than much is of Jar places. each cheaper and the price up at five, eating all the buckwheat cakes we could see over and great big JELL-WEL- L juicy steaks as well. Boy, was that Package a picture, or was that a picture. But TUNA FLAKES food to all comes POTATO CHIPS that when it eating 250 S Large Cans Pkg Fresh - Crisp now, you can include me out of it. ca Worry, worry, what us actors have to SARDINES our BANANAS sacrifice for figures." 5 Large Ovan Tins S for 250 Rockwoods Pound Oakie is a rapid fire conversation2 Lbs. new wise crack every alist, with a FRESH QUALITY MEATS CUCUMBERS thirty seconds. He says he gets his S for friends on the conversational spot and Long, Smooth POT ROASTS Lbs. gets them so they have no come back. Beef Lb. 160 What fun, what fun. He likes to NEW SPUDS 10 .10 Lbs. Red dance and told the orchestra leader FRANKFURTERS over at Catalina to produce some sil200 Pound ver cups so he could contest and win CANTALOUPES 10 all of them. Giant Siie 8 Lbs LAMB CHOPS He lives on a beautiful estate in 200 Pound CORN FLAKES Hollywood with his mother, whom he OA AD White King social rounds. the takes Large Package ... frequently 10 Bars BEEF PLATE RD3S Before he ever dates a fair damsel he 130 Pound PEANUT BUTTER first takes her home and introduces 10 her and if Mama Oakie approves, the Glas Jar n. rniinrl of Oakie dates. Hrl will SALAD DRESSING 290 TREE TEA t Mama if but Salad Whipped Qt Bottle says no, Oakie gets an- J lb. Pkg. Green oiner gin. "How do you manage to be so funDEVILED MEAT COFFEE 100 190 I asked. "Well, nature made a S Campbell's Cans ny?" Lb.. M.J.B. Jr. Assorted good start and what other people think, I say." he replied. MUSTARD - Salt, Pepper TOMATOES 90 or Sugar Shakers - Each 50 With that successful answer, "Who Quart Can .... Is in the lead for Mary Brian at the . present " I asked very daringly SHOP AT THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN from a clear sky. "Is it to be you or will Dick Powell lead her to the al Lbs. ter?" (You know they have both been altering for her favor for two years, according to all the stories we Assorted read in the papers' and Oakie recentFlavors .. ly took Mary to a new night club and than been seated sooner no had they STORES the next number from the orchestra was announced in honor of Mary t Brian by special request from Dick U 1 11 H'4"H"H-- Free Delivery in PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES fc Feed The Family Well j i Takit Saturday OUVJAilA l0ibs BREAD 55tf 12-o- 25 CALUMET 10 8 tORN BEEF ....4 POWD.SUGARa YUM RICE KRISPIES 10 19 10 10 PRUNES LARD ?135 FLOUR 25 10 28 COFFEE DEVILED MEAT HORSERADISH SATURDAY BARGAINS TUNA FLAKES mPAA SALT i oimr TOMATOES S2!i -- SOUP 9 CHIPS .....6 GINGER COOKIES 25 JELLO 1 1 1 m 1 m 1 25 26 Package .. CAT MAM Libby's Red Lbs. Lbs. 10 18 19 $129 . 15 Airway Pound CORN 10 s SALAD DRESSING 25, JAR RINGS 3 Packages 10 PRESERVES T2?i."i 25 in h i in t 19 Lbs. Pint Jug 48 i 15 . fADMUI AtfiTCLarge 5c 1 Can 3 Cans 3 5c 24 Mb. Can OADTiITVTFtfBooth FOOD 1 Loaf z. for 2 COMPARE Our Fresh Produte and Fruits Tall MILK nii t n 6c . Can 1 ! 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 11 1 1 1 1' |