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Show - PAGE EIGB- BEAR RIVER V ALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1935 Farmpr's Daughter A'oir Famous Chef V i t MOCAMLS m '.V : - r r i Charlotte Field Gives Recipe Grand Canyon National Park Favorite farmer's daughter," who enjoys the distinction of being the onchef In one of New 'woman ly York's largest hotels, Thb Lexington, is Miss Charlotte Field of Pittsfleld, Mass. Miss Field, In her capacity as "head man" presides over a bevy of thirty-threwomen, cooks. The men wash the dishes and the closest they get to cooking is hauling in a sack of potatoes tor the girls. One thing upon which MUs Field prides herself is her ability to know what men like to eat. There isn't a thing on the menu but what an American who speaks no French About 25 Bee Hive girls left early Monday morning for Bear Lake to spend a few days at the girls home. If realization equals one third of their expectations they will certainly have a grand time. Mrs. Florence Beard is the chaperon and Mr. Henry Rose the chauffeur. DEWEYVILLE . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer visited Sunday in Logan Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newsome of Salt Lake City, Norma Hansen and Bertha Germer of this place spent Saturday and Sunday at Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr at their home in Brigham City Thursday. Edith and Cleo Marble and Tillie Lish were present at the Lion's Club at Tremonton on Wednesday evening. They entertained with vocal trio numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Laraine Marble and family of Fillmore, Utah were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble. Bishop M. G. Perry and son Myrl were Ogden visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tingey and little son of Promontory were guests of Mrs. Myrtle Knudson on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank entertained at aluncheon in honor of Boy Scout committee men of the ward. Eight were present and a social evening was enjoyed. Mrs. Alva Powell of Portage spent a few days of the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Merril. Sunday evening services July 14 the speakers were Evan Gee, Don Chambers and a vocal number by Vaughn J ',' ''A t Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Schaffer and family spent the 24 at Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. LaRain Marble and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolters and sons of Salt children of Fillmore visited at the Lake City visited at the home of Mr. home af Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mrs. William Landvatter last Brough last Saturday. Monday. Mrs. Alvis Anderson returned to home last Thursday after comher H. Mr. and Mr. N. Brey and family a 6 weeks course in dancing of California and pleting family Hrneger the at Mr. of University of Utah. spent the weekend at the home and Mrs. Henry Drewes. Charlene Brough, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Clarence Brough spent last and Miss Jenice Lower of Brigham City visiting has been the guest of Miss Shirley week at Pocatello Valley with her grandmother Mrs. S. A. Watland the past week. " Mr. and Mrs. G.. H. Watland and The Tremonton Lions ball team and daughter Shirley and Jenice Lower their partners enjoyed a swim and a motored to Salt Lake City Monday. delicious luncheon at the Crystal Springs Sunday afternoon after the "H. Hedemark of Long Beach, Calif- ball game. ornia is visiting at the home of Albert Gertrude Laub of Salt Lake City Bessenger this week. spent Sunday visiting with her parBobbie and Lois Wood of Salt Lake ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laub. City have been visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Laub and Mr. of R. S. Calderwood. cant enjoy. Mrs. J. H. Laub motored to Salt and A special favorite of Miss Field's, The W. C. T. U. met at the home Lake City Monday to spend the day is her meat sauce made with Gertrude Laub reof Mrs. C. R. Steffen Thursday July visiting there. wine. Her recipe, which Inenwas them. time with 11. is A turned and very very profitable simple easy cidentally joyed by all. Shirley and Geraldene ;to follow is: Meat Sauce With Win Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Maughn accomBeard sang a duet. Delicious refreshDie 2 dice of fat pork and place hi t ments were served by the hostess. by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Luch-eripanied frying pan. Roll beef tenderloin hi Boor Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mattson and which baa been slightly salted and peppered. Mr. H. Krneger and Mr. W. Brey of Logan attended the Air Circus and Place in the hot pan with fat and brown on all aide. Place in oven 20 minute or more. and family of California and Mr. and Pagent at Ogden Sunday night. The aaoce consists of 2 cupa of brown, Mrs. Henry Dreues and family were ' thickened gravy, onion sauted until tender, cap sliced cooked mushroom caps, salt, Miss Tess Gammell of Springville dinner guests at the home of Mr. and cop of domestic red wine. pepper, and Mrs. William Landvatter Sunday. is spending the summer at the home,'" Place meat c server and surround with of her aunt, Mrs. Dan Briggs. Mrs. Amy Randall of Salt Lake Mrs. Otto Rasmussen of SacraCity gave a beauty culture demonAlmost every successful business stration at the home of Mrs. Alvis mento, California has arrived last man considers the good will which he Anderson. Mrs. Randall has recently week for a visit at the home of Mr. has built up through years of concourse in beauty culture and Mrs. Dan Briggs. a completed tinuous newspaper advertising and at Salt Lake City. She will remain honest dealings as his one big asset. at Tremonton the next 10 days to give Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carrick and Mr. free facials to advertise her products, and Mrs. Allen of Springville spent the 23 and 24 at the home of Mr. and Beauty 400. Mrs. Thomas Callister. Mr. anr Mrs. Adhelnje Pearson of Minnesota have been Mrs. D. J. Colette of Los Angeles Minneapolis, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. arrived this week for a visit with her Oscar Strand. Mr. Pearson has been parents Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Cole. recently employed at Lee's Meat Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winzeler ac WANTED companied by Dr. and Mrs. Vern Fri Clean May and Dorothy Calderwood, and dal of Los Angeles, California spent VVttl Buy Marcella Thompson left Sunday for a few days this week at Yellow Stone Cotton Rags Coma Springs for a weeks outing. Park. BEAR RIVER Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pack have as Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bott of Brigham VALLEY Mrs. W. G. Rhead of Idah City spent Saturday evening at the their guest LEADER Falls for a short visit. home of Mrs. Larene Scott. J a J-?'- -' l The route to the north rim of the Grand Canyon, most easily reached through Utah, is so beset with scenes of indescribable beauty and yarlety that by the time you reach Bright Angel point you say to your-el"This will have to be good to make ma even murmur". But Grand Canyon will do more than that. You will stand speechless, too impressed by the immensity and grandeur of the spectacle to utter a e f, Wassom. of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fredrekson Penrose were Sunday guests of Mrs. Minnie Boyd and Mrs. Myrtle Knudson. Kook Kwick club enjoyed The a swim at the Crystal Springs on Tuesday night which was followed by sound. There are three geologic subdivisions of the region from north to south; the High Plateau, the Terraced Plateau, and the Grand Canyon Platform. No country In the world reveals more fascinating chapters bf geologic history. It has undergone great transitions, alternately gea bottom and mountain top; a region broken and titled by tremendous displacements, a region scorched and branded by volcanic action; but than all else, from the viewpoint of human interest, a region profoundly sculptured and given its most distinctive character by the 4-- H a weiner roast. The advanced home science club met Thursday night at the home of Laree Barnard. Following the club session a surprise party was held in honor of Virginia Perry, it being her Dainty rebirthday anniversary. freshments were served to 10 girls. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnard and son Jerry visited relatives at Ogden and Warren. II;-and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and Mrs. N. A. Lish visitedrelatives in Salt Lake City on Friday. Mrs. N. A. Lish will remain with her daughter Mrs. Fred Harwod for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Hassel enjoyed a week at Yellowstone National Park. Renea Lish, Odell Burbank and Mat' Burbank and George Sudbury spent Sunday in Mapleton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mart Burbank. Mrs. Percy Burbank and children of Midvale are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter in Garland on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kidman of Brigham City were calling on friends and relatives here Sunday. Lloyd Lish is remodeling his place of business and expects to open a grocery store the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Laraine Marble of Fillmore, Utah called on their return trip from Yellowstone Park Monday and were guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble spent Monday in Ogden. Evyleen Harwood of Ogden visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thayles Cannon on Sunday. Mrs. T. R. Ault spent a few days in Ogden as the guest of her daughter Mrs. John Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burbank and children and Lowell Burbank of this place visited relatives in Ogden Sunday and Monday. genius of erosion. The most picturesque route Is the higliwny 16 which runs directly outk from Zion National Park. It crosses the Rio Virgen at Rock-vill-e and climbs the plateau. Near the Arizona boundary appear tb magnificent Vermilion Cliffs which stretch across Southern Utah for Kreat distances; tuey present arresting architectural effects of vast fcastles and cathedrals colored a rich red which become vivid vermilion n the afternoon sun. After crossing Short Crssk into Arizona, the immense blue arch of the Kaibab Plateau becomes more prominent. Upon this stretch of fascinating descent, ran.ie many wild horsas, direct descendants,, perhaps, of those brought to America by the Spaniards. On Cedar Kidge is a petrified forest. The road follows Vermilion Cliffs through Kaibab Indian Reaerva-tio- n to Pipe Spring, a celebrated oasis, created a National Monument in 1923. Two historic stone .buildings standing there were erected in From beneath 1S70 in frontier style tor protection from the Indians. one !;ou3s flows the finest and purast spring in all this frontier domain, daily discharging 100,000 gallons of cool water. At Fredcnia the road join3 the main highway again and the largest virgin forest in the world, the Kaibab Torest has yet to be penetrated. fThe Kaibab Forest for the most part is as frse o undergrowth as any well kept park, yet in crca it covers more than 723,000 acres. Nature has somehow achieved .that cleanness that permits you to look down Ions aisles of yellcw pine, Douglas fir, and Kngelmann spruce. Thousands of deer graze passively at the roadside, many requiring a warning note from the horn, to frighten them off the road. Far more reticent is the beautiful Kaibab white-tailesquirrel, found only in this forest, for Jie flick3 from tree to tree defying anyone to approach close enough to p'aotograph him. -' But before you know it you have arrived at Bright Angel Point with Here you see your first view of Jts lodges and fine accommodations. the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Now, in an instant, you realize why sa little attempt Is made to describe it appreciate how inadequately a photograph pictures it. A labyrinth, not of one canyon but tiers of canyons, extends as far as the eye can follow. Color everywhere, vivid, subtle, and forever changing. Under your very eyes brilliant crimson changes to deep purple as the sun sinks. Words are of little avail to describe the canyon. Across the great plateau, the Colorado River has cut a series of canyons 220 miles long, 'a mile in depth, and twelve miles in width. On the north rim, a full thorsand feet higher than the south rim the elevation is 8,300 feet. You are to!d that the canyon is not a cleft, but Is the result of erosion by water, and that a natural calender revealing history centuries eld, has been laid b?.re as the Colorado River cut its way through the rock. You can see rock strata from every era In the geological tlnu scale. When you are informed that the chasm is more than a mib deep you understand a little better how frost can be painting the flowers are blossoming at the trees on t'e rim while river's edge eight thousand feet below. In recognition of its scenic value, this area was made a National Park in 1919 and it is Indeed true that although no words can describe it no observer ever forgets the vivid impression he received the first instant he viewed It. peauty-creatin- g - ni ' ' 1 i 1 , 4-- H . d Mr. and Mrs. Reed Giles left for The following people and their fam San Francisco this week where they ilies from Tremonton, attended the will spend the next 2 weeks. They celebration at Ogden on the 24th: Mr. will also visit relatives at Los and Mrs. Leland Crystal, Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo n semi-tropic- NEED A NEW DRESS ? Well Here's Your Golden Opportunity! Now On Sale at the Suprisingly Low Price of 4 in this, newspaper, This is one of a series of articles to Rppea-sponsored by the Salt Lake Advertising Club, associated civic clubs of southern and cenlral Utah, and chambers of commerce; part of a program to point out Utah's resources so that local people will "Know Utah Better". By MARION C. NELSON Marble. 65 New Silk Dresses Values to $5.00 Ault . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Getz, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pack, Perce Watkina and Stella Green of Wellsville, Fay Randall and Mabel Beck spent the 24 at East Avon Canyon. AT GEPff ARTS By Mrs. Thoma Mr. RtAOEB: Do Jour pari b cJverlise Utah. Please send this article to friend ot relative or business associate out of the State. Quinney, Mr and Mrs. Jay Rhead, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fishburn, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Maughan, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Landvatter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winzeler. N. W. Brown, who has been visit some? ing with his granddaughter, Mrs. Juanita M. Nichols, left Tuesday for; his home in Vallejo, Calif. Mr. Brown is 89 years old and hale and hearty, He thinks this is a beautiful valley, but California for him. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thomas and son, Odeen, spent the week end visiting in Malad at the home of Mr. Thomas' mother. Mrs. D. Sparrey Thomas. SALESMEN WANTED TWO RELIABLE MEN Over 30 Years Preferred FOR SALES WORK In Box Elder County Apply ELECTROLUX, Inc. 98 W. 1st So., Logan Utah lsVsKstVks CITY DRUG CO, WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS All of These Splendid Quality Dresses Were Selected from Our Regular Stock. PASTELS .... WHITE M Tremonton, Utah Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded Meet Your Friends at Our Store Refresh Yourself at Our Fountain FLORAL DESIGNS SEE THEM TODAY! " i J i ,etY lLf r". . A- -- tores Co - Buy for Cash and Pay Less" M M 1 M 1 2 QUALITY MERCHANDISE COURTEOUS SERVICE Prices Yo.irfl Be Glad to Pay . |