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Show . TAGE FOUR BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY, 25, 1935 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER i Entered at the Postoffic at Utah as Second Class Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates $2.00 One Year (in advance) $1.00 Six Months (in advance) Three Months (in advance) - - - - 50 Tre-Bonto- n, NATIONAL V aT aC f IICRIAI W fc. I SilJesnAL 193 5 Free to Public TK only place in tha U. S. whera catalog anil dveftuuft matter covering any line ot bu.ines. or product can be obtained Frae And Without Obligation i the American Industrial Library Write for Buain.a Advcrtiaing Matter you are inter eated in;aame will bepromptly forwarded. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY EasJaeeria BniUiag. Ckleaso, IllUoi To Your Town as well as to your Country tne line start iambs have made, with the usual August and Septehmer pre ci pi tat ion the dry June and July sea' son will, no doubt, be overcome so far as range feed is concerned. The reduction of 750,000 sheep and 175,000 cattle in Utah since the high numbers of 1932 is also a factor in the marked improvement in 1935 range conditions. The Federal range control program which is expected to be put into ef feet in the near future, should avoid another range forage depletion. high unit production of sheep and cattle by range operators calls for high producing animals with plenty of feed. The over-us- e of the forage is a detriment to the livestock as well as to the forage. A conservative bal ance of feed is an advantage to the livestock industry. By DWIG SCHOOL DAYS A. , irul be ,w tMHMX MW eft Top e5 OR. Pail " . mm "0T . ho nJS.W V - VnU There are several men in Tremonare quite handy with ax and saw and hammer and plane. These hewers of wood have brought many comforts to the human race. May their tribe increase and prosper. Other men mould clay or metal into articles of use or beauty. They too bless mankind and their works have a fairly durable quality. These folks are great in their way but greater than these both in number and potential usefulness are those who deal in the makers soul-stu- 7-- tf. 5-- Two-stor- 5-- 493-J-- 2. 6-- Chevrolet a Arrt A tV 11 aa f 9 our automobile accidents will be minated. USED CARS eli- boy-stu- ff BOTHWELL Summers,-By Phyllis ; .With An O.K. That Counts Utah Ranges Make Quick Recovery Says Expert By Professor A. C. Esplin, U. S. A. C. Extension Service Following a numbr of dry seasons climaxed by a severe drought, there was a general opinion that livestock ranges in Utah would not produce feed again quickly. The pleasant surprise came with the three to four inches precipitation in April and May of this year. The desert range was first to respond to the d moisture and showed the greatest improvement from the previous years impoverished condition. d The shadscale resurrected from "dead" browse to live, leafy bushes. All of the sage types" revived but common sage (artemlsa tridentata) made 10 to 12 inches growth in many aras. Bud sage came to life in April and supplied a plentiful nutritious spring forage. Grease wood types showed green with new branches three to four inches which completely covered the "dead" wood of the previous year. The grass of the desert came back to only slightly Jess 'degree and a little later than the "brush types. The feed situation on the deseret "for the coming winter can be as scant as it has been forhardly a few much-neede- Chevrolet Sport Sedan. Chevrolet Sedan. Chevrolet Coach. Chevrolet Sedan. Ford Sedan. Ford Coupe. Ford Coach. Ford Cabrolet. Dodge Sedan. Hupmobile Sedan. Durant Sedan. 1.1929 HliHnn Tntm $ Mrs. Louis I. Sorenson, Mrs. Lin coln Hansen and two children of Salt Lake were weekend visitors at the horn i of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Mrs. Eli Anderson spent the week 930 930 929 1-- 1929 .ream, aiunougn us condition depends to some degree upon late summer storms of this year. The spring range carried the lambing herds in good condition and high summer ranges are holding up well. The late summer and fall ranges need moisture to continue Ton Chevrolet. V2 Ton Long Chev. V2 1930 934 l2 929 1-- Ford Short. Chev. V2 Ton Long Ford Vt Ton Long. 1932 NEW 1935 LONG DUAL CHEVROLET TRUCKS AS LOW AS $766.00 PRICES LOWEST IN THE STATE -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOR ICE Beverages & Coal end in Honeyville with her mother, Mrs. Hunsaker. Mrs. Roy Bingham and children re turned home Tuesday after an ex tended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth accompanied them as far as Ogden. The Tremonton mutual ladies chorus presented the entire program Sunday evening. The chorus was under the direction of Mrs. James Walton. Several beautiful numbers were presented by the chorus. A vocal solo was given by Mrs. Cummings, a piano solo by Miss Margaret Pack and a reading by Mrs. Winters. The program was enjoyed by everyone and sister-in-laan invitation was extended for them Mrs. A. P. Hansen returned Satto return. urday after a trip to Price, where she Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Forsgren and went to visit some relatives, in comMr. and Mrs. Harry Drew entertained pany with her sister, Mrs. Dodd and at dinner at the Forsgren home Thurs husband of Harper. Mrs. W. E. Fridal entertained last day evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alma Theurer, Mr. and Mrs. week in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Vern Landvatter and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Fridal of Los Angeles, Calif. of Tremonton. N. C. Hedemark and daughter, e Mrs. Rhoda Mills received word and husband John Niquet of Los Thursday evening of the death of her Angeles, formerly of this place, visitbrother, Donald Taggart of Aberdeen, ed friends and neighbors here for a Idaho. An accident occured while couple of days during the week. They riding a horse which later resulted in left for Logan and Idaho Tuesday. his death. Mr. Taggart was a former They are the guests of Mrs. Bessinger resident of Bothwell and many of his who accompanied them on part of friends are sorry to hear of his un- their visit. timely death. His wife, Mrs. Valora Luby Rasmussen of Salt Lake City, Sessions Taggart survives him. Mrs. is visiting her parents and other relaMills left Saturday for Aberdeen to tives this week, after spending 10 attend the funeral. Interment will be days at Yellowstone Park. Her com made at Ogden. panions, Miss Yates and Burgess, left The Jolly Mixers 4th year club left last Thursday for Logan canyon Choke with their leaders, Mrs. Erma Sum You mers, "Mrs. Delbert Firth and Mrs. George Holladay. The girls reported having a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco Summers Attention spent Saturday and Sunday in Logan Asthma and Hay Fever canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew were dinSufferers ner "guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rudger "BREATHEASY" treatment for the Forsgren Sunday. The Clever Cookers met at the relief of the symptoms of asthma and home of Gladys Newman. Appetizers hay fever is based upon the theory were made after which a swimming now well substantiated, that this condition is brought on due to insufficient party was enjoyed by all. Miss4Betty Smith of Preston, Ida., glandular secretions within the body. is spending her vacation with her Breatheasy is a solution for inhalagrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus tion. It is used with a special patented vaporizer, something entirely new in Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Anderson were principle. It is easy and pleasant to use, as the vapor is inhaled directly visitors of Ogden Monday. Doctor and Mrs. Alan Brockbank into the lungs. This produces a direct and son,' Grant, of American Fork, action on the nerve endings which rewere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and sults in immediate relief from asthmatic spasms and hay fever distress. Mrs. EU Hawkins. It is a lasting relief unheard of beGrant Hawkins and Eugene Holla- fore in day returned Sunday from Detroit, dreds ofany other preparation. Hunletters open to inspection Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Jensen and chil praise the merits of this remarkable dren were dinner guests, Sunday of new treatment. Simple in its use. as tounding in results, no injections, no Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Anderson were powder to burn, no vaccines to use. visitors and dinner guests of Mr. and Just squeeze the bulb and inhale deeply, a few times each day. Mrs. Nels Anderson, Sunday. Don t run away from hay fever, don't suffer any longer with asthma. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish were in Go to your druggist and get your free Brigham City and Ogden on business. inai treatment today. It is guaranteed to help you and sold exclusively by the City Drug Co. (Adv.) OUR Li F-H-O-- 36: When Can HEADQUARTERS BESSIN6ER BROS. : -- 14-- 8. Just the Range for Your Home i i THE NEW A. Monarch Electric Combination Range The Top and Oven are Both Coal and Electric "SOMETHING NEW" See them on display in ITf 3 I our window. W& liVBRSON Watch Studebaker! The Last Stand of Craftsmanship in Mass Production HAVE W Etransient. 6300 workmen in South Bend-a- nd not one The 6300 men averatr in voi u..:u automobiles. We have quality ing more men over 50 than under 30. .... It's better to have men who KNOW HOW conscientito depend on inspectors to catch the errors ous, One .... of our workmen told me that we should adopt as loyal-th- an our slogan, "Ask the men who make theml' .... There is no match in the automobile industry for the loyalty and ability of the Studebaker factory force. And the public is toming to realize the big value the long life the freedom from repair expense that is being built into Studebaker passenger cars and trucks. .... .... for temple and burial clothes. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO - Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah . Phot 2g Dresses and everything complete. Mrs. Otto A. Kof oed Brightm City Phone 347-- j -- boy-stuf- f- er 'Breatheasy" SEE TREMONTON, UTAH Hansen returned where they attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leonard at Huntington. Mr. Leonard and his his bride were married in the Manti temple. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen visited Mrs. Hansen's relatives at Lehi, and went throught the Deer Creek coal mine. Miss Theo Petersen of Ogden, was a guest of Twila Meldrum last week. They left for Ogden Monday where Miss Meldrum will visit with Miss Petersen for a week and take in the 24th celebration. Mr. and Mrs. John Swendsen of Mink Creek, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barfus, after a trip to Salmon, where they went to attend a funeral of Mrs. Swendsen's V. L. Saturday from a trip south Why 1-- 1933 TRUCKS Mr and Mrs. -- 4-- H 930 1-- By ELWOOD Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen Lil-li- 1-- 1930 much-abuse- - . Win-zel- oOo hands largely to the degree in which someone expertly handled the which they once were. When we think of the lawyers and judges in Box Elder county we realize that they are wise and honorable and just in proportion to the conscientious work which someone once did with the they once were. As you walk down the Tremonton streets today you may meet a future banker, mechanic, merchant, lawyer, doctor, agriculturist, engineer, ministfor Salt Lake on Tuesday after rest- er, mayor, governor, or president- - V yes, no kidding - you may. And toing here a day from their trip. The M. I. A. Day at the Crystal day he may be at a very impressionSprings on Wednesday was enjoyed able age for good or ill. The clay is soft which one day will be hard. The by a large crowd from here. Our ball team went to the Crystal metal is molten- - which will one day Springs Monday. They were victor- be fixed. ious, the score being Let us prize these boys in our town! Mrs. Don Hunsaker and small chil- They are the finest material with dren left for American Falls last week which the men of the earth may work to visit with her parents and relatives. and they are imperishable. Pearl Mortensen spent last week in Then hail to tha makers of men! To Logan visiting relatives. mothers, to fathers, to teachers, to Lola Mortensen accompanied her scout leaders, to "Y" men, to minisfather, J. M. Mortensen to Pocatello, ters and influencing friends. last Wednesday where he went on It pays to deal gently, kindly, patbusiness. iently, thoroughly with Miss Vada Bennett of Mink Creek, thereby nations are builded, science has been visiting her sister, Mrs. advances, and the human race moves Wayne Larsen for the last two weeks. forward to the fulfillment of its highAn excellent program was render- est hopes and dreams. ed here last Sunday where two returned missionaries spoke. Miss Ester Ohman and Dortha Christensen. If you want to save when A beautiful number was also rendered shopping, read the advertising: by the singing mothers. columns of this newspaper. boy-stu- ff 3. 7-- ff of men. When we think of the physicians and surgeons in Box Elder county we realize human life is safe in their tl FOR j SALE Native Black Currants Mrs. J. H .Miller, phone 29.0-N INSURANCE publication points an tf . that "astounding the fact automo of the growing percentage" bile death toll is caused by cars oper LOST Tool kit containing mechanic al tools. Has enitlala A. E. R., Tre- ated by boys and girls many of them wmcn monton, Utah, on side of box. Re mey below the legal age at ward if returned. A. E. Roche. If can obtain drivers' licenses. Most parents readily agree that the is incapaDie HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for average 12 or 13 year-ol- d useless and crippled cows and horsof safely and prudently operating es. $3.00 and up will be paid for a as murderous as potently anything an automobile but they too often cow or horse. Call 657W Logan. Reverse phone charges. make an exception when it comes to Ttheir own Jimmie or Sally. It is one KINDLING FOR SALE By Wilson K)f the human frailties to regard one's Lumber Company. own children as being brighter than one's neighbors and that attitude,- LAWNMOVERS SHARPENED on harmless as it is in most cases, is dlIdeal Sharpener. Prompt Service, Work guaranteed. E. S. Sercomb, rectly responsible for a vast and horrible waste of life. tf. Tremonton, Utah. Overly youthful drivers not only cause more accidents than their el- FOR SALE One used electric motor and one gas engine. Saa J. A. Pack ders they cause more serious acciextreme at drive dents. They usually y on FOR SALE frame house, speeds. The hazzards of passing close in. A snap side on modern, the wrong strickly curves, of driving for someone. If interested see of the road, of weaving in and out of James Walton, Tremonton. 2 tf. and traffic, of "jumping" stop signals streets, her" busy along "gunning mean little or nothing to them. Tak- CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek a ing chances is a game to them Trout Hatchery, Brigham game at which innocent persons are Reverse Churge. tf. often the losers. Every parent should make it his business to see that his children are not permitted to drive until they have reached the legal age and, even then, that they are carefully supervised and forced to be careful The authorities should likewise carry on a continuous and insistent campaign to bar underfrom streets and high- age drivers Cif T T i Foolish sign along road to bathing beach: "Watch the Curves." ton who YOUTH AT THE WHEEL. Jto Dennisville, N. J. Trooper John J. Killeen climbed down a 20-f- L well and rescued a two year old last Sunday. HEWERS OF WOOD AND MAKERS OF MEN Glo- - 7-- i Washington, D. C. August first may see functioning a trade agreement between Germany and the United States. Classified Ad Column ! FOR SALE Two binders. J. B. ver, Garland, Utah. 1 WJHeAftO GOT Classified advertising is considered the most effective means for secur ing direct results at the lowest cost, PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS tVnf IaC cant 6c,&Rce.,voo BRIGHT SPOTS IN NEWSLAND Utah Auto & Imp. Co. |