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Show EAR RIVER VOLUME X LEY LEADER TREMOXTQX CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1933 5,700 FARMERS yiceJaulc 'M AAA ON WHEAT Certificates Are Expected at the Extension Office 9,000 Of Unemployables S3 Not Father and Son in Established Here State Board Adopts Policy Regarding Care wSSrwa mil LOGAN, July 23 Certificates of compliance from 5,700 wheat growers of Utah started pouring into the office of the Utah State Agricultural college this morning. W. W. Owens, assistant director reported These certificates, which have been signed by representatives of the res pective wheat allotment association in the counties, will receive a final checking before being transmitted to the AAA office in Washington, D. C. Mr. Owens said. In case of a question on any paper, it will be sent back to the local association for necessary corrections. Machinery has been set up at the state office to clear the papers rapidly and within a few days they will be in national headquarters. Approximately 9,000 sugar beet certificates of compliance will be checked in the sugar beet growing counties of the state by members of the sugar control associations. Records of each sugar district will be checked by the state extention office for final approval before the local association forwards them to Wash- ington, D. C. Compliance papers also for 2,000 corn-ho- g growers are now being checked by the county or district allotment association. FORTY-FIV-K B.E. County Production GIVE LOAD AID Credit Association Is COMPLY WITH A NUMBER stern, solemn way, But chums and good partners at work or at playj Not Father and Son separated by fear, But comrades in friendship and honor and cheer! Not Father too busy to care for his boy, Not Son thinking only of personal joy, But let each be true to the love in his heart And nothing can draw Son and Father apart! i u SALT LAKE CITY, July 23 Count ies will be expected to assume a share of the burden in caring for Utah's unemployables. Commissioners of the state's various subdivisions will be notified to this effect through circulars to be issued by the state board of public welfare, officials of the board declared yesterday afternoon following a meeting to study the relief situation as it affects those unable to work. The circular will also notify the commissioners they will be able to call on the state for financial help. Funds to finance Utah's share in the support of unemployables will come from the sales tax, while counties will have to raise, their part of the funds from taxes for indigent and aged. Employables will be given work by the federal government on public works projects. F. P. Champ of Logan, heads the welfare board. Representatives of Farm Credit Association Meet With Directors; Association Is Capitalized for $100,000 Bearing a charter for the Box Elder County Production Credit Association which is signed by Governor W. I. Beyers of the Farm Credit Administration in Washington, three officers representing the eleventh district of the Farm Credit Administration arrived here today. Their mission was to meet with the directors of the-neestablished short-terproduction credit institution, turn over the charter to them and advise with them concerning the se- lection of a president and secretary-treasurand the opening of offices in Tremonton. m er ' , MURDOCH ACTS ON POSTMASTER, JOB CANDIDATE i The temporary directors of the as sociation who were named In the ap- -' plication for a charter from the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration and who now become the permanent board of directors pending the first annual election are: John P. Holmgren, president, Bear River Ciey; Carl S. Shriber, Howell; Israel Hun-sakJr., Alma Theurer, vice president; and LeRoy D. White, Brigham City. The board of directors announce that J. A. Josephson of Brigham City, has been selected as secretary-treasurand the office of the new asao-clawill be located in Tremonton. The Vsiting officials from the Farm Credit Administration's executive offices for'tiie eleventh district in Oakland, i Calif 61 ?ia, were S. P. Applewhite, Jr., secreuW and treasurer,, and W. F. Mixon, J.m f ieldman, both, of the Production Credit Corporation. The Box Elder County-- . Production Credit Association, Mr. Appiwhite cooperativtsr-ganizatio- n said, is the thirty-firof to b established in Utah, Arizona, Nevada and Calif ornit, constituting the Farm. Credit Administration's eleventh district, for the purpose of short-tercredit. Prior to the chartering of the Box Elder County association, he addedthere were but two' other similar associations In Utah, both with a statewide activity. These are the Utah Livestock Production Credit Association and the Utah .Farm Production Association, both with offices in the First National Bank Building, . Salt Lake City. The new association will have as its territory Box Elder County and wlU make livestock loans up to $5,000 and crop loans to producers therein. The statewide livestock as sociation wiU handle livestock loans upwards of $5,000, while the farm production association will withdraw from the field covered, by the Box Elder County organization. "The Box Elder County Production Credit Association Is capitalized for $100,000," Mr. Applewhite said. "Of this capital, $75,000 will be class A stock to be subscribed for by the Production Credit Corporation, one of the units of the Farm Credit Administration's eleventh district in Oakland. As borrowers secure their loans each will become a member of the association by the purchase of Class B stock in the amount of $5 for each $100, or fraction thereof, of the amount of the loan. This class B stock Is gives tha holder one vote at the annual meeting of the association and shares equally with class A stock in divi BRIGHAM CITY, July 25.Nello Christofferson Democratic chairman Not Father and Son for a day or a week, for Box Elder county, has received word that Marvin L. Nielsen of GarBut loyal companions who constantly seek has been recommenced as postland, ' To make life a haDDv adventure in fun master of Garland by COiiressman " Abe Murdock. mjjil And welcome the glory of each morning sun Mr. Nielsen was the winner of an With eager delight, for to them it extends unofficial election held in Garland A chance to become closer comrades' and friends. early in the month to determine and whom the taxpayers of that comorchards, patches, Many berry Oh, nothing could ever mean more to a lad shrubs are beginning to be noticably munity wanted for postmaster. dusty and dirty looking at this seae uwr. HwthoreThan kk"1 his Pla as a pal of his Dad! Congressman Murdock promised son ,of the year due to the work of Mr. Nielsen's commission will be isthe red spider. sued in the near future. The red spider is a very minute insNO FOR ect-like mite which feeds upon var& ious WHO DO agricultural plants, inflicting ORE great damage by sucking the sap of Cooking NOT GROUSE the leaves of the host plant, rendernn ing them first yellow or mottled and WASHINGTON, July 23 The re- . BRIGHAM CITY, July Hogs sold at the highest prices in finally almost colorless, and frequentUef administration today five its to a years on the three principal Utah of the received the pursued from Grouse of report month dropping premature July Durine the ly causing to from strike of Chicago, Omaha and the relief markets rolls all plan western Box Elder county, the leaves. Creek, Power & Light Co., have been holding turn who on Kansas thumbs down persons Kimber at brothers the have reduces City today. a demonstrations sil Such developed damage seriously a series of cooking At $11, medium weight hogs in ver mine wnicn is producing ore vigor tod health of host plants and their office each Saturday afternoon. jobs. "Any person on the relief who re- which runs from $200 a ton to $900. trees, together with yield and crop, Chicago were at their highest point .These demonstrations are featuring a job," said Lawrence fuses The brothers are expecting to ship a and also proves a detriment to the since September, 1930. With the proof one the in latest development the assistant relief administrator. cessing tax added, this meant that large quantity to the Garfield smelt suceeding years crop. smaller electric cooking appliances, "will be cut off immediatly." ers are in near has and the future. red buyers were paying $13.25 for the top of the roaster, electric work The spider the namely swine. of The the quality attention supervisdecision was announced after AgriIt is reported considerable interest been called to the being conducted under ' At Omaha the top was $10.55 or E. Service John Blazzard, Win-owere Home department has been heard and of the aroused that much cultural f at complaints Inspector, ion promising yesterday.. The the company,1 by Miss Edith Fox- Chester, Va., and in counties nearby, territory m the district has been stak at many different points of the coun- 20 cents higher than was market Kansas up 20 cents cur office. City farmers ed. Tremonton offer are and of the jobs ty, chiefly affecting raspberries, "laughed ley a of for $10.30. attracttop at by loafers at stores and filling rants and sour cherries. Raspberries These demonstrations have are particularly badly affected, the ed considerable attention during the stations who say they are 'on relief", leaves being brown and dry with the The South Dakota relief adminis- first part of the month, and will be continued until the first part oi Aug- tiation ordered state and federal refine webbing of the spider covering City them profusely. ust. Every one is invited to call in lief stopped until the harvest require14 on. Saturday afternoon and inspect ments are filled. The yield of marketable berries ana Sunday evening President Clem cherries has been greatly reduced, due this unique device. o The Agricultural department officials Sugar Company n and President Herman to the work of the pest. said that while a slight harvest labor Horsleyof the Box Box Elder and South North the and e Elder stake attend-thare and growers Orchardists berry Associations was Growers' Beet in some states ; shortage possible ANNOUNCEMENT MADE OF sacrament meeting at the Bear advised to take the necessary steps,' County are planning the seventh the supply through-ou- t the country River City ward where a reorganizaMARRIAGE OF DAUGHTER OF to eet rid of the red spider now. It cooperating annual Tour, to be held Sugar tion of the bishopric took place. MR. AND MRS. C. C. W ATKINS is "ample"'. be successfully handled only at may The supply of farm labor July 1, 1935. 14, August Bishop Osey Jensen, his two coun- this season of the year, as it soon hiSimilar to the past tours, growers Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Watkins of Tre- was set at 95.7 per cent of normal sellors Arnold Nelsen and Moroni bernates, as an adult, for the winter of and the 80.5. demand all other interested citizens will and monton, announce the marriage Lundberg, and ward clerk, Robert N. and is not handled by dormant sprays. meet D. at designated stearting places Garron to Beth, Gardner were vote released a with their daughter, Leaflet 46, by C. J. Sorenson of the and visit fields of beets which demoni i f . worK. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ul ""vs lor ineir successiui Station lx T) Utah Agricultural Experiment Jr OUltrymen strate U principles of beet Brian of Pocatello, Idaho. they had accomplished in the ward. the following. culture outstanding recommends Staff land as such preparation, Those sustained for the new bishop SDrav with summer type oil emulsion Mrs. Brian is a former Brigham "IVTprit AtCfeltCl close thinning, etc. the planting, early 100 to City girl, having graduated frombeen galof at the rate lj gallons Clifford Jensen, first counsellor; Har- Particularly Interesting this year, is Box Elder high school. She has Or lons of water. If the webbing is pro- the Tribune Pocatello the outstanding fields of good beets ry Hansen, second counsellor; and Le fuse it is difficult to wet the mites. employed by of white fly. Experimenlast since Since Grande September. regardless clerk. Poulward the National Petersen, proposed Company In such cases an alternative spray of tal In Po of several parts of the valthe a is plots Mr. Brian graduate try Improvement plan was adopted by lime sulphur concentrate 2 gals., calshow the few plots of regular forley catello high school and of the Univer the poultry industry last Auerust. sev- cium caseinate i lb., sulphur (powNOTICE TO BEAR RIVER seed beets succumblngto blight, sity of Idaho, Southern Branch, where eral breeders and state poultry lead- dered or sublimes) 5 lbs., water 98 eign VALLEY BAND MEMBERS the resistant types are growwhereas memoer a uie ers oi was be have he oigiu suggested that the plan This spray may be prepared by gals. well. Improved strains showing ing fraternity. enlarged to include another breeding On Thursday evening, August 1st, adding the casemate to li gals, of wa even resistance to fly and less greater After September 1st, the young stage based on progeny testing. A sui dends. in the then 7:30 at a ter, powdered of band full stirring rehearsal p.m., chief new strains. at the are Geneva, fourth breeding stage to be known as bolting couple will be at home Add the smooth a to paste. all "The production credit system, school students, including the phur high After the field excursion the parIdaho, where Mr. Brian is the prin- "Register of Merit" has, therefore, ninth to the paste concentrate lime has been in operation In the will which be held at the central a sulphur gymat yeatr, meet place been proposed, says Carl Frischknecht ticipants will cipal of the school there. nasium at the Bear River high school. and mix. Wash through a fine screen eleventh district less than two years," where the grove factory U. S. A. C. extension poultryman. probobly On Friday evening, 7:30 p.m., same into the spray tank while the agitator luncheon will be served and an appro- the officer from Oakland continued, This stage, which in reality is a Mr. the Z. R. add and Mrs. required be "has definitely proven its value to Heppler, M!r. and place, a full rehearsal of all junior is running, priate program by experts will projection of the record of perfor- students amount of water. livestock producers and farmers by will be held. and Mrs. James Walton, Mr. and Mrs. mance out. carried and is to designed give Bhort-terthese sprays, details credit for pro For concerning all Richard Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Don official stage music you advancing rinstruments, Bring recognition to males and fe- you have, and we can use some extra consult your Agricultural Inspector duction at the lowest pos Sheffield and Dr. and Mrs. D. B. males that purposes are to have super stands. proved sible interest rate consistent with, or County Agent. Green left early Tuesday morning for ior worth, will be discussed breeding will where E. BLAZZARD, sound business policy. The new assoPark Stone re they the .JOHN band Yellow Immediately following a at to be held in Ch31 ciation will discount paper received be Made by Dist. Agri. Inspector. hearsals all students interested in soend the week rusticating and en icagopublic hearing 2. Breeders, hatchery-meAugust of the Park wonders from borrowers with the Federal Inscenic drum a to majoring will have chance joying the and other members of the indus All applications for summer fallow termediate Credit Bank in Oakland in field. work this try who feel that any of the stages loans must be made by July 31, Ver- and so will be provided with a stable Every student doing band work now of the proposed plan should be modi or Willie, field supervisor for the and unfluctuating line of credit at a Is nal who band work for registered fied are urged to send their suggesCo. this season emergency crop and feed loan office, rate which, at present time, is S per should be present. coming tions and criticisms immediately to We hope no one will need ask for an cent to the borrower." said Monday. Dr. J. R. Mohler, chief of the bureau The cooking demonstration held at excuse. The loans are made to farmers who Mr. Applewhite said that from the V of animal industry, United States DeThurs- will seed land fallowed to winter or Lumber Wilson Company the of their organization up to ,the time C. C. Watkins. (Signed) the dipartment of Agriculture, Washington, By DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND ft A maximum loan of $1 first of July the thirty production day evening, July 18, under grain. spring D. C, Mr. Frischknecht advises. rection of Hazel McCarty, proved to per acre for fallowing and $2 per credit associations had made 7,565 four friend Is the one with whom Word from C. W. Warburton, dibe of unusual Interest to the 60 peo acre for seeding is made. The loan loans amounting to $25,540,000. r Of !' you can have noble thoughts. rector of extension work, and J. R. t ple attending. limit to any one farmer is $500. Ap- this sum $11,650,000 was outstanding I he Rambler nhvays rocks the chief of the Bureau of Animal Mohler, demonstrated baking Mrs. McCarty can be made to Mr. Willie on June 30. ; of State upon which lie plications Ship Industry, both of Washington, D. C. t. and oven canning. All foods cocked at the court house at Brigham City Is a passenger. indicates the national im a that poultry lovely on At a recent meetine of the Tre were given to guests and I In darkest Africa, when a boy Monday morning of each week. MR. AND MRS. A. N. WIGHT provement plan, formulated last sum- monton Legion Auxiliary the follow- Westinghouse perculator was given as h tea Is, they whip his fattier mer by the coordinating committee of ing officers were elected: Hazel Ran- a special prize by the Westinghouse ANNOUNCE THE ENGAGEMENT him for not bavins taught the National Hatchery Code, has re som, president; rheobe Two handy kitchen ap- CANNING OF PEAS AT LOCAL OF THEIR DAUGHTER first Company. Haight, honesty. cently been authorized by congress in vice pre ildent; Doris Fridai, second pliances were given by the L & H ROCKY MOUNTAIN CANNING A man. n town, or n stale. Is the Bureau of Animal Industry sec- vice president; Ann WalWis. secre- Rane Co. Interesting discussions on Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wight,' of CO CLOSES FOR SEASON made, or unmade by the sort tion of the 1935-3- 6 ap& H and L agricultural Violet Cathtary; make. ranges Westinghouse treasurer; which Thatcher, announce the engagement Burgess, of things they n were given by Mr. Workpropriation. Civil Service examina- erine Watkins, chaplin; Jewel Steffen, According to W. W. Wadsworth of of their daughter, Francessa, to If these hard times only soften tions for Federal coordinators have historian; and Lucy J. White, man and Mr. Ostler of these compan- the Rocky Mountain Canning Co. a G. Summers, son of Mrs. T. V. our hearts toward tacli oilialready been announced, and funds at arms. ies. er, the. depression will not very successful run of canning of peas Summers of Bothwell. now work. are for this available to to was Miss Wight has been 'teaching convention much The Lumber be the Wilson too cost has just been completed. Delegates hare Company This means that the new national held at Richfield in August, are Hazel very pleased at the response and inThe peas this year were of very school In the county for the past four Tench your child that he is right, uniform breeding plan adopted by the Ransom, Pheobe Haight, Jewel Stef- -' terest shown by the ladies of the good quality and the growers as well years. i v Utid every one else wrong, Utah Hatchers and Breeders associa- fen ,and Violet Burgess. And you seem wen are held in high esteem by all will destroy his Both near officials a and shall fu the as at canning community f f tion last year Is to receive national . Alternates: Veda Woodward. Ha ture date bring another demonstration pleased with the results obtained. who know them. k ability to think Wntrn Newnpapor t'nlon. supervision in the future, Mr. Frisch- zel Schaf fer, Lola Wlnzeler and Glad-- 1 on other features to lend assistance It is expected that the canning of The marriage will take place in the near future. beans will start this week. in modern cookery. ys Ellenson. 4! .4 knecht points out. The Red Spider Is a Serious Fruit Pest x ! A j i RELIEF BROTHERS STRIKE THOSE RICH SILVER TAKE JOBS IN CREEK rpm strations er, er ( Utah Power Light Sponsors r wly Hog Prices Highest Paid In Five Years on st farmer-borrowe- rs ' m West-broo- k, J ; j Bishopric of Bear River Annual Sugar Beet Tour to be Held Aug. Reorganized Utah-Idah- Bun-derso- B;t 1.1 rge ici n T?focfpr,, r rn,o. . Industry rwf v;v,. ! . m Applications for Loans Must July n, Cooking Demonstration Held at Wilson Lbr. Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers es Er-vl- sar-gea- nt . 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