Show LOCAL MARKET REPORT The local markets are well wall supplied sUl With a II variety of fruits vegetables vegetable and und produce generally generall The receipts In Include Include clude dude car lots IotA of ot lemons cantaloupe cantaloupes bananas onions and oranges from Cal California California with express shipments of at cu ott cucumbers cumbers climbers tomatoes plums peaches B from California Oregon cherries nail anet local fruits and vegetables Lemons are aro bo 10 coming scarcer and ana scarcer no so that they aro now commanding IS S 8 per case cal C Strawberries are aro out ot ot or tho the market Old hay bay la Is reported scarce e with thiS the now lIet crop coming In Timothy Is I considered l lextra extra good 1 and for tar tho mont mast part lu lii corn come Is reported aa as very ory fair tall Prices prevailing today are aro an as fol tot S Timothy per 1113 pe cwt i in Alfalfa per pep cwt 35 85 Corn per er cwt Wheat per cwt ewt j 16 5 ORtS Oats per cwt j jj Barley rolled roll en per pel cwt cut Family flour per vcr cwt 2 33 Flour straIght grade crado per par cwt Flour high patent per par cwt ano fran Bran and shorts Straight ht shorts Corn meal nisal per cwt MEATS AND RY Dressed hoer beer lr pound 1 13 Dressed J d pork pound 17 Dressed mutton pound 12 Lard pound ln Dressed Dresseel springs pound 25 5 Dressed hens henl pound I 18 is Dressed pressed veal per pound 10 Spring lamb Iamb per vel pound poun 12 DAIRY DAInY P flutter nutter per pound 30 Button Butter ranch per pound round an 26 Cheese Ch c per pound 2025 por doxen t ss 25 cheese per pound 10 cream cheese two Bounds for or straIght FRUITS AND JUm TABLES watermelons S Raspberries par por box 10 Cherries per pound 1020 Citron peel pool per ver pound 30 50 Lenten Lemon pool per pound 25 2 Orange p peel e per pound 23 Cantaloupes each 1015 Almonds AImond pop per OI pound 30 Walnuts per tor pound 25 5 per 25 Filberts i per pel pound 25 Oranges per box jO Oranges per dozen Io en 30 sonco 60 per pound jn Tx 1 Lemons mon per pcr box It Minims per por dozen anzon per IW j to tutu now new 2 pounds 15 Utah lettuce hunch bunch 5 Bed two boxes jo Turnips two hunches bunches c 5 tour four uti r for tor 25 per pound 5 nil per down 80 40 P per r pound 15 CO each toch 1015 P Potatoes usa per par bushel If 45 Hell ho 11 cnn cans each so 20 nor ur I v r round jound 20 per do dosen OZNI tn 25 Now NW potatoes per pound 5 onIons free Irel pounds 31 |