Show ON STATUTORY CHARGE Two Tm of or Mountain Homo Teem Team at ut Iol BoIse c Special to the tho News Now Ida July 1 Upon Instructions IIla from the county count ot of Elmoro Elmore El moro coun county ty tr I two to members of the thu Mountain Homo lenin ivani und Ever Everett l ver ett eti Zimmerman were placed d under arrest lent last evening on all charges of or statutory rune lupa committed upon u II girt girl ot or Mountain Hum flume Orson Oryson la lit uto Uie pitcher of or tIte th which played hero heio yester yesterday day lie llo woe vun hero here hilI placed lu ilL tho the county count Jail nt at 9 S lust last night Zimmerman was wo caught t b ly y of H Or where ha ho had hail tied licit II after the ball Kame lIne In the tho afternoon In tn an nn to got gIrls name Inis Ittis not yet iet It been but she sh ho lives live with h her r per pir tutu In Mountain Home The flu crimes wore yere licIt about a II ago |