Show CAVE EXPOSED CONTACT Manager 1 With lIh iIIi Hm ma III I Copper 01 1 N Conditions I 1 V M i manager of the Kin Wn ma mu Copper company him hiLs returned from u IL trip to tho the property of that corpora corporation tion 1105 nt ot Alto and brings the th news n 11 that In the tho north east drift from the tunnel lov lw 1 the tILe seepage of or surface water rater has hos caused a Bt tho the result of ot which Is the exposure of o ore oro in the tha contact vein velu towards which the tho drift had hind been turned Mr says It U Is I the Intention ion tion now no lo to stait u a ral raise o to explore the theora theore ore ora body n UI as well OH proceeding ahead with tho tue drift 1111 ft |