Show WALTER WAL TER LAMANA LAMAN MURDER of nr hn l ii 1111 II l t h Is lis l 1111 In tub Iw lit of tu tI f Short SIU t I I I Wili La July Ini 1 the lie t Impaneling nell of ot a 1 Jury j ii which ichi begun i today lets less l than limn u IL hi WC Ie v c in is I expected to lii smiled for tor or thin the I hI of tiC tin tIle four tilt for 1111 or tIe the nt ot is isI I n ci Xo Now n Orleans emr Ii Not Nuit only lots does s public nubile malic malica a speedy trial lint huL there tire j lint not enough here for Cur even the who whose e U Is Tin Tiit will Ill bo l to I canu out on improvised beds In ii one oh I e of tho It Ii is tilt the aim to that Hint time the nt of tim tho boy liny win cuis only an au Incident among many black blackmailing mailing nn all fool f ot among thu 4 Italian I of thia Thu four brought hero today from Now Orleans where they tIle have been sluice their arrest They will their trial In the tho court ourt house Jail which In a sugar vane cuno field with no excepting limo tho withIn half a mile Thai Tho pris prison on or H and hum lili wife Marie Y mini Tony TOIl Costa Coata In is ii who under led a In Into into to the swamp where tho th boys body was concealed |