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Show f, :--. :- .0, - , f, DESERET i NEWS', SATURDAY: JANUARY 8 ' 1927 0 NEWS OF UTAH AND IDA 1 1 ' ' t be resorted fe Ospbte Very ler Deport. ilemPa, Vali Lake COL et ilteeferd were. Iret. in.- - Alfred OtsitortftTersij.tblor-Streir6 Need WNW Office. , lefirsuler seriSee sibsida ?ff. OS-- Tb. Degrel it ia..eM kepirow BANQUETS CLOSE ENTERTAINMENTAT SHOW LIVESTOCK 1 ; tiglith an- Jan. anal Ogden...lavelock close Saturday night after-- a of successful exhibilim Officerg the allow express themselves as weil al--e pleased, with the vent Oil Icor the towel praise has bees- given ' exhibitors-an- d by the Thooliwdii of weenie bump large Taciviay since the shomopencd eociat-ecenVridlY -- Aitioging ben- livestock annual the wits night In Abe chamber Of tornmcree quiet and their looms at whichexhibitors herdsmen were guests. krest. James 'OGDEN, ' collseum------dattt - , . , 0 -- - ' ' .1 . ' -- , - ' I- -, ' 4 - ; - 1 - I ' 1 5 ', c - , ' :: - ' '' - ?, - ,' - ' ' - ' : ' , , - ! . ' ,, i , ' 1 ' i , i - - , - " - : - i mountain intermits their-own bgy mastheelitintsg lohmei; estpornit..thearthedgaadrg - ' r' forcibly pointedPreeldent DeVinemen of the interout that livestock tweet can be served by Instead of to the emit. where there shipping the stockbefore sell: be shrinkage the liveresehes market. kis said at Ogden I , - .. - stock show held annually institution k. in a great educational . ' ' which now teaches the agriculture breed hot- lets to plant better seed,hotter ) pool- ter livestock and raisehotter tcondi. try. thereby creatingfittest. xli:reaathaearnlareslil-fges... Meld. X X banquet At the livestock exchange field in the ballroom of the elianibee . 1 of commerce, W. IL Reeder. Jr.. was poleted ockto the ad- B. creeters--livesttoastmaster, y: vantages of---market. Among the livestock men of fame in- tits west. who milted. z were: Raymead nested. TaPradentd. titre of the National Western Livii: stock show of Denver: ,1 Wash.: ' ley. exhibitor of Seattle. ' manager of John A. liticNoughton. stock Union yards: the Los Angeles ".1 E. Goodwill. rsitroad Malt of Salt , ,B. ,I - ' - - -- ' - corn- 111. - - of IL Lieltine of the chamber an4-ine- 4nem tres,toaelniaster in attention to the large territory show covers the Ogden Livestock to, 'aid that it might be appropriate 'Rocky MoenchengeIntthe Show erna .tional tam was The suggestionof America." so t!nt -, ' - - - Founders Honored By Big Celebration At Weber College ' ragWrno.mk - . - '' llasen.rostiInLosig Ifondm. bo Veterinarians of States Organize - r , tGu. DTEN:tho.rtntarlLI n from ;wort aoarm ibbansa" ausnriatrolt7Theyeltecrt:d Fredcurierick. professor of valveless y et tbs 1.4 C. as preel- dent. Other are Alexander Irish , Greeley, Coln.. first c. Preeident pr. L. E. Butter. lemc Reno. Nev. second vice prest112.rnt;. Dr! T. Cheyenne., r.gt.:,,,rhird 'ice president: Dr. W. Ogden. secretary-flaw- s- . -- - .5.5. 1. , , ' . - Dia-ussi- 1 ' , . - - ... zi ' - - , Awe-lie- , - , ' . .'" - ' - - - - , , - , -- X -- -- t- t ' . - 1. ' Befriended Man Steals Auto of ,, . 'Good Samaritan' .; , - 4. - .. - - Pt , , - eit , ' . . . , ., , . . P . 1 . - ' . ' , . . , s ' , report y - ' the solo. , - , ESTAIIIISHED 1892 Condition of Business ending December 31st, 1926 SPANISH FORE. Jan.. I ll military honors were accorded Jasper belano Curtis at th funeral servicAlPriday In the eaten. 4,baT ter with f. C, Hanks in . charge. C. The speakers were Bishop Christeneen and Frank Edmen, the latter representing, the Salem poet of the American Legion. Sergi.rred - 19' bare of the Spanish American- itar represented those vet I rasis-the service. Music was by the ealtin ward choir. Prayer. were by Nei and prederickson Chria Jorgeniand , -A firing squad of the American Latri44--s4;lharge of, Worthy-Poo- le; formed en escort of honor and con. Chides the servtoe at the grave In Payson cemetery where taps were rounded following a ealute by the S..-(- 0.30--lou- - RESOURCES It . Less Partial Payments Net Balance , Contract Loans -- at ' " - r ----R- eal neral services for Joseph wart, tir., 76. wilt be held Sunday. Jan. 9. at It pm. in the Hooper chapel. with Bishop John Hooper in charge. Mr rowers, died rtider at the home 4,1 his daughter,- Mni. Beta 'Griffit. 2,93 Porter avenue, Ogden. He was born In England. Sept. 29. MO. and came to Utah when it. yoke of oxen acrose driving k double the plaint kie began work in 1199 on an irrigation ditch which rasa to Hooper end received as remuneration land In Hooper upon whhch he Lullt his home. He was an active member of the Church. chitSUTVilritill are the following irent Joseph JL. John H.. George and Lestie G. rowers,- Mrs. LawW. renc Johnson, Mrs. George Griffin. OgHunt, Hooper; Itirsi J.Fredric rowers, den; A brother. Ogden: dieter. Mrs.. Sarah Simp- n - - tvn aro-cos- at - L - 1. - : ' -- tor AO. 4,4., or, .1 OP'.0111.0.40Nrotopordromonomoriw000.poroor;ati.,..1SLo, -.0000not,,g, itripms.M. NW1.10.... . - .. . - ' , 502,762.22 ' 4. 61,474.99 47,184.68 ' 14,400.be - - ,...... - - - $18,535,844.94 LIABILITIES Permanent Reserve Fund Capital Stock General Fund Capital Stock Surplus Account Undivided Earnings (for Iasi: six ntonths) "Paid Up" or Class ND" Stock Installments, Paid on Stock.... .. Extra Payments,on Stock"S" Stock ....a Sundry Accounts Due Borrowers, Uncompleted Buildings ....... --Tota- 15,658,306.40 941 , 428 49 , - 00,000.00 250,000.00 72,411.24 765,954.70 540,150.00 12,773,133.34 644,304.32 2,456,957.98 - ........ .. ------ - - , 16,194-4- 2 516,738.94 s18A35,844.94 l WESTERN LOAN & BUILDING COMPANY A.-a- PROVO, Jan. servkes will be held in th Provo Second- - ward chapel Sunday. at 2:1 ei.m. tor Mrs. Emma Carter widow of B. C. Carter. who died at the tam ly residence Thursday sight following several, weake nest. lira Carter was born in Spring., villa, Oct. 6, 1813, the daughter of She Edward and Rosetta Koylo. bad lived in PrOVO eines bar mar. ago. flags several years children: are six Surviving George 11.. Edward, Eugene, Ella. Carter. Provo; Polly...and Dorothy also.thras brothers and three ate. - -- - 1 , - ' i - Sundry Accounts Receivable Insurance and Taxes Advanced to Borrowers fists and Other Advances to Borrowers Estate Permanent Reserve Fund Total - - , - member 4549 EAST FIRST SOUTH ST.--- HOME OFFICE, SALT VAKE CITY, UTAH. - - , a the high priests quor, the Under the direction of the Deseret Mortuary. Druce was born June lg. 11. Mil I CHURCH NOTICES I Hoerstraw. N. Y, but had been a reeident of gait Like for years. The regular monthly meeting of Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. the high priests of Ensign state Mary Ellen Druce. three sons, Walter H. Druce. Pontiac. Mich.: Le. will be held Jan. 9. at 1e:,30 a m, In the Twentieth ward chapel. P. and Charles P Druce land one brother and twomts. -- The bigh priests of lAberty state children, 48 grandchildren and Mil tem, all of Salt Like. Thomas H. will hold their monthly quorum Mrs. Louisa Winegar and Druce, meeting at 2 p.m, Feandal. Januar, rminvitz rAlo. liraNettie Dram PuteleY. 2 in the Second ward chapel. A SPANISH FORK. Jan. .11.(S4eciaL)-special program has been arranged -Funeral Mn. services for tor. Mary Montoya who died suddenly last Friday morning were bed hop Heber C. Iverson will be the sneaker at the services in the Thursday in , the Fourth. ward chapel with Bishop Isaac Briggs ofTwentieth ward. Suncial. Speakers were Pruitt. Henficiating. at 6:$1D p.m. Special ry A. Gardner, Patriarch WItIIai M-- Hews. Ed Prem.. Professional and bohdsmen given by the ward -- must Ole music wit Grotegut, choir. Mellon Briggs. Music was by she - Former ward choir, some by Mies Ellen monthly statements or defendant Judge Joshua Greenwood Jameson and F. J. Faux-- Prayers for Whomthey ertit be the speaker at the meeting were by Albert Swenson and David bonds and the amount 30 p.m. Sunday. Jan. I. in Coe at bonds. et dedicated Williams. George Larson Wasatch ward chapel, on Emerson the grave in Spanish Fork City under requirements adopted Sat- steno. between.. Fourteen and Fit. teenth East streets. A special musiurday ara meeting of the four city cal program will be rendered.. SPRINGVILLE INIPANT 1111.311EIL,1 judges., Justice or thePeace bleat priests or Granite Attor(IectrgeE. rarkin, County will hold their monthly meeting SPRINGVILLE. Jan. services for Beth Robin- ney Wallace B. Kelly and City Sunday. Jan. IP, at r p.m in the Fur A. W. Watteau. Dale wane chapel. Officers will son, Infant daughter of J. Wesley Prosecutor and Edna Harmen Robinson. were - W. H. McKendrick. representing meet at I p.m. MI high priests are held in the family residence Thurs- the Utah- - Taxpayers association. urged to attend. Wainright attended on invitation of day with Shawn William Elder G. C. Dalby will be tits Judge inscharge. Prayers were by Alfred ward Curtin and Elias Rarmen. Music was Noel Pratt, - who called the meet- speaker in the Twenty-fift- h Pierce. Interment Way ing. Sunday night. There will also be by hirs,June in the Eters-meOther city judges are N. H. Tan- special music by the ward choir. cemetery. ner. Geylen S. Young and John Bishop Nicholas G. Smith will SALAD RABE DERIED., address the of the advanced Funeral MAIALD No.., Jen. addition to furnishing a Theological girls department of Yale the monthly statement. bondsmen will services ware held Thursday atMob-, ward Sunday school. Sunday, at 10 home of Mr, and Mra. Thomas be from Mb approved list mum All are cordially invited. bit for their seven months old on dreMPsd to failure a forfeited bond. pay died who May. The daughter. Dorothy tWO This will put the responsibility on Granite monthly- meeting of the Monday after an illness of stake genealogical and weeks with measles followed. ' by- the bondsmen instead of the city temple workers has been changed Interment was in Ma,- being under the necewity of in- from the last pneumonia. of the month Sunday lad cemetery.. to atilt recover on the te the second stituting Sunday of the bend. month. Therefore. next MAW 111.111CMAL Sunday at The approved list of bondsmen. 12:3g the monthly stake meeting as it will he drawn Saturday OGDEN. Jan. afwill take in the Richards services for Abram Maw, well ternoon. place ifl be posted in the city ward in the usual room. hnown Plain City pionetr, who died and and will be on Elder chapel A- - W. Lund Aril' be In Provo. will be ho:d Sunday. Jan. file countjails the prin. in the 'effices of the city cipal speaker. A full attendance at I:30 p.m. in ths Plain City is it was adnouneed.- eltapsi. with Bishop Otorgs A. Pit- judges, as desired loudness of importance man efficiating , has to be attended to and a good genealogical talk from Elder 4. ICITIAS Lund is anticipated. The ward I 1 Notices I Funeral temple workers, junior and senior, will meet at 12 o'clock as usual in - , WILLI Alit m room No. S. All are urted Is Is ORMAN. services for William M. Green, "all only lasts 30 Ch:ries Frederick Druce. Sr., ar. 'prompt z the meeting be held Sunday. Jan. 0 at 3 p.m. are invited. 1090 North Redwood road. corn. militates. the Elks club. Friends A Relief special society conferInterment will be in Mt Olivet cem- - 1 Iti' Med suicide Twenty-firward will Friday in the kitch- - ence etery under direction of - Joseph be held Id yhe ward chapel. Sun.. William Taylor. mortician. en of his home by shooting 11:30 at day. Jan. pm.. Funeral self through the heart with a shot flounced Bishop Harold G. nor PEARCE. EDWARD services for Edward Pearce who sun. The body was found by his amide.' The chaPel is located at died at his home, 230 Tenth East widow. Mrs. Mary Elicit Di uce, First avenue and ltstreet. street Jan. 6. In bin seventy-thir- d A meeting of bishopiTsnd coon. year; will be conducted by the and a. son. Leland Druce. selom of Liberty stake will be he;4 Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. P. at '..Druce fastened a 2:30 p.nt. Sunday, Jatt. P. in the L shotgun' to a Sunday. Jan. S. at 0 a.m.. in..:the O. O. I. temple Interment will be chair with cord, sat in another Deseret gymnasium. In Mt. Olivet cemetery under direcchair it few feet away so that the Pioneer stake Beekeepers of coon. weapon wee aimed tion of ,Qualtrough-Akoh'it chest. Mutual Improvement association - 1 and discharged it by atmeans of a alit, hold an 'institute. ' Thursdai Jan. 13, in Pioneer stake WILKINSON. PRANK Funeealt t nail falgened to the end of a evening. ccortitrat to Detec. hail. Member of the Beehive corn., services for Frank Wilkinson. 7411 broomatick, general board win 3be Park street, will be held at the ki- liven R. N. Briaton. John D. Brown mine of the ' ddieton Undertaking , parlors in and Fred who inves- present t, at Jan. House, Sugar Sunday. tignted. p.m. Interment will by in the We. due to. catch Lawn cemetery. Surviving are MI Despondency health and the belit4prolonged M Wilthat he e. Lillian May. hie widow. frilrin all kinson, and eight children: Glenn could hot be cured. cause. 12: Doria.,22, Edward. 20; Helen, the His wife and son were 17; Herbert, 14: Mae C., 11; Lillian. ysiting a neighbor. , , 1r Grotto 1Proas fletested 6, and Allen Wilkinson. 2 years. 6 Druce was a carpenter by trade. '.. el Stork...Noes illetter. ' a It is said be made an attempt once pears selling good Ts' seeds to satialled or be saw.' t to kill hinteelt. He was ' BRIX& CHARLES FREDERICK. born June 13. tomars. Prices reason. a., 1318. in the state of PM., Funeral .serylette for Charles able. Extra packages Frederick Deuce, itr, trim died, Jan. Nevi' York and had been a rettident with all orders. 7. at the family residence, lett of Utah for more than SO years. ' catalog Ira.. north ftedwood road, will be Jtelti Surviving are his widow, three Illustrations of At Jam I in PAIL. ie. the song Waite& Leland and Charing; Monday. and nes, Deseret ktortuary chapel. 36 east , tend for it today. Drace. Jr. one brother. Thomas Beventh South street. Bishop Con- -, ' Dent. No. 21. red Stutsnettker ,of Center ward. Drat.. and two sisters. Mrs Louisa R. ft. pintiewAt ID w113 bo loterment Nellie and Jim officiating. Winegar INgeley. it um. He knew Murtha Harris. one of the witnesses of the Hook of Mormon. and beard hint bear hie testimony many times. H. helped dig his grave and bury kim. Mr Godfrey was the father of 23 children. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Visa M. Godfrey and I? ', - gatt.-Laka- - BONDSMEN TO FRE REPORTS bave-furnish- ed - Pioneer of Utah Is Laid'at Final Rest PROVO. Jan.services:- were held In the Provo Fourth Ward chapel ThursUtah day for Jabez R.Dangerfield. J. Murdock pre. pioneer. Bishop Duets were sung by Ifro aid. Ross Kartehner and Mrs- - Leland Cook: and Kilos by Km Kartehner and Dr. T. L. Baran. Prayers were by Charts.' Denney and Joseph Nelson. The speakers were Prest. T. N. Taylor, Bishops L. L. Nelson, Alfred The grave le Booth and Murdock. the Provo City cemetery wee dedi. catell by John Johnson. John LIHa !yen of ----- - Richrnond Is Called RICHMOND., Jan. 11.(8pecial.)- -John L. Halgren died at his home here Friday after a long illness. He was bora Aug. 3. 1143. at Fly. rum, the son of John L. and Han- nah Haitian. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. two sons. J. A. Halgren. Tooele; Mark Halgren, Richmond: Ore brothers, Mangus Halgren. Indiana: Heber Halgren. St. Anthony. Idaho; Oscar italgren. Logan Rosin& Halgren; Uinta Basin Citizen Is Buried at Monroe MONROIL Jan. H. runeral services or David Brown, 75 who died In Uinta county lam 1. were held Thursday. In. terMent was in the Monroe el'Y by rernoterf. Brown. a carpenter trade., was a rerident of this city Bun. prior toerehisein moving to Uinta. daughters. One non. riving TO grandchildren and, ens brother Friind of Martin Harris Bulied at Clarkston WIELDING, Jan. y Funeral eervices were held in the Yielding nardchapal for George Godfrey. $1. who died suddenly Dec. 111. at his home here. He weeburied in the Clarkston cemetery. The grave was dedicated by Joseph Christensen. Godfrey was born,In WOr(voter. Engiand. Jn., 24. IS45.and immigrated to Utah in len, walk-In- c the entire distance iron" , the klissouri river to gait Lake. He merriedi Emily Gower in ISCS. and lived hi Salt Lake City until ISSS when he plowed to Newton. then to Clarkilon in Iligg. where his wife died, e He later married Elizabeth Zaugg. and. a few sears Pack. He later married Ells.:-Mlived in Clarkston Until :310, when be moved here. Mr. Godfrey held many, prominent position. being commissioner and road supervisor In Cacho county and later road supervisor and mayor of Fielding and taking an settee part In political work. He tilled a mission to England and wee Mon-!fa- . al-I- SELF t n IN OWN HOME e of-th- st tt -- -- 11. 3173 SEEDS W11111 i . - - , tfro r , :. . 4 - - 3,074,094.69-:-- Loans on General Stock Hooper Is Called,' Funeral Services Set For Mrs. Emma Carter - 'loans on Real Estate (1st Mortgage) ......$18,732,401.09 - 'Continued from page ono.) DIRECTORS . , IL W. MADSEN, President. V. R. MADSEN, Vice President. JOHN T. WHITE, Vice President. H. N. IL LUND, Secretary. JABIES LNGEBRETSEN, Attorney. CHARLES W. ABIOS, Director. .L. W: SMELTZER, Asst. Secy, t V. R. BIADSEN, Manager:- - Philippine War Vet Buried at Payson In guest of sit friend. a Spring tills resident quite a distance from the celebrated waterwagon asked newsboy Thursday eve son. Hooper., to direct. him. Taking In sing the situation hurriedly. the newel. obligingly directed Abe Long Time Resident inebriate to the staggering sheriff. office. Of Ogden Is Called Sheriff L D. 13ofd'ilarge eyes grew larger as he saw the man OGDEN. Jan. II,'( SPee lit into the officeLewis Peat Stone, 70.0f 74 Twelfth , staggering nwelcorner said the sheriff. in street, ditd Friday I n the Doe hos-in 4," exclaimed 'Well Fit be Salt Lek bora pital. He was the indtviduat and 1827. the son of Amos Peas visiting -.Toll may bo after you see Diana Stone, Utah pioneers. FunershirrDIME'. on bold the be will Judge replied services Sunday. al , HE "In the meantime we'll Jan. 2. at 2 p.m. in the Seventh to make you as comfortable tilt, as ward chapel. in the boosegowr are the following possiblema.Surviving The that he children: Lewis Clyde and Irvin protested did not' want the hooliegow . be Rich Stone. of Independence. Me.; was looking for a friend. The Fred T. Stone. OgLeRoy Lake; -- officer pressed his invitation. den; Blanc H.H. StonikSalt however. and the Springville Soule. SL Joseph. Mrs. George sewman paid $60 into the coffers of H. Henderson. Mrs Carl lio; Etats county- after being taken man's Grove. Nei,: Brothers and before Judge George S. Barn! sisters are Bernard S. Stone. lire. of the city court Friday. David M. Moore. Mrs. Minerva P. never- - takeShaw. Mrs. Johd J. Barker. Mrs. from anybody again." muttered Olive A. Parry ,and Mrs.. Henry the man as he- counted out the Emily A. TutTribe. Ogden; tle. Bountiful. The situation surrounding the 110C4oCCOn of the president of the state senate is most perplexing. although expressed the tenet that due to an Intensive campaign carried oaby Senator A. R. Irvine during the past month or snore,- - be will be the selection o t the Republican caucus which will be held In the Hotel Utah Satnight. urday , lotiendo of Senator E. R. CanisFarm Bureau Women ter. however, have been hard at work during the must few days and Of Richmond Elect It new appears that the support Is about equally divided ItICJIMUND, AL At a meeting of the Borns Be Rig Factor. and Yarn veter- Community section of the - Senatc-an kgislator from flanpeto county. Bureau Thursday. him George will no doubt be -the controlling Doty gave a talk on different pliaz . factor-Ithe race:- Several vote' es of the work to be taken up unare pledged to Mr. Candhand and der the direction of ths U. A. C. exsome of kits friends txpreassed the tension division this yeas. The following pew officers were belief Saturday that had he made to peril, during the year: an active campaign for the poeition elected Vraeldont. gusto J. M.rflhIF rico he would have been the choice of president, Ada Traveller; secretary the en Intik and Mildred Telford.- treasurer, Altuough Senator Candiand re-- ; fused to commit himself, It is under.tood that he will stand with Logan Man Heads Senator Canister In the event a Utah Holstein, Breeders second ballot Is necessarY. On the first ballot it Is likely nrctum. Jan. the acte will- be about as follows the judging of the livestock Irvine- delegates: John W. Peters. at the Ogden show Wednesday a Xotelder; John X. Lewio and C. R. of the Utah State Holstein meeting Weber: Herbert S. Hollingsworth. . was held with r. Westphal and Breederirassoetation Auerbacic-Dr.-Cfrom Cache. Weber. representative.. A. P. Irvine of Sal( lake. Davie and Bait Lake counties. W. 11. H. Canister delegate.: Fred Barney. specialist of the Eton. Park City; E. IL Canister. J. national legislative association; IL E. Ever ly, Wilmer booth and Hamilton Gard. Pacific Northwest field man Axel Hansen premier judge of psi. the Ler. Salt Lake. A United Matte and judge of the'DgCandland toleates: Joseph T- den allow. spoke on the Outlook of D. the Holstein W. Finlinson, Leamington; The development. Candland. ilanpete; D. IL Robinpeaker. complimented Utah on her Must L. N. Marsden. l'aro- excellent son. Moistetn horde and urged all breeders to join the associetion. wan. Metre W. Stable. Davie., The annual financial report of Clifford E. Young of Utah Colin. was loy Griffin of Ow state association ty. and William Hyrum. C. Z. Harris. Cache county are darnel as doubtfOn the retiring president. spoke ul.of It E. EverIY urged the formation of a selling Hopes to Win-O- n organization. W.. B. Barney dieeuesed the need the second ballot- Senator Canister. has hopes of winning at of legislation in Utah regulating the sale of oleomargine and the least three of the Candland dele- establishment of standard toots. gates. Axel Hanson complimented the state Under this lineup Irvine would on her high minty of Holsteins and have six votes. Candland the and said that they compared on a level With any in the United Matta. Ile Canister four on tho first ballot, also explained the nature of the with two doubtful end, Senator Holstein breeders organizations in Thomas W. O'Donnell of Uinta Minnesota and urged Utah briefers to absent. their The Uintah county join county organization. The following officers were electsenator bag pledged support to T. Quale, Logan. ,preeiCanister and it is possible that ed; John dent; H. P. Andersen. Hyrum. sect. his proxy may he voted. and treasurer; H. O. Richards. tary In the event the two doubtful Itendon. first vice president: Leroy t Occon4 Vies Presfor- Senator : Irvine Nation, votes C S. Potter. Ogden. third this would give him eight which Ment; with the votes he- would occur Vice president- from the Candland' supporters on STEWART FAMILY REUNION. the second ballot Would give him FAIRVIEW. Jan. the nomination. A reunion of the family of the lats While Senator Irvine is counting William Stewart was hold at Wilon burn in honor of the this week this senators strongly support. outside of Salt Lake county are in a r r la of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart id Mrs. Stewart and 44 years ago. Inclined to look askance at him grandchildren wore because othis refusal to go into n children and Mr. Stewart was killed present. caucus of Salt Lake county dele- last June when his .tesm ran away gates and settle the matter.' Senator Callieter, it .le 'under. stood. immediately octet:Kett the Mrs.' Mary A. R. Young proposal pre. S. sented to him by Senator Stahle , Dies Home and, others- from outside counties. MrsVote A. R. Young. widow Spilt Seen? Mary and Should a Snit Lake county caucus ot the late Alonzo 'Young, be called the vote would be spilt daughter of Henry P. and Mervin 60.4ll on the first ballot! (in the Empty Richards, died Saturday at second. .however. It is more than her hums, 111 Fourth avenue. Erb was born Sept 1. 1151, and probable that Senator Westphal would switch his vote to Senator Is survived by the following chit-evMrs- - Verna T. Mitchell. HarCanister. It is understood such an Olsen el agreement was entered into -sev. old E. Young.; Mrs. ' eral- days ago. Venice. Calif.. Henry F. - Young., Should the caucus fall in a 'el- Nelson A Young, et Huntington ection...the matter will be carricd Park: Calif.: Murray Young and to the floor of the senate. where 11 grandchildren and by one sister, Senator Knox Patterson.. the lone Mrt. Richard W. Young. , Democntt in the triter : house, Funeral services- - will bit 'held would participate. Although- It I. Monday. Jan. le at 12 o'clock in not definitely known which way the Eighteenth ward chapel. - Inbe would vote. the belief was terment sill be in City cemeterg generally expressed. that he would Friends may call at the residence be in the Cantter camp,. prior to the time of the service; - - AND OFFICERS ward chapel. Fifth South and West Temple streets. The body may be seen at the home of his son. Paul L. Devenpsouth &mond West street ort,-3 between 11 a.m. and 1;30-p.the day of the funeral.. Survhing are his virdow and the following children: Lawrence so Devenport of Nome. Alaska; Pail Kenneth R.. Fred 8. Devenport and Mrs. G. C. Peterson of Spokane; ela seven brothers. two Mitten( land grandchildren. 1 )- - , CROUCH RALLIES AFTER APPARENT' LOCAL DEFEAT ThsieVii;toeritima - . ward Sunday morning at 9 o'clock-Th- e ward teachers will also make their-monthl- In CII T Sixth-Seven- th - . Memo-electe- Cmageblill: Jan. FROXO. Characterizing the ttab Taxpayers: association as useless. Mayor U. MI Ranee's talked to the members of the Provo Rotary club on the tax problem of this City at the weekly luncheon Friday.. Mayor Hansen cruised the taxpayers itasociation. in Spirited style. 414,pleade4 lot the the merchants of thePatronizing city of the railroads rather atering the Me urged than the auto truck lines.city tilt tit the interest of the taxpairera. he said. adding that the railroads poy thousands of dollars each year to the ctty An taxes.. while Alta auto truck Rues eeeee pay any- thing reitietted- the Mayor financial conditkon of the ctty showa ing improve,tht ever former 'toady years. A- - O. Smoot. chairman : of t.'te county commission outlined mime of the aims of the commission during the present year. He emphasized the road work planned for the Alpine Gamete loop whore felon) thin lS0,0011 will be expended by the servic& county and the forestry gheeptralls through the county and the Provo and the pintail Fork canyons will also be built. be said. The city and county officials were the guests of the club. Floyd Larsen accompanied by Lorin Ricks. played a eazaphone . - )eIvh I. Ballard of tba Council or the Twelve will aldreas the Idaho. priesthood meting In the ,Ensign ..etillaafaca Mayor O. IC Hansen Calls Taxpayers Association Useless Newsie "Shows ?Em" To It, Saves Sheriff Eider Ballard to AddressFrom Downtown Visit , PitOVO. Jan-Ensign Ward Priesthisod rortudo.1- .11 rer , Irregular IDerrier Delivery be reported to the Carrier liepartatomi. tProse hews. hell Celts C herd aeils. Circus.. s I Hr. or I res. Ito. - itepreseentative, Mil..W. Unease' itmencestmee. i I. deportee. ehoold N. Funeral services for Frank DeoenporL who Wed suddenly Wednesday at the union station waiting tor his son. will be held at 2 P.m. 8undaY I NVANI:fli PORKJohn K. Booth national commIttroman for Utah of Legion tett rriday to elver 'col lege the OUDEA,- J an.--thJ snorting of lb nattoon) Pounders- day was celebrated Fri-Ja- y attrod lars4PoIta Ind rommittermett the 'college IlIr. Booth sao at. with a parade Joined In Salt !Arse itudenta. a spec:a I school asatinbly by Nathan Coombe. Napa. Califin, the morning a public meeting e. IL anti Los Vegas. and dune di night. A one-a- rt play U. A. Vatite, Ham Iton. Idaho. sto included on the evening, protional committeemen from their reyraill by rtudienta of Weber , county spective Mates. senior high school. 'PrStit' 'Ammo presteeet anti ifre. SPANiSfi PORK-4- ft at the mtettaa. Friday night which William announce C. Creer the attended. mwaswelt an,dLor.,wakint.ch thesa'aroaTainaClicteray AtaYiar GeOrgli MT. PLEASANTThe marriage of ed tbsaddrees of welcome Jean Ma leen of Poughkeepsie, 'd. P. iiltelow, president of tbs. Miss IL New York to Rev. Frederick SteleHotel and bank Bice. Ogden fenk Alien. Jr. of lit Pienlant 'emir on an addrcvs dealing Place Saturday. IPSo I. at January conimecee' -- .the First Presbyterian thin'entomurtire.-mortiricodeWeber pro..;:;,,t In Powzbiteettele. The ,te,retor milivrert it had played church Performed by the bri4e'r monydevelopment of Rev. Frank Ma leen, 11,1110p1;61, father. Prest. 'Monies E. ed by Roe Earl L. Douglas. peetor licKaY. Ogden take.. and of- - tha of the First Presbyterian church P: ',ward of trustees. said that the aim Poughkeepsie. and policy et the college was to go forward and aatabttor aitruniveg.. Logo was rs . neatens' institution situated upon of Ibtipi, Helper elected the sama block ;that the collets now ,bamber president of commerce at Wile memoatubles. Theirsder evening a. 3., spencer, genera passenger bership mteting Da ibis's urn. named vice agent of the Oregon fiber' Line, yreshient and the director.; Includsaid the commercial progress of ed: E. D. Pipe. G. IL Green, Dr. C Ogden was largely due to advance- - R. Febrirc James slants &lid in education. Leon prof. "" Wineor of the toilette- faculty spoke GRICEIC-.-m- r. FM-STA,e4uratiou in Ogden. and F. C. sing all Surean. director of Weber lira. George-Menn- en of Deaver. angymnasium. discussed recreation. son at the nounce a the birth of Bishop William Z. Terry. former. home of Air. and Mrs. Wiles Allred. was Mae AfMrs. kmolltegthe,tta.mcultity; and prea..John ton Itaneenof thinformerly city. Ittr. Ran. ident of the alumni association. in Gen Allred la attending solicits In Wafts. addretses at the 11110111111g session. ingtok P. sows- - son historical data of tho School. , atta:trion tztta LakAjlro . stock Memel' and formed the or- show: the st exhibitor . Ky. contril of Woodland. ganizaten t. CarTY , Kenneth McGregor Prost- Charles K. work in the intermountain cooncalif.. exhibitor; 5 The of Designed Livestock try. program top. Barton, Of thealso Ogden ...,, k Thace.oa. Dr W. T. the introdneed show. who S Bowe. dom.- - ortadinap tosetmantert at the respective ban,- Huffman.Dv. , Frederick; niter Elegem:- Br secretary , quets; Jesse meet- - W. A. Sullivan. Boise: 'Biologics." . of the shows IL R. limnpton, 'on- - Dr. R. W Salt Lake of the Ogden livestock noggin. dent s i l followed each topic sunbelt, 46 (Menge: prank IL Driest.. I ''. for achool all by It eras de- the Utah experto the present. tendent of t t, , that the new arowiatation deaf and blind and authority - on cited te ; ; ," should ender' Mammal; others. into its and , kvestock. field of work. ,s Entertainment wee a minstrel s. S. Glen. George by armored show - .,.. '' chairman . of the cutertainment Former Ogden Man Dies INOTOMitte.b, and the Ogden livestock , -S, .,, . L. -- -t, .,, ahow quartet. . At San Jose, Calif. Prices Seer In ever paid Prices The highest OGDEX Jsn. $ l were Of- wan ; the intermountain section of ' here Friday of tbe grand death received , fermi at the suction saki in San Joao. Calif.. of David On conduced sneers champion fat s. 0 of Ogden.' He is Jones..formerly Fridav hy theshowii 4111Ctiootitt, of Mre.TN 0. Ogden of Col. E. O. Whiter of Filer, ItLibo. 1 Ibis His ettyfather- Sohn R. JOnes. steer. '':' Tho grand champion 1st ehow for enany years engineer at the Reed ' a "Cube known in the Ogden died five hotel. Kenyearn the ago by y , its 'Xliser." exhibited I ' Colo.. c I ranch of Littleton. ' '' Los MIIIEZZLEISENT APPEAL Coittioe, CASES. old to J. 4 man, ' Angelo liveetock commission OGDEN. Jan- of apeent Purchase a pound. toy cents to the state supreme court from the for ' -. - , wits Blade ter the Biltmore-lime- i of James N. Kim. high judgment previous of Los posies. The ball in the Judge embessiement essis was tt e '' state in the for a steer price State brought Benator.David against ' $ I cents. paid at the Salt Lake J enatn, was filed It the ''. die. beyond t Meow last emit , court FridaY. by District Atcarload of trict , The grand ehaXnplon record y Joseph E--, Evans-- , Demurtorney price ' a '' were sustained in the cases by fat steers brought V , exhibited rers of IX cents. They wereStock Kimball upon i technicalities farm Judge , , Harrison ' when the eounty ttornev filed and by the M. 0. Calif-1 sold were : , and new complaints they. were thrown et Woodland. for J. H. Lesser. preen- nut of the city court by Judge John to Condon A- - Hendricks who held that in view mem of - the -- Washing i a- mark4st-- of 0 of the action of the diatriet court . Oakland. Calif. steer, fat reserve champion The be had ais lurtadictionI Aber- 'Harrison Victor. from theHarrison '' of the OLDEN CONSTABLE WEDS. deen,Andus herd StanIti cents to the farm, sold for company 1 An- - Jan Leo of OGDEN, lard Packing i was the highest When City Constable Thome Cun,, 4 ,. . "geles. Mr. Condon returned I to his dutiea in ningham bidder in this class. - the ' i The champion carload of year-city hall Friday after an ab.: , old by the Jack e rect of two days it was learned Was steere lion ' . to the that while vialtint in Bait Lake he Leo Cornmiesen company Provision took own himself a wife. Hie bride American Packing & ear serv- - I s Brit James , 4 the 2103 Adam. for dining 'pompano for 111 arcnce. DiDlem Weaver, !Cionning.bani , vies of the - Union Pacificexhibited , 'sneer-le- d wine In prevailins uon off!. bents. -- Mit eeriest' Sons. 'rho grand ,cialit in the c'ounty building in Balt by .1: It Harris & of feeder steers. Like keepine'tnis interesting nee1 . 'ii champim carload and ChartPr from salt Lakf, newspapers Hansen bv - exhibited 1 of Victor. Idaho. wasH. sold by John' ' relined of W. to Co & clay $X.SO. Preston, Idelin.,fer ''' - t Ittni. Minnie. Miller of 'Wendell. '. the 3dsho. and Salt Lake, sold lamb of the show grandSS champion Fox made & Keller , cents. , for the percher, tor the Washington market at Ogden. Sliver Fox. theyeargrand champion Hampshire by Dale Richhug "'ether,. owned son PRICE Jan. S.tdpecial)W. of Jesse- - S Volinier. ands. 6 year old for salesman Ames whole. seeretarY the of Richards. Wholesale COMPATIV. Jun,- sold. to Lull Hampton of Ogden tiom befriended a aewGrand acquaintance I'S cents. The for greed champion to his sorrow wrhen he ga,s the t carload Of Hampshire lambs was mae a ride to Price. . ' ; , sold by D. G. Attains of Ogden The man , his name as T. , . to the Americaa Paolimg it Pro. P Rd wagtiring , a lift-- by Voil. ' - z alsicin company for SILII. met and Vier gisin became quite friend-iv- . tin . Vince both regat Geed. , arriving Meg Prices istered at the Savoy hotel Pr'cr , flog isaleel this etternoon were Reid asked to be , ca;led at 4 a.m. The grand champion carl, Strong When he came down he asked the oad-of Robert exhibited by hogs nieht UrIPeen was sold by the Jerk Lee him. clerk to Lash a check for teepee' Commission tompany to the Cudahy outsrar,d being refused. presumably 0 tee about Mcfor $14.10. . racking company the rminey.. Vollmer's coach , ,,, t Beth See's, carload of heavy hogs get!ing , sta. di,,g in front of the hotel was sold by Peek Brothers & Graham arnrepriated 1. Leid who failed to ,t. for th American. Packing & Pro-- 1 return and pay his liotet bill. Vol:, 411.111 for otter s!artel an viston floret otompany investigation, but se unttl late & Bowman's exhibit. first In the tha did afternoon and he realize the ma ,, i )14,11'1 class. sold for 112.74), he had he'the exhibit in the light class of ft,,a;tisd bad double crossed him. II-the same firm sole to the Cudah ., sheriff's office was then no. ttelett.- but' leg oomp hy for titre 'Mute , f:e111;, Wa , Among the interesting private after the committed , sales negotiated today was tee put- - Feveral ears mninr Price - chase sh.ted ther met a Man answering by Richard Abbott superin , . ',Indent of the Wolluirst Farm. hoe.. the dt.aeript;on er Reid in Spanish , , , . - e Fork 1110011 Oti.)11( of Littleton. Colo., ot Ilion breechse canyon et who Owes and many other sheen from seemed to br in quite a burr-- . ,... ; Johis Maw & Sone ef Plain City. , i By this transaction Utah will turn- - Layton ... ; ism the first sheep of a new enter- Couple Observe , i ,,,. prise of this term which has a. - Their Golden on Wedding exhibit at !thee shheorwd. of. Dolsteins , LAYTON. lam .. , p -, golden wedding Downer was tender4.1 family and froende by Ur- - and LAST MEETING MELD. Um Georg P. Adams at their home The OGDEN, Jan. h u rwivr evening. or ., final 1 emu of the city board of edu cati tai 11r- - Adams wag. born in . was held st Ian. I. 'hid. Mrs. Adams Knystillo. hen routine Friday night , , , Walt born .. 'natters were le Fred IL England. !egg. Nye , coming to . will enter his w ith her Utah upon duties from the ' , parent. at an early ,!, 'Fifth district at the Pleat meeting as.. . Wade Fifty-on- e Friday. Jan. 11. succeeding grandettlidren and two ' Johnson. retiring president.' istne-,. . tendored feltriM. Riley from the First district' tatkme to the old condo , on the erew . , wili become president.-mates,. .. i ; UTAH BRIEFS 1. 1 , '4 tiostornloon8Duildingeompon - PROV Jaw 11..(8oweisl)-...1h- e Athletic Award day has, iuttered wany delays. but it 4$ at test set for Friday. Jac U. it was planned to have the event soon al. ter Ti,arksgiving. liven was plaaned to present the awards at the 1114Y did Dot ar1,41111tkitt.. rive tur this event, however. blit a tit h. re Dow. Over Forty sweatrirs and blank. its sr.. to be given out and during t'se wetting the proposed constitotudal anundment wit' be balloted on. They were discussed Friday. P Y Funeral to Be Sunday For Frank Devenport C Athletes at U. A. C. to Receive Awards Friday lAnsAN. A. C. F7p:Q-prE:N-yIcINIT--- OBI-fjJAR- . - |