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Show - m:- We fm THE JDEbEHET NJbWS . 8- - SATURDAY JANUARY 8 1527 Entertainment and Instruction for the Whole Family. ACTIVITIES OF THE HOME Feature of Special' Interest to 'Women and Children live. Th prewar being equal, it is a qoestUtw whether we would not I llloriil 4 iu k4 .it, t. stu-utio- , V lht gc borrid-.axperien- ee Ir -- u right-mlml- ed Girl. Declared Beal THE BLACK FLEMINGS alt of as fall beneath M. Ho that ! what we most weed ta an under, tiandhig sympathy with the proh- BY KATHLEEN NORRIS. lem of each oilier aad a hive aad entire louarda them Impelling as K.s.yrinht by the tort! ByaSieats Jits lerhYlty. . T. to always hold out a helping band, i A criminal, nl (he lea analysis, to BY ADELE tax, when the girl had a hot bath simp'y eee who has, as yet, failed Copyright Newspaper to adju-- himself properly, lo tlie IIOmt risaiiaf returns t. ike --it and was busy with (he bright masOMrlea for this departnwat should hr idirfird to Mies wlwrs Us was mol as u wa ses et her hair befor her mirror. toctrty Idrt. Hs may need Jailing. hsu DezereC hrwa. M Hath loro ha ye, Htwrtltoriam Peartml, Tb BUbC hut be most certainly does. need. ! tKt,n mt litftctf 9Lrh r b started suddenly ts find that HAL MEREDITH PLATS HAVOC fa Halt Lnke City, I taly. discard for euisaut of th Unity, smcmii Um society her aunt had com quietly Ints the educating he should WITH ssril, h ATH F RINES II SMtlM each. or nr' ted to obe Queries U f cannot withadvance labrtolU. ijr tin she ewU and him room. hit , COMPObl RE. Ira on oce si tie of fbe paper inly, whti fall sun anti adddress 4 krl kiirtl mtmktr f th (amity, tier so to Is t brooch IdeiMl-fle- a it up out him, osed Initial Th girt la he of writer appended; also name or had By this t.me GabtleLa If you cEn t tell whether she's an eztra doae of 1X C and special vih 9-- -i , ve4aikti. ecneo. . u4 Lion la the rotuma. All aaases and addrezsrt w U he held la had tint to think over hvndult la a stupor or asleep, how do you am aad Wlia tv Um la bring him Into Iran. strictest confidence. Do not write In peariL even and all the adventure, la expect a layman like me to lind With s good wish and a fervent lltvtv l tfev sooarvst loir or Pur special arrriee or to Osaka appoint went for personal excitement and day's expectation and fevlttsv bar out?" tkrwih him speedy yivmius Inters lew, pbooo tba Heartllortam, Was. Ut, any day hetnrea prser for MillintoHopeful," he bad felt an uncomfortable rea WM mtHr a Macs Z- -. 4 amilsd aa I ashed th queztloa his rcliabiliiattua proper (UHr vea. hw n r. Tank. Baz- -r ha V action from ft. and I o'clock. r She shuddered of Katherine but there- - was real vvvwt well as newer Srmm a aad heard a a asaz rve ha better, Mac commodity Whew neceasary. phono for ho location of nay sphere, her-se- lf whenever she remembered perplexity In my vote. Why she a as a gtoater man, I dose for Ui before hie father died. mentioned In this eolama. hurrying to Innocently along trained nurse. Miould appeal to me arrives she accvsiva Is ill old 07 time amcerrly, at tho as ohi. t home tho znowy lanes In the twilight, concerning the possible shamming tlnM, J. R. R, halt Lake. of charity, it la her mm, because aha end tbe hideous fright of that first of deep on th part of Kenny circumstance? Aad was not Hie has a other, aad dual risra haa very Jcar Misa Kaye:' of something moving some- Powell was something 1 could not sight continsar. wn. made praviotaa far he so eu J have luosocatrooaoly to beiattd, very thing Horry la a recent Issue yon pabliebrd ually bumping Into Jest those very K, 1,- - but have hud to we t and Akaut Gay's there is s thin human, shadowy gray and understand. y tores outor. Lily, had hod whits agaliut ths gray gnd white "Didn't yoa ever get so near a letter firm Will Hopeltd" that thing that would Irak him hi watio for a possible open.ug for leyot.ry. van a more astMaor aflalr as adbar.1, itit shadows ofwaxth hedge. prob as that you couldnt se It for real limit Interest la eery hard luck of alignment with th.ngs vour letter. Its sztreru la cloiidod. length li-losivlntacy That a properly?" she demanded, and at hoc --r o oieseoa. vhn that ctmta-ijt cause M-- to require special treatto to at, and that contains a ques- they gre? character had aiwmyc r. cor 0--4 aith with that poor old woman. Aunt my comprehending nod of assent Mill Hopcfol" net. ments And here you are at last How would aaaa aoa far a of Balboa lava a tion that ought to be before the were lha la she Flora." aha broke into agitated speech said flow, distressed at be la the place of employer? folk have not forgotton who Gey, hewever. ha latervetlag pcraohality, her ewa which surprised ms, so alien was Blinds of all emotion. people, Uuald he nut led doubtful show Hop ZAa haa srawa la yosa veawhood. what this and Still it Hopeful You must think a more about tt to her usual poised utterances. " nod slay there, until a aatihfac-toe- jr employing any person who hud is all about. Ha vcaiah how cr. va Goy acyaciaily I dont know what's ths matter thine z, silk tba brlUiaat ll Flore, giving no reason for uctord n Solution has hoc arrived at, fulled lo play file I too, feel the urgv of having Sy.via, isirigbid her visit to Gabrteile's room, said with me." - she said vehemently. Ho roUiO of umfety Syl-v- b to the Ail for folk and la btioUc before is u th. me this diicna problem kfpt qncstloa , Ijti The girla have taken Nbver In my life has a patient homo comias firmly. nbo la knew the uptritem. th,re unt.j Klne sort of solution tlie - Irtvodp wits her far a yoor column with yon, Wfir jou, staimemployee gay rai.day good car of her. and John to to upset me In the way that woman of a earn eoarictcd criminal may b rahed. Dri Pettit has one theory. Dr. partydrive her beck when he goes. She's I r Hew Is he going to be aarr that be jileafc? go thanks for your rffort, J. K. R. Meredith another and in watching ht perfectly harmless poor aouL 1 for The State is the outgrowth of will not tenet lo temptathm Just a I hope ths lnfluencs of . symptoms to suit both of them d would rather you didn't mention It sol once lmsgtner Gabrlaiieaiwd.a-erlymay carry far. f , the family, and, at tjie last analysis he did before?. Hare fra e actually gotten to tho point to have ths chance "She la a Gabriel Sylvia. might been ie, given way." when I cant trust my own judgis simply an enlarged family. lVn and prisons saris trurt mM ' storm, th Gabrlelle. after a bewildered poor old thing!" betrayed 1 Mbs Dear Kaye; ment. And while youre a layman, tlte simple family, then the collco shamefully? glance, of coarse agreed nevTha old woman had been tamlos are surely doing A wonder yon have, th keenest eyes and tnn of families, all related; then, Mill Hopeful'' has low h veiu- - ful work and helping many. 1 ing herself uneazllv. looking with er ts mention the circumstance to yet th soundest Judgment of any womwas Byhriw-lndee: frosts there- related la mi ties never to think of an aMe fhlag. Because he did nut re- bate been helped to away times by rapidly blinking eye from otto-SI know save Lillian, Frankly. forme I the tribe juui fsons alize Us true value when he had It. answer, hut wow 1 have1 th other. Now tbs servants were 4be poor old soul again. She went I d appeal to her first, only that fimalramalinn of the tribes ante does not detract from It value aOlliers own. May door- cheerfully pa to Ward the pleasant Pm determined sh shall not overtoward of th my her difficulty urging gently UM I lie nation, bo, at tiie analysis, from the proctoasness of the come to yon with my worries? way that led to tho warm kitchen moment ot assuming the velvet tax herself again as she has over the petdtlenta of the Mate. are. gen- Now, that Last Miring we started to boy regions, and to Gabrteile's amaze- gown, when Aunt Flora was gone, this last stunt." thing Itself, from the vcy fact erally. in be found in miniature la a recover an Bata, then my husband got hart ment h seemed to he displaying brushing Mr rich hair simply back is almost tmpmMMe to Oh, do you think ft has sertlie family. Therefore, by seeing in of herself pleased must learn Us caoemoa sad was uauhic to work, aad we a scat disinclination to go. with iously Injured her?" I asked In how these problems hate been best it, - unusual spits hertat has ' notice taz W the valueaad and how the satlrfled and k. colour,1 he ah la Flora?" alarm. iramiag. bos this solved m the family, we can get hr must roam on t and 1 want to know if said now. in a girl cracked querulous with th brown silk stockings and a good Idea of how to anise thews In tlie striving to regain It, character The Element. It to oar place to pay M. Me only voice. You stop pushing me. tbs brown pumps. develop that qua lily of the state. No, L don't," sho answered months. ear two It bold him the enable had that w,Il lo Suddenly there was a Bound of 1 hate a family of she added, fretfully. Margaret!" rrmtully, But another performt four cfddrm. and as Is often the Ill was Gabrlelle'e turn to show laughter aad voices and sleigh quickly. ance ! th aam kind, with perhalt Lake. But tills does not coodime sodrly amazement and consternation. She bells under her window, and for a haps another' Am. all four diffrr scry greatly on top of that would Mill moment In Us aba thought, with a sense trediment of aorfi from each other, ha Ibetr characterlooked from one stricken, conscious If yoa have other bills and dont face to another, her own bright, of panic, that the company had certainly retard her recovery. Bo istics. Henry is all Intellect and Hopeful.. Society bus yet to ham to I 1 keep her as quiet as going run easily he reasoned with, in trzm charity, as has the majority feel too prosperous. 1 think cheeks faded a little. coma She ran to her window and pos,ble. And If you'll Just cast of Ms ladltidaal merubeW . i here wouldn't be awfully concerned This trembling bit of human peeped down fact, demands a Kama and cannot .your eye Over our apparently he morcsl sere costly without owe. problems have to be met and solved about this tax. my dear. Yon may wreckage, dragged la from the Below was dark Beauty and gir m your Annk. while not at all dull, doemi't before wo caw advance mach far- pay It or not. as you lik. which tho mow was falling fall I Sleeping srss not at a storm, stranger, candid opinion ot her 111 be ex, quits I In whether there whose ther along the path of tree dilutOf course the person gate two whoop events. I ve got to make Ik' out from tbe side door, llKb5 a reason or not. but is loosed by a ion. Me Mill crucify owr Cbrtote. possession tbs car is when th taz altFlora's and iremely grateful. face was ghastly; Hedda the approved aad will eowtlaae Is do so autil we Is levied, is supposed to pay that rtnmg desire to do la ft she eoald se the old red Idimore looked than Mamthis we ordinarily do Shouldn't learn that loro hr the thing. law of taz, But Margret. eighty years sleigh, filled with furry robes, and otic. ma?" or Isn't that the proper the universe, and that prime lore mm he John oa tb front seal, already spoke hearteningly. the power employed lo leach and Dear Mias Kaye: thine, papa?" Aina Is mored snow man. old Mrs. Smith. Mrs. looking Ilk Palsy its will say ditto to all the nice solely by lose. Does Mamina or train our children, both those who I and Sarah aad Marin nod Etta want me to do I ? Johnny am grown up and those who hate Ikltgv that have hewn said about Fleming, from Keyport. Shei Japa were was It evident teasing John; old- - arm Is loo yowng, yet, to form mach not yet grown tw lull Mature. you. wad wbh yoa further mcmm. Maygarthad one alout that he and the two big homes )wlrmrM of him. but from Into; Oz ehlffoa about the cowering stranger, and wer My space Is mom than spent, yet My qucMIoq about to start off Into dies liens he will be guided not so I awn women Jhe now ah tho other gave say one more till me lo Mill velvet be awocesnfwlly dyed? storm, aad tho maids were mach by ether reason, or the designificant glance and tapped her amused. because he paid the pen' J owns truly, v sire to do the apt cored thing, or Hopeful, hand-Weown forehead with a free D. , Ctab. the desire to do alty that society has required as But there was no little eld wo- -. patient, nor yet th problem by lose, hot by well give her some tea and dry punishment foe kh infringement ast as he darn choose. His of handled Into tho sleigh I sented by her apparent amnesia. ' beautiE. her out a bit. and then maybe p-being D. It dye Ten, Indeed. her laws, Min Hopeful'' thinks arm will Is a sufficient law ante No. Marin shook out all which was responsible for my little though said home." her Johnll . take beall was should be as fully. It )dm. Its the Johnny of the. that the rags aad Etta put n great kinswomans sudden 'doubt of her takes , U in a frock, tbsigret, ha ths when velvet If th how be? bat fore that eoald best world s world the crop Waterproof cover over them. Gab- own powers. The proximity ot the be about ti. Jf lu in for Miss Fleming! that generally get behind the Before he was euavtctrd asWasa charge would man who, from his own account, saw nothing of her. satisfied rielis Gabrlelle. tbe piece, about five y ardz for I perfectly yea. before he - W here was tiara.. Why? Because they are criminal, - she then? Had had been a close associate of hen arI me. aad nice to Ths Yoa with are hi and ths actual he a very fart criminal, explanation of base restraint. They Impatient In her early hospital work and a thank yoa. , n criminal potentially, beside Margret decided to keep her at whose rangement, went upstairs o lie taught the real saloe of was interest in her I was sure Wastewater overnight? Odd! her aunt. self control, and wbra they ac- far had. ate nearly all of as; sad Odd. mused Gabrlelle. slowly fla- held n distinctly romantic tinge, when he was released he was Just la Dear Mias Kaye: Oh-- will John hare ths big quire It. I hey , become the world was the her shing As far as dreasing. Odder still to turbed element which had so discowdithm. I have read tho Hrurtlt orientM sleigh out?" she asked, enthusi- hare great leaders 'and thane who lead the some , her, herself, coming upwa concerned, th1 had to he aesuty every night,-Sa- d enjoy Flora did not answer; stairs Margaret great reforms and astically. to take a last look at th 8taatlon Held Dynamite." mnrAlcd. Be mast become so Hut very mach. movement. III. Efil parted from she looked great answer U HI you please my ques-- I Gabrielis without a word and went waiting rooms, affirm that th poor I w conscious of la wits treatment of these John-n- r, ao mailer what (he temptation, hie? old had gotten off In n great shock followed by an a dlsiinet Vvbu to L tab's Mala lo do not acquire the power no Bottler how in tit tag he the call: unpleasant downstairs; But half aa hoar la buatllady with John, and surely her Utile qualm of toag of school, and how and who hrrak ao malice how Insist ret be -- the nf worry over my family was already wild with fright cousin's wife. Surely it was not away from tlie barriers of restraint compelling force, he ram be able has be bevw la this office? Governor emblem. Charles over her disappearance on suck a possible that her unrest , M.11UOL GIRL Murray. tint society has set up for the to stand firm and anassa liable. He Maher accepted the flag oa signified mcht, I irot cotton, of Itself a a whole, fed and it became of ha weak any swerving of her heart from State. of the I But of more vital the husband superintenDr. C. N. Jensen again things aorkvy it all wrong; bat. thorn is defeases; true, society failed to I who had failed. la made The dark f heavy interest to herself put these little (eared, to make her happy, toward one peim that wa mast wng (ail come to hfat aval stance as she dent of public Into ruction for the blue flag silk, edged with three-inc- h oat-of head-- . th CsbrieUto take into aecoant, aad that lb shoo Id have dear; true, hi special stats of Utah, and has been la mys'eries Merett silken - a figure of Hal - gold fringe: a On aiife July of 1?1. For when she had gone downstairs, dith!fascinating society la only an arise a a oertum That signpost not failed him also.' but bet circle- - of gold, .to com face within 1 thank you, (schoolgirl. up again, gone the rounds of danger for I had th spelled yrrofiorlius of its members. Gen- luipmeet fullest confont be fell second the the State lime, in th Seal done of Utah, th rooms, touching n now cako of fidence In both th discretion erally, us a rale, we look at so- mala thing was that he failed himand natural colors ip hand embroidery. soap here; and patting a small log ths Dear Mint Kajre: ciety, as being a snmethlag outhigh loyalty to duty which side of oor--elves, and erpect things self, Just as he did tlie Drag time. I have been very interested In Into a si ore there; wbea she had Katherine but himself happihe to had been true Miss If possessed Deer hg your corner. Kaye: of It that are away ahead of oar feared that this hall waa too warm, ness; This. I told myself fiercely, never have failed. Oof I enjoy reading your Heartilor, and that 1 am In th sixth grade. mm Individual development, coaid passage too cold, and bad no right to touch my lovable wa love teacher asked ma to get all tlie ism column every evening. This to when Ah! these Johnny, whereas, H simply reflects bock at she had stolen at least a Information about oar Male flag. my first attempt to eater goaf easy hundred glances at her pretty Httle friend. Ws our own ignorance aad aborG them most, zal they are our greatYet. even though I assured my- was the flfc perron who corner and I hpo that I will he flashed face la various mirrors and comings. It is ourselves, la the est ears aad give as the most tena- Also who ble. bat, oar task done rigid. (hey nude M? Would yoa got H for me? admitted. n hundred times the aim-P- k ness that flowed over her Ilk a admired Now let ns forget Society" hr are oar greatest Joy aad Menslng. It hero should I enquire as to the lloue answer a perfection of The velvet gown. river, from head to foot. Eh did si Me. the trswtawwt of those such a May the day dawn soon alien price and advtonbllity of putting Gabrieli realty did hear sleigh not my even to horsel', H is BCRRY, Farmington. new still Hopeful" for a moment, aad shall recognize oar responsibility fur collar and cuff oa a doth bell again In th night, voices, handsome. He in good- - He la let as analyze just what Mill Hop- to all the rhildrcm. of God. and coat? The rest of the root Is per- laughter again. Then there was a Jtlad " No need for that too late All right. Hurry, her yoa are eful' needs more In his character. when wo shall sense the fact that, fectly good hot the collar and caffs sort of downstairs, and the for that. Her heart went to him The not but prombtly. very difference mala the from his oast letter. Is It generally, are worn. I want to ace tt tt would big frontflurry Judging doors opened to n vlld simply, completely. Eh had been not patent that his idrai need Is tween the ronvietrd criminal and Heartitorium wheels ofso necessity me to have rash of wind and night and snow one woman moment ago. sb was these rrpiserd or 'tia well pay Mas he not learn the ordinary person, is simply the turn a fet slowly. and and storm that mad ths curtains another new. Much of what she as early as to bay a new coat. I he great lesson of adjustment to lack of sufficiently ImprlllnK rno- - to anticipate the need Thank balloon, advance for la yoa wildly even upstairs, -- and bad heard and: read of lov had yowr promptthe I posable. Always give answer and good lack to you la th been n sealed book to her; It wee lamps plnng cotrvatoedly. rest posable service and wish I la hoard Os brie 'Mamma!" in what n clear now. Reason. logic, conwork. yowr might make ft better:LESS a waa of Conroe then vention had always Influenced her; voice; request of Sylvia's Sincerely. In the Spring . VALENCIA. Salt lake. . eager greetings aad introduction these ware all so many word now. was received from Governor Hy n babel aad of voices. She heard Sylvia, turning her perfect Ian of New York for tho loan of Sh had been upstairs la th head to look over her shoulder Welcome into tbe fold. Valencia. and our state emblem, which was to descendao front now, hall; a beautiful face close to to by have simply Happy you her. la a a bring patriotic par' place occupr she could follow th company his, say affectionately: Turn to th yellow section of ing. Se many ade afoag with the state flags of In o the downstairs sitting room, thousands of things to tell you, Daother states la ths union. Upon your phone book and there you'll which, been warm had mad and vid!" and find list sh of did not a furriers. was found that although Pbons them investigation it ready for this moment of arrival. hear th brief words, or perhaps Section 214 of the Compiled Laws and ascertain from each direct Gabrlelle In darkness tho above the word of hie reply, she single of Utah. J1T. described the State what he haa to offer in the line stretched a band for tits smooth beard th tone: and ahe heard Sylwhich we of what you want. Tht la th belFlag and that ths Hag accordance arid tb balustrade of guidance via's low. ter laugh. Not way. what kind made in knowing had wa not In light flight, like t Gabrielis oat down on th stairs have in nand went down with this section of tho statute and or price of for hi ths skimming bird. Her heart that we did not have a Stats Flag mind. It would bo impossible to Sh lowhad almost waa reached ths hammering, and her mouth for yoa specific Information. An article to this effect was placed get er which was but world youth beauty. dlmjy light- dry. Th a May I help you with something ed, level, In the local newspapers with when ah saw that two person Jealousy love all merrier result that several organizations else. Valencia?, I should liko to at wer lingering in th hall, and these moved before her conthings offered to make and donate to the any tiro. abort. fearful sciousness topped like Into Instinctively maskers coming SevState an official State Flag. that sb had disturbed them. On tb light. Sh stood up. ot ths eral sketches were submitted and Dear Mias Kaye: was n woman, dark, furred, slender halfway landing, and tbs woman In Rill yoa please tell me bow the sketch received from th Oliver n small, velvet with th tawny hair stood Sanderson Fagan, the anted and wearing O. Howard Relief Corps of th hat. Tb other wa David. up. too. Gay walked slowly to the Record Grand Army of tbe Republic was whistler for the 1 tetor waa In Gabrieli but years, It mirror, studied her own face. She makes tbe twitter considered tbe best and their of- company, la many ways than her years. waa breathing hard, she wa conwith her fingers or without? Or If older fer wa accepted t Sh looked down saw David, fused. half frightened and, this to too mach trouble, kindly On May S. 12L Mr. W, - L send She heard Maria calling her. Her smiling that attentive smile of his. me her address. Wetherbee. patriotic Instructor and belted aunt wa asking for her. tall, broad, built, leanly yet Aad thank I yoa. of th Oliver O waa Into a coat brown not past prestd-- nt that pew, 'Say I' meomtng! Gabrieli said, WHISTLER, Magna. Howard nelief Corps, standing on saying nothing that she could hear clearing hen throaty the front entrance to the Capitol Just looking . at this girl Just David waa down there, sh would Better ask tba whistler herself. . presented to the State an Official Addres Bybal Sanderson Fagan la himself David . meet him have te talk Ip him And that Instant changed tht before all their eyes Flag, and th State for the first car of tb Victor Talking Machine whole world. Gabrieli did not time since It acquired statehood In company, Camden,. N. J. She went slowly dotfnstzlra. became In poeoesalon of an Welcome analyse the strange sweet weak (To Be Continued) fr - -- brcv-rzU- on " yh-thoug- coa-rase- d ,np-we- rd d. o . tt frost-glowi- And Safest .Motorists WASHINGTON. Jan. . CAP coAs an automobile driver, the ed is a better Insurance risk than her male eolleg mats. to i ,, This Is gained from replies by tbr, questionnaire sent out GARRISON. Feature Service. Inc. self that I had no possible cause for worry, I had the sudden inexplicable feeling that a curtain had been drawn across Katherines usually transparent personality, and that behind It was being enacted a drama all the more tempestuous because it was hidden In th depth of a woman's zouL Hal Meredith was n man te still any woman's pulses. Handsome, brilliant, possessed of much magnetic charm, hs was fascinating enough in himself without hi added adrentages of possessing mode1 at wealth and n high and envied position In his profession. That Lucia, his wife, rarely beaud. tiful but captious, petty and had long zinc ceased to bold hi affection, was patent to anyone skilled In reading men and women. This Mat of affairs naturally lent him abided Interest in many Xsmlntno eyes. For myself, I doubted that she ever had captured hi heart. I knew that sho was th daughter of the rich and noted specialist whose aid bad started th brilliant young physician up th ladder,-an1' had built up for myself n romantic if somewhat sordid theory of his marriage. That b had been madly la love with Katherine, and that cither because ot her rejection ot him or of his own ambition b had turned to th mors beautiful, more wealthy but distinctly less lorablo woman, I was certain." Th situation - held ' there was no donbt a' outdynamite, that; for whatever Katherine's feelings, ths expression In Hal Meredith's eyes whenever he looked at her betrayed th state of his emotions It was n situation with which I could not possibly meddle, yet something almost outside of roe impelled the only query I dared make: Is Dr. Meredith coming hers tonight?' American Automobile association to US loading " insurance companies. d is neither so reck!' The nor so careless, tho answers disco-e- close.1 a her strong-arme- d pus brother. She also fares better hi l.erxsncies. Th college bov is considered each n bed risk, the replies indithat companies do not cated. seem to insure. him. SOflNYSAYIftGS By Fanny V. Cory mean-spirite- d There goes anover button--b- ut at aint ob mdeh conaecurna if only Buffin' grabs ms by las leg b'for I kin boost tt out ob danger! (Copyright by Public Ledger! - E ' pream- Mar-sfel- gb Li. 1 -- Ka-la- te -- saper-trmle- nt self-rontr- I" re-fr- , ' of-fl- - -- - ...-- L yoqf-mlgh- s. a Ky-b- at snow-powder- ed -- r 1. J SAY BAYERASPIRIN-mi- TOOTS AND CASPER ic Unless you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you are not getting the genuine 3ayer Aspirin prescribed by physicians and proved saf e by millions over 25 years for . Golds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism , DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART t only bmoto h tm into Bayfr package Inch contains proven directions. Handy Bayer boxes of 12 tablet i. Aim bottle of 24 aad loB Druggist. muk m yarn tt .V lfnm.r - -- TllrvrH Uncle Can Show No Parti ality. . PETER IS IX A BAD FIX, .BY THORNTON TT. BURGESS. The one who us er admits defeat Ton may not hope to ever best. Old Mother Nature. j That kind cannot be beaten. It may look as It they were beaten but tf they won't admit It, you'll find In the end that they haven t been beaten after alt. Peter Rabbit wasn't worrying In fact, ha gas rather enjoying the situation. It rather tickled him to know how dose he was to Reddy Fox, yet - how-- safe. You- - know. Peter was In the middle of the long, hollow log which was open t both ends. Reddy was outside. Tho hollow was big enough for Peter but not big enough for Reddy Fox. Reddy would )jo to on end end sniff. Then he woOld go to foe other end and sniff Inside Peter simply chuckled. He says be going to stay here until I have to come out. said Peter to himself. But If I know anything about It, his stomach will make him move along before mine makes me move. Hie probably has been empty for some time, while I got a good dinner Just before I came in here. So I guess L can stay Just as long as Reddy can.;snd a Utile longer. am perfectly safe here. Hello! Who Reddy talking to?" Peter pricked up his lonr ear. Outside Reddy Fox was talking to some one. Who could ft be? If it were Mrs. Red& or Old Granny Fox. why things might be serious. On could keep watch while tb other hunted. They could take turns. This would be a bad fix Indeed. So Peter stole n little nearer to en end of the old log In order to hear better. Almost at once. Peters heart nearly turned n somersault with fright. Reddy Fox wa talking to Shadow ths Weasel Tea, air, Reddy was talking to Shadow the Weasel, Shadow Is so email 'that he can go anywhere that Peter can and many places that Peter cannot go. If Shadow should tak It ints his head to corns Inside that hollow. log; there would be nothing for Peter to do bnt leave by the other end as fast as hi legs could tak him. Reddy was speaking In his pleasantest way. I take It, Neighbor Weasel," said he. that you are aa hungry as I Now I know how w can have a fine meal. Tea sir, I do so." "How? Inquired Shadow; and by th sound of his vole it was plain that h was suspicions. Its this way.! replied Reddy. atillapkinfjileaaantlr. With J I lake it." Neighbor 11 v!. mid he, that yow are ns hungry ns L" your help I can catch Peter Rab- bit What good will that do me?" Shadow th Weasel. snapped . "Wsll make a bargain," replied Reddy. Ton help me, and when I have caught him. we'll dvld him Peter shivered, when he -- hf How rj thtL do you want me to help? Inquired Shadow. Well," replied Reddy. Peter I in that hollow log over there- - If you wtll go In at one end and drive him out at the other end 1 will catch him as he comes out There isn't n chance in the world that he can get away. .All that is necessary Is for you to go In at one god while 1 Vslt at the oth. er. Perhaps you can guess how Peter was feeling by this time. He was In n dreadful fix. If Shadow ahoutd com Into that hollow log he would have to get out. If be didn't Shadow would kill him there If he went out. Reddy Fox would1 kill him outside. T wish I were back in the dear sobbed Peter unOld Briar-patcder his breath. Then he listened one more. (Copyright, I27. by T. W. Bur-- ) h, Th next story: "Peter Overhears a Quarrel." , - SEEK PROTECTION. . PARIS, Jan. (AP) Arab may make picturesque screen but the French sheiks, academy of medicine says they are bringing smallpox, and other diseases to France and wants them all vac- clnated. By Jimmie Mtnphy. -- |