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Show THE DESERET NEWS JANIIARY. 8 1927 SATITIZDAY; , : ' ''I ' 7A11.1'1.,.0A$...),-,.(.).:;::- E , Id N'EWS ,,.,,. rz7r - sepiceottheck 11111. tat ONOMMINIMMOIMEIMOIM Iii et) - - d Fe Pcopicsto L Diplomats Doubt Use o System as Lacking ' Secr , ' Meter. OA Wort. sidettior..aso I. Woos...0To 014o Tornio I. moram 4 ' I, ii"."POITIIIII KOA I , Ozarka Man. My. 'A. SOUTH 'ST 211D I IVotto. all mtria IlLitorytiak 4 - WhIP 4..".010i,tractile fik 't er; , ftk ital4tie Inhale dose Crystsesolotiedo t 1 Thoot diplomatic people ore somec what dubious as to the telephone's probable utility to- - them.. because it lacks the mont or privacy at its present stage .of. development , Only Now Emit And London are now connected. but the 'high" developed telePhoh connections in the United States and the newly developing telephone cables' from 'England to Oermotny and nearly the whole or continental Europe. makes More then 1220202 speculation Abe. potWlt. of extending the service to many courttrietflreenyriebt.' 'me; 'Conseil dated ?root t P, Whik a Gana. fps :11. yearaahaasigakkha , , V Cana& eol hieslookoso, wow the losostsamot looll Zoog it 0 :LI 1 resubmit Oboe ' ' 1 1 . - 11 Vl -- IP11LPrekli :111 I ' ,Ii. , - Is ' I Salt Like. City, Utah; Without obligation to me la atty way pleaso send roe trait, tail dotal); about -your Ma day VI P. O. it 1.1i, ' t 5; vp WL -- (PIfla 4 ,, . ,, !.. 1 ... A 10 411 1;3 prorani. - to ZATTLIN Ittiee Watts.464 moo te to 11 I icitierelso 1 1 . 4 Tim41) bores", prograil. oveheatra. program. p.m.lgoolcall 4p,ty Vied. 'ICY 12.p.m.,,,CAngan ) 1 bow. 11 I, NW, 4 11 ' v I 1' i , 110:j 7 01 45 Under title.' prefect. explained Superintendent Kirkham. the students grads themselves. A chart is arranged for each student from the sixth to tho twelfth grade to MI out: The submitting of this data le not coMPulsory..he said. 4 ,it Fall and Winter ' .., WiOtet,COah Dresses Ages 6 to 16 To close out 1 - I . - : , ' , . Winter-- - ... S... driving up to the Penner Service station. Seventh South and Main streets. FridaY venitur, disturbed a bandit -- who was robbing the place. causing him to flee before securing all the the cash register; money-iGeorge Pepper. in charge- - of the station. said he was confronted by an armed maw and ordered to lie down on the floor. When he did not- - quickly comply with the order, the bandit said: U. down quick. r there'll be a dead man." Penner then complied. While the bandit was taking the money, au automobile drove up- - for Mende. The bandit became frightened. grabbed about $15 and dashed Out ILO elver . r Coats - - , 6 Cylinder s - - -- ,,. -- - - , .,f :- 1111- i 1 aIf rnce F ' ...... c, i t,itt 11 kop-7- i Carl cJ .4 Zeta Tau sorority, in the new home ,44010,1084,1044 ORGAN RECITAL recently occupied by the organise, thin at :OS Thirteenth East etreet IMONDAY'S Tabernacle organ under the direction of Atha Neva with Organist Clark, president Frank W. Asper at the conThe house contains six bedrooms. sole will be as follows; a dining room, two large living G- - minor- .2., Sonata-1- pand a kitchen. ,..,.. ... roomsa study ... .. . .. Fells Mandelasohn It is the fourth home to be,secured Adagia Allegro VIvami enthusiastic meeting of hi university aororities. Zeta 'Grave 2. (a) Andantino the Spanish Fork Irish and Gains Tan was established at the unlyer E. R. Lamar .. . Protective association was held sity in 11)211, at the American Thursday hvaning . (b) Will o' the Wisp coosaunty Logien' club rooms. G. B. Nevin .. li 4 tions pf. interost to sportsmaa of Journalist Society ' (c) Midnight this diatrict were discussed and ' .Trygce Tor)ussen Ion reitolutions want adopted by Takes New Members S. "Mormon" (a) Favorite the members following diecussion , NY Father" .:-"O as follows: Hymn. The pledging of Arthur Deck. .. ... . That licanse remain the gam at Leas Goatee, Arr. by Organiat Arthur H. ItolaPPt ;." .... Therms 11.-- Aseisenl Joseph Wintho Amato issue tourism-lie- .' .Arr. by Organist uses tor fishing pair with a ton der. Lowell Barlow and Frank ....." 4, Grand March from 'Tann- Jonas was announced Friday by day limit at a rate of Mee. hawser", .. Rtcluird Wagner That commercial fishing on Utah the Pi Delta Epsilon, national take only, ho abolished 4.. i with ft journalistic fraternity. That ths Enid nituatlen ho loft chapter at the University of Utah. as it is for the prseent., new The members Midstbe will That a irame reserve No eatablish- ed. following which will be Issued ed from Ike power plane at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon the annual "squeal," which ftt its Fork tiVar bot- appearance in November, 192f. cost along th Spanish Utah-Idathe fraternity a fine of $SG for an toms as tar as- - tha &theta Alleged to have IrrongtutlY Sugar factory at Utast,- , That the organization favors 'the criticized President George Thomas movemint or importation of ilk I. Of the university. tho surrounding inountains. That- Ms- organization favors a chants-i- n tine present administration of risk and gams department-Tha- t Daggett Legislator litn- -' tit in S. Hospital association ' it of IS ducks or omensfavors ' per bun-ta- r. . and have tho aheOling neaten N. M. Larson. Ds riot& taunt, ostended to Jan. lt, That open union Oa an flab and repreoentative. is ha a gams must be published at laast Salt Lakes hospital suffering from SO days baffire said season is inflammatory rheumatism.. lie was to $alt taks tha association favors the Fridayaccompanied Dr. W. by F. Tinker. of a game commis' appointment Mrs. Larson who has been visstoner from this district and work . iting in California joined Mr. Larfor that ind. son in gait Lake. It is exported that RepresentaFourth' Sorority tive Larson will be Usable to atHas Housewarming tend tho penis!,-daYI Ot tha Spanish Fork au& Opposes Increase In License Tolls Missionary to Sweden Will Be Entertained At Emerson Ward .... 1 ' a . ', t,, - li;11,441,... e ''!."., ''',- t..4, . ' - .4b)....An---01d-Mei- o ... ,,, 4 , , - 141"' , - 1 , . - - I .15111 - I ' - , N ,, .., An Informal reception was tendered members and friends of the University of Utah riday by the ,.. imoutood to format diotortion dirrials teoehialue grey ken, multua sr, eumplitrate. galahardeoed aa greened to Moo. Loeb la tooted tor hardness powtqs gine aro sine by Is liquid tugs. else od tho meet woositteo bootromma. sad the areurney nootertat got develoPrd Oar this aerviee. Eshoost valeta aro of allesoomp oleo( the moose oagotaabr blooms lasolliadik Th. eelbStrIlletiee Au voted stead are eagle hardened and overall to rolootoobto , trout the oadina, greatly, to the envie obtaboolg memoirs but odd Caine ors Integral end are grottad Att. steel. sorbet' J overbid ipt twat& att" rm., "oft a,.. Ili, matetr to also. with quieting corm sod which' aloha alto ogeration practicality, sodoehroa, I,brk. t rued, Can You klagrine A Ford Sedan for ,$60.00 For other motor refinements see next Saturday's Issue. nternational OFITarventer Cottpan MIERICA. - Factory Branch. :435. West! 4th t ,f name , , c . , . law-Th- at : , , Smith. I rA - - t dr-i';'.;- -- ! The Biggest South.: - Reidy to go, with . terms. Hertdry. Hy. 643 LOMIIMMNIMMMO;M Founder of School in S L. Dies on Coast Stra, Mary Carter Benner, 77. Widow of Edward A. Bennet founder of the Salt Lake and Ors Wellesley 'china academy for boya. is dead in Burlingame. Calif, 16 'word received here. Bumbling are the chat."' Angeles, Edwardfollowing C. Benner of Omaha, Ira Eugene George and Dr. Man KATIIERTN TERGENSILY FACES BAD CHECK CHARGE. , Complaint charging Ed Jackson withlaseing a fictitious chock for Ste with intent to defraud the Bennet Gas A Oil company, was the county. lig, , at TEACHER'S AGENCY Moved to 211 Templeton Bldg. sem Loki c417. al EARL, U IVALGREN. .111 honor of Elder Earl H. gran. who has been called on a mission to leaden, a farewell teatime. nial will be given in this Emersoi ward chapel Friday. ,Jan. 14. at 1116 pm Dancing will conclude the following Program: Baritone solo, Carlyle Rasmus-Patien- , Benner, of Ban Mato office. Value Ever ce and Robert Pederson; reading. Littis Jena Knolls; duets, Misses La Rue and Da Veau Packson. accompanied on the violin by Ray Rumel; soprano solo. kiss Fannie Pierson; violin solo, Wilford Pier, son; readings. Mrs. Gladys H. Sullivan; contralto solos, M. Viola H. Daly; duet Meta Marie Busch and Miss Millicent DawaMip; re. marks. Btahop A A Brimbali and remarks bY tha inhosionary. T drawn irriday Transportation Bring Your Problems to Me - L , I T. , Superintendents and Teachers 4 . a of the new, officers be held at a dancing party to Ma disabled vaterativ Iwillgiven for Jan. IS. 1: - - :,.,,i, 11'.4 out corns A. Faust. J Mrs. George Chandler L. 4. Paterson. color. Nicholas- floats. Ichapialn; Mrs. Mrs. W, J.:Allman executive commlitet, R. Jensen, chairman; 1 I Mrs. William It-- Nigh and Mrs- lira. Charlea Wood N. Clayton. appointed adjutant by Mts. - -- Georg vice commander; Mrs. Iwas .....: .... 13 I 4, Anton Solt, minder; Mn. .... ... .., ) ,I" ,''' ..... - 1:,111;,aucs 0 -,-, t. tivet 00,4, Ages 13 to 17. - ' - INTgpNAT.j.o.NA. Half Price 1 , --,..--- . Monday at - and all of our Junior's ilk1 A motorist We have one hundred o our Entire Stock 11r ' 1 I ' reataL - '''-'0- 4,'.,.1: i) CustomeiCortiei foi Gas; Bandit Flees depart- . 7 , WALLAwWta Lis LA -An Kilogyetto ialk,, . : or. ,... ' A,, . lam.--Da- IKOWW , Jp.f Nara COO. mart, I P"4hoPPrg' I:30 k - . '1141a) (Pacing g . ' --- - , - economical persons will profit by, There is plenty of winter coat weather still ahead of us, and those days when. one is usually anxious to doff the :winter garments will not seem so weary when ones coat still has a smart, new appearance. (A Full Range of Sizes) ... .... I A great price adiantage which foresighted as well as , - 4 I . 1 b'7 wag Bar 4 .. - long wftit rear astatine. prices aad your asay austmsat plane. 3441,41111-vairi4 o DIR.-7- 1am te T;aa le DALD40a T education At the University of California and chairman of tbltational- committee- ow- - character education, has indorsed the character study plan carried out in the Granite school W. district. It is announced Kirkham. superintendent. Character study as followed in the wheels of the district has the oblective' of Instilling such attributes SA consideration. erica', attentiveness.. pride In propee !toucleanliness. speech. personal can loadenthip and kindred' imb- - NM. at the C. E. Ruch. head ment of seconder!? ea-- a . , tAL--Tb- St-tid- y tra trial attar . sislatr p.10,--Dsb- oo 13:14 riniteChara is ARprov I 0.00 CLL. Congo 11 ds te 111 ha Main, ; Travel Tweed Coats If - , KGNII st S Jan. musical program will b broadcalt Monday night 'Over. KS1.., by Um Magna high arhool band under tit direction or Marvin Strong. The Magna. Lions club ia alteaseriag the - r '; ', ., , MAGNA. AIL TODAY- ADD I . : - and plain Mir.. Irj,TINI:D l to Feature Magna Band on Monday Night i Mort pastetrograms SUS (teacart. "ILL m ort Coats - - Dressy Coats Ime Fur Triinme Coats . - ,.. ICSI. e ) i''. , 1 , A Ail . - 'I!) ', i Illi -- 4 , ,11, a. -- - lot .7 - - el. :i.1 . - Dual-ne- Same veldil:151 ass , -- trine-Atlanti- Wagplesauterty,t. "14 1111101101 i ro pen,-tsoo- , w psa,-Cocoe- tt. 14 !"4 1.r1 fr, 711114 re,.: 1140' ti 111611LYWO011. I is creatags. Opt Tras-11-1., too , A; PRESSLER;5 - 0 , speaks no cost or obligation. for itatif; 77,fit "S,N! I A pOttheetra. eertice, even though the propotood M. C, A. warrant; betwoen exchange - or greetings to p,ssuDance orthootra. and King president Coolidge George wee sot liturlir Oovernment technical men, notably army Sid 'Saw experimenters. evinced pectination witiottaction. hi the consummation in a commercial ,, of w Sed111111e in IMMO 4hol, way 3 .to 0 IbrOirrtin from Dries's Toms. notorrotryr I P4114..",0,11101itt O .00 par2--D. P. aguish 1trOtrow their snort loco forteow. Ons-or , pettP1.01141; Cott(' toil intereeting Al PR reLinottC0 line worked out. carstem Wherein' 1,my wins an aviatof might keep in verbal comottooteation with a.- - land station ' etacttla-ltate), , Morin" thelight of his plane. hints. on the part of those in the for. ' 11:41 orchoetne mamma who are concerned with 411 tostethisl. pme,..41erttet the natintel business. they looked I:10 another bust. orchestra.trie 'vete of team n ets and trade promotional unit , 3 pme...,.,Coocort. that provides a quicker and better means. ter. JUL 14412a240,.41 Iptoir ' ' mutton and opinion between zrcmen and honkers in the two I K-G- OzABLKA sati , - and By YOU eon bring in distaut sts. clearfirms with unsurpassed ness. beauty; of- - ton and Glum.; ' , progreaL ee ;111 Coats Are Marked to Clear at Lit If ,.. Ittle47040 4 710 iato,...0ontat up exercise ' moon. 6114:1101111Mir faaptratMas2 tranod. s m.Timo manoto ao4 osorelsos 1:10 mm.--2- 2. Agronfflona Proltele. I tubes. Prices to suit tot me set up an ozAKKA: Pour bouts, for "' practical, lost. Oporato it yourself. Seto how otes;. ; ' 4zLnlY121Tra "'LOG ONE DIAL CONTROL le' (Motantata Tim.), Strtne-Atlenti- o OZAI1KA; RADIO . 1 brovieuit. etsbostro. . Correspondence of Th. ' lb; kalt 111,41,4111)114tall ITO Deseret News). Ls Mr To Somatic Proo44es40ilismetmos Writer irtrit lb. t .WASHINGTON. Saw S.Keen L. Illaborlo of IT Zahn Wo interest vas manifested In Wash.. 2244rom 'lbws TeViv0.- - IMMO 14. tao of toenail Ington In the newly Inaugurated Cor timo environs of B. Coon Gate& 20 pms,Proograrts, wielees, telephone (rilecial able' gud Console Models. pad.. orvitaes414 11.1Sapottal ce ft,141 16 quartet, nm...-.011- MACK. p se..,4,1at$oto Matt boat. I , nuar: progeom. $ 4 error." sum swiss Kiwi, 4 02000,24 - ports& iromo-nom- I ET ROBERT . ALT LaILS , ttob. - 4 . At the' regular', meeting of the tadlea Auxiliary forth. Disabied American Veterans of the World War, the following were elected Oft:1cent lot the coming year. Mn. t , eekb Streetcar r Pass A whole week's as much as you always exact tted crt every the city. riding can use face line in t4 . Vets Auxiliary Has . ' Electiotrof Officers 1 Offered, Buy Yours -- Today! - -- -- -, |