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Show SECTION THREE THE DESERET NEWS,, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1927. i Is a squirt, coveringperhap in got up early and roused th camp aero of ground. surrounded by a for , (he march oa tb last pass, murf and ston wall with a rampart the ban ju. Tht pass, though n top Inside ia a tie hut w here lower than tho others, was more It was very the Chinese custom off cer far dur- dreaded by r i Informatics ing tbe summer m not ha. We were difficult to ret were too early foe him and there was no about It. There apparently one at the post. We sent out uea. two traits, n ?ry bad on ac fo the Kirghis Begs In order to get count of a glacier, and t'is other some camels to help u n oser the almost Fnvariab'y closed at 'this fords, for the Karadash' river was! time of the jeer, Our ponies were ' 1 all pretty well done up. The grain deep. We jino needed yaks, to as-sst os over the last big pass, for1 brought for them by their drivers our ptnife were worn out. We had given out a couple of days each man with a note in fore end there was nothing for them but grata. We knew they could Knglh. which the Begs read, gnd splendid credentials iu could nut get us over. We had, Chinese with a gold seal and rib- therefore, sent a couple of Kirghis bons given ua- - by tha Museum.-whic- ahead with fifty rupee to hire-fifthe Begs could not read yak a to meet us at the foot either. In a short time a coipl of the pass and re'leve the ponies. of Ktrght arrived tn camp Thev This would have settled our wor were light colored wild look ng rics had we been at jJI sure the ak would materialised but aa ioen who rode camels Th's waa the fiiwt fnhabitatftl Hhaima Loom remarked when h- seen we left j a since country we had glial Panamik. For nearly too weeks e yesterday a Kirghiz four ann to had been traveling through a great get mrtfc. He get four anna. 1 no Tor four hours we stretch of wilderness and inightv?et the milk n mountain fastnesae. whih are nomarhed up a rocky valley nsc the In of every dental'? climbing nearly four t land' J i thousand feet. Suddenly, on turn term. we wolfing a fcd ,we saw the yaks be- For tbe next two East of the Sun and: West of the Moon : "March by march I puzzled through dhakr sod dodg- IwalBi '1 shoulder. 1 1 e-t- Official Story of a Famous Expedition Into Earths Wildest of entertainment were given fui KbsJL the Yarkandi, droned in-attempt tho crossing from These were In the nature of told u they had had a bad time. religious chant, that tj'jtr t. on eaa with frills. The most Interestterminably; a rapidly'1 mumbled Lika ua they had tried the route ing wee that of the Bahadur Khan of word monotone puncdown the 8hyok River, only to be jumbled He U a thin wizened little Punjab tuated at Intervals by a 'sort if mopped bv th earn glacier. They with a long white beard and blue y chorus We marvelled had stayed there four days trying glasses. but he is a good shikari had the breath to do I. to force that hethree-thirta through without and a real sportsman. Wa nil mlt or 1 had ever been. y tbe camp was success. As away About cases in The' the of result one man and sir and white, except aat In a row on tho ptasxa of bis was ! At th first Jlght eleven animals trad died, and they really thin andjthe work of old male who His-- a strong sing 4 bouse - la tba garden in front of Yh w" r, oa a Mad consisting Of flutes Vnu climbing thoroughly winder ms. of black. For anyone whom eye I f.Th'i.un They told ua, however, that the drums, played whining melodic From th top wo looked down and are not trained, ho ia exceedingly ! field on th glacier wIhouM had been forced to eat borae-fleawatched thorn who were folowlng difficult to sea for ho blends In that ail teemed muen the same to us pass was ln good get over. Once the crust or Karakoram mo. from time to time dancers struggling along. Among the with tbe brown rock and dirt on never is melted the pack pon- shape. snow the first old to was arrive Jemal Shah, his native mountainside We pushed on as rapidly as posstepped out from tho crowd of tha cook. In break through and trarel pH of bla gray hair, Sometimes w hunted together, ies people who were watching, and Kermit and I sible and during the nest few dayk1 Impossible. Foldanced for ns. first cam thro old h stood 'th work well. sometime we hunted separately were to shepherd the rear of Ihs panned the Depsang plain a bn men cam the great In addition to our women. They wore the native Pe- lowing th " If uO regular shikaris, caravan. In tha first faint, gray of JharrejL roMtog country--ru k. a heavy headdress of tur yaks. How they made It. sinking we each had a native. Uve feet high A bitter cold wind swept These we watched natives stood and I'ght, p In tb snow at every oth- were real ottoiae sewed on doth amend ing At last we moun- animals, small black dot,- - tlimb over it continuously jungllwqjlaha, from a peak on tho forehead more er step, I do not see. tain men. bred and born in the laboriously up the trtl to the top tpach Daolet Beg Uldl. the point Aa soon as tnan-hal- f had th gatherdown party tho back. way Mgh Himalayas. Thay ars as tough of th glacier. Some fell and had to from whldh the Karakoram Pass With it are worn wtng-tl- k pises ed oa tho croot we started the as old leather. They had be set on their feet again Moat Is usually made. Our ponies had of buck wool that stand out from descent. For thorn on foot this was that would shame a telescope. Their gf them suffered from the height suffered considerably and six more tho ears The story is that long moderately easy, though it was over clothes were three hid died. 'As a result we decided voluminous folds of and had to go slowly. AtMeed smalt at to ago a queen of Ladakh had earglacier, but the ponies should some of the riding animals homespun. They ate a cur- heights ache. Hhe thought men Intoturn ear muffs for th animals, carrying from 1U drab not do scant grass. There S vractk- - j thir drivers. nose. If the the they They were a ious Their akin, grain compoundpack ponies and to vte them and no would hr Ip her and half corn of to Ilf pounds apiece. It was very over thoroughly welcome sight, for al-- g a with nostril wild life I did not the sharp weakwere pierce who ally to food wer and relieve those uf garments all vary- bodkin-lik- e Wlc Instrument that they ening. Accordingly we grouped In proved their ing shades of brown. tlls typo mad.-- - Hence the fash- hard. Again th aks down n , days.4' the two birds dozen readr four ponies had gBfti ouL without ion. These old women did what worth and plodded one really bad ford It wasjjn addition to the men there was For the first days bunt, w drew carry. pairs tho men who had been struck to in was a very dreary danea. It accident. In Lock. the. of one woman sitting on tbe hillside. swift a tr one horse butary flow.ng Flayed a 'on and we saw quite a assigned blank, though mounted constated mala'y in hesitant poses Splitting Headadiea.- tbbe was evidently the wife of the On lop was of burhel. This was due gently rounded Kermlt and I fait no mountain number and alow shifting of tb feet. The r for we hief and bad com merely traveled which to a combination of long ranges snow field native seemed to enjoy it thor- sicknem when v were on the top i' and we ter to aee Once trouble. and much j admire for After, mediocre shooting on our part. without oughly. Then followed native men of tho peas. Curiously enough. (looking us all over she mounted A had. ItL tU mb down and up asain who performed in much the same however, kedeveloped'apnttlng a way:- T The second day we started out In where a flseur had separated thet" manner. The high lights, 'as far headaches when w stopped for rest maH ack ,da lce H" Fortune po"J Favurod. as I was concerned, ncra a sword and something to eat at an atitude different direction. AH day 1 tolled eU H could not and a dance by a Kanjuti. of stout lf.OOO feet. When we op steep ski pea, sometimes slipping duet As rapidly aa a could we shiftHe d.ed simply from the Tb latter was a fin looking, camped for the night t Khardong on slide rock, sometlmeg floun- no pack.and ed toads sod Turned to tho pass. was the casualty only height, X saw sumo cun In snow. dering we equi 11.100 of a at seven-thirtwe y feet, Fortune favored us and we found only of the day tntil d man from that race of gallant reallyheight little rabbits like rod felC wo - wer In the Jow ning the better of the trails open, a down a gradually descending th bne Kermit got on tho fibar-don- g snow t fighter and stout mountaineers countries. we dropped to a until fact that convinced our men that alope. that Inhabit tba Hunxa valley. He bn the way up to the pass. Kerpass. From time to time we reasonably good trail in the a were under some special provisaw herds of burhel, but there were danced with a snap and swagger mit had killed e little mountain and the glacier wae past. f dence, as it had not been open this entirey lacking In tb others; chased It over the rocks and either no largo males or we could had played In extraordinary good Even early for fifteen ) ears to them. At last, luck. The weather had been fine Polo a la Shinny. finally got It by knocking it over not get gloss though better, it was none too 1 came none about Khud-stlcwe across a was six, to It but hack with the his we to got camp throughout, Tea oxer, adjourned good, for tr wag slide rock and chunky little gray animal with crop quite tired. It is one thing to too soon. Aa the tall of our caravan polo field Where a gam was playgravel and rose 7.500 feet in a arose ed in our honor. The field was ears It would have mad an Inter- walk all day on tbe level, and an- left tho Ice a a.bitter wind blizzard little over two miles. There was, miniature to and snow other felt museum, the climb for hills a at height of long, narrow, rather irregular esting specimen of course, no question of riding eite only a 1S.OOO The were from lay aide camp additional 17.000 to and assumed . Tb laud. of feet raged. where Importance atrip five mon ponlea for those poor animals had the valley When about apiece. I asked In our eyes through tha difficulty of there is only a hajful of air to go few milee down an they could do to take themto a hot breakfast at what a team consisted of and wasI its capture. W planned to akin It around, and each breath is a gasp. wo satw down selves over, let alone carry anyknow were very happy to as soon aa wy got to camp. When I had not been sitting down more nine, told from four to eleven, so thing. Cherrie rode a )ak th ws arrived at the village of Khar- than half an hour when Kalla ran that the Basse r was behind us and judge that polo her la Ilk tho rest of ua walked. Kermit and I caravan safe. shinny of my youth, plastic, not dong aftd searched for it through up to say that ha had just sighted ourNext were by this time sent back the yax thoroughly day weover crammed with too many rules. Hero the pocket of Kermlta coat, we .through the telescope, a herd of ever Yaks Kliardofkg. going and the paae. used WO had toughened and acclimated to the tbo Bahadur Kbaa showed in his could not find It. Ha decided that It burhel w.th tome good rami near, witu river so we went lhe on ghyok ahead and up altitude, waa old sportsKadi, must have fallen out during the the top of a neighboring nullah. We pgoper colors. Stout each pair. Kermit and I had KaraLash. As usual. It our permanent train of slightly to It waited on the crest for the rest man that be was. ha turned out In climb. It speaks volume for Her- started at once ua, and ao on. the Yarkandi. who attempted one between On the hone oat The way danger animals to over to pay wish sixty gome. on a wbita mits coat that we found ft again we picked Again I his riding clot be first. Kermit and I followed r'ght Pile of Bones. who was anticipated here aa deep water. once tribute to the yak. They pushed w felt Balkb stallion, played a good gam, in thorn very pockets some ten days just coming up InKermit, that for Karakoram after him, Th tb to some his time from live ford hunt approach to Wo Caravans from Tar kind. Khotaa white beard, blue glasses and alL later, up that hill, carrying squashed quite fiat from be- Then the ascent began. It was now during the day. Th first ford was was up a long stretch of gradual!) wa were on th other a de, no ar- unfaltering l&S or more. At and Lhasa. wind In to barter with Tbo players pound played'' for Abdullah ing sat on covered valley. On gument was possible, the caravan time so we could lose no girth-dee- p the pontes took It rating, aha dark but nearly those that come north from India Shah, tba Aksakal, wa a at least hi who played It I Kismet, time. I must bare sounded like In fin shape and all cam- - through. both'sidee the' trail ws lined with I had to follow. We were right, forty-fiv- e the slop Their through the Zoji Pass. Then the leh bis fex, to Mongol looking Ladakis tongue A pathetic Instance of the fatalism a degree. the skeletons of dead pack anlmala for as w stood on tha far shore grampus. Kermit who was mak Fazeldtne, who had charge of the bazaar la a seething through of the with pigtail. whose lood robes of the east occurred here. Our two hung out and their breathing weather of It, encour- dogs, dragged one across by the There wera camel, their padded as could sea th men stripp ng sounded like the exhaust valvs of lice of Central Asia, and the goe-- , f apped In tho wind as they charg- shikaris came from a town tn Hash Inf better hesitation came some the Then In out After and me once by samg we could collar. patchpreparation. feet sticking stiffly a eteam engine, tut on they went sip of the hinterlands is exchanged ed furiously up and down the field. niir, named Bandlpur. W knew aged in led Raleigh, all and It three by plungusual other hale they On brown shouts, the with not mounes skin of as much the higher as the hookah passes from hand For mount they had everything tint cholera was-- raging there and tain go M xslasip-wa all but until one by on they heaved only a short distance the black hound from atout of clinging to the bones. There were ed. On horse fell and over the lastff. rock and te hand. from tho Balkh stallion, which that they were worried about their away.top Atwsj least was unusually in grotesque drowned, but staggered up came who and donkeys tbe topped ponies hands the Our entrance Into Leh was a must have stood If high, families. Word reached them via he t, plunged In and swam over and hideous positions. Thera were through after they finally managed reached A top. behind which animate the ridge e mouso-likUtile to creatures, not down our to but us. to and first Leh the problem, little were that th daughter dlmsamo-clate- d three caravan Gorgeous Vlevr. to our oil his and With whitened were get pack waited moment countless to. a feeding, The evening before we which eould bav crawled under ccustn of one of them had died. There was a gorgeous vlaur. Tht skulls and bones. Overhead catch our breath, and then ad-- 1 donkey who. to my surprise too Even Kadi nailed. reached the town they came to ua the average bed without trouble. They wera naturaly course and got of oa sailed. matter either side were As we reached the last it a a three lammergelers we mountains At the end of th second and politely suggested that, in ac- There was on poor animal that Ia trying to comfort them wo sug- vanced. the Aroundgreat but their outline blurred on rocks war perched coal came to a ford before whichdayeven saw them, a flock oil through about as well a cordance with our dignity.- wo was very lame and of a necessity gested tht a man be sent back to boulder we some Below, zlszaggir.g black raven that e)d our caravan atouf hearted Kadi quailed hundred Tbe and aoftened. yard larger anlmale. should get out our store clothes" hie rider stayed mainly In one Leh to send a message to .the taro eight rami I tilth sinister Interest. The track of water wa rough, swift and breast, upward, was tha traiaT if more In be gathering dusk it It Looked Bd from the yskdans and enter in place. When the ball happened families to move to some safer away and tbe hundred a than next wolves wera everywhere. Then we headed for the way be bit It, and place. To this, Rahims replied sad- wras difficult to judge the size. We We had to turn as'de and voices of drivers, animals, atylc. Wo explained to them that to coma hischeered as they ahojud, On the last steep ascent to tbe high. instead loudly. The ly, No. why move them? It la aa picked our animals at once and ford. Thera wa much protest from over mountain a ridge all wa bad with us were the dinner tbo crowd go For a few seconds they some of th pony men. but Rahlma crest of the pass a pack pony fell Cutting, Kermit and I scrambled came faintly to ua on th gusty fired. coats and opera' bats we had beat, player of tho lot was the son God wills. W had encountered the were dazed and milled around Loom an (T the Tarkand helped t pff the- - trail,, which brought th of a local rajah. Ha rods a little over the cd It la Kismet of the east, to which .1 brought for tbo benefit of the Ara- sauaage-ahapeTYhen the train Yea eh el the tejr- d Then they made off. Those few still It. We told them we would number of animals lost to eight: around pony that galloped there is no answer. and waited. H took the JtAln two bs ns and Begs of Turks tan, and turned to th descent. Afters the of last o'clock would ua two th W an About seconds opadditional the wind. like usual Cher-rta gave half fellow our policy. At Karthar we wer met by hours and a half to do as missionaries lived in Leh tbd ( datanc, tha mUt roUt d away and two rams dropped go and look at It. If it wera im- caravan reached the top and startCherrle. J ghort Kevcr n Murmur. and Cutting, who had come portunity. of asilw and other English people came gn( to fprMd beneath it. alope We Tht ed down our the dead. not made w gradual long would way In of one try slowly At that wa with Taghar, possible ho them, The Moravian mission ha been through safely. there quit often, these clothes rolijn green hills. On them wera w down the mountain .n the dark, ford la around a Jutting shoulder the north. The King of Passes. aft which mad the he had 11 tittle, would not do tor eleven oclock in established at Leh for vllage all expeditions th black dot. As w got closer we long lira. - of rock and not across the river. a one of the shikari put It, waa bo never aaw pack anlmala go over aaw they were flocks of yaks and the morning. To this they reluc- The members of Its staff. Ir. and camped, we found a ruined palace alipplig at every few steps, bat sat- When . us. bad. behind It looked we there turned gut mule a txn.1. One tantly agreed, but said ' something Mrs. JCunlck. and Dr. and Mrs. goat feeding. There were many On th Xtepsang plain and just ie bad The water wa swirling down In i Y,jf y summersaults and got up un- varieties of bright colored flowAaboa, were really fine examples must be done. Rahlma beyond tha Kara kora--n tbe Tibetan fiv Even torrent. a ' , Ho Clad, Into Lrh. yellow of tho practical missionary. They hurt. on th gras- ers Kur- Marmots whistled at us from their said bur pant (bad wxftrl. - The antelope rage. There are graceful Of course we would not shave, at loved the.r work and there was Wa camped at i., Amof tbe oil about -he th said animals, however. one Yarkandi. murmur never about them of from consists a holes. Our beards were being grown for gan. Th toan - T got erican prong buck which used to Kirghiz family, composed of two thought 11 eould be done. He waa they bav to underAs we rounded s hill we saw utility, not ornament. However, wo the hardships ' I liv on the plains ex our west in men and on a horse and tried it. It women. The women some clustered yourtes with a go. Mrs. Kuntck. la particular, , did rummage around in our tao fawn are colored, e. millions. smooth-broweWe more. no courage-onThey and as all th Just passable wer rather pretty and not t and taka out what we could group of Kirghiz around them. A frontier type of which la due directed that the horses be led dark on the back and almost white ahy. They wer drqased In pink, a yourte is a circular but with perfind. Kormlt put on - a very measure the credit for over by ones and twos. The men on tho hUy. The male has beautiwor and huge pendicular walls and a dome roof. rather pink, heavy pair of knickerbockers and a In large our grimy " own country. ful tapering borne, sometime tha head dreate their d rolled up It frame-wor- k cravat. Cutting building black of Wood is covshaped Ilk "the V :h Iu lived re. How w a of were 1 I) they at While Leh. waist the and to Georg clothes wore shaps ered plunged with felt. We went to the and Cherrle each They equally busbies of grenadier wa a con1 ttle imiserable where iliaone, In, towing the horse behind them. this barren country two in heavy pairs of long trousers in- Cherrl continued his collecting. principal they wera exfor autumn in the Every morning at five be was of tended The water was Icy but neither stant source of wonder to us- Their eaves hollowed out of the dried pecting us. Inside there was a the be seemed to with bis Ho a 1 number sparse shot food gun were borrowto mind seemed Tlan and only fire burning in the center, over horses nor men Shan, earth of th hillside. Nearby ed an exceedingly large pair of largo blue rock pigeons. They which an old woman and two As- it. In an hour they were all safely tufts of dried grass that wer a few tombs. On of thetn. , etc -are over to eat. o after being the surrounding of 'ong trousers with a hole very good through. When the last man and scattered at that of a well known chief, younger ones were preparingwasa In one knee from Cherrle. and skinned they were given to Jemal vary infrequent Inter- was surrounded tea horse struggled out on tbe beach country by horse heads sort of cruller. Beside it encrusted. on this seemed thrive to vals. set off my brown canvass shirt vrltn Shah, our cook. One Cherrle shot They of some I We stewing in the usual black on the far aide. thought horn and poll e a black evening bow cravat. So a sparrow hawk, and over my promeagre diet, for those we killed burhel pltcher-IikTh vessels. Willie" eopper over that Kinmont latter lines from the were much puzzled f women w ere dressed In bright colcUd, wa rode majestically into Leh. test turned K over also to th Mother used to read me when I were aa fat as butter balls. until we found that tbe Kirghiz ors Tho tert that eould lw xa.d for us kitchen. When th stew arrived Meat. lYeab and and had ribbons Specimens waa little: long banging brought them when down - la what was said or the native girl that evening, w coaid not telf It Tbe morning after w crossed family had here their backs from head from the Tagdum they moved from the pigeons, and no on to In tho Rao Ballads: , wa saw the of Karakoram herd room waa The clean. full dress. was of and The river spate . . : this day knows who ato lha hawk. seven graving on our left. They Bash Pamirs. Around the walls were bridle, hate. Constant Our Companions. And the the clothes jio made her were Batnrday. June I. both oar parand our startled and a by approach utensils, gun with cooking Bui never a horse nor a man wa fled like ties started. Cherrle and Cutting, aon shadows across tb path First ford on Sbjrok River. Tills days march brought us to aa antelopq horn rest to be need lost " with the larger part of the caraSal awkwardly a maid upon. of the caravan. I was walking with our last pass ln tbe Himalaya. Dur- in firing. On one side stood a great They wore a great Improvement on van. went by tba winter rout on the hill back of th town. No lifted with lb evenings work. We rifle at th bead; aa they went ing the entire march from Leh, Churn. From the ford we marched up my whero yak eould bo used. Kermit one could tell us to whom it had got to camp at nine, had some hot The ones ho found her In." by- about two hundred yards away Cherrle co'lected wherever opporDown fo Turkestan. and 1 set out for th Khardong belonged. Probably when th val- cocoa and a drink of brandy whicn the trait It waa gloomy but Im- I shot gnd killed th buck At .Panamik. and a tunity afforded. We seated ourselves on bright-colorIn Leh the three officials with Pass, over which it was reported ley was more thoroughly populate! warmed us. and then slept tike logs pressive; there wa not even A be little four asm for do. th days, day where he stopped woolen blankets and wer whom we had to deal were the Tes-- I only coolies could trarel. Abdullah arm smal rapah had his local seat A so often happen. It was the sprig of green to rest the eye. On Kermit killed; lajer another fine buck. bad obtained not only a number served tea. crullers and some exdsr representing the Kashmir gov- Bbah. th Aksakal, accompanied there. The main building waa in eleventh hoar effort that got tha every side rose brown rugged This gave us mt onr two Of alao but different only birds, group mountains that seemed to brood for th tnuseum. but fresh meat. curds I felt as if I wer ernment, the Bahadur Khan rep- our party In order to help In ar- fair repair On one side of the game. a cellent and some mice, of rabbits kinds In the Indian times Abraham. over Great the In s the valley government, rangements beyond the pass. We glac'er resenting Th balcony, which overlooked the Th short time theof caravan, of th fire great shrew which he trapped. The Second Ct-a-t Pass. came In and the Aksakal under whom i rod about If or 11 miles th Drat great marched down to the very bank passes, fourth there was a country, wa numerous the surrounding made were Buget, birds moderately quite As Cherrle and Cutting had of the stream. Their pinnacled Of these the day. camping at the foot of th aa men the traffic north. far the as bagand sursafely Buddha of fresco ruined partly mile until we recahed the high alti- gage wer concerned, but the last Ua with the balance of the White ice blocks seemed like the easily during a twenty-si- x latter was by far the most Inter- pas at a height of about lf.fff rounded Th map wa used give It tudes, where there were practicalby various symbolic fig- joined w been too sever had for four started next day soldiers of the edlr gods. A cold march. esting. His title. Aksakal, is Tur-k- 1i, feet- - Th horses seemed to feel ure. Below th main palace ruined pull aa IT, fid feet high, but our Aneroid Our of the ponies. This brought th . white beard and means fur th secohd great pass, the Sas- wind blew fitfully from the snow. made ly nothing but bird of prey. valtbo altitude, great y, and are had h only tho wail ser. Inam Jg.Mo and feet, I from the constant one. His .name was Abdullah to get off and lead them th last outbuilding-wit-stretched like number o' animals lost vn our St This route has been used companions We Turn Back a labyrinth clined to believ onr instrument. standing flhah. He was a lean, brown, to ley of the Stnd were a sparrow re- day climb over the through the ages, and yet It la We passed the next ford without All through th part of th way. It wa very cold over, an acre of ground. country in which sembling the English sparrow a II. We had much Hlmaayas fellow. His family n In the stony little Nullah on of the most dangerous It is trouble. for which to where we the Just when wo wer traveling the map showthought Bath. Me Had the brown Mohammedan. - It bam been the w camped, and our heavy warbler, be thankful, however. Hardly anyblack and rusty difficult for the average person to worst of difficulties wera be- ed blank areas At Panamik. where there are hot realise the height of these moun- hind us. the blue rock pigeon, and the Chutk-o- r one had believed it was possible great family in Leh for genera-ticnstood us in goad stead. we turned a bend and ed. Th name marked unexplordiseven w gave Mohammedans, a Tbs bath. to All had these they of mineral for us to make the journey so early Though The springs, tains Karakoram Partridge. the' which Tho Start At Sunrise. Pass, Remo glacier stretched th explored were often un- appeared when we reached the in the season. I know license to trade with hav a mud bath houxa still lay before ua, is more saw they hold of no other across the ent're valley. This waa recognised by parts morning w were awakt native th berenatives Inclined d to who am I the forbidden city. Lhassa. The-- i byNext use. two The which white expedition which has done last Plain. than ll.tot feet, or nearly halt a very unpleasant surprise. We they 1 eclock, for that was th time names. They show nicely Depsang other home la In Leh, where tho bead w so. for cleanliness Karanot much Then were So the there lieve, times after when as aa shortly appeared again Flkes Peak. What th coolies who were high and camped on tha spot. marked points which to th of tho family lives but they have te expected because they think the springs might be an easy climb at lP.Ptlt halted koram Pass. The dividing bar' a change In weather or a rise of carry our baggage over tb peas as I set out at once with Kermit and would mean members in the principal-cltitowns As a few concernin Further medicinal inches hav a a river would have properties. feet, at 17. sets the heart beatwas cold, but a gorgeous moon rlera, aa far aa bird life is to see If we could find matter of fact, with which Leh trades. Two more It th hillside there la a little open ing Ilk a trip hammer, and th: ga few men they are should all tbe Zogl and placed us tn a verv aerioua slua-tio- n. ed, shining and the snow summits up way across. We climbed Inter- but- - a few flradilackened nothing brothers liv at Tarkand and Kbo-ta- was The It In As bathed. luKn which the Sanju Pass was, rocks w, At for Pastes. lung Karakoram It air. gasping oa that surrounded seemed quiet night minably over slippery crags of where caravans stop, and where wa closed by anow th day after respectively, and there Is a end austere. We waited g mineral, 1 believe, la soda. Tb I very difficult to sleep. You wake Ice. Just before we reached the slime no one has lived or aver will. In shivering. bath and encrusted with cousin at Lhassa. In a iml I way. The waa we It wa for went few a tt. every great luxury momenta, struggling tor rocks Between wera through Plain, wa came on a small At lest deep crev- deed. In spit of tho maps, travelthey are the war bugs of this pert aboutcoolies- did aot.com. In spits of all this, withaut tha w decided t.iey tha first hot water w had for breath and feel aa If you bad been ices salt lake in a hollow. On It wera of Altai stretching downward till lost ing here la a good deal aa describ- at least s dozen Th overflow long under water. Th severltv of roan or an important weeks. a about foor of los We were hid not ducks j were There sows coming. Mown to Business. from the stream ran down th hill th journey is mutely witnessed by tn a greehiah ' blue dimness. ed ln Th Three Sealers;" Half ifo shot guns, ao we could not col- piece of baggage we had crossed soon as the eastern Inter- yaks belonging to th villagers la There was a constant muttering steam ahead by guess and lead bone of the pock g th In th channel. channel a the animals Ntta hll'. and were aw we lect any audsimen. but browsing on. ess of tb slopes wa noticed change of civilities permitted, wa Tho First Mt of Green. on our way down to th plains of about which II everywhere. At many and groan'ng. Occaeiohally some green them clearly. Thrir predominatnearby. We commandeered nine six Inch would chunk off got down to business. At first wo of At break and there ar tba It Turkestan great and place of sis or our htigh rend long plies march over color was light broqrn. and them, and started as sunrise was waa were told tbit the passes would water plant w saw. Aigbt feet high. They are scattered crash down, starting a legion of the Suget we cam to grass It was ing were (Copyright. IS?. Cosmos NewsI believe then flashing rose-pifew for Inth only not be open for two w seeks, showing and gnawed by the gray wolves of echoes that reverberated hollowly tha first bit of green we had found they were largo birds. nothcold tb - some of of th paper Syndicate. Inc ) A weekW mountain Shelldrake. highest they peeks, ruddy that perhaps In e the for lev the mountains, with Some which corridors to the Where this through grow. emd nearly nine days. I have rarely day later, while riding down a barour party might start If we would walked ahead.- - The shaggy black ing snow leopards and b'rda of prey of Him-alseen men to on Weed the refused th and cam from go that high anything seemed prettier ren little mountain stream, Kermit yak lumbered behind. Th first To enable the pilots of aircraft buy ponies, not rent them. Wo mile turned back. Two hour fruitless botanist enough te are the only beneficiaries. a. I am not or so e scrambled over stsop turned and I flushed five geese. Where to determine their After a hard days march over search convinced us that there ."7; A" h nlmslo finally succeeded in getting away altitude ln fogs' Perhaps It survives from some glacial from Leh not in twe weeks or bar rocks. Then w hit th mow say. remote period when the country Ire. and streams half covered wi'h a German has invented apparatus even a week, but in four days, and line, end slipped and floundered wa snow drifts which through I totally different geologically. era rewhereby sounds emitted arranged to rent ponies for all the upward through great drifts. At pushed right serosa the valley, we thtl 2lTJ!liZn' At Panamik w were to make came hut on. Thu nr .n last ws reached th top, lT.fft feet Durtn, to our camp at the head of courae party flected from the ground and the us. tb for to was nlrht our three l ttle donke) a were open and arrangement that , final Whfle we were In Leb a number In altitude, higher than either Ker- Sauer After th ita The sleen glacier intervening time measured. killed and partly eaten by wolves - good night ponlea On our arrival, w went self boundedglacier. bivouac no closely to return as rapidly as possible! within Into th usual eastern conference, on two aides our less than ona hundred yards V t could hit U. and attempt the other and longer! that you Kerwer y ; which tb principal of Speed was essential as the of our camp. None of us heard a tvfai with a stone. Oil thq other sides route. waa f ' and Abdullah Shah, roe the L rtf mit rising dally. Moreover oopnd. I suppose w were sleeping ' mountains river C i our Shikaris, and an amusing through which we had com this our effected delay seriously a unusually heavily on account of e c I ft old rascal called Shaitan, who narrow defll. We wore In a by Jf-animal are the tong march The next day as nat- ponlea. Baggage r owifed jjl As usual ural Ice box. Early in the after- scantily rationed while 'JH i tho - ponies l walked down tha valley we crossing was a Hon In th way. and noon the sunshine left us, and an the Himalaya for they have to found It scored .there not with the only .A our plans seamed impossible. How- icy breath from tha glacier sent carry their own provender, ln ad- tracks.of wolves, but with 4A v those of ever. t In some inexplicable th thermometer below freexing. dition they lorn their strength snow i ! fashion, at th end of the second With all It was very beautiful, for quickly working In th high altiIn spite of fact that It was day th yaks which Shaitan said though w were tn tho shadow tb tude. We knew this mischance very small and jhrocky and would be could not be brought In from tho sun still shone on th encircling would cost us ponies We had to considered id the l ulled States as hills for. eight day, were there. peaks whose silent pinnacles of spend the night where w were. almost barren, thle valley seemed The pontes necessary for th bal- ancient snow stood sunset flushed. ' Me Meet Two Men to u far as the garden of the No Tent That Night. ance 'of th caravan wera to be In order to take Lord. of We had spent nne days In advantage W pitched no tenta that night, tbe low produced in another couple of period In the stream be- almost total desolation, where the rolled up In our sleeping bags fore aun day, and Kermit and t started hut snow tho tb melts brown and stretches Ware ralev Th rocky were and yaks ahead for two dayF burhel shoot- close ponies wa off verv earlv. One ed only by' patches of snow. The together, each beside his load. ice. on started ing. th waters chill by of tha green grass and th tiny sweet-ford- s. A few small dung fire glowed, Of the Sheep Family.. war Aft- -, scented spring flowers wera fb tn which the mew cooked thoi Tb burhel I a member of tb over ten. There was little fee any er th last,-- w met two men who Ilka a drink of cold water after a I sheep family and Urea In tho high of --u a the altitude sleep It. were part Of the first caravan of i lone hot trek. j mountains. Ht Is a llttlo larger Through the night th prevented men talked th year from Yarkand, just asl Th following day. after a abort Zo lot tin than a donkey. HI color la fawn and moved Around. At on tira w wer V Drat peopl to at-- 1 march, Cbadai w came to Buget KarauL It Tibetan gnaHle shot by Kermit n ear tbe Kamkoran Pass. ' ing HurFed on In hope of water, head, ad bachelor lack of gran. Rudjrard Kipling. Leh. whero wo were to make tho final "bandabast" for our ol nib or-- r the Himalayas, is a little tillage of two or three .thousand people. As our caravan approached over a sandy plain, tho clustered foliage almost concealed the town. On every aide brown barren foothills stretch away, and the lofty mountains, rampart-liksurround all. leh In the summer months Is a busy place, and Its population swelhMo five or ax thousand. It la then that the enow bound trade of the north comes down through the high and Least Known Region us- - By Theodore and Kermit Roosevelt Lob-Th- pt slngy-oong- ?r frh ty h. es snow-crown- ed t Who-know- e, ! belly-dee- Inci-ma- ds eye-sig- ht ' mow-cover- - 1 pv-e- efl po-r- r' lx fight-colore- d. to crop-eare- -- vvl-je- y. rab-bit.- H k. 1 pi nf akl-kar- heart-broke- n. d. J , n e. ; "atar-seatter- ar yak-da- d, ' four-in-han- y - dun-color- v-- - evi-dent--'y I h(s. -- .v ed pack-ponte- s, It ed sleep-ing-ba- gs I a.' ua-a- n. Dep-aan- - fire-thir- ty il ever-lastin- aea-wee- nk snow-strea- a) "re bu thlT" I" Xn, Win, I R a. f snow-cover- - f it e - v k-- p. f tr aafaly-nsgoUat- Pv in-- 1 M il K s ? |