Show NEVADA BRITISH IN GOOD SHAPE english capitalists raise large working fund shaft to be hurried to foot level J W walker managing director of the nevada british mining company ltd operating in the cherry creek section of nevada has just returned from a trip to E england ng where he went on important business connected with the company affairs to the mining review he reported that his trip was most successful in every particular and that he had never had a more enjoyable time in his life he is biow now at the mine preparing for a most active campaign of development work the nevada british company is largely an english Eli glish concern and among its backers includes some of the most prominent business men in the island kingdom mr alfred fletcher is president J W walker managing director F W fletcher secretary and these with R S hartley tom smith and richard fletcher Flet cheri compose the directorate the recent directors meeting held at keighley england resulted most favorably in furthering the extensive development of the property and a large working fund was raised to sink the shaft to the foot level and to open up the mine in splendid shape this shaft is now down to the foot mark and the machinery equipment is fully adequate to handle the work to the lower depth with the sinews of war so plentifully supplied there is every reason to believe that the nevada british will make into a large prod producer u as the property has unquestioned merit and but needs development to justify the confidence of its sponsors the stock of the company is listed on the salt lake exchange and has shown steady strength for some time bids of thirty cents and more bringing out but few shares in speaking of his trip abroad mr walker emphasized strongly the excellent treatment he received from all sides and especially at the hands of the nevada brit ish shareholders shar holders A more hospitable set of people it would be hard to find or a more fair minded lot of business men he says that american mining promoters have a poor reputation over there on account of their underhand and crooked dealings but that english investors will go the limit on a square deal and a legitimate proposition while in england mr walker was most royally entertained at the homes of president alfred fletcher bichard richard fletcher and other stockholders in keighley and silsden hilsden Sils den |