Show DIPS SPURS AND ANGLES A money order department has been added to the postoffice post office at gold butte nevada the cedar talisman mining company of salt lake has made application for listing on the local stock exchange it is reported that a tungsten refinery is to be built at spokane washington by capitalists ita lists from youngstown ohio the knight interests of provo utah are reputed to have taken over control of the selma property in north tintic gintic W J craig has sent an air compressor and engine to chafey nevada where he has recently acquired some valuable ground the mcnamara mining company of to nevada is back in the dividend class with a distribution of payable on april the annual report of the utah consolidated mining company which is shortly to be issued is expected to show a substantial increase in earnings it is said that the international smelt ing company which is building the large T works at tooele thoele utah has taken over the large refinery at perth amboy new jersey reputed to be the largest in the world the wasatch utah mining comp company any formerly the consolidated jefferson has encountered a strong fissure at a depth of feet in its tunnel at the mouth of big cottonwood canyon southeast of salt lake important news of developments at the J mason valley mine near yerington nevada coupled with rumors of a big deal pending for the sale of the property have P combined to arouse considerable local interest in this proposition A big strike is reported in the properties I 1 of the goldfield consolidated at goldfield nevada the exact extent of the find has not yet been fully disclosed but it lis Is said to be one of the greatest developments yet m made ade in the camp and that is saying much for it it is reported that A operating t at rose creek twelve miles west of winnemucca nevada has uncovered a very valuable deposit of high grade molybdenum ore As the metal is worth about per pound the find is considered a most important one the new strike at the buffalo consolidated companas comp anys property at ophir utah gave returns of twenty four per cent lead ounces in silver and eighty three cents in gold old the company now plans to tap the ore in a new tunnel feet below the present workings the utah mines coalition company has ha conveyed a deed to its property located at alta utah to the utah savings trust company to secure an issue of in six per cent gold bonds payable in 1919 the boston news bureau estimates that the copper output for the month of february shows a illing faelling fa off of pounds as compared to november and december and is under the january production by pounds the shortage is accredited to the low price of the red metal and to the short month AT rathbone of amargosa amargoso nye county nevada one of the pioneers of that region and an old time mining operator is now engaged in the general merchandise business at that place and carries a general and well assorted stock of supplies and provisions mining supplies powder caps and fuse and is selling at las vegas prices with freight added J A odonnell of st thomas nevada who recently purchased the stage line running between that place and ivro moapa apa has good stock and excellent equipment and is giving the public satisfactory service the stage leaves moapa for st thomas mondays wednesdays and saturdays mr odonell has just purchased a new stage he always keeps an extra rig at moapa for the convenience of the public t |