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Show WORLD'SMARKETS New York Monoy. New York, Juno 22. Phime mercantile mercan-tile paper, 4 to 4 1-2 per cent. Sterling Ster-ling exchange, steady, with actual hua- ( Jne6s in bankers' bills ut 4.84.11 for j sixty days, and at 4.86 for demand, i Commercial bills, 4.83 1-2. Bar silver, ' 52 7-8. Mexican dollars, 46. j Government bonds, steady; railroad I bonds heavy. I OGDEN WHOLESALE PRODUCE. (Soiling Price.) , t ' "Ogden," TJialn Juncl-:22. Bnttet Grcamery extras in cartons, 25q; croamery firsts, 23c; cooking, 20c; ranch, lCc " Cheese Eastern, 15 l-2c. Utah, 14c; Utah mild, 13c; Y. A.. 15c. Eggs Eggs per case of 30 doz., $5.75. Sugar Boot, J5.70; cane, $5.90. CHICAGO PRODUCE. Cattle Receipts estimated at 4,000, market steady, beeves. 5.00(tPG70, Texas steers, 4 70(B'579; western Bteers, 4 705-90, stockers and feeders, feed-ers, SISQ'SGO, cows and hoifcrs, 2.50 5.90, calves, G.008 40. j Hogs Receipts estimated at 18-000; market, 5c up. lght, G.15G.17 1-2, mixed, 6.15G.G0; hcav, G.60G.75; j rough, G.056C20; good to choice heavv, G.203)0.50; pigs. SJO'S.IO, bulk "of sales. G.40(SG 50. ( Sheep Receipts estimated at 17.-000; 17.-000; markot steady, native. 2 25 4 50; western. 2.504.15; yearlings, 4.004.80. lambs, native, 3.75G.25; western, 1.00G.40. KANSAS CTY. Kansas City. June 22. Cattle Re- , ceipts, 5,000; markot steady to strong. Native steers, 4.75G,40; Bouthorn steers, 4.GO05.35; Bouthern cows and heifers, 2 754-4 00. nitlvo cows and hclfors. 2.2534.20; stockors and feeders, feed-ers, 3.50(3o.l0, buljs, 3,004.75; calves. 4.007.25; western steers, 4.5O4G00; western cows. 2 75JT'4lr.O: Hogs Recolnts. 14,000: G? p Bulk of sales, G35(?G.45. heavy. G.30Q40; pockcrs and butchers, C.33G.G0. lights. C.354-6.60 Sheep Receipts, 5.0Q0: market Btoadv. muttons, 3 2544.00, lambs, 5.75G.8o; fed wethers and yearling, 2.G04-4.G0; few western owes, 3.004-3.50. OMAHA. Omaha. June 22 Cattle Receipts, 2.SO0; market strong; native steers. 5.00)G.25; cows and heifers. 3.00 5.G5: western steers, 3 75p5.G0; raiuo ' cows and heifers. 3 0OfJ4.P0; canners, 2.2firtT3.75; stockors and feeders, 3.50 5 25; calves. 4.00(J,7.25, bulls. 6tag3, etc. 3 25(715 00. Hogs Receipts. 11,800; market 5ft 10c higher; heavy. 5 90C.30; mixed. ' G.20tf?'G.30- llghL G30G.45: nigs, 5.50 j G.25; bulk of sales. -G.IOG.30. ghcep Recolpts. 1S00; markot! steadv yearlings. 1.50(5.00; wethers, ! 3 7G04.OO, owes, 3.0Q(g)4.00; lft.mbB, 5 50'G.25 ST. LOUIS WOOL. St. IwIs. Juno 22 Wool octivo: territory and western mediums. 17tfT 19 1-2: fine mediums,, lfl"; fine, 11 14 1-2. I Chicago Cloae. Chicago. Juno 22 Close Wheat-July. Wheat-July. DO. Sept., 90 1-2; Doc, 93 1-8- Corn July, 57 3-Sal-2r Sept., 50 1-4; Dec., 58 3-8al-2. Oats July, 43 3-4; Sept, 44 l-2a5-S. "Dec, 45 1-4. Pork July. 15.G5; Sept., 15.62 1-2. Lard July, S 25u27 1-2; Sept., 8.40 Rib Jan., 7.85; July, 8.35. Sugar. Now York. Juno 22. Raw sugar, firm; Muscovado, .S9 tost, 3.16, centrifugal, centri-fugal, .96 teat, 3.00. Molasses buro .89 test, 3.90, refined, stoady. , Metal Market. Npw York, Juno 22. Copper Drill, Bpot Sept.. 12.26al2.35. Lead Quiet, spot, 4.45a4.50. Silver, 53 5-8. . . |