Show MS FIA INES NOT norm att r SU still th fit lire in fit all he black hawk A shortage of water ater at the billack ilam hawk k mine made it nechan for the tire are fighters to beast operation opt rations last ian saturday afternoon aft moon anil and the tunnel wan gain I 1 the fire candit condition ionn are not ac as sat it factor ia its wf ur would like to ste thim said J E pettit chate mine inspector to the Ado advocate cate tuesday afternoon laft although bough we me hae cery confidante that we will nill be in the end in gettling the fire under at ati blute control mr air tilt t pont the tile portion ot of last beet weck at the trio and returned to black iliac ac hawk Ti iFa afternoon in tho fight nt aint the flames ex client Fe aas made until it max to alo alost down donn on account of a lack of sufficient aler ater and at about 0 tit halt of the burnik area hid been controlled the mino mine a at nt ertil agian cups day morning and the tho tight fight against the fainter mr has spent n aril the entire week at it the fire ire returning return lne to irico sester das to the adgate Ad oate he lie made the statement that tho the fl flame arriva naro faill r aging but that an d supply of us ator ater he mairin hope hopes that the fire mould ro to within another week thu the kiriat trouble in lit the fight li l i that it nan hall been impossible to get around the flumen and anti tho the oper actions alac llac lsen been against kt a solid mail of fire alth alth an GIL tulip auppl of water ater irom I 1 roin ga uli the danger from N 1 on although white bite damp 1 14 1 to b reckoned ith arthur dennion Dennl ton the man mho ho ulmot on account cf of it has ha recovered but flolly and W hilll 11 be taken to the fett a coast at once it N 1 that the i oft of th firo fire up tit to the firt tent time itin bean u around 50 |