Show UPS ATTENTION C 1 a tt A ba k lurt UPI of utah id ila 11 ell 1 nt at fair vair an exhibit of utah coal in the miner palace palate at the panama pacific inter national exposition at rai sat 1 Is in alv lii utah coal the trio beet best ing dermed in tle tire history hl tory of the coal mining ning industry in tho the state iam mam A C waitr chief mincer of tho th utah I 1 net compan com pun who tho the or the exhibit mr lir watte return returned id from front par sari francisco latt beek acet lie aalde the tile exhibit war was attric s unusual attention from v i the palace an I 1 L hibi was installed at it fot ost of and it con 11 cl a thirty toot ob obelisk elfric of utah cai the corn com panlee which contributed to the ex hibit arc are the ut utah th I 1 ul ua company th consolidated duct company a iho the inda pendent coal coke company toni comp piny ny ta birg alt ins can oan n coal cuni company pany and th standard stand ird coal company |