Show 10 IVA it 11 US I 1 US its state Engine engineers ern office salt lake city lily utah 17 1916 1915 notice 1 in hereby given that of 01 whose whoso postoffice post office address id Is Sunny utah has made apdilla tion in accordance with the require ments of tho the compiled law lams of utah 1907 aa as amended by the tho session of utah 1969 1009 and anti 1911 to appropriate four 4 feet of weter witter per second from an inna creek cx tendIng from lilg big springs ranch carlon carbon count utah said water w ill be diep ted at a point which bears north 25 degrees cot eat co ea t 1400 fet f et from the west quarter corner of section 19 15 1 beuth 13 kost salt lake base and mer trier lillan and convey ed by means of 0 a ditch for distance of 8 feet and there used from ar 11 I 1 to october 31 inclusive ushe of each ear car to irrigate acres of land embraced in the southeast quarter of section 21 24 tup twp 15 south 12 21 last and the southwest south went quarter of if section 19 mid and the north neet neat quarter of section 30 20 gnp 15 1 south range 13 23 east salt lako lake base and meridian this application la Is designated in the state engineer ensine tex office as no all pro teetH tm against the granting gran of said application elating stating the must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied by a a of 32 CO 50 and tiled weil in this office within thirty 30 20 daye after the completion of the publication of this notice W D DEBUS deens state engineer date of first publication february 26 20 1916 1915 uati of completion if f publication march 29 1916 |