Show coach ollit he nil tn I 1 ta elf kasat M 01 vi 4 AHN 1 it b milosi Mi loii of or of liquor bluto 0 it W boo lutc cre 0 P Thol thousand dollar dollars pen pell cm for bach jach P th lIl lilbarn larn spry euceda no taj 00 the funk bill prohibiting the alft elft shipment hip C ment t of this limur bill into which prohibition will be mit ari months in two tao blaw law I 1 am tv in making prohibition effect of raw bay the lift etory absolutely bill was introduced by senator or the funk or of cache count and V at the passed td b bi practically tho the unanimous klat tho the pur rem vote of otther the state tato mot pw atthe of the bill is to to lahe make wholesalers whole aKre transportation ha and enss lempon able for the ship ua to rt of liquor orlo to anyone other than drugg toilet st it Is 1 expected to proe I 1 ta to authorities ln in at great X ili ur ot of the prohibition a 0 laws in sections that hae hav e ted dry the the mil 1411 provide that no lic ensia titia for the th sale of intoxicating liquors atly under the law of utah ahall shall au xa thonol S an n terron perron or corporation to hullitt recede orders for or to V wit zher Z her er intoxicants in any county city 0 town birre iv ro tho the wife 1 of intoxicants h prohibit y in 1 it further pro pa 0 lides that it hail be un unlawful laiful for any corporation dealer or agent me mgt M solicit order orders for or deliver any t 15 1 to permon i in dry territory IN etc thin lic ened its I 1 baltic rc re deerr y Furt furthermore c thi bill 11 lakoe it un uno 02 for an parson pt anon corporation W dular or agent to deliver dether to a comien 10 wrier for shipment inta into b ry except to it la is also dema unlawful ful for common knowingly to receive tor for alp ship allent or to transport Intoxicant intoxicants a into itry ry territory m a to druggists any bervon of violations 4 the act Is 1 to bo be punished L bl a fino fine mt flot to exceed ed 1000 or it 1 the count county jail not to exceed ono onn year aar by corpora tlona ato pual by b fine fines of from to act in case ca of a conviction of a a brener distiller diett ller wild lemule or retail dealer the 1 pc in adal flon t to the punishment heretofore el et forth shall ani aiudi the he forfeiture of ah xh licens Itce luw I 1 the bill 11 in one 1 the modi most 0 ot its kind cvar fawd it III bo be aasted that it dem d way entirely w m ith I 1 Th ghether ether for private ute or otherwise oth it 1 lot expect 14 d ahat the taw law v tl ji be easy en to en farce railway and tillon WWI comp aides will ill inglet on obedi acito lo 10 the tile law As they hive found that the shipment of or info into dry is a nul fulgance nu gance and thea the are to welcome elcome the new law fam aill 11 ile obeyed AW ab it ie Is pointed out that and re talf cre not to take the chance tit forfeiting their 11 R will ill make ni a eMpt to ill bonte N the la ian the webb kenion kenon federal fedral law lan dott away any to 10 a large extent with the danger of from other state states into prohibition hibi hibit tion tork territory etolil Alg g that government goern ment re gillit as to labels 1 shall apply to nil lood fr fir nto exle in n altah IM ding for a fee of or 35 s cents for flung chatt I 1 mortgages with itil county auditor coal or of one brand or from a faan hall shall not I 1 a e gold sold for fir another pure aur A I 1 on public range I 1 right lent or of way a 0 t iener and hlo 1110 brande ande railroad rall roAd ier or tate state prison vounda tro unde right ot of v 11 1 fr for p ver BM line ile our ceata industrial school right of f nn w for r power trans i ajon 1 ill for OT OTT property party of or state chool or lff and I 1 lind Ameni amending ing lalle adf fe to in hou dead aa n for family aupp support rt tim tn t erial i ment of child tin in where aulm ro co Is hold mold 1 10 to tal anti rt n port palto to legi fluture on oil wor kroMi 11 f legh lation needed khali eh secretary Setre tary y vf of natate board or of 1111 rat tj t re time to bork rk aad 0 aua ing t alarm t to woo 91 year andini A brouno d in IN governor to exchange el or rr nu ouno nt 1 t alit Pro of 01 ay over r state band 1 l for rori providing iding 8 penalty le up P 0 o 0 1000 1000 fine if fluor luor into try con tal boint for ion to bite ritte and d dc lanon to armm lat I 1 at on 0 C 10 grounds and u 1 00 for ampro boint expense lt thorl on ahins tin rig al ale of capitol alsy S of 0 on labor increasing belc aloner nl bd 44 i oner of labor to 1 a year arizona t to complo coin tc road vort n tah i ackin line e to arana grand 1 aon 0 o OrI llor 0 11 t to transfer tra part at a t of E i 1111 latah A l aley f national 1 faient li reve ration to for t the aln 1111 n has drilled he the pang 1 0 1 h 11 three onton months and de d that any al one or of the Ill musical amber 41 effin fAbers 1 i 11 in itself worth the price the MIOR will be aug alanl by fill ll 11 1 chorus and o 4 orchestra th nent t Artir lic dancing flurcy W vi the c pervasion ulalio Per visiOn of 0 11 NIP ll ake alke 4 to V be a feature of the a beni t the musical by u dances 1 are cloudy 01 woven W a fand inq ajo |