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Show Budge City Netus PAGE 5 "The" County Commission Meeting Agriculture Protection Advisory Board As requested, SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 mentioned ordinance, and all other notices from Planning and Zoning, had been legally advertised in the Beaver Press because it is the paper of record. During the meeting, Dodge City News requested that all legal notices from Planning and Zoning be forwarded. In an effort to keep this side of the County informed, soil conservation board members met with the Commissioners. After a lively discussion, Commissioners _ tentatively appointed Arlan Shaun Pearson, Marshall, Floyd Mayer, Thane these and Ace Gillis to serve on at the next meeting. Leo County Attorney Kanell advised the assembled group that any law passed by the legislature is considered to be constitutional until it is proven otherwise. Max Mayer then asked, "If the law is changed in the next legislature, does the agriculture protection status granted in this County remain valid." will be published as a _ public service, courtesy of West Hills Excavation. Yardley, the board. All members accepted the appointment except Gillies, who was not at the meeting. The newly appointed advisory board was then charged with the task of reyiewing and revising the initial ordinance. They were instructed to complete this task so that it could be presented to Commissioners notices Commissioners Didn't Exactly "Tell All" During discussion with irate visitors related to replacing lhe $ pretty well stacked ag: aunna The September 6 Beaver County Commission meeting got off to tempestuous start with a road repair and weed Mayer told Commissioners. ordinance(Chapter MU-40), Commissioners, status, once it is changes which would limit agricultural use. She and other group members were instructed to approach the Planning and Zoning Committee with questions or requests for change. "The group that you are to call them to task on what he thought was a road upgrade promise. At that time he was told that conversations outside regular Commission meetings are not binding. asking us to take this to is Unless it is on the agenda pretty well stacked against and in the minutes, it is not official. ne Joey Leko is becoming a familial face at Commission Meetings. with In a heated exchange Commissioners, the Lekos were able to extract a promise that the Commissioners would meet with county road foremen on September 13 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss a planning process to prioritize road work. County Planning and Zoning Committee Connty Commission Chairman Gary Sullivan Presided 1993, implemented, prohibits zone first the it was in which deals distance _ between hog houses and residential dwellings. Agriculture protection area control request. from Mr. and Mrs. Joey Leko. Last May, when Leko appeared before 10.16 passed Shaunna Mayer asked Commissioners about a County zoning us," she said. Discussion ensued concerning possible conflict of interest related to various members of the committee. With regard replacing Planning Zoning to and Committee members, County Attorney Kanell advised that it was not an option. Robert Strong, who has served on the committee _ for 7 or 8 years said, "We can't find people to serve on the board. We have advertised in the paper, and no one responds. These are good members. They are responsible, and regualrly attend meetings." stated Commissioners that the above Planning and Zoning members, Commissioners did _ not - disclose that terms for two. members of the committee, Robert Strong and Mike Yardley, expired January | of '94, and those members. have not yet officially been re-appointed. Number 3 on items for discussion of the September 6 agenda relates to consideration of appointments to the Planning Commission. According to County Clerk Paul Barton, no action was taken on this during the meeting because one of the individuals had not been contacted and asked if he would like to continue serving in the position. "Traditionally, they check to see if the members are willing to serve. If not, they advertise the positions," he said. and Terms for Max Limb Lary Carter expire January 1,:1995; Larry Sower and Gerald Hackwell (He replaced James Robinson) expire January 1, 1996. Strong and Yardley are both listed on the roster as expiring However, in 1997. the Commissioners have not officially made the appointment. Ross Marshall is the Ex- officio voting member. |