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Show - PAGE 9 Councilman _ COUNCIL MEETING _- AUGUST 15, 1994 1. Sower at approximately 7:00 p.m. call a special meeting if he Holm, Netto, couldn't put in the new line Treasurer — Griffiths, Attorney Kanell, Leadman for $2,300:00, Councilman Whiting, Virginia Higbee, - Pam Sherwood, Sam Florence, Maria Start for materials, and then Florence, The minutes of the 1994 meeting were approved as written. August Steve Larry Barnes, and Wiseman 1, Resolution 6-94 to who was to discuss connection for - Addition. After discussion _ of the present sewer system and possible ways to put Mayor arrived at approximately 12:10 p.m. The purpose of this meeting the sewer the Head Start Building and the Lewis : Addition Development. 2. In the absence of Mayor Councilman Carter seconded the motion, all in favor. Recorder Netto was instructed to send - all in favor. Florence, Whitney, Virginia Higbee, of U S West to South Central, Holm seconded the motion, 5. Board until the next meeting. 9. Councilman Sower motioned to send a position statement showing Milford _ City's opposition to the sale of our telephone system by $1,500.00 from the city and $800.00 from the Head Those in attendance were Councilmen Sower, Carter, the Adjustment — appointment problem within the limit of the regular meeting to order | Recorder table motioned - to _ authorize Leadman Whiting to fix the Mayor Wiseman called Lenn SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 Badge City News | ’ water and sewer lines in the undeveloped area Councilman Carter motioned to put water and ‘sewer systems in the. Wiseman Councilman Thomas motioned _ that Councilman Sower act as the | Mayor following area: North to 150 North on 600 West for the water lines and _ from 100 North to 300 north on 600 West for the sewer lines, Councilman Pro-Term, Thomas . Councilman Carter seconded the motion, all in favor. Public Service Commission. 6. Councilman - Carter cS 10. Councilman. Sower motioned to approve bills © Florence. motioned to turn down both and payroll as presented 2. Councilman Holm Leadman Whiting -. engineering bids received — 3. authorize _ with the addition of Milford motioned to for the Lewis addition, — discussed. the costs of. _ Grocery for $502.55, SMR ° Mayor Wiseman to sign a Councilman ~ Carter _. connecting the Head Start for $1,122.13, and A & F two year contract with Tel Building to the City sewer. seconded the motion, all in Enterprises for $595. 93; America for long distance Florence, and Monica --arrier service, Councilman Carter seconded the motion, allinfavor, foo 3: Lenn and Steve, Florence presented: ther: Eagle Councilman Holm seconded a ..» the motion, allinfavor. see Councilman | ‘Sower 11. Councilman. Carter : motioned to hire Rachelle. pe approved ‘by the “)°?. @ fal ~ Classroom Milford located Start - at Elementary. Councilman 7 tn : ‘Elementary. ‘School: sewer UM _. Head: Start-can connect. into ne : Gade ~ system with the option that == to start" August 322, 1994, MEETING Councilman Carter aees ese would © fund the Eagle — AUGUST 18, 1994 seconded: the motion, allin-. Project, Councilman Carter: ae _ seconded: the motion, alli in . favor.’ a: Mean was called to 8, Councilman Sone favor. order at approximately motioned to appoint Don 4. Virginia Higbee and Sam 12:30 p.m. Those in Willden to the Planning and - Florence met. with the attendance were: Council Zoning position vacated by ~ Council to decide how they for the head 1:11 Ep: m. belch ne : . pump be used to connect the— Holm motioned _ Counc that the City sewer adjourned at approximately Carter Councilman Holm seconded aS _ Head: Start. Building to the S Sheldon As there was no further business the meeting was el : |, Councilman provide the funds for the — trees and drip system to fou us per . were going to hook up the the motioned that an ejector and requested: that the city” Zt plant trees at the two new ~~ ball fields. seconded motion, all in favor. As the cost exceeded the. $2,300.00 — previously: - favor: : oS + Project to the City Council. Hieae ~ from 300. ‘Albrecht, _- Carter seconded the motion, all in It was decided to . favor. members Thomas, Sower, Recorder Carter, Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, Leadman Whiting, Mark "the city” sewer ‘system. ata. a calendar anc have : 5 S not been contacted, please Missy Rose at 387-5047 Kathy. Acklin at 3872878. elas are $5. 50 co later’ date, Councilman ae call Thomas > _seconded | the "or - motion, all ini favor. 4. Mark. Whitney was asked - for input on the number of _ planned homes to be built in the near future in the Lewis _ this. vee Green Machine Lawn & Pest Control Weed Free & Green Lawns Ask your Neighbors - We Kill Bugs! Ron Memmott (Same Local Owner for 25 Years) Guaranteed Service & Positive Results For More Information Call Lynda at 801-387-2707 YARD OF THE WEEK is at the Vetch home, 525 W. 500 S. |