Show WOOL OOL PRICES HERE AND ABROAD does DOCK a ideh high on ois dool maut make wool higher hire demand and supply regulate the prices of wool is as of other products but in the lie wool trado trade certain factors enter prominently than in the arale in most other articles the alie quality and availability of wools are aio powerful factors lit in determining demand and therefore prices similarly changes in fash fiihr ion liy by t or decreasing demand affect prices iricea equally with chai changes lo 10 cs in in billi ply thus during the past year some wools have greatly fallen in price while the price of 0 others has been well maintained each variety of wool produced has haa a uso use for which it is better than any other oilier wool grown tho the price 0 of f wool therefore does not depend upon tho the relation between tho general demand and supply but rather upon the relation existing between tho the demand demi iid and bup ply ot of each particular variety the general expression therefore that wool is ia up or down it carried with it no real significance various Vii rious attempts have been made to compain coni paie kliu prices of certain wools in t this his country count ry awl and in england for the pur I 1 biow of tho the effect of tho the tariff upon prices but usually without satisfactory ra results for these thase compain leans have included varites varis lica 0 of wool entirely dissimilar there aro are two varieties P S of wool which approach each other r very closely in qu quality aliby no and condition in addition to this accurate records of their prices have been kept these are arc ohio ined medium ilita fleece washed and washed port philip fleece the former is a stan standard stand daid nd variety in tho tha united states aud and the latter in england borth for these wools a comparison is possible sible the following table shows the average yearly prices in gold in boston and london respectively london quotations are those of co and tho the american prices ire are taken from froin manger averys wool circular ch arilar ohio medium inc illum port philip cents pur per 1 aund cents pcr pound iwa 1 I 13 45 ina am 7 wl X j ati ai W I 1 33 jyrl wi 1 IMS 19 ST ma t 31 39 04 5 ST 35 16 1 5 is I 1 ha w az 5 ail 42 15 1 3 5 act go 02 5 51 5 UT 3 ass 5 1 5 5 5 0 Is 5 i 41 H az 5 43 1 I isad 28 ml ia S H 5 IS tS 77 11 41 1145 ah 5 iks aj 5 1315 5 arii wl ltv lt 0 51 alsi 3 r 5 til 6 5 41 1 ssi 4 11 15 1 5 03 5 ista 1135 5 55 4 1 11 14 q pa W 3 SMI issi I 1 xi sll iz 5 35 siz 24 I I 1 ibal Ib Ml 5 33 it W am 15 1 5 al aai 1 15 1 5 isas 24 ft 22 1 1 15 Z 5 37 3 51 32 15 1 5 ml 5 33 15 1 3 5 ilot 30 poi t philip fleece has avera I 1 ged higher for thirteen years and lower for twelve years than ohio medium fleece for forthe the twenty five years ending in 1890 ohio medium hai averaged 41 18 cents per pound aud and port philip fleece cents per pound showing a difference in favor f of tho the fornier former of 10 40 cents if we eliminate tho the prices priced for 1871 and 1873 18 ja when speculation was rampant in this country and wools were contracted c for on oil the sheep s lack back at from G 5 to 70 A 0 cents per pound we ire arrive at tho the following averages avera cs for twenty tance ce years ohio cents per pound and port philip 1033 cents per pound showing a difference in favor of the latter of ag cents per pound during the whole period both wools have ris risen en and fallen to together eaber hoin from every point of view this showing g is a remarkable one and deserves careful consideration on the par t of those who believe that the wool grower in the united states can derive good results from croin a high duty ou on wool new york commercial bulletin |