Show some now new laws council lic file ag is an act which pro vides thit hint illy person may eniy commence a civil action without civi giving or making a del de by taking taking and sube eube I 1 abiu lio lie folloNi following ing oath in writing 1 I abig 8 i tolo do solemnly swear that hat I 1 an am not lot able e lo 10 benr car tile expenses of the nc tion lion 1 I am about to commence and that I 1 all am justly entitled to the relief so sought to tile lie best be A of my lily belief 1 in lt such afes lie hie clerks ail aal other officer fb 0 if alie ile allt all tile in the of an ail action abid ili the shall attend as in other fasce unless their depositions fire are talen taken under tile provisions of the law lut but if it should bu be made to appear to I 1 the lie court at it any time beffi c the trial tri i that said oath is probably I 1 UL s or tile the cause of action frivolous or malicious the action shall THE LAW section 1 that section 2264 of thy the 1 ca compiled p i led laws bavi 9 of utah amended by bv in inserting erting sit at the end on d of said section alter ter subdivision 3 the following subdivisions to bo be numbered 4 and anda 5 fcc 4 to dip or wash in any stream or to construct or maintain or use any ally pool or dipping vat for dipping or washing sheep in ili such close proximity tonny to any stream used hy by tho the inhabitants of any ally city town or vil village laze for domestic purposes ns no to make tile tho waters thereof impure and unwholesome or to cot con or maintain any it ny corral va vard 1 rd or vat to bo be used for tile hie purpose of 01 shearing or dipping sheep within 4 n seven miles of any city town or village iacre the refuse or filth fifth from zdan eidor ir Fal t 1 or yard would naturally li url its vr Y into lito an anny at stream ream of water usa us A l byis te ja itts of any ally city vill 11 0 ol 01 tab y for domestic purposes 1 i r I 1 ec C 5 to establish arid anti a any corral camp or bedding pao pace pa o for tile the purpose of herding holin A A f fil mS malf lf W 1 nid jag ay iy nito tr water used by pe e WO W O ity city town folrn or spage V pa a for pos poses tho the above abodes S aiila I 1 fult U I 1 iw VV IY section tion I 1 provides that 10 b tle the territory may inn at it any generl or election by bv I 1 it a ina jonty of the I 1 p declare in favor of fencing t hiir 43 1 r 1 farms arms and allowing allo in their animals tyun ta run at I 1 large ge sections section 2 makes it tile the duty of tile the county court ol of each county at its jurie june session in 1892 or as soon after ns as practicable to declare what shihi constitute a lawful fence section 3 pro provides that all horses mules and rent r cattle found running at large on which theio a ig i no brand and anyhow any hogs 9 running at I 1 large arge on oil the prem preau aises of any p person erson not the owner shall be declared declai cd ed estraya CB es trays section 4 makes it tho the duty of tile the co constable table of any ally precinct of any country to take up es trays and after adver advertising them 0 for ten tell days to sell the same at auction tile net proceeds to be de deposited ee posited with tuu the justice of tho the peace to be disposed of by him hiat or as hereinafter provided the constable is also im powered to sell estraya at general round up or drives section 5 provides if any neat cattle horgis horg ts lit auiles tiles asses s beep goats or gioga shall trespass or do damage upon the ilia premises ses of any any person except in ill case cases s where said places are not lot enclosed by a lawful fence in counties where a fil fence ace is required by law the party aggrieved may y recover dan damages anges by an ail gra action aved against g dinst the owner oi of the tres passi passing aig alli animals mals arid and no animals ties passing passin shall be exempt from execution section 6 gives the owner or occue occupant iiii L of f ail any real property power to detain alli animals doing damage on oil such property until they are ara de du livered to the alie c unstable constable who shall ahall notify tile owner of ilia he amount of damages demanded and costs and if they are not paid within two to days suit shall be commenced section 7 declares that the tiff must assess the damages anti and it if tile alie defendant fel believes they are excessive lie may at any time before the trial tender the ilia mount amount he be deems reasonable arid and if the does not recover a greater at sum u than that tendered ilia costs coats from tile the time of the tender shall bease bo assessed essed flain against st tile the pluit itT section 8 says that six aix months after the date of the sale the net I 1 proceeds sla 11 be paid into tile the county treasury to it alie I 1 e credit of tile the county school funds provided ed boi however ever that if the owner of t alie le c t ra a sold shall satisfy the magistrate of liis is right to them tile the net proceeds shall be paid to him section 9 provides that tl alie a magistrate shall report his hia proceedings to the county court lection 10 makes make the constable of his precinct and the custodian of all ail brand books and brand sheets pertaining thereto section 11 declares that any gereon who shall interfere with the lie coia table when licit in the discharge of the duties imposed by tile act will be a guilty of a sec sentiel tiel 12 provides that the brov provi siong of if tile the net shall in no way interfere ciui tiui it ilia existing legal rights of incorporated cities and towns in relation to I 1 animals running n i n gat at laige suction section 13 repeals chal cli apler I 1 ter 55 6 session lafis am 2 of 1890 rind and other oilier laws a 9 and ami parts in collict wi flitt it ith illi the art act f section action 14 says ilia hie act shall talca take direct from ind and after af ter its approval |