Show i loral N ovelt les pansies for which pc cial beauty is ia claimed aro are new peacock kosy mont atom defiance improved giant Tri mardean anil and imperial german 1 now new asters catalogued cataloguer catalo gued are queen of spring aprin triumph anil and dwarf queen 11 now chrysanthemums incaudo ais mas cassall sass augua lia nellie A tong banquet thorn stron strong pride of erie eric and lilliain Will iain L alscott LS scott cott bolig among A new carnations fi daybreak american fla iwilda wings and preil creighton admirers of the flowering plant will bo be pleased with tile tho new double lowering bowering variety it is an all effective plant to grow in ill babets baa bak ets or vases brozys new dwarf ca cannas ulias a new class of large flowering llo call cannas 1113 merit attention as is joes doe tile tho now new raco race of d dwarf darf arf carnations cai nations fine of verbena are tom thumb and siim maul moth |