Show Deci of water con nors in ili tile case of james mack vs TS farmers union dller mills of smith fiel nell ajmo etc I 1 by request tho the decision of the water commissioners ag copied verbatim from the record said water commissioners decide 1 that the defendant shall maint maintain aill a good substantial tight fitting water kate gate with mith same width of overflow as gate now in use in ill the alie bank of the mill i ace of plain lift at said place opposite the mill of defendant t the e top of said water gate gale to bo be on a level with the mark made by the arbitrators on oil the rock aforesaid 2 that plaintiff shall provide and maintain an Ove illow or waste gate a BO as to prevent backing babkin aud and raising the nater in his mill race alove above the 1 mark made by the arbitrators on tu the rock aforesaid i 3 that said water gate fu 0 o be maintained teed by defendant st abe be kept locked ind and under midor the mover of the dawg S I 1 12 ld I 1 ll 11 ma 6 ta iia va 4 tt ir 10 I 1 vey I 1 ry THOMAS 8 j al WM lysy u dated feb I 1 1891 |