Show A AUTO TO TOUR TOURIS IS I GREAT SUCCESS 4 Moyle and Powers Address Five Large Meetings I DASH THROUGH COUNTY I SERIES OP LARGE AUDIENCES UDIE CES O ON KAND JI J I 1 Judge O 0 W Powers nd James H Moyle tog together ther with C un Chairman Mat Thomas yesterday rda introduced an Innovation In Utah political Campaign Campaigning ing when they toured a part parl of Suit Salt Lake county in an automobile and made a series serie of speeches in different towns By adhering to lo a carefully pre prepared prepared pared schedule they were able to reaCh and speak in Mill Creek Clel Murray San Sand Sandy d dy and Bingham Junction during the finishing at the last place In time to join the excursion of caridi dates to Bingham in the evening At each of the towns they were greet greeted ed b by gOl good d audiences who gave the ClOSEst attention to the ad advanced advanced I by bj them The party left S Salt lt Lake at and Cree at 1 16 where a crowd had gathered at I time the ward hoUse boUse In which the meeting was held Precinct Ch Chairman T N Reese presided Judge Powers was wan the first speaker and paid a fine co meat ment to the entire state and ana county count ticket I have hae no fault to find with an of them said he be and Rud no one seems able to sa say al against an any or of them except the candidate for congress And he continued stall I dont believe of oC what is told about him Republican Dissension Judge Powers devoted a good part of his Mill Creek address to local con a topic that received the cbs clos closest est cal attention The RepublIcan party Is split Into pieces said he It is full of bitterness and hate Two fac factions are strivIng for the ma mastery tery for Cor control Their has brought bitterness and trouble to the state I dont want to see turmoil and strife I have been preaching the of peace peRce for Wt we have no prosperity with without without out peace no happiness without pea peace e eIt It makes little difference whether I am elected or pot lOt but tt ri does great deol of oC difference if we e dont ha have ve peace As long as the Rep party part is retained in power there can be no peace for Utah The strife and bick bickering bickering ering will continue The Republican party brought this condition upon Utah and it can be removed only by their retirement Mr Moyle poke brIefly as the days Itinerary was as i in danger from the dl die bayed start He H urged d all to support the he Democratic ticket and as In LII or of his speeches made a 0 special plea for tOl Judge Powers Meeting at Murray At Murray lurra the meeting was vms In the open air afro Michael Mau au smiling and happy was the master or of ceremonies Judge e Powers told how tile the high tar tarIff lit Iff had been manipulated for the benE benEfit benefit fit of the few while the received nothing but the or of working at the lowest wag wages s at which his services could he be secured thou though h heer eer everything he needed to sustain in life Ufe was increased In price He made au an appeal to the of whom there were many In the audle audience te to support Mr 11 Moyle and told how he had begun life as a tone cutter anU antl had b by dint of long continued effort ma mastered te ed the most difficult slon In tIle the world If you can elect only one of us said he elect eJect Mr Ir Moyle The is for ot four Cour years sod and the state cannot afford to have Mr lr lIo Moyle le defeated You can elect another two years from now Mr Moyle Io le as received with enthusiasm In Iii beginning he pled pledged d himself if restore pence peace and harmony to the tate state 1 you ou said he there be no more morl of the discord that Is nOw nv ng the citizens of the Thie distraction this dissension s 5 Ute the result of misrule So M as that party part is continued in pow power hi 11 the state thEre will be the same Tile The quarrel will m continue and nd the late suffer Turn out the it 11 you yoL would have hwe an end of this disgraceful rondi condi condition i lion tion I I Get Into Band Wagon At Sand Sandy reached on schedule tint time I there was a well ell packed hilll hall for Cor the meeting I 1 am going to use Republican I lican Ilean argument old Judge after his bis introduction b by PrEcinct I Chairman Brigham Ward It Is Get into the band wagon We have the band wagon this year Get In and ride Judge Powers devoted a part of his 1115 Sandy speech to a comparison of Mr Cutler and Mr Movie Moyle Cutler Is Isa isa a nice clean man said he It has been urged in hi his behalf that he is a business man He is that and an hon hen honest est well meaning man He has none I of the attributes that a governOr should possess We Ita have had Sl a In this state Heber Wells Tells has served the state well We e havE never been I ashamed of him when lie he wont away from tb mingle with the govern goern governors ors of other states Ur Mr Moyle Is a busIness man In a wider sense than Mr lr Cutler He has bas the knowledge of the state that a governor should possess He ins has every qualification that Is needed to give Utah Ulah a careful dignIfied government He will be fair to all cItIzens IJO will consider th the petition of the thc man with the same candor and impartiality at as the quest st of the capitalist Hs will be owned b by no man and he will the state honestly with tile the high talents with which he is Campaign Judge Powers th then ll adverted to the campaign ot of lIes and regarding that hud had been made mad from the state hea Mr 11 Spry has a new hew arly every day said ald he He is always read ready to go through a hole hale in getting Out Out too He reminds me ofa story I rOad in The Herald about a man who Was or of a hog hag he heo o owned med e Let Le tte mu t tell ll the tho hog r b a little pIg I fixed x or a sleeping kf Itaf fri n h ind indI J I a dining room adjoining I It the two rooms I made a hiIe just large enough for the little pig Now al although although I though that hog grew to weigh more than 40 J pounds I never nevel Imd to enlarge the hole Mr r Spry sE ms to have found the hole Judge Position JUdge Powers Powes said suld lIe Ile is ig not a free flee trader He pledged himself it Ie ele to vote yote to maIntain a dut duty on lead su sugar sugar gar hides wool and everything else that produces He said he be I In giving the products of tIle the state every and lie he promised he would not like hike Senator Smoot arid and Congressman H Hawell welI vote i to lower the duty on sugar simply be because I cause the sugar trust desired it it though i the effect was wa a detriment to the Utah sugar beet grower Mr Moyle said the state stale needed Judge Powers In Iii congress a Never be f fore re have we so greatly needed a man in Ia one of the branches of congress competent to meet an attack on the state who can an repel an assault on the people and the interests of the state I None of the Republicans In congress from fram Utah now can do so At this time when a great Investigation is pending I of the methods in POll politics tics we require a man of ability We I need such a man as was on the scene in Portland when the women of the I state were attacked What would the Republican candidate for Cor congress t have been able to do had he been there I Mr rr said when the Liberal and Peoples parties s disbanded It was with witha f a mutual a agreement to divide on na party lines and to bury the past He explained the ont charac character character I ter of n a campaign based ion on these old dIfferences which all honest men b d buried ct Noyle Moyle on the Tariff Then rhen he took uP the question of the tariff The tariff Ii 13 good for Cor the manu mann manufacturer but bad for the producer he declared We re produce the raw mate materIal rIal in this state but we dont manu mann manufacture facture We e have an example here however of the way the tariff Is used b by the I was one of the original investors In the sugar industry t I that tha time we e to get any returns fOr years ears Contrast conditions now nov and ten years ears ago aso The beet t grower gets 25 2 cents a ton less leES for Cor his beets nd pays 2 a hundred more for forthe I the sugar he buys although by in im improvIng provIng the quality or of tile the beets and improved methods of manufacture the same beets produce 50 per cent more sugar than at that tIme The tariff on sugar was ss lowered b by the party part If you will look over oyer the roll call on that bill in congress OU vili find that the Democrats In con COll congress gress voted against again t it and the Republicans beans voted for the bill Th Thus s are the Republicans UnIted linked to the trusts The tariff Is a good tood thIng for the manufacturer manufacturer but not for the producer of a araw raW materIal How Republicans Falsify Mr Ir Moyle loyle then took up the good times argument ot of tIle the Republicans nn and 1 showed ho how they had falsified history In tile the effort to make a lie appear to be bethe bethe the truth FIe He explained how good timed and bad times alternate and have Al ai Alternated since the beginning ot of the world He told of the handsome ear Ur plus pIus that Clev Cleveland land left lell for Cor Harrison in 1889 and the depleted treasury Cleve Clee Cleeland Cleveland land found when h he returned to the presidency fOUl years years later He told of the bonds already engraved by the Harrison and left as a legacy to tile the Democrats who are ale now blamed for the haid tim Mr r lIo Moyles address was particularly convincing and was received with every manifestation tation of approval At Bingham Junction there was a large and at Bin halI at night nighta a great crowd Assembled und and gave the mOSt moat enthusiastic welcome of the day The of the state owe oe fi a fiote Vote ote of t herman F Sanders the chauffeur of oC the expedition who like Hank Hanl Monk lonk got her through on time despite |