Show MAHLER LIKES UTAH AH Promoter of Interurban Railway Says This is a Great Country The last ud of linari nu Published In it Cleveland 0 saId sardo about Barney Mabler and ana his proposed electric railway B Mahler a well known electric rall rali rallI w builder who has been In Salt Lake val valley 1 e for the past four months en engaged engaged Sn in securing franchises and rights o Of wa war or mi an Interurban road through thIs well known anti and fertile valley nUe Is much pleased over the prospects for building the Toad road Is enthusiastic over tbt country Mr lr Mauler Mahler has se secured e cured fourteen franchises for his road and has but two more to secure one In Inthe inthe I the city of oC Salt Lake and the other n in Ogden The com eted road rond will cost costIn costin In the neighborhood or of and wilt will be Hi miles bong Jong I This valley vaHey said Mr Mabler to Fl 11 nance one day tilts week Is truly trub a wonderful valley It Is exceedingly fer fertile tile the soil soU yielding abundant crops with very er little cultivation A gt great at deal of at alfalfa truit beets and other commodities are raised ed You CIOn raise in the Salt Sait lAke Loke valley that you can raise In most anywhere In the United States farmers thin Icola In the valley aUe are extremely r Th The farms are slid and as aK I said before very ittie work ork la is required to a good in come j A farmer with twenty acres of land generally t ten eres aeres In sugar beets which yield Iehl him about a 8 year five acres aeres lit in alfalfa front which lie he gets gels three crops and which yields I ds him an In conic Dl about fL a year eur then he has five cares for tor sm small fruIts vegetables u s The rho r reason son that the stock raIsing and fruit Industry is III so from a financial standpoint lit in inthis this th small valley vaHey Is that there js is a home mul market et for lor nearly everything and yet fruit can be raised In the Salt Lake val valley Icy ley shipped to Ohio and sold at a good prOfit The valley itself Is about twelve miles wide and 50 miles lou long surround td on aU all sides by picturesque mountains and It is the only cultivated land Jand within too 50 or er illO miles In an ally direction Of course COlne there thore lIS Ic a great deal doal of money made In by br and andst st ck raising and opportunity th for u a uman anina nina man to get along In the world and ana make money il times what It H i is in Ohio People going west very cry gen generally pass through S SLut lt Lake uke valley alle nd ro 0 on to California Or dr tho o are ar much greater In this yal va ley Ulan than they ar are further west |