Show DEATH OP OF M JU rULIA Vernal Oct JulIa E B Jula wife ot of S P n dIed bf f typhoid t foyer f ever yesterday and wi will be burled buried to tomorrow tomorrow morrow The Tho deceased was One of the most active members ot of the ormon church hurch c In this stake and wa was noted for forthe the he t interest she manifested In church hurh work work She was cv esp chaly Interested In Inal ak al a ll charitable work ad and was familiarly known k In ward ard where a helping han h and was needed Te The born Feb 7 1862 1562 Her parents arents p Mr Ir and Mr Mrs Na Nathan Davis c ame to this valley from Bea Bear lae lake In 18 1 ad and the deceased wa was marred married to S SP SP P Diman in 11 She leaves leaves four chi chil dren d ren three or of whom are arc nearly nearly grown school chool s The Tho oldest son Is In iii Iowa attending |