Show VOTE WILL REACH Heavy Registration Yesterday CRuses Causes Some Surprise Reports from a number of f election di night that the Ule to 1 tal registration or of the county will ex cx this year Pew of th the v districts were beard from but oue that showed that 1 fh the county WR was up U t tj the mark In the city where tilt th Va h hevy v ChAirman of Republican county committee had reports front about twenty th the aVer average resl registration in h Wt was clo l tu to At th the reality h r nt no estimates were give pending nn an accurate cOunt Gount It wu was b believed leed that the avera averso e for fol forthe the city was over oer for catch ch district which would make a total ill in of in the cit city which with the HiAH re registered ete on the three former regi registration tra Uon tion da days s would bring he total for the four days IA hi the city ctt to With this showing In the city for the first four days daya of registrationS it is be that the total registration is al almost almost most certain to run over Today Is the last day for registration and every effort will be made b by the campaign managers rs to get sit all voters out All the county corn com committees will employ In the paved district the American party arty use automobiles in conne connection Uon with car carriages carriages The Tite Republican county count committee found less work worle titan than it yesterday judging b by a stor story told b by some Davis county men last night These men said I they had been engaged to bring their i rigs to Salt Lake L ke for the use of the Re I cou county t committee on the two I closing days of registration Uon and on cJ eleo C tion day The compensation agreed upon i iwas was 5 per da day or Of about a dozen teams that were brought down with this un uC four were used for tor a short time while the others were not In use at an any time during the da day In the even evenIng lag Ing the Davis county men say the they wore were handed 4 4 each and told their services services ices would not be r required today or on election dat daj |