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Show Thursday, May 16th. THE 1929. NOTICE Rapid Growth know our customer are (lad to learn ot the progreg and expansion ot our store from time to time. They are really responsible for, withW out their patronage, the demand for our unique type of food stores would come to an end. Just at thin time, May, 1929, a big force ot carare at work repenter buildings modeling and building store fixtures in towns of Iowa, rarloua Nebraska and Idaho, also preparations are under way for the opening of about 1U0 stores in the State of Washington and the erection ot a large Bakery In Seattle, in which to produce our now famous bread. PEONIES United State Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. April 30, 1829. To Whom It May Concern Notice hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act ot Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, vli: EH-Vi . and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 21. Lot Sec. 2H Twp. 12 South Range 1 6, WHAT A PLANT TO best John Christ ison speqt Mother's roots to plant for quick and perin Nephl with his parents, Mr. manent results are strong natural Day Mrs. P. P. Chrlstison. divisions from mature plants that and Divihave bloomed satisfactorily. W. W. Jenkins spent Wednesday sions from young plants lack vigor, in Salt Lake City, where he transa root such from a and plant grown acted some business matters. Its more to time List requires regain West. SLM. Serial 048342, 267. Copies of said lists, so far as strength. Duke Page, manager ot the Page they relate to said tracts by descripPLANT Peonies Motor Company, went to Salt Lake WHERE TO tive subdivisions, have been conspic- should be planted in well drained. and Riverton, Utah, Tuesday, on a uously posted in this office for In- fertile soil, and where they will get short bulsness trip. spection by any person Interested the full sun at least half the day. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Burridee and and by the public generalyl. Dur water of Castle Gate spent ing the period ot publication ot this They will not do well where family roots during any it the home of Mr and Mrs.Sunday notice, or any time thereafter, and stands about their P. P. before final approval and certifica part of the year; and they will not Chrlstison, returning home Monday. bloom well. If close under trees or tion, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907. protests or con- In full shade. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sullivan of Never plant peonies tests against the claim ot the State where peonies have been grown be-- 1 Salt Lake City visited with Mr. to any ot the tracts or subdivisions fore I ou'nvan s motner, Mrs. Oorge on the on Motner , day hereinbefore, described uolaon SOIL PREPARATION OF Any ground that the same Is more valui able for mineral than tor agricu- buuu iirucu eu. w... Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carver and ltural purposes, will be received and peonies, but the more care given tolthelr son. t.. and Ceci. and M, noted tor report to the General Land the preparation of it the better the Florence Runs wick ot Salt Lake Office ta Washington, D. C. Failure blooms will be. For best results, the spent Mother's Day at the home of so to protest or contest, within the soil should be deeply prepared, lVilMr. and Mrs. Thomas Vlckers. They time specified, will be considered feet at least, by spading under a com- - returned home that evening sufficient evidence ot post mixture or well rolled cow character of the tracts and the selec- manniA Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Haymond nlnflt- ' nAvapn vmIti hufAM tions thereof, being otherwise free i left Wednesday morning for Helper. no should Under circumstances from objection, wli lbe approved to ing where ,hey Hawatha fresh manure be used around peonies, visit with relatives. At Helper, the State. thev GEO. E. WOOLET, Mixing a handtull of bonemeal to will be guests of the Helper Kiwanls Club at a bansuet and en Acting Register. the soli Is also beneficial. HOW TO PLANT It old peony tertalnment. NOTICE plants are to be moved, they should season Is over. Keep the ground be washed free ot all soil and divid them stirred and free from United States Land Office. ed into natural divisions of two to about and water need be applied Salt Lake City, Utah, five eyes each, with the old root weeds,when the soil is quite dry. only This back. 1929. March 26, growth aeverly pruned seed The pods and remains of results root new and induces To Whom It May Concern:growth flowers may be cut off, but do not Notice is hereby given that the in strong plants. Old plants, moved circumstances remove the State of Utah ahs tiled In this office and replanted without dividing, are under any until October. Some people foliage to reestablish themselves, slow said the very of selected lists by lands, cut off soon after the the foliage bloom not will often 6 ot ot the Act and normally State, under section season is over, ana men dooming Congress, approved July 16, 1894. as tor several years. i uuai bbuuu wuuuor way tuey utxvv viz: School in prethe divisions lands, the Set Indemnity plant mtle 0f no b,00m Section 28, Twp. 15 pared soil at a depth so that the SENW, WHY SOME PEONIES DO NOT L. S. M. 1 over East. South Range new eyes, or buds, will not be A peony root, BLOOM large or 2 Inches below the surface of the Serial 046375. List 2348. will small, recently transplanted, Copies of said lists, so tar ground after the loose soil and the throw up more or less blind as they relate to said tracts by de- roots have settled. Shallower plant- - usually or with small buds which tall 1. thorn shoots, jfnAna II, J scriptive subdivisions, have been lo for office 3 Inches will result in shy blooming J?" ;"" posted in this Too often results In inspection by any person interested or no blooms at all. Late plantings no blooms planting and by the public generally. should be mulched with straw or Too heavy mulching over winter During the period of publication ot leaves to orevent the frosts from gives the same effect of too deep a or at them roots. time Plant this notice, thereafter, lifting the any is needed No planting. certiand and before final approval least 3 feet apart. From early Sep after the first mulching winter. fication, under departmental regula- tember until the ground freezes up Lack of moisture or fertility will tions of April 25, 1907. protests or Is the best time to plant. affnrt thn nualitv of the blooms. contests against the claim of the CULTIVATION AND WATERING niv nlent of water . fa eeka State to any of the tracts or subcultivation is the most lm- - before blooming and just moderate- on divisions hereinbefore, described requisite in growing line ljr tliereaf ter. the ground that the same is more portant ana tnorougn flowers. Divide your clumps after about 5 valuable for mineral than for agri- cultivation Frequent should be given through- tney play out cultural purposes, will be received out the season, especially arier eacn after $ o or biomolng 8 years General for to the and noted report Do not rdant too close to large Land Office at Washington, D. C. watering. Mere sprinkling of the topaoll at trees or shrubs; they take away the Failure so to protest or contest, frequent intervals does more harm fertility. within the time specified, will be than good. Soak them to a depth or considered sufficient evidence of or ten 1 week feet every character ' of the tracts and at least depending on weather condi the selections thereof, being other days, tions. Water more often at the time wise free from objection, will be ap of bloom. the to State. proved FERTILIZING Each year as ELI F. TAYLOR, as the soil can be worked, well early Register rotted manure or leaves should be carefully turned under around the s Bird of bone- plant. A light Individual birds with exceptional meal forked under each fall is help ability as singers are used as Instruc- ful. Be careful of giving too much tors for young birds, and are known fertility. a Voiiitinninis." These birds are Im AFTER THE FLOWERING SEA- some of where from son The plants will make no f e Germany, ported ' ther . finest mnnry birds nre raised. top growth after the blooming J.C.PENNEYC0. NEPHI. UTAH W "Solar" Straws Mikado The Porto RIcaa A "Solar" Straw X fine Natural Tan "Solar" Straw (or Young Men.. Stylish, 'i&htweight and comfortable. X natural colored. Mikado in the new pinchfront telescope model, with fancy -- I 1 1 Others Can To HEWS ITEMS LOCAL The PAGE THREE NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, I . I $1-9- 8 non-miner- al Other food Chains could be as popular as are the O. P. Skaggs System stores and be as greatly in demand In new heads sections. If their thought more of serving their patrons advantageously, and less of making big money fast. Having hundreds of thousands of well pleased, grateful patrons is more attractive to us than is the making of money hand over fist. If you are on of our customers you have known all along why our system Is growing so fast. CLP. FOOD skaggs STORES "A Surety of Purity" Owned and Operated by JAMES A. KELLY AND SON Nephi Fillmore Delta $2.98 I M9-J6-5- Athletic Shirts Panama With "Shorts" t. "Solar" Straw Rayon shirts with broadcloth "shorts," in solid colors, stripes or figured patterns. Real values. South Americas) Genuine Panama. Light in weight, comfortable and styled in the new est effects. 69c $3.98 Trh oarment 1 per "He BiuMs Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL USE band. I I Poor Worm The worm turns ull right, a Kentucky editor oli.sei ves, but r.ot until the voice on the luicl; soat gives hltn orders to do so ("upper's weekly. Mystic Insight The naturalist baa, or should have, the Integrity of Insight of the true mystic. He knows creation la a miracle and he longs to account for It. American Magazine. Mitcliief't Advantage to do mischief limes a Iny, am! thnt of doing emvl nnre h yenr. Vol tnire The Fooliih Fashionable Ladles ot ftisliion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and tbelr feed the! pride Cnllon. love cippi.i turilij a hundred non-mine- NEPHI PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World WEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY Singing-Matter- Ma r I top-dressi- ur-th- .. f After all's said and V done, the pleasure you get in smoking is what counts ofte COACH Yalne JorV& firice for Price ; If you are considering the purchase of an automobile, you owe it to yourself to check the new Chevrolet Six against any other car value for value and price for price! Here, in the price range of the four, is offered a smooth, powerful, motor which delivers better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline and whose smooth, quiet, velvety operation, with its complete lack of drumming and vibration, is a revelation. Here are beautiful bodies by Fisher with fittings byTern-sterich, deep-tufte- d upholsteries and adjustable driver's seat. And throughout the entire chassis are found numerous examples of advanced engineering such as quiet, brakes . . . ball bearing mechanism . . . and automatic accelerationsteering pump. But no mere recital of features can give you any conception of Chevrolet's value leadership. So we urge you to come in and see for yourself why over 500,000 people have chosen the new Chevrolet Six since January 1st! valve-in-he- six-cylin- .525 ROADSTEK... PHAETON . Camel COUPK... ...'525 .....'595 675 SEDAN... Th Sport CABRIOLET . . The Cnnvrrt- - .t(.Q. M LANDAU... The Sedan Delivery Tike Light Dell Terr Chaada CIGARETTES tViC 070 Ah TonCbaaala.... Thm 1V4 Ton AKft Chant with Cab OV All prlcmt.o. b. factory Flint. Michigan (compare! ... ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE only reasonable and bTan'Snl Camels are made of the choicest tobaccos dt non-locki- ng I . a well a the Hit price In eofulderina automobile Talue. dellT- Chevrolet ered price Include WHY CAMELS ad 'B H II jtmmm T'fy .. 11 SW II M Ei3air Za7 i T1 I I L I 'vj U: Ljp;:Jl rJ-J- ! ' rul Til llnX aa7 F1J y XV) Jtt Z! sV TS. grown. The Camel blend of Domestic and Turkish tobaccos has never been equaled. Camels are mild and mellow. They do not tire the taste. They leave no cigaretty after-tast- e. Camels have a delightful fragrance that is NEPHI MOTOR COMPANY pleasing to everyone. Nephi, Utah 1929, R. J. RevnoMs Tofeo cm. N. C Cotnpany, Wimt on-S- A SIX IN THE PKICi: RANGE OF THE FOUR |