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Show THE PAGE EIGHT DOC VI'BE We Have a Big New Line of Women' Silk Dresses, Newest Styles, Extraordinary Values $10.95 Big New Line Women's and Girls' Wash Dresses, $1.00, $1.25, $1.95, $2.75 and $3.75 Newest Styles, Extra Big Values. See Them! See Our New Lines of Slippers, Silk Hose and Underwear. Money Saving Prices! NOW DAV3 DAD WANTS TO KNOW WHERE HE CAN GET IN THE CAH BESIDES THE TIRE RACK Commissioners In Session Monday .5c 13c 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 for .11c . 3 . for Soups .25c; Campbell's Jello, pkgs. 011 Sardines, 6c; Large Oval Sardines, 2 for 25c Double Size Macaroni Raisins, 3 pkgs. for White King Soap Powder, Large Ivory Soap Flakes Lye, ... 10c; Sunny Monday Soap, 8 f or SATURDAY SPECIALS 10c Kirk Olive Soap, 5 for 10c Bar Snow Flake Toilet Soap, 5 for 5 FOOTE CHAS. 1 .25c I NOTICE! S and We have several STRAIGHT PIANOS that we have taken back and we will dispose of them at a SACRIFICE. We will sell them on very reasonable terms to responsible parties. Write MR. THOS. HOLLAND, 90 General Delivery Nephi, Utah PLAYER-PIANO- The Pastor Saysi The gluttonous man mistakes his victuals for bis vitals. John Andrew "Yon Is entitled to yoh own oplo Ions," said Cncle Elen. 'De sensible way Is to treat 'em like private property an' not try to scatter 'em around free." TON TRUCK Clarence Paxman. FORD -- Holmes. Star Washington And Prohe and Probe be so much on pre FOR SALE ventinz disasters hut how we do 2t prohp em Nashville Runner. We may not TIMES-NEW- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clyde of Price have enjoyed a visit in Nephi during the past week. Mr. Clyde is man ager of the .Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company's plant at Price, and also has a large outlying district under his super vision. They report enjoying them selves at Price, but like to come back to visit their old friends. The Junior girls class of the North Ward held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Elsie Sidwell Tuesday The time was spent in evening. completing the lesson outlined in the Journal. The rest of the evening was spent in listening to the radio refreshments programs. Dainty were served at ten o'clock to the members of the class following Ernestine Foote, Ruby Anderson. Noma Howarth, La Priel Jones Mable Wilson, Marjorie Salisbury. Ruth Parkins, Luciel Parkins, Thora Lenore Bowles, Alice Macfarlane, Jackson, Mrs. Berdie Kendall and the hostess, Mrs. Sidwell. If You Need a Notary Public After Business Hours Call A. B. GIBSON Phone No. 82 J '2X flSjJ ' THE BANDITS ARE LOSING CROUMC NOW - THEY AW SEVEN ROBBERIES BEHIND FOR TODAY Early Lighthouses Important Colonial lighthouses were off Newport, on Sandy hook, on Cape Henry, an tsland off Charleston, on Tybee river. Savannah, and Boston hsrbor. FOR EFFICIENT COURTEOUS SERVICE "THIS IS THE PLACE" SILVER MAPLE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. William Ualley motored to Helper, Utah, Wednes day. Mr. Bailey Is lieutenant-governo- r of the Southern district of Klwanls, and is making his official visit to the Helper club. nunc1' 0UThe Newest Trend In Summer Modes for Fashionables E. Smith, h HIGH SCHOOL NOTES COED (Contlnaed from page 1.) an award assembly which will be held during the last week of school. 4. The nume of each activity par ticipated in will be engraved on the buck of the medal. 5. At the time of his graduation. the student will be presented with a gold medal of the same style as the copper medal. In order for a student to qualify for a school medal at the time of graduation he must meet the followWin three letters ing requirements: 16 75 In 111 Swagger ensemble for summer. Frock of flat Crepe with smartly tailored pique jcquette. hi Sizes 14 to 3S i OFFICE S Painter. The regular monthly reports were Defendants. made by the county officers, and To be sold at sheriff's sale on the the claims after being audited and 8tb day of Junt. 929. at 12 o'clock found correct were ordered paid. M., at the front door of the Court House, Nephl. Utah, that certain piece or parcel of land situate in in activities other than athletic;, Juab County, State of Utah, describ tour letters in athletics except that ed as follows: three letters in the same activity will be equivalent to four letters in Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 15. Plat various sports, two letters in sport and two letters in other activities, "D". Nephi Survey of Building three letters in sports and one letter Lots; thence running north 214 In other activities. Miss Ellen Wldeen of Salt Lake feet 6 Inches; thence running west 89 feet; thence running 6. Each student will present his City spent last week in Nephl, the 6 south 214 feet inches; thence copper medal to the school to be guest of tier sister, Mrs. Hawley beEast 89 feet to the place of Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins kept in the trophy case. In case he loses his copper medal, he must re motored to Salt Lake City Sunday, ginning. Together with all tenements, hereditaments, privileges, place it before he receives the gold taking iiiss Wldeen back to her home. medal. These medals shall be appurtenances and water rights, water rights repreincluding given by the student body of the N. H. S. sented by stock in companies or The Campfire Girls held their otherwise, thereunto belonging weekly meeting Friday, May 10, or used in connection therewith. 19Z9. The time was spent in sew Purchase payable in lawful ing. Those who were present were: money of theprice United States. NEW FORDOR SEDAN Nelda Cowan, Donna Pexton, Faye Dated at Nephi, Utah, this I6tn - , (T. O. B. Dttioii. Broadhead, Dona Belllston, Marjorte day of May, 1929. plug tkmrtt for Oadd, Beth Hobbs, Fern Broadhead m4 4Wn M. M. KAIGHN, fnight and the leader, Mrs. Geo. Belliston try. tmmpm am4 Sheriff of Juab County, Mr kM tptn Reporter Fern Broadhead State of Utah. NOTARY PUBLIC AT THE Eureka. Utab, enjoying a week's vacation In Nephl, where she is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1929. Nephi Merc. Company A welt attended Ford Sales Con vention was held at the Forrest hotel In this city Wednesday evening, at which over forty Ford dealers an1 mechanics from Central and South- ern Utah were in attendance. A picture show was used to show the visitors through the Ford factory. and assembling plant, and aUo the sales organization, and bow the Fords were being put on the market. The picture show was thoroughly enjoy ed by the visitors, which gave them a better idea of how the Ford or ganization, and gave the dealers some over eight thousand Fords a day. Factory representatives were pres. eut and supplemented the pictures with talks on salesmanship and or- nicatlon, and gave the dealers somu valuable Information. Local News 3 Entertain Them Within d, -- 28c 28c SONS Lincoln Orme met with a very painful accident last Sunday, where be sustained a broken arm. II was crankingback-fire-an automobile, when the breaking has arm. engine -- 10c 25c 45c 10c . . Cowan. County Agricultural Agent. Albert is making a trip to the at Reservation Ooshute Indian this week. While In Utah, Ibapah, The regular monthly meeting of that Dart of the county, be will visit the board of county commissioners the other settlements. was held Monday, there being all members of the board present. KHKHHIFF'8 WALK The most Important Item of business transacted was the asle of real IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THIS estate for delinquent taxes, thi FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN property having been advertised lu THE COUNTY OF AND FOR he papers for the past four Issues. STATE OF UTAH. JUAB, The property sold on Monday was NATIONAL BUILDING & LOAN real estate that has been delinquent ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, lor four years, and It was either a corporation. sold for taxes or will be deeded to Plaintiff, Juab County. Most of the propertv vs. sold was purchased by the original GEORGE O. LATIMER and LEAH owners. P. LATUM ER, GROCERIES . . Florence Cowan ia enjoying a two week vacation In Nephl, with her parents. Bishop and Mrs. P. I Ford Dealers Hold A Big Convention .Miss Miss Bessie Neaf of See These Money Saving Prices! Bag Sugar . . .65c; Can Milk, Small 9c; Large Corn Flakes, Small HEWS ITEMS LOCAL is RUBBER BOOTS Knee Length Rubber Boots, for Irrigating $3.39 $5.39 Hip Length Rubber Boots Boots $6.50 Hip Length Light Weight Fishing 10 lb. fl lit: Dresses Dresses Thursday. May 16th. NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, Between Meals Coprnstad. 1928 It's a Ions: time between meals for the kiddies. While they are growing and exercising so much treat them between meals to a glass of that wonderful milk from MEAD0WBR00K DAIRY By LOUIS GARRETT, Deputy. Badger. Rich & Rich and A. J Mays. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication. May 16, M16-J6-4- 1 1929. Telling it to the Judge I still maintain I wasn't driving over twenty miles an hour. But In all my transactions with cops I have never yet found a reasonable one. And then judges always believe an officer rather than an honest man in a decision of velocity. I stood up like a gentleman and jokingly told the old boy how it all happened. "Ten dollars,' he intimated. I explained to him carefully that the officer was a crook and a liar. "Twenty-fiv- e dollars," be gurgled. It became necessary to suggest discreetly that the judge himself was a shyster, a blackguard, and a low down knave; that the law and justice was a farce. "Fifty dollars,' he quavered. I lost my tranquility at such a dis play of asininity, and said something about, try and get it. I was unstrung. Animated discourse is trying- on one's nerves. They permitted me to stay all night. The next morning I paid the fifty. No use getting them down on you. Diplomacy and cajoling won't make judges reasonable. From now on I'm going to tell them the brutal facts. Good Ford Service BUNG your cat to as for at thorough going-ore- r regular intervals. It costs little and it will be the means of giving 70a many thousands of miles of pleasant, economical, motoring. All oar me- chanics are specially trained. All labor charged at low flat rate. Pertinent Observation perniiinciit ertucntor says spanking Is the best method of applying punishment, "horn use it lenvos no mark on thp memory " Boston Transcript. A PAGE MOTOR CO. Nephi, Utah Believes in Marriage "ChlcttKO Wife Sues for Seventh Dl vorce." She evidently believes in mar rlage. Jemima, at the zoo, saw a zebra for the first time. "Rastua." she said, "What kind uv a animal am dat?" Rastus, gazing with much perplexity and awe: "Why, Jem dat ere are a sport model jackass." t "Oh sir." stammered a young man, w like know I have been going with your daughter for five years now." Girl's father: "Well, what do you want, a pension?" Pat was being examined as to his knowledge of a shooting affair. "Did you see the shot fired?" the magistrate asked. "No Sir, I only heard it," was the evasive reply. "The evidence is not satisfactory," replied the magistrate sternly. "Witness excused." Pat turned around to leave the box and directly his back was turned he laughed derisively. The magistrate, at this contempt of court, called him back and asked him how he dared to laugh in court. "Did you see me laugh, your honor?" Pat asked. "No, but I heard you," was the Irate reply. "Evidence Is not satisfactory," said Pat. " Parley: "What does a fellow mean that he can manage his wife?" Voo: "He means that he can make her do any thing that she wants to do ," when he says Negligee Straws by TOWNSEND-GRAC- E From all parts of the tropics come the native eaves for negligee straws fashioned by TOWN-- j SEND-GRACinto the newest styles for the ? summer of 1919. The vogue for that extra hat! j with the careless air, yet becoming and comfort-- 1 ' ' able, you secure in TOWNSEND-GRAC- E soft crsws-rth- e best 10 material and style. Ftsturtd by E |