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Show Thursday, May 16th. 1929. PAGE FOUR The rzr. Ft. Green News Times-New- s Published Every Thursday at Nepal. Juab County. Utah The "II. L, O. H." club members were entertained by Bertha Mikkel-so- n on Tuesday night. Bridge was Delicious refreshments were played. at Office in Post Entered the Nephi. served. Utah, as second class mail matter, under the Act of Congress of March Mrs. Cieo Nlelson was given a sur3, 1879. prise party at her home on Friday afternoon by the members of the Elite club. A pleasant afternoon was THE SMALL speut and a dainty luncheon was FACTORY. served. A. B. Oibson, Editor and Mauager Peter Jacobson of Provo U the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Matthias Allred. Graduation Gifts Mrs. Again Is the sua rising upon the small factory after an era which the huge industrial plan flourished, according to E. W. McCullough, manager of the Department ot Manufacture ot the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. "There is no passing of the small factory equipped with modern mahe chinery and straglcally located," said In an address before the Find-laOhio, Chamber of Commerce. "The day of the big, inflexible plant, facing intense competition in distribution as well as production, seems to be on the wane. The cry that the big fish are eating the little ones sounds less alarming. Already many of the newer and best managed Industries are getting away from building very large units and leaning more strongly toward those commensurate with the market to be served and building them near it." Be Ready y, When the Grain Is Ready Prepare now fur a mure profitable harvest. Get your "Holt" Combine now and acquainted with Its operation. You will be better pleased during harvest season. Many farmers last year were caught. Their grain was ripe and ready to combine. Grain lout la gone forever. Kqulp yourself 'now wltb a "Holt" Combine, save all your crop and rut harvesting coats. You may see the latest models at our place of business. Look them over and get special folders and catalogs pre. pared for your Information. e Branch at Nephi, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah BIGGER than the Weather ARMORED againstTime PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or Respective Egyptian Pronunciation All systems of pronunciation used by the Egyptians are conjectural. It Is Signers for Further Information. customary to give the vowels the same value as In German. The consonants are given the same value as In NOTICE TO CREDITORS Verda Anderson Is at the Hospital at Salt Lake City where she is recovering from an operation tor appendicitis. MIhs El L. D. S. Mrs. John E. Aagard Is at Salt Lake for medical attention. She was accompanied son. by Mrs. Lottie Barent- - Misg Victor Jackson has returned from Bothwell, Utah where she spent the winter teaching school. That Offer Many Airs. S. Samuels, Mrs. Laura Llewellyn, Parley Holman, and Eva Llewellyn attended the funeral services ot William Llewellyn at Maple-toUtah on Thursday. Clever Suggestions For One In Search Of the Perfect Gift n, Mrs. Hoy F. Millet entertained members of the G. B. Club at the her home Thursday afternoon. Luncheon wag served to eight guests. STATE WIDE SAFETY CAMPAIGN. Landes & Company DEALERS visiting at Marshall Mr. and .Mrs. Malcolm announce the arrival ot a girl born SALT -- LAKE CITY May 15. A May 8th. state wide safety campaign Is being Funeral services for Woodrow sponsored by the Utah State Auto- Pearniain were held at the ward Asoclation an mobile and effort will Thursday afternoon at 2:00 be made to reach every individual in chapel D. Smyth presided. o'clock. the state, bringing to their attention Singing byFred "Sometime We'll choir ways and means ot reducing the ever Understand." Invocation by Kennedy increasing death toll from accident. by Lillian Coombs The Safety department of the Utah Seager; Solo From and Now Care State Automobile Association has "Resting The speakers were: Wm. made an exhaustive study of auto Sorrow;" Mrs. Lester Holman and Jos. mobile accidents and has come to the Collard, Solo R. Christiansen; by Mrs. conclusion that most of them are Laurence of Larson Moroni, "Just a caused from some of the following: by Singing 1. Excessive speed traveling at Wearying For You;" choir, "Lead Me Gently Home;" forty or fifty miles an hour through Benediction, Urban S. Madsen. Many the city streets. offerings were contributed. 2. Obscured vision, when too floral Interment was at the City Cemetery. many persons crowd into a small car, The grave was dedicated by Geo. C. 3. Driving with faulty brakes. Jackson. faulty steering gears, dirty windsshields, and poorly operated windWm. Pearmaln is suffering from shield wipers. pneumonia but is slowly recovering. 4. Taking the right of way first being sure that it is going The following spent .Mother's Day to be given. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ander5. Improper signaling or failure here: of Park City; Mrs. J. F. Livingto signal. Driving through traffic son ston and Mrs. J. T Oldroyd ot Salt lights. 6. One arm driving and driving Lake; Mrs. Rachel Aagard and Joy Aagard of Provo. while intoxicated. 7. Trying to beat a railroad train E. Stans worth ot Stockton, Calif, or a street car at a crossing. 8. Crowding the front seat of the spent a few days last week as the driver. Glaring and improperly ad guest of Miss Eva Llewellyn. Estate of Betsey A. Carter deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the Nature Is So Careuna office of Will L. Hoyt, Attorney at Art Critic "But the meudow on Law, Nephi, Utah on or before the 25th day of June A. D. 1929. your picture hasn't the right green." JAMES E. MEMMOTT, Artist "And are you sure that a justed headlights. Executor of Estate of meadow has the right green." Betsey A. Carter, Deceased. Blatter (Berlin). THE THOUGHTFUL NOTICE TO CREDITORS FARMER. In of Love Spirit Estate of E. L. Boucher, deceased. The Indescribable quality lingering Creditors will present claims, with vouchers to the undersigned at the In old gardens Is the outward eviParents are always Interested in office of Attorney L. A. Miner, dence of the spirit of love In which Rooms 506-- 7 Mclntyre Bldg. Salt they were m.'ide. Woman's Home matters that will aid in keeping their children contented at home. We feel Lake City, Utah, on or before the Companion. that the following plan adopted by 7th day of July, 1929. a young farmer in the Ohio valley L. A. MINER, Excellent Know to is one that should be commended Thing Administrator with the Will Next to' knowing when to seize an to others. Annexed of the Estate of Upon acquiring a farm this Ohion opportunity, the most important thing E. L. Boucher, deceased. on every Date of first publication May 2, 1929 in life Is to know when to forego an made a complete survey He it. found upon ! growing thing advnntnup black walnuts, some blackberries ana Down hollow in the raspberries. were some gooseberry bushes, and over on the hillside a wild per simmon. Wild plum trees flourished along the bubbling creek. All ot these were trimmed and Then began a put m condition. systematic planting of every frnlt tree and nut that wonld grow in this climate. Butternuts, hlckorynuts and blue bevies were added. On the was hillside planted a cluster of paw paw trees and a little farther along some wild crabapples and hazlenut bushes were transplanted. Along the edge of the woods a few grapevines were added. Each year something new was planted. Today his farm is a constant detor there is no season of the light, Users Part Play Important Telephone year when gome variety of fruits and nuts is not available to his family, ot Few businesses depend so much on the In the early summer there are May apples and choke cherries; in the fall their customers as does the telephone industry. a wealth of fruits and nuts; and in the winter-tim- e his children vie with It Is a business; for one customer makes the small animals of the field In receives and the it the call, another Telephone Company digging the persimmons out of the brings the two together. snow. In this simple way, one farmer en Talking directly Into the transmitter, dowed his farm with perpetual Inwith the lips about an Inch from the Interest, not only to his own children, but to the entire countryside. The strument, starts the call right and nat Household Guest. urally makes conversation File-gende "And have they tall buildings in America, Pat?" Pat: "Tall buildings? Faith, Mike, the last one I worked on we had to lay on our stomachs to let the moon pass." He: "Darling, were you faithful while I was away?" She: "Oh, Jack! I was kissed twice." He: "Name the men!" She: "First by the orchestra and then by the country club." Laborer: WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner Lisa Getting Even There Is one solace for pedestrians; they are responsible for a lot of caull lower fenders XOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYS STATE OF UTAH, ) 88. ( COUNTY OF JUAB ) I have In my possession the follow- ing described estray animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction: to the cash bidder at Oscr highest Brough's Corral in Nephi on Monday the 20th day ot May, A. D. 1929, at the hour of. 11 A. M. DESCRIPTION OF ANIMALS: One brown gelding horse, branded "Bar over 72" on right thigh. Age nine. Said animals are held by me to secure the payment of $5.00 worth of damages done by said animals on the premises of Geo. O. Ostler on the 10th day of May, 1929. OSCAR BROUGH, Poundkeeper for Nephi Precfnot. Copynjhtea, 1923 Youll always look your best if we look after your clothes. We endeavor to make friend of our customers. Cleaning Co. New Location Pexton Bldg. No. Main Nu-Wa- y M2-30-- moMQ The Convertible Landaulet Sedan Open to sunshine . . closed to the rain ... smart in any weather the If To Help Your Service three-corner- ed New Oakland All -- American On either Six or the Pontiac Big Six chassis you can obtain the Convertible Landaulet body type a Fisher body creation designed, to combine the fair weather benefits of an open car with the protection of a smart, completely appointed sedan. A special demonstration of Convertible Landau-let- s has been arranged which we will be glad to make for you at any time. better. Just a word about cut-off- s. There many ways in which they can occur, only one correct way to restore the The called person should hang up, the to ing party should report the rut-of- f her the number called. TU. AMSVBV It VKMtia Answering office Is promptly are but call. call his operator, telling1 in the home or also Important, for ... f5&T In addition to being a courtesy due one'B telephone caller. It saves many an important call. And It Is Just as important that the calling party wait a reasonable time tor the called person to answer. A BUSINESS AID A decided asset to modern business Is the Red covered Business Telephone Directory a quick, ready reference to telephone numbers in nearby towns Use it as you do your local directory it contains general Information that is useful daily. Call our business office if you need additional copies. The Telephone Books Are the Directories of the Nation LOCAL HAPPENINGS Isaac Gadd, of Provo, Utah is spending a few days in Nephi this week, where he is visiting with rela tives and friends. Vfc. JVw OmklanJ Miss Winnie Nlelson came down from Salt Lake last Sunday to spend Mother's Day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nlelson. Consider the delivered price as well aa the list price when comparing automobile values Oak land-Pontidelivered prices include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. ... J. M. Morton, of Genns, Nevada, ao JONES MOTOR CO. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bess of Murray, and Mrs. Lavern K. Hill of Reno, Nevada, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nlelson last week. and Victor Cooper, have taken over the cafe formerly operated by Walter Broadhead, and have renovated the place and now have a very attractive eating house. Mr. Morton likes Nephi, and if business increases enough, he will remain here to $131$. Thm Not fantlac Big Six, $74$ to $t9S f. m. h. Gonorml Motor Tlnxo Paywtmt Ftmn M9ilabU at minimum rat. Sim, $1141 chorgmm. tontiac, Michigan, ptum iWtary Nephi, Utah -OAKLAND PONTIAC or general r products 5 m x A -- MOTORS |