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Show i THE 1929. Thursday, May 16th, HOME of VITAPHONE PROVO When In pARAMOUNJ Provo FRIDAY& SATURDAY WAKNF.lt ItlUM. All Talking 10) t'at AIho TAI.KIVG ACT SUN., May 19th ALL TAI.KI.NO You're Invited To Attend 10O CLARA BOW in "A Good PUce To "THE WILD PARTY" Her I I motored 10 ADS Miss iMercie Uoldttbrough will con uct a six week s course in viohu, June 3rd. For par- omiueucing culars call 114. Mr. and Mm. Fred Stephenson are TRUCK FOR rejoicing over the arrival ot a flue FORD Clarence Paxman. baby boy, born Wednesday, May 8tb. Sutton's Cafe Willi I1KLKXK COSTELLO Start CLASSIFIED HAPPENINGS Chrlktvuseu Henry Ogden I an I Tuesday. At Eat "LIGHTS OF NEW YORK" All-Ht- ar LEVAN PAGE FIVE NEPHI, UTAH S, N Yitttphone Picture and TIMES-NEW- Et" ltin ltwl Koout In Connection t Talking picture SEE and HEAR Hit Make WhooRe! AIko TALKING OO.UKDY WED.THUR. May 22,23 Warner HroM. Vitupliono Talking Picture CONRAD NAGEL and ALL. STAR CAST "KID GLOVES" BALK ' n. :mmimmi m. w m mm m w i . ... t a. s 2t i m A Joseph Miller, who baa been in tbj FOR SALE CERTIFIED EARLY hospital at Salt Lake. City for aome Yellow Kantam Sweet Corn Seed. time pant, returned home last liarton Brough. 2t KODAK WEEKS OLD ROOSTERS The Sunday School gave a very FOUR For Sale 6c each J. Walter interesting program Sunday morn Paxman. ing in honor of Mother's Day, after he program ail mothers were pre sented with a beautiful carnation. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TEAM Inquire Bonneville Lumber Co. St Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fowler of Salt or C. D. billings at U. B. Dam. Lake were Levan visitors last week. YELLOW BANTAM SWEET CORN Misses lona and Ruby .Mortensen 3t ..For Sale E. F. RuaaU, and Albert Banllla ot Salt Lake City pent the week end here. CLETRAC TRACTOR owners are satisfied owners See me before you home Mrs. Helen Hansen returned buy James Chase Easy Terms. Tusday after spnding the past few months with relatives in Arizona anj FOR SALE CHOICE DAHLIA AND at Los Angeiea, California. Uladiola Bulbs Mrs. George Mc- Cune. it. friend a Russel Gardner and boy ot his, who are attending school at FOR SALE GOOD THREE ROOM Provo spent the week end here. brick home reasonable price terms A. V. Pyper. good Chriatensen Alvin Mr. and Mrs. of Mt. Pleasant motored to Levan KEPT FOR SERVICE CHESTER Thursday. White Boar Kenneth Blackett, $5.00 to $25.00 Fountain Pen and Pencil Set A Beautiful Ladies PURSE New Shades $3.45 V Few One reason why children don't gel the home troliilng they uxed to Is they refuse to stay around home long enoiixh to be trained Cincinnati Knriulrer Beat Skinninets, Anyway Stout women never tell you their exact weight, a Springfield man has discovered. They are content with round figures. Capper's Weekly. Beauitful WATCHES, RINGS and NECKLACES At Factory Prices 8th No. 1st East. Dllva Khpnherd. who U teachin school at Pleasant Grove spent the E. TANNER NEPHI ICE DEALER. week end with her parents nere. Mrs. Annie Jackman, who has been The CLETRAC TRACTORS, a size in Loe Angeles. California with some for every Job 12 to a 100 H. P. Talkie IIIh of her children for the past five Terms easy James Chase. AIho TALKING ACT months, returned home Thursday. If You Mutt Pun BETTER QUALITY POULTS, pre One ol tlii- - most pious churchmen jt The Levan ward Relief Society paid 45c each for shipment May the times undoubtedly Is the man out will FRI SAT., May 24, 25 hold conference Sunday evening 18th. Only a Quality guaranteed. West who doillncd to contribute for M. in P. May 19, at eight o'clock, SEE and HEAR few thousand left. Order immediate any bit an iii'rlght pinno for the Sun the ward chapel. ly. Poehlmann Hatchery, Petaluma, day school Norfolk Ledger Dispatch I w ShenhfirH and Comnanv have California. with Just installed a new irigiaaire in Bitiag Off a Lot Before you buy a Tractor See the confectionery. "It "Sometimes." said Dncle Eben, GARY COOPER James Chase, he sells the famous looks to me like de smallest minds .Mr and Mra. Jav Morgan of Provo CLETRAC TRACTORS. LUPE VELEZ was rendy fob de biggest arguments." Mother's Day with relatives Also TALKING COMEDY spent A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO OWN Washington Star. here. 7 room modern A FINE HOME Mra J T. Framcom entertained dwelling, part basement, ideal lo Ted: "What if Shapespeare isn't up last Thnnrrlav afternoon in honor of cation, large barn and granary, 1 Fred: "When I go to heaven I'm going to ask Shakespeare if his plays there?" her birthday anniversary. Refresh acre lot. with 1 share water. Will Fred: "Then you ask him." are true?" ments were served. sell on easy terms or trade for small See W. J. Cole, or write Minn Geneva Malmereen of Salt er home. 4t. Real Dixon Estate Co.. Provo. Is her parents Lake City visiting here. FOR SALE CHEAP 600 ACRES OF THOSE WHO BUY AT HOME Mrs. O. C. Dalby. Olive and Dent Grazing land, in and near "Hop- Dalby and City Judge and Mrs. C Creek." O. F. Wall, 235 South 8th 2t F. Dalby of 'Salt Lake City spent East. Salt Lake City. Utah. AND Sunday in Levan. I am in the Undertaking business BANK AT HOME HAVE Mr and Mrs. James Jackman and to stay, in connection with a licensed Verdenat of embalmer. Kmma dnnirhtnra and tf John R. Downs. A Day .Mother's Salt Lake City spent L. A. Mrs. with Mr. and jacuman STEWART-WARNENEW BETTER HOME Radio. Regular price $137.75, will mtn Aneell returned home this week after an extended stay in sell for $70.00 cash. Silver Maple Service. Nevada. Pyralin Ivory Sets Latest Creations Newest Prices KODAK ALBUM 50c to $3.50 "WOLF SONG" R " "Whatever You Earn-Spen- FOR Less" X-R- ay Phone 294W DR. P. L. JONES DENTIST NEPHI NATIONAL BANK Up-Stai- rs Over Ord & Mangelson Drug Store .VASY. Summer Excursion ES The Utah Representative of DR. MELLENTH1N & GO. GLADIOLA BULBS MEAT CITY Market. LET C. J. Pyper, do your electrical work and repair your electrical ap pliances. He also has the most complete line of electrioal fixtues and supplies in Nephl. SALE TOMATO PLANTS Hot Caps: Cabbage plants, Cauli 2t flower plants. Call J. Gibson. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN C. H. Garrett. Biggest Locomotive The world's biggest locomotive be able to pull a train two miles What a job motor speeders will trying to knock It off the track ! York FVonlnf ilk DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at FORREST HOTEL TUESDAY MAY 21 Office Hours: 11 a. m. to 5 p. m Commencing West May 15 May 22 - - East Liberal Stopover Privileges Return Limit, Oct. 31 now to take Plan your summer trip rates to advantage of the reduced and westpractically every eastern of return ern point. Your choice routes. Stop over anywhere. Final return limit, October 31. Zion National Park, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon side trip at slight additional cost. Visit Denver and Rocky Mountain National Park at no extra railroad fare. Luxurious comfort and unexcelled service are features of Union Pacific trains. Make your vacation a memorable event this year. EXAMPLES OF Low Round Trip Fares from TO Denver Omaha NEPHI 9 88.64 66.69 66.60 77.19 Chicago 188.59 New York 87.04 New Orleans 40.09 Iajs Angeles 58.45 Portland 144.65 Dost on 182.75 Washington Aaftaarent for farther detail D. S. SPENCER General Pasaenajer A cent Salt Lake CItT Kansas City THE OVERLAND ROUTE Tha annctaltnt of Dr. Mellenthin & Co. is a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and is ncenseo. vy state of Utah. tto Tiatta nrftf uilonalIv the more important towns onand cities and offers tnis trip tree to all who call except the expense of treatment when desired. hta method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. ti h tn hta credit wonderful re sults In diseases of the stomach, liver, hnwiiu hlnnd akin, nerves, neari. lririnav'hiaddnr. had wettiner. catarrh. weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal aumeuis. If you have been ailing for any lonirtii nf time and do not get any as im better, do not fall to call, man aio proper measures ratner are very often the cause of your long ptondlnff trnuhle. Married women must be accom husbands. panied by theirabove date, that con iiomomtipr sulfation on this trip will be free ond that his treatment is different. Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California: , It costs very little to recondition a New MODEL T FORD THE Ford Motor Company is malclng a new car, but it is still proud of the Model T. It wants every owner of one of these cars to run it as long as possible at a minimum of trouble and expense. Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model T cars, the Ford Motor Company will continue to supply parts as long as they are needed by Ford owners. So that you may get the greatest use from your Model T, we suggest that you take it to the nearest Ford dealer and have him estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary. You will find this the economical thing to do because a small expenditure now will help to prevent costlier repairs later on, increase the value of the car, and give you thousands of miles of additional service. For a labor charge of only $2.60 you can have s condition. A new your generator put in universal joint will be installed for a labor cost of $3. Overhauling the carburetor costs $1.50; steering gear, $3.50; radiator, $7.50. A complete overhauling of the rear axle assembly runs between $5.75 and $7 for labor. An average price of $22.50 covers the overhauling of the motor and transmission. These prices are for labor only because the need and number of new parts depend on the condition of each car. The cost of these parts is low, however, because of the Ford policy of manufacturing and selling at a small margin of profit. first-clas- ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation have LA. In Internal Medicine to Sept will long. Pot SPECIALIST Daily ONE International Tractor, one 2 bottom 14 inch Tractor Plow. All In 8-- 16 good condition. Times-New- s 3t p VEAL WANTED FOR Coming to NEPHI SALE Frank Warner. It Pays to Read the Ads in The Paint it now Do it with BROTHERS LOWE HIGH STANDARD PAINT. It protects your home from the weather, eliminates the need of costly repairs, and is inexpensive to use. Ford Motor Company FREE "Color Harmony in the Home", a new book profusely illustrated and contain-in- ;; valuable information and expert advice on home decoration Come in and get a copy. Kendall Bros. Nephi, Utah Page Motor C ompany Authorized Ford Dealers Complete Stock of Ford Parts Nephi, Utah |