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Show DEATH OF FRED YICK Bright Young Man Passes Away After Brief Illness. Fred Vlck. aged 21, secretarv of the Utopian club, succumbed to yellow jaundice jaun-dice at C o'clock Monday afternoon, after an Illness of thrco days. Mr. Vlck was unmarried and had resided with his parents par-ents at No. 234 South Seventh East street. "His father Is now at Boatty, Nov.. and an effort to reach him by telegraphic tele-graphic messago has thus far been unsuccessful, un-successful, Mr. Vlck was an Influential momber of the Utopian club, ardent In his efforts for Us upbuilding and prosperity, nnd tho announcement of his death comes as a great, shock to his fellow-clubmon, who sympathize with the bereaved. Funeral Fu-neral arrangements will bo announced later. |