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Show Eastern Capital Livosted. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Jan. 2S. According to an Ogden Og-den gentleman who has put in thirteen years In acquiring and developing thn mineral deposits In this vlnlcity. Eastern capital has become deeply Interested in tho lend nnd copper nnd sine and anll-tpony anll-tpony deposits that are features of thn range from Just north of Ogden lo north of Brlgham. Some of these properties have been equipped with nerlnJ trams and concentrator plants, and in many Instances In-stances the hcginnlng of the realization period is Just in sight. According to this gentleman there will be. In the next two weeks, $250,000 of Eastern money for the further equipping of some of the properties, and for more deep tunnel work The campaign to be pushed will bo a. vigorous one. This season will see such Immense oro bodies as the Santa Maria, Eldorado. Napoleon Na-poleon and Maghera equipped with tramways tram-ways nnd concentrators, and the Southern Pacific, tho Midland nnd the Great Northern North-ern and Sierra. Mndre will be close seconds. |