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Show FISHER HARRIS SURPfll Talks Entertainingly of DrfjE Convention. 5M Back to Zlon, after nv vtrr'iv days in Denver at the dry FiVfil srress, FiMier Harris Is rJvhr2a lations In double dose?, for n-jjtl he succeed In securing n-it iaS Farming Congress for Sali LikH himself was tendered the clH little surprise that came InaBl pected manner. "From a financial, or evu'dH standpoint," said Mr. Harrii X 'this convention just closed vital Interest to every w"tiJM American. Take this Slats cB example. At present IrrJpjL'iM claimed 4 per cent of the UMjH cultural purposes. Eventuanr.'B help of Congress and private oiH will nmount to 11 per cent; cnH cent of this Immense State ubS tlon. N'ow, when dry farrairrB a practical, recomized tbln;.'H that all the arid nnd seml-ariJiW blossom and he turned Into riiS tile farm soil. This subject ttiiH grcss of dry farmers dkcuiBV Attending the meeting wenBj presidents of the different iB colleges, representatives of SeoifB son and several agTonomlju, uBH States were represented. "3o far as the next conredlll Ing, Salt Lake and CheyendSH hot battle, but Zion wop, and alH dry farmers will be here averUAH At. this year's session over were present, besides hundrdi HH town visitors Interested In iwglj and this was but. the lnltlat zcWtiaV "Sly being president? WJr.iJ never entered my head. All tiM convention the choice for ntrijiH was not even mentioned, znibM last day. while at my hotel I.H denly congratulated. Entirely of tho cause of the conjnuitJW marks, I discovered that I JsdjF' named president. lift "A great deal of time ujyr getting the affairs of the shape. It wns decided to h&rilBH secretary, with headnuarteHBBi Lake, and three assistant itct$M on the eastern slope of the H on the western and another clfic coast. uiJbH "You have no Idea of the b"H est that was manifested not delegatos, but by outsiders. vent Ion hall was found, al.t"'r)IJ Ing, to bo absolutely lnadfqi crowds, and It was neceJSHTWM larger place. "Then the congress hadwo cuss and so vital were thera.) Instend of adjourning on jiK another all-day session w uH will next fall entertain a cro wide-awake Westerners, the greatest question before "M day, the reclamation of Ji l scientific farming." 'E |