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Show TU .v i , - 01 ur,"K LvjjJi0? j1. cholera combined As I sid before, its, tin infer latent co ;trlvance I ever saw. I , !Tnn ca a cant drink 1 you I j , SEEDS, SEEDS! , ' It. publ'ihrd .every WEDNESDAY ol and ike Tunes building St Georg fresh m'orntfiff'ul Seeds For Sale, puro Utah' the Ter, nosi vegetable needod for garden, and a oholee collection of Flower Seed 3t. George Drug Store. ai WHEN THE. GRASS SHALL COVER MBs IEj . , r Mai TO SURVEYORS. first-rat- e nor winter-snowmo awaks Shall to yonr sighing; Close abort me as you pees, Summer-bloom- line SPubJic. The undereigiieJ will attend to the .xecution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds of Trust) Powers of Attorney, Gontraots, and all other Official. Busina required of a Notary Public. t Rio Virgen Times rooms, O&ee It lenti onif. St. George. d J. . wn, i and-sixpen- b, E. JOHNSON, Notary Pnblio. tonscrialo I UCA.VH3. 11 A XU ORS33139, Ah, So we heard a great strapping young man exc1am"ithe pther.dtf in'anoffice. We did want to. g ire him a pleerwwcfrhiru?! S' bad; and we I. just write to him Yoa want capital, do you! And ' suppose you had what you call capital, what would vou do with ill Toa want musele, aai bone, and brains, sad dont you call thnia capital? If hat mors capital did tiod giro anybody? 'Oh, but thay ars not money. iy you, Dont you know 'how to usa them? If you dont its time'-- you were learning. Take held of the first plow, or jack-plai- n, sr broad-ax- e that you eaa find and go to work. Your capital '"will Room yield you a large interest, Ay, bit thers the rub! You dont want to werV; you want money on credit, that you may play gentleman, speculate, and end by playing ce ' kcCii r ai o: Bel ifi ' a : the Oos qurr. I hav- - tried msny wavs to irradteate this disease from my household, but to no purpose. I hare administered naln- ktllsr. worm candy, soothing syrup, castor oil, pulmonic wafers pein paint: and a lot of other me Heines, but In r in. If cor.Meiygeet anything,- - M Si iter, that wm!d help ms in nr ' t.roubss T would tike it as i gre a: firor. Korn Koib Jen. -- ru -- . the vajpjbond. Or you want a plantation with plenty of 55 read Power. hir1i' ga pon It to do the worthwhile One year Caotun K , brin off duty un over the county anL dissipate; or you to nun, some rich elrl whom-."''"'J. rhor. among c Gl rary ,,i,. -- Jfr lJ5 my . ant b. ! v b work daw. a dearer merru r: Thjr will moan: Alin! When your Now I k".ow how rue she Now I know ho v diar b:j wis Whin the grass gr it a ever tori Oeerlund Slovh1 y, hi't i5t SOUTH 0? PRINTISQ OFFICE 1HS03IWIA3 v .in k.d 3 3SND Ire ?'t th (rc1 .n Bn it my wna r In Mr. E.liMf. I b, asudaut of Pizsrrrt Hard another .n. J.'m vn't, , T.z.n Wfi. t . a a nl . d RTi'er, and on 3 of the grenar vouthe, and verv n; prori,ii,,lv !imi !roen. Ona m?rning C 'iH- -i i Khbtt bed bc-- n engaged ii bakiNg wbea' ciVei on a gridh which dle. 1 Hj iccr fat . . ,, ' C. Kg !.m.V s -- d mot-her-i- shall coverts! grea sorrow in w II 8H AHPOOISa, IX THfc.RKr STYLE, AT W,s well-grounde- s, pitiei.t, I caa wtt li!ioi;g that, or mib or Ut Y-r- AiXD s ' I WISHT HAD CAPITAL. trip1, but have my nwnprlvite reasons for believing that she acquired, it over .the .waah-'nat three- think-an- y but of the"preaeHt generation of Kobbs are In danger of catching it in that way. This is eacm none how ever. We. are In society now; and there is a belief among our acthat quaintances my respected laws ance't rs same cyer with. William You will say: How kind ska was Ml Yon wi.l aay j How true she was, When the grata grows over me. " When the grass shell cwdTr llold'tn close to earths warm bosom; While 1 l.itfgh;or weep, or sing. Nerermore, for. anything: You will fiui.1 tA'tlade and blossom. Sweet, small voices, odorous, Tfn irr pleader in my cause, 1 was- That shell apeak m When the gruse grows orer ms. Vfhen the Of wife's war dt Whin the grass shall csrer me, Head to foot where I am lylut; When net any wind that blow, set of SURYEYORS&ENT.INEERSINSTIIU SALE. , RENTS FOR Inquire at the Trace office. A limJ ! Thty Btumblsd up' to him and b1,?b?er: IIjS.kSfAi!li;;,'r tni how It not into my family, wllh Jr tliat m" .ay it 1. Iur.dlt.ryi na.lher troubled wUli It. She . it: i -t ASC 1 RIO YIRGEN TIMES ..... a. dont know 2 ho s , h-i- . .'MMltti. ms...hM.lt , a!..v b.i Tk. ,kJ , M1. you will ve tour a a4 y0., A aiJt to mke you feel 1(k, mneJ capit.il vo-- have, you con'd not make it if yn i luu a million of doll ra In money If you dont km bjv to nso bone muscle an! b'aina, you would not know howto use gild. If vou lok th- capital thaty on s - nut ..I, h,r.li,WI.,dW.,I..ni ug-iit h Ijf mu-aifc, tM B. JOHNSON. vi ,f Hi r oiu mibi oW r shop in thr eru'on onlrk-owh- wt woM hG.Mih,d ca. tain I v e. Aueiion Arid Commission Merchant t i o e. T ie biy wh b o urht it trnr.ul I lit p n?r g ia. to i.re ufaat" i klMw if would pay for it unw or 3ho OsiSt Then dont stand about Idle, a great 3'.. :'4 VlTai . th Green, 1 e.iji It in th riM child waiting for somebody to (That i.tjj. helpless bya the b Btbrcal Io eateu nee 1vebian come in and Hl'l lisp o ?, a lJUUV i vyili r wrTih feed you. but go to work. mi ixitii h, .vid 'V 1 ibo ikee test . f t e-,- ring It - ', hs-i,- ,a w m-i- r sh-n'- ic-- d twhiome; Take the first work you can find, no mat-- tr d:gMiga Hght in i? b'xek little wbnt. these is but Art ! S Sn h?r what it is, ro that vou may do it well; rid mofni;ir rjiu. d the 0! repll raptain grsvely, kbits Yea whatever you undertake, do It well; v t!i his otj tnr ol up, as a mcJanci".'!-- , 1 rise it with. all .iv a i o:- t'. b o- -r r. a o i the 'arn:nr tn alwiya do year best. If you manege the wiiEELwnifi u r i Pnwderl ll t1! r -- r f. i ) As nr Wife winh capital vou already have, you will s.iou Yes gunpowder, the best yeast in the have made nr reoaireii. mm ioh jxie TAOi'i'iS I ti.ouj t me icr time, . . . plenty more to manage; but if you t v y i!R 0t sii?rt linti;- at-Eii.r in tirades. It wag the word or wont manage the eapltal God cant txi'iin i'i never heard baa I Green coeb.' sail MORE'S. Be iif ot mot emordbi ry cjuibinuntioii given you, you will never have any I 1var ie on The'' wen or tisi b'ead with powier. to manage. Do youkar young men? more bread I never hear 1 ef mkin-good h five six or pou-.ii", piarteitif hore Sen Btmardine Guardian. Mi mt t. P-- in p'enfy of powder. if cj.!on bit ti g. .i o of corset-string- -. be sure t ad asvrtuM r s of st-- el wire, and t Into the dongii I irre or A Sad Serfs nr TTouara 1 A pm- t w tiuht n.ni ur-u'a brei have -- co felhr your iglu ha frsme uh w i Mfrb It con'.ruct Greo i wont back to his hat with a uw rollers bi ale, i'iii'.Jire ef PMp Rom was snjing CRt Diva f an It looked llk jrra white Sin FrarclfCrt, Folding rrink'e t ba Uo w'rfck Z n houfi-skir'- a ad Sc'tt. Riid be Ive b--u down t J, K. Juiixioy. s oa her hnom, and rRleing hAr tea I cogitated nrr .w'ce is mu it eh'gnons eke corameed with hw iEolian a :d -- at all thi gxod JoI I mg d ai x:o iv'j, hut I could srnvo Kob'tt-I ill tpe'olv swelling and hr:iking into. tooth ever ntes hred dogged my no dory m.lnsiou wi'li loto rnh of plsitiv, eupnlicaMnghir-ra- o Well, tit. As iirst I fanei'.l r.ivwifa pr po-.V ll, h me oiled h;e secret Its 'be 'v that vihraed through every cord of busneNS. a p- ing ino the :li-d4frtSt. George Floral Gar Jem, y-heard Hver the heart. I glanced at my friend at my that done e pe wler o onr ?o'aR ?.d chairs are lb r fome or ' ? he lJin ll h pol- fn- - wear.- Then I thought Mr. K. K and wih pwarde-r'sin A nice uollectim aids, ndiant In her dress and halo of wMi-ou- t. Nevr heard firaki;(g g.o1broi.l goleen hair, silver pewedered, and there ing plants, for sale. Chrysaniht innini her f i mil1.' i.i I lee.n struck by light inf, e ra the was a sweet. pensive look on ker down-co- st Seo g avVy, rng Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies. Ice i lant axd thM wer'i ihe mesneh dy rn.alm j dee atreplied a corrobo-rsome fac The music ceased, and the aud!- -. and a flth renting hrm o the hrerve hinbend end Geraniums. Oleander. Putanias. and broi-ylive ence, wild with euthueiaRS. was demand.xperiei.see fa her. I rcieeted both rropoRi'i. n, kow- -. Greetell hen my bsautfl m l whit varieties. Sco sai Ill t. you ing sn encore, a allow oever ns to e ncu i myseli lever, sereno y to inornr-I:n going to spread pan'ou r deed her- le-T tr ed it on the lull -- tor,- inys-df- . J. K. J oiinson. j over a art lug. Dar-e- l i? we dont hv b etd mine, nd siH.,,Isnt it sid? f'Yee," loavo if it' would mike it d aw, bu it l gh once, -the T, and her darn haring feeli.ig, expense replied quckly. nv'vay. nla i , ;i :nr. Te-- 1 pu r in tho frout grie . h il Col -- o ! touche a it "aHhongh moliy gleri.'n, WlilWD'filDi'li-J'Ol : Wlli l a S gn aitacbcnl it, B;'w m of Tite ivxt inorni-'- Ge-- roe bright and Qll'DlTHB chord. 0, nonaeaee. she M-rolct-'i- l hut a and went to w k k'ie i 'i cowd Idrtut. ncnn thaH You know Let Vf me tie Medirinr that grew : Vlfd ire o take it drtir:i, aa th-- v f.ii.cje.l ig his bread S olt roaj up i hi hunk ul super intend d very well' thttT don't preteid " to ii.i'oriai m irhine to blow up ih the mid the Mountains and stop importation (lit kind of 'meieil jergon: I mean it t oper it'o R. I have a well filbnl Laberattwy for dis- - neighborhood. Mv wife, horevr soon it sad to see io.m"y young men In CM. How nnri p.iwlrr have you put in? i w iS ho gr-the Folveil Ii q j I wonder If it isnt extracts and he gravosy inq,iired preparing tilling Essential oils Beni, the ruceeRr!r ' Grrchn ' Aia'i: d j.!;i.'at five or or what? Do the said climete. Grsen, 'About a:ption, and invite all who have erirolins ant b tacs 'he mplusnirj of thst ru 'igh forfingers,' me? veu have know that and I been, picking t you fushi'Ui. Thh wuh aboil a wetk ahe down aid bald the in hads Phaw! heavy parquet, and wml 1 8cot, It:l UffilM SK33, mil now I have it iu g- - d go i g o'slcr nil le-'u v I actually counted or roots, and those who dieeoror new oil- - over the bouse, my wliV has it. her i ci- !1 l the Oreon W suiting ten,. rp!ifl , n.?! or otherwise valuable 'peciraens ghrV UnvV it, Ilia iak hi produe-ngbrre ge the hull h' a i.i t '.ri, How Sht Knew It. Two your rvsir jeveu the cat ge!s her In.- up ! :i it ior .ed if w- - dout have one god Dir he qualities cf e vu i yo tng It is lheit:fvnl,. I eceaaii'nillv. bfi. i were j overerhsnrd tlixi: i euy-- j o put the gentleman he was - J t3. b f r to brlag thorn to ir,o and they shall be sal v: nee I ever s w. It wi .t ll ady I like Well, church r,o. Charier, bi ha I little lit Ii g Its n:iher high aild th 1 he'd into he pi... 3-- tt ufactorily rewarded. '.old to-hs i oC a chu-'l!u ah hasnt bit Tke sofa ii J. E Johnson. got irlih; lainut-h1 fiv isnJ. s i bick .Mi l s' p ,l ?ard." ;a die h;sl! ths eh Ira are ton r rsight n, Ed, !S6d. Kobblt's ranch he i. Gee. Mek; j fii wav T si v Chirlie Ini got a baard, but he t5P narrow for it It vi I it officer. vo hv ted n hi ItifT. shave U crhar slad up 't cant tSTrtlitH- -i I the cnptun, whits up? No ha hasnt either, any mere than '.he igJiw. goeaall u .m!la bunting with auppreseed laih Ms. I 'ii-I nd and have. an sM hooka. , c ;p o I aay he hts, too, and I know it, for Yfell I miy be,' answered Scott, ' , & afuck It my cheek. eye on oar rmclt thats all I ; : Thats how the knew. through ibo In'I lut the hick , iSly and In about ten rninuie fcT , Jea bprM jt cin turn round. Sorne-- .' Women, of course, hive long ml fii-- r r i ud e u v. in tho eirw i stuck it times gets Kfn minutes a hair than mei but me dee roy their bair-bisuie ouMUsh, in about th communication btweei all Ureepta from the making ovens oMHiir hears uud-- r biu k einoke wn so II .tton Not lower anl mi regleai. upper bat aceom ns tiled by' a bissiug their hits, and thas heit the top of their . m. and srauger'R money.- it 'has cost me mretl-i- e liLe that of a rocket starting craniumi. until! the hair dies out far very1 in ATTORNEY AT' LAW, Ircakle then i ay thing I ever experienced. onpi uit'sterflight. want of air. Men should either take 6ff amall-po- x and than woxa Tc:f Utwh meulce, ltf St Oat bounded Green, kl face ai blaek as their hats oftener cr ysntilate tlaa Vitttr. t is 4 . ffSl u ir 1, r li -- on di If she cr-i-.O- in ilrtinr hsil -- ;s wail r -- - j.-- HI V-- j Vi ei-'.- t'l 3. clcbraj - arjls CANS: MILL. at STOW? - r k-ie- r iah r. se-pent- . ! all-fi'e- - do a-- HOUSE PLANTS, I'ld. hr he d' VPI1 i.ii: CVI re-rar- - e d - riy to ! Iil b-e- l-- - nsou jiv . -- JO- - ff- '! ad M ,Y u 1 m-li-er- c-- 1 - Tn-mnrr- ing ri t!i with : Off Aid g. A fir i hi ( tl mol-anch- g ex-r'al- olv ml: te-iv-- -- 1 e ap-recii- . Toll ns OR I i ii' : jt-s- 'i at bald-heade- d? h-- op V--, 11 'Irt7- 4 n-i- E. v tiers at h the be lords. FORD. - . Off ve gi otisixasr. 9 lise-.iisi-i- ca-v.- - o-.- h. i Je -- fr l-- '. e-f- DU.! ve Billioj ver, relief s and othj drive jetite, flwa he? mdico, ai Pill in exil JG STORl setisfafcti CROSBY & on-Bu- GLMK. wr iheh-uek-o:k- ! nd i l Tanners Cnrrlevs UTAH ' K-eH- (iBUIUtfi. n R !.,, r injure, I jlia P'S -- V7TYF-- ti p |