OCR Text |
Show StJ1 - TW- -- 1 fV - - : . r. l I r ; WX.J 1 ' t: - I - ; :i JKE Mem BOSET. WILL ' . t . Young Folk Mb guinea iu this eonctry, which alone ia worth l.a!a year, will both be rout to every subscriber To 169, for $1.50! .TVbcry at I 4U a I CallCASH. :.'J ,: rbiisdelphliir llsi KEG a Call! Clive. mo Uulng Nuv-lri- Beivren Itr r 1SGU: Ti a L D A 11 O r ! 1. I y- Ja. I . hiv , BrowhVnill Alfyn, . Tanners A .Curriers. Keep oq number one urticle of ?' . fine sole leal her, k KAIL Kip, calf, mrOKTtll F.NGI.TSI1 & "Sooted Vines . f- ur e.l s-l- orf sro Club! Wanted J. E Jonvaoz. St. George Utah, May 27 1868- - Wool Carding first class CirdUe. II vi jf rea'ed th .Mac!ii:i owned by Bio. E. Snow, I pro-n- -r putiii'g it up in Pa rowan .and be res to i"Pf v wool and deliver roll a by the Lt of Mav. I solicit the psronaga of he tll,?.ene.-.'Dlsia ar.d adjacent alU if - r l-- FUb-rribi- il, f. 1 v 4 Tj,!..3. r., IT Cx (anti llit-larg- ) a;,. ...! ijon - ;) (.ilf L!'. i.tjFiivud 8 rp .6 . .:x Orecepv eicii f .! 2 il Po-- : I;. if-iri- HjT Atixi fprcm:(-- i , J. rfft GSGWERB, j Coi Uieh. De SL 3 li k if rare wti.i J. L. JouxsiN. ;n nxchaoe. for a nit ienlx -- i J. nAlMAVAREI will tx.:hagH lor f I bushels of potativ Pi) Call-vi!- who dcliae Lock cut for Theives TEN DOLLARS REWARD NO 1 ICE!.! OfTors 28 If. Pr st. - ! aio t- -S BUST latesi wiih all I Ia nt ITim ! ! F I. O U Ri 1 Ju.r Co., Fr.iu GOOD WHEAT. Utah. . l)di- LOUR 'Xtfiautei hr WHZAt F his prnfcssi'inal services to tha pscplo Inquire of lire Etli'or. WflS CUSTOM UOHK altmdeJ to. R. RVOW. L N 1 ! for ciu'i.n;, ant t a-- di,-itf- l t ni j.uble. I 'i.iijiied i Of or inlore. U connected with tie I: Ih'o sp nns or lot of to!cl,ier or w mm o3L CvSwRGB. Unit bel K. Thoaue. I) ... T'm.t.,'Va'r'alf.7.h.' S (lco liruj i.t 'ie. OLEANEER !?. l, Bee-ro- uaxvm .ncT.iL. slock of she the Times Office. be: 6Ms.) Vtii,?,: mtotAl mils for for srle. grain -I- rqair. M XT ! poUsd plants for sale ready rAJowflae J. E. Johnson by FttfCC f. Jcs 0. BVC;i. July 30 1K6A for mm'.' i:ury, J . pctb 3.00. Ap L to tl rv.lerelglied at Elile-Vto J, E, JohliSOU St, GeOTO, A a 24 rr nc J, Lionao s2u I e'e jLJLS30 Hij laud near Telv Jt Vn!:rt work m suiturj. Will tbs rert-- s whoLMitrta totu ihiiwr. rsd rtelv hi (bisks Il .7 Iae itDaoIe lii I &t Eoglo- any sor cf g'Aiu a-- d vH tVnwJ md in ere,. lmuees wiili twn rooms eaeh. on e U.ts tn to.vn, with lirals, Yardsj and Siabios. IlgtO U UtOIl, iipj.1 t.rjMivdeitln nir?r, Ui or most "uit I PRLT.LM)ED OWN'LK for Atnp!a SU:sg hf Twm I I'ltialr r irk rip rlt' t wirh pnirranto nonatMii Hrm u mi M t.rii.1 f b4ilinsnj Along jour ov.twa binJIui u rwdy I WAK4'tWQ, ?' Ar- - 111 I TAT , Clat."?7a' 9 'fiS All persons ore w.ri cd against j ur M rhuRirf nnv tards long F.shiiiir Feinf about 2 (MOTION G ; ! BROOMS I I St GeoUtall !L IL 3 tli imprrvcmsnts, and &9 a first-cLto out urn artlels of prpared :o mtil ' ! ! Hr nir is, - Sa - I E ROOMS umlcr-rnnr.-er rorIFapn f. The A " For P a new 0 I86f; Keeps eninpleto nssnrtment of Ttotanirnl family medieines ter ea'c au.l trusts by strict merit tho cou&dtucc of Giuln. Time", ! at WASHINGTON, SVRkUD'S iTENT ficiy. f Juab ar.d Utah Counti.s. and beat Dry to bs had in in Sti Tinwaro Guoda, Grocers, sad ri ngs. ixclu oil Dixie to the fit. George, call on N:xoa immediately, lively Company. J. Hamblin, Produce wanted, try him. If you want the cht-apes- t I have row in euccessful operation silica Klofics? Moxa, At tbs rlcsa of thv proAent volume of e xihl, 0Cl:e 1. far ebante f.T ginia. Block, nexhancisn or cthvr go..d prope ty. ! 1. ltr - . t S. M. Blair. KiTaTn ni , Peii-- 2 Jd;10-- t he s.ihsrrher at Rellvlew. cr Fouih Ash Cie.'k, !Vshti g n Uon'iy, o e od r Iii hIi ir .V, rr mpu-- c c. loicd t li? Imruon and sad-3well t aaie,I miued n tiie hit eho: 1 r luo Jg also A R In ptil ciiH i ii n t viv pbi-ion lb left ihih. Wloieirr will!. scr I o.l iiH.iir.nl or give r tum will thd! led to lur recoveiy in'orn.aihui Bl.ftll iccsivo the abuo tcwanl. j Ja.1 H. Johnson r Washington Millll sa Courts. Ktroved or Stolen. h'-ok- mat. ;v.t rprings. a thriv.ug, a votiag orchard 2JJJ vi .ej &3 m iuw to tilcrt llifir B'ehrp, vho is vice pieaiilent for Li ward and report action to Stcrelary Branch. . J. . Johnson R M. Fruit Grower. b esuciatloii First ' J'l'-n-'ott- 3 Apl. 1353, l Geo. XT, Johnson, 91, D, '. to act. report, te vrhuh is situated coi-c- nco&os Gbixihaw. 12-- tf Parosvari s'lici ed for the libr.irv o: 'wC3a3SL23 S? 'er.ta .u:d cal- - Si. lieorge. Utah. May rail ch f v;i pay delivered nt l$5 00 bT, liMsbe! or ut my stoic 1 b.ook Wm. Lbaucb, praluee or liORNED CGO A. ac-c- TTilib' f gs .ii are desired by tl o club. iuds a'i! r.ssnMM' tit o nr.v it'nd of imI Report, HARDWARE leneral I hiive i i.,o flowers by j C3 We hope tatthoe who were nppulntrd 3 75, pay as iihove. B. II. Pad lock. as vice rimhlpnis cf the RDckv S' Tium.ks Aiizona. Pi?n;clcgieal i tjr, will each, tuke e;r!y Oct 20 lSfc'3. rleps to crpai ir.e a local brunch, i;i Ihtir own vrtn!, CdILcI fee h..lf of which ir. sy be kept and used for cur: cut i Mo-.m'air- TTOATCrt ifri. lie. i : s: a. k. shoal, 1 I Pl.i:adcl;l.ia. ATTZKT10.? n.iaii.or; inr cuaL deples eirt gn ia LT ;CK. PE A CO N ft P I 2 RSO N, Wanted. 319 IVA1.NUI' S sc cv.-i.i-h ; l: i, i J:i!i !, 4 s vl!l aiwa; i,Ld Vicurriii vjigrnvl g Thegvtt'-- lip reive i rupy r.f the P: eir.ir.ci E,.:i,r-''.v:- i Meinbprs ofn tJ .li wisfiitig the Eiivr-iviin.ist rnnit One do is'.'a. r l; i 11-- f Thaaj iaco . 5- 1 - at---- P.eu.ium J'-- r ,h s-- 1 . 1 r. siin, jfotU Seeds of all beautiful ' or desirable wild fiowera, for wlneh a libera ra w'iird will be paid, if accompanied b of npeoimenH pressed leave and flow era of the ehtnb or plant. Mt-e- i- k . d e J Harness Leather (to,, Which they ofltr to exohango for gruin an J o' her produce. ParotVMD Uuh Aid 20 1fs58. s eii L&b4 (jow-hi.l- e, (Snceutori to L. B. BencLlcy A Co.,) AKD JOBBERS OF fr 'v. .y an n e py I - F, D. Killof, LINFORTIl, KELLOGG, inili-- e A n GGHMAN AMGRlCAft if vtdkt to mrvat. by Eiasrboih. Prescott, author ofILw a ly J. E Johnou. M'ciran Hud Her War,'1 &., The Psfto cf Two Mu" Livv,:f by' Atnai.da M gricul nral Irapl ment ft Mining Tools. Porglus. author of HTTie D bavry Fortune ! I jYos. 3 tni'i A Front Street, Ac..; A New Novelet by l.onieu Cliand.er KSISAR GflAOBKaiT, I have a few vbifa tf ih'-i'foiesn. Boulton, author of Kferl: g from Fat ivf: e and Toi Raisin, vale table - Henry &c end a New Novel by grapes, SJL FRAJYClbGO. Word iIih dixirgiiished English N veliat tar cash or grsia. Orders reipectiully solicited. J. E. Jihns u oiitbnr of EM Lvi ne, Ac.. wl b uurn-n.13-tthoiter Stories by a b il'.iaut galaxy TI2IE 70 PL A XT. cfl?dy writers The Lad v( Friend will give a fiuety-excrutFall am winter la he Lent tim to pLvt Steel E graving, a ireeaand Faihien-evgrute- d vin!. I am now pr rlnir, t ikh'ir 1uMcPbo. L'im am p!ai ting o ;t, frr-i-t and o. nomei.t.il up; cn bud -- aud a large a Tha St George, Garden ere Club, shiuha, vine, mrl pla Is merit of Woud Cuts ii urlulii g ilt' trees, I C4ii rjpplv in liinit-quintitr frm liiis A fine Ilall-wh- ere they meet, for nfthioue, Fan cy W ork, &c, iu every auu-Lr- r. trjod asaartiuent f tppli eiion is ui.de dicus-inr.- s ard Eshi!iton, of fnti soon. P! give a i piece of Mu-i- jopnar II. J. Johi'fion. un i vegeiiiMi every Tuesday even Wwr'ih 'be cd t oi UiO Mi gz.iie i.i itself lit eery m mhe'. s n 7 oviojb. a ropy o? the Ltrg ad E sutfu! ! FINE FJiUil Pr'i: ium l Kogrvii g The Stg co P C I M E N V I have a ii:n;i nrge. u( r.ew ai d IJ'-nqumtity et g eved sp'sly fir v?rv choice vioieliiM P frui! -, and fruits rre rare or voebthles il ft no l fir 1 lire ei gr. viiig lirub, si. d p lints rfiT-- to irM'. imr C'd1 h. x g ! -- wi fcfoi-hi (j.lh 2 r i r solicit'! also epecitnens of mii!er:!lf u' nrs.r'y for of f C'n:it;ni "ni: .mil :i,iV(j rv.,V" (Cdwb) l til uea-!-21- si mpr-ric-.- i.f virhric? cfnplaEsce Li j unimal. or vegetable; curiuctiei for j,. ri'V ni.oii.rr o.i a tiua. ii.i.' Ir1 e Its t , E; g'.v.i.gis s;uu of A gr.i'r vvh- rrv K !i ri nfl ' it ; Fr gi g','b?ti . 5iJ SAN BERNARDINO, , iiiRuil.' J2. Linnrth, ! ia'n:aj)inja!l8l Eat of, . r, llairion Publuhcr Salt- Lake L, - good acoittodalioos, for " . m t the in . PROVISIONS rtntl B Ckty. 'tv of cut vg-- j wi jla tiling; be live- H amvaja l. i.btC.-.- i 5wd- 't t vtrere 'ucicaulf. Soil. Any peri'ui smvitng wnrl thn 'Or tbiv vv llpay aa eo-- t aspi-Miblhaneid in cotton or wheat will. have,? the S V t r pr-xb- MacuziiK fnrw'irdv(f pruning my g npea In a pa re. unite a var Ur la the beat sesaon j . ysgas (DaKings J am now a id The Ladve Friend a nnuucs the fol story, ra HUd, Jugt by Unwo Keane and Dion Chas. Co's r - .y; JOHN PTMM. (Mm. SPLLN 1)10 1XPUCKM ENRS TO 81T8CR BKRS. ui nt For Carpenter . ? ' 't;P.AXu V,., , ,,,0rO'Dl PLM eJ ivl'-- A GUAHSASTU-D- . T. 1 , ' j s r--j itual! par cent and frieght. with WALNUT Ctroct rull:thrt,Ul ' 13ECKE11, i. OF (IDGfCS STATiOA Ibe last of tlia saxaa Kb;s, B iiweir, and th lute ul excLiug and thrilling 3rQ O Invoicc Prices, a ; ' li Commission, to-de- -- iwrtiw rou.ati: Th4 jji an . t- - V.:, i UTA'ia-MAQAZIN:E- ! clubs art loaned, a still grAU.t rtSucticn. I will buy, on .v Tfo VISITOR is a live, high-tone- d monthly Neither B.cturion cr for tho Young of ' fictional, Ift aim, the instruction, gmaiemer.t will aad aUratioo of oar yonnooijlo tveiy where for the people, either EAST or WEST; receive $1, CO, and UPlVAtlLS', will giro Fieabo send IP cent AT ONCE lor laiuplc tho 'VitiToit, and Circular giving ruuiLtr of 3L SB I tie origin ted complete description of thin cf full. and list r.ud largo elegant engraving, iATrPremiums for Clili. '.i Armcbauco A gtnta 'V anted every where. - ' 'O , ; Now pub liliing i;i the and buy CHEAP for Paa'aU'-sro- . t r!tt .v irw TW3 SPLEtlUID StURIES , . . j . ; ft!.' Adcrcsi, PACOIIDAY 1 . 1M cm of tha oblast, handsomest tnd cheapest . , i I oun echoolday visitor, , w , ; .. fi i '' - 4 3NT 21IJU. Src.v X J . - |