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Show r firgtyw Trwiwwirwvr . v-"- 'vv r'v ' gW 'i ' . . fw '' ,' V Mki tt',7ZZ70r-Z3-Z 5m3 ' m$ r v v r.; . i wwggger (Mtt 'O. as Gardener Ciab JEesUral Mate' a;Xlv wlnrd, high repua'ioa awarded Wn throughout . tTtian huexrn to tho' rbadars . of jhe Af!at& U.tMhlj, has wriltso a serial story, eat.tled .Malboast An Oidp.rt Ruuuueu which wilL.begia wi b. :ha Janiiarj tuuiUr uni centnuo tho greater part of ibe year. Jamfis Russtjl LoweU, wjll. furnish frequent V coalribulions,- - both in Prose Land Pootr; ' Too. January musbur will contain an Esat, and a Piam from his pc. Edward Everett Hale, author of Tbo Msf without aConotry;BndvMy- Doublo, an. Inw be undid Me." will furnish a sorios and Uketohca similar to thoss whiei bava been so popular with Iks readers tnraviour volnraos ofth All inlic, ft Jcm-- a Pjoo,w.11 ooutinuo Ms artieks subjwcl and Commercijl Ri c! His first eoniributioa to tbo Vvlnmo for ( is a striking nnpvr, entitled The west Summer, V. si Y.vtkieea' ntllsmo. . By ho h.m rn uur-iiorthc- HJay Amusements stands al'Isnieut.' . On , the annual festival of ilia Garnigh! the 9th inst; the deners Assoeeticn which cams iff on the Professor will give a last entertainment first Tuesliar in tha now rear at the City and expose all his wondvrfsl triek, and Hull . iVsti, rf slight of lianJ, au.l hgerdemain. The company was large a ml complete, Proving to aM liow aily sne raiy bj end the appoint msi.ts anerccpt'Onablo, so fjecisvsd by the cunning fingers of the well far rs th. comforts .awl pleasure cf the practised. jp rests was o: corned Amog our ll pro-unior- oj Sat-irdiy- at . - - - m ViaGEftlTIMES ISP UBUMIED.hy Opriing at aqeariy hour, the festiva' was vnlirened by dance, soig, and social intercourse At9J p. m. the compaii. X - EDITORS TAEL3. Carper's llsgaxino for Bee. la a superior pecimeu of literary nd artistic effort. The three defcemlrd to the i upper room where preminesaa of Harper's ovor other Sfouthlics m of the the to lfRi.lh la hies waspreal of the age, is generally conceded and that too Dr.tor." T.. I. Barer, will rontribnto a series of pr with the choicest and moat dainty viands very justly. These of oar subscribers who an pers, entitled The Experiinees of have clcb can and it at fruits confections wish, prices. meat, pas'riea m orison Cadpt." The anthor of Vietr and Jvqnelinn w . as well a some of our choicest LixL a is eheico Oar Fchoo'day.VUitor, monthly to sj contribute a new American Romance ' wlnaicmne frui s &e. magaxinc for children: always stored with use. numbers. twelve in peer " Among th fresh fruit there Was the ap- fill,, .amusing, and instruction, natter. It Dr. TTenrv I. Bodwitch will femirh a Ter ranable series of papers on Coosumption, and grape promine- tty represented should grace the reading circle of every famiple ; showing its man fold ernsps. srdlhe ber This was t rare gathering. ad lucky ly in the lad. modes of remedying tho evils which pro the one favored with an isvitsfi n outside Til Frank Lcsllee ns t rated Weekly. Like an dun it. the aaaosiatiun The boys of ths Chib olden-tim- e Freeman Glarhe will giro, in a wri James in smiles of grace friend, wn.thed a complete account of Oriental of nepers, dont do things. b; halves. and beauty, with Us Harper," twin sister, It- ligios. iios before us in all its aneient, and modern Bavnrd Taylor will nn tribute to most of the WEAVilElt. nurahors of the coming year, furnishing scr-a- glory of pictures, reading aad currant liters, eral Stories and F.ssays. issue we hive been enjnhf tore and news. , Siace Bon ran will furnish papers on Art Enron aa4 warm oceaeioual iaapril akc-wrMessrs C arlsy k Co. of Troy 2T. T: send ns and Tteratur. seT-ernut et their fuurth revised edition oftnasttaland cat- A distinvnished Pliy!oler?st w11 wta'her -- Thus far Ike frott timelv nnd valunb'e nnnv- - on most f- this wir.trr kar.'ovsd the alogue ef instraraests used ia surveying. It tbo innwise of Lonarev ty in Amoriia. fire and duoKiag dbor are open through is useful and complete. hoiiMkep'OT.- - Tho vatnnMe lions and wonnlar poners pn the day, and the tab irer witho :t l.ij cast. The Police Oacetto comes regn'arily to our krte un" will bs contiauo l thronqh several frsl ii g as he Ub.'srs, tad table. For atirriag oventi exeiting and rsmbers. o vri ts: had i !y w? hjTe Tact erirsinst aews, the Gacette has no eempetitsr A series of Papen?, do, nf sivonri on hn autiim -and spring Thu enn : now ou' ia Amerioa. printim of a b v.l- in ihe publlshod warm, brtglt, beautiful and Sprin; Ike, EUwangeranlBwry. of RoeWer R. Y time forW;.wiU ISfiJ. and ikose h) hove it to rn skoulJ lose ere among tha first, effrsit grwjrs end m:r Ti ddTt!nn to hs ahTa, ths Ariant?- - fnr ! Tlulreita-oguawill hi? snrirhrd withH!rip(i in Prr-iiea, of trees and serymen no time in Pi ?f iiy trr e and Peprtrv fr"n ' rirunr crntril ntors, T!e grunn I i in rxcetlfst coviiion,' and very ureful works, aad may le fraud on V"in a b following: ind tie season invi'itg and propitious onr tabic frr icspectiwn. 1!. Tf. Tjonyf llow, O. 'V C:rb, Tl TI. e:o3. VT, H remrv and P. For frill Girdan hasten tr pri-ps- r asia wi bare n?roi, eatalocnes of yenr n T. If. I, your trees or vines to ths sppoiiilei post Robert Built of Philadelphia. This is ene of F. G Stdman F aHr'fh, T the hist iiijl firms ra the U. S. tiens for fruiting. hn V I. ah r-- -t ! rTL 'f.'im T P Wr.in l. V?. C. Fr-sf!Sar' a mn:r Oca. Gees Tn'-Uitri- r1. 1 ST, GEORGE UTAiI. I Mm 6 ; 1869; . it-'- ' - 1 - - , TERMS: Pr Rates, of Advertising: A square 1 tli spare that 10 lines of type, this ixe, will occupy. $200 Ijqnare or1ss, one insertion. Each subsequent insertion, 1.00 L.sc 4 - mfi . ,allk culture, claim Jug mne' o th a'.ten-tion- s. r.ot onl of the people of Ca ffornia and o' lur Pacific loc!ir.ie, but that I i cow claiming a large share cf in ournws 1err:o-y- : w ccn'ident that fi'ie with ' nr clioute, long icedii-- sraou, H.d the general adaptability of c'imale soil and Mrrwiindirgs to that Wines, we should no' i tcmsin irncilve upon this topic. To gly m:r views 1 short an the pir.t, we will given n umber of ree-- ! why we should Mae imme.Ut steps to ina Jfe the great roxnsurcia industry of silk criinr. lot W are an inUnd encimuai-'y.aaboth our imports anJ exports require ex:ra for wo shoal. I save fr:ghi charge freight by manufacturing our own clothing. sr.d in articles of export,, seek t'i articles requiring least freightage f r the moat ali!e 2nd. Consilering weight and value, ailk comet next tr the prreioa3 metals iu imali s?gkt. , 3rd Wtt hire i dry atc.otpherc( suite.: to tho LaUhy grawlh.nf silk, sm. a soi wonderfully adapted to tho growth of the mulberry. dtK Wo have a long summer and dcabt-lee- a could, without artificial meatia, pursue the. dcrelopemrnt of cocoona hr b mostks iu Iks year. I ait-'i.t-o- n fl r I ?! let-.ge- 1 1 gr J is 4 Si lat gro-irnt.O- c$o oa ihs fact, that tha sabjeet sf - -- funh ha ' o - s fiilli Ccltoro, . - - Year, .$5.00 13 Month, 82.00 3.00 I Single copie, 25 Months, ! ; al ir 'Tfo-on-rnri- vo i-- o Antol-iorrvpM-a- l thh rl god T-iV- .T- Marcbla? - at, Ira Rlnpclc tb ynnc men vcmeanbrr that on Sanr-idsTmprovpment in our City move slmg Prf.f Baser will, at bis entertain-mrs- t eighf. no is CMiir.s Ero. finiliW.g steadly, at the hall, show j;it hw all tlne very t.isty, G MUc fram rlr liing in the. frvsof iegenleiuain are performed, east part of th C4y Tu t down in fro.it Tbs will bj v exosllnt lesaon for thoie of us Bm Tl d:n i ynt'inr cp tin Shop who think the Devil at ths bottom of ail they eainot.nnderntsnd. and store, while put abnveBro Keatta new Sho Shop, Ero lfysi-- is gating mo? Sr, Gs58cx H tat i so Club, on life large dwelling Erns. Eiiebee and Thl is n fvning i s itu! i n for vnn:g i'l are ea'h emrtiny dwellings. !I1 old mso, who . t,h - Gird-erClub Hnl', If 'ii ly, sad Friif the ii!y we have fn iefher i i ?ay ings rciJiug, lecrot vil rd lilaly, we set psieiug ividence tures, study and ain!is-nr,tThe fe cflaprorenent. only i.lSeisat to provide light sod wool, Invtr ici in, and reading, m Ilor.IDIT AMOsaUTNTC, free, msa ojociiliy ii.rktd d A;lyomg Ourholiiys hav boncharfl.erir.'l Ijt atrx eivity in the various modes f in as.l msr esp-ehl- lv Haimjxic Sccixtt. Ts the titl o? an savsei itin whsss excereiss, light and keavy Is h t pist nia.le. BR:ds a par tv every sight or twv vre Is; ia for nuittsii s up js, an 1 is good bare bad enrions dfmoslr-t:uof msgic to be near rd !'erdc,", Isat, but not Wvf 'T-wnTIOLI f 8TSZIG3 & FIXINGS. Kea Resiling Clb thst holds ression three pights in Thero Is a choice assortment cf ths aboTc a (vk, wl b gned an pros- - goods, just being received at tho St Georgs, peetv of much' amuiomeat aad iaforma' Drag Store which, when fully rcroived lion: any aicortment ia tho Territory. 75 eeniseach. String? from 10 T-- vt C. B'. 7). f!.- y wca-derf- Ayfc'X irteweU, C'. 0. J. J Srrrno, yv. u Anstia, Prtionr. G. Vi iti?--- ., IV. T, Jfo.me, Georce P. Ib utwell, Mrs. R. TI. DnvU, ITrnry Jamer, Jr. J. T. Trowb d;e. Charles Dwson v ri, lyiliijutii Ton G. ITnwe'ls, F. PheMnn, ul M T.v-l- i fr. I), A. M. II. P. Ppnfff-rd- , 0. fiichtll, Kate Fild, R..H, Terry, fibaulv D -- s s :r r' ex-rcM- oe ( b-ii- TZR 01 S OF - g tr aftmnts; L STIS. THfaT - -3- Kindle Copr, $1.00 year. "2 epiai $7.00; FIyh Conies fir ? 10,00; lo Copies for $30. CO, ad oath a ldi:ionr.I copy $.3,00 Fur i extra will crery Club of TO SaSreribjrj bo (ureisbed fratie. nr 21 Copies for $00.00. Specimen Kniubers sent to any address for a-- 35 cents. irr. Atlantic and Our loj.tty Fn!!:, $,00 a year; Ailtr.iic Month aid Eyif'i Ki'nr ljti, $1,00: Atlantic Monthly, Our Y uukj alk, and Every Saturday, $3.00; Our Yuan 7 I'oki anil Er-ccSiUirdsy 5,0v', Atlantic Month fy, Onr Yeung Folk and Af. .1. Htuisx, $10,00: all ihur periCi, no E Then as Utah is justly noted as bring prcl fis I t eliilJrca, we h7e the lh' sort of eheap hop :o csrry outbe bualnts. 5lk. Silk manufacture I light, intercs- odicals, $U.G0. 3 Subscriptions should be remitted i ling: elMh, and prcfiMo btainess, and P0.1l Office or in D aftt on lijilo. or AT. maybe conduetad and eaTied on bv Y. payable to the order of vomsn anu children, an 1 silk, fonat th ptrnsg. FIELDS. GU90 & Co.. tooel bssuliful. tssty, aai wha.i Lome Publiikv Potion. manufactur'd inexpensive wardrobe. to Tiekacr 5 Fields. J (Suecsrsora Cipital it f.tt re.juireMo commence iha WINES! WINES! PURE WINES! Progressln? silk business. Ath ostnd or more cm N V KB AT THKIUMT C n ieo purotv.nei for t: e ai- k and thosv Oar D'x C '0 erative as.srchtm tings af ibe mu.briry a little patch 61 KINDS OP OKA PBS FOR US TO n uiisg pure ctimulauta mi tho St Geurgo (rnuad, a rew .Sggf and a ,pare corner moving slo1 g fn s lively lutinfFs U! Drug fctore. tnn'ier. F B. WpoMev bils I cen elect.! of your house, and you may comoieiicS. 1 crowded nut this week; will around the Your cuttings, th first year, if well h:ilitcs ng nt. and hi AN EXUTaOUDINAUY appear in our next. ion vri'urfernet--t- wbr ion bn u. s i-- g wil-equ- 0,-dir- t 1 al - i h or 10 thjusi.d grown will eachife -- ndoftrn .tronus, many imre. Like Cal fan is, onr climate I LigMy adapted to the reproitun im o the worm crop, ard wifieiit doub: five sucessire crops may bs proluced in one season, wiihsut artifcial help, as has becu t:.e case lu Califurnii the past year. r Now whenvro cosslder that a man may tram port upon his person, without great fncoBTcainco, a thoaaand do'lara worth cf silk, and (bat ailk is one of t ie at and bri ngi the cash taples of In any market,' and that' our aoil and pad ulrrrip 'f Plant? IPfsinjuin - slock have been a?,gathered up and sM . A boy '" ,ent hv hi mstlrr to saw for eah, Urns resl:z;r.g means rcfilciBtto sun o'otnwod out of railroad ties. 83.75 IFOR 81-5ah fonnd doors DaUGUDAY At BKCKER ihv after, filers shortly rommeac lui'lies. ()ingo,ii' a with horao sitMi g 6i tb i'ip of OUR eG llUOLD AY V.-l-iv pub'ih-iis to start for Cfliforr.lA in n bail The hon F'ni.ade rinvi Til inq!li r ak(l i'Oll, puhliili.d a phi.i, hav ti stool: imI nu why he d & to Ms work? iu at freight fi days purchase j iargo, original jtw exsouted eioi pidt d?tkep Mr ilttr nui'lr.r. J engravinj, e:iti lei! or I.eevy meichan ite with which to opn n-- b iv rpl d thus: oM 'i 1 find il7r.l, T.rr i.arJ.to commeice for our young and GENERAL GRANT AND HIS m-id- e 9 hr iy .. Co-rpersti- ve growing south. This move v snt should receive the)iery the prosperity and inaid of ail ho Tb.o MlaMic S!9br.fb3F jit family, from tho band of the etiolat'd Ssrtain, which is deeti cd t be om o:.n of the most popular pictures u? the day. Six perdependence oi Zion. sons, throe equestrian fignres. Every member of tho fam.ly is as faithfully likoucssed as The following aro soma of tbs special fea- UiQ photographs, to tbo ar. which MAGIC Prf BDSCO. tures of interest in tliu Atlantic Monthly for list from the hands of werogiroa the General himself, ' t Tho above talented young Mrgieisn 1383: ,r . climate is superior,and our hilp abundant hare power, to express. ThiA work, has cost Histoeminent ths lion. J. Citis-iuMotley, Lothrop tv'O our entertainments months of skilled labour, and more than ON E ei and the labor jileasant, genteel and prof-Itabi- gave contribute a series of Historical Ar- THOUSAND DOLLARS in cash, fcbd will rian, readily . Should aot tvtry family .taka bold during tho holiday , which were relished ticles, boginning early ia tbo year, . ,v ' eUs for $2.59, its regular priee. a' is s bigb degres, lessening not bit, th T. W. Higglnsoa. so long and ftrcrabl-- ' re For 1869. g-e- -- i MJt' S' o- - . . ' 5 ! p,' jr |