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Show i;" r t ntm LOiXED! A trpe lice Grain and Feed Store borrwel seme wos Ths undersigned Iuom time ago, from my pi ce. Will the 0 aupplj of regard the iujuoctltns of Serijf perm ' ture f and return' before being exposed GRAIN, uwiuila&Uy oh hand . -- ,V. wi', FOR SALE FEED. J. E. JoUXSON. MF.AL, Editor. f Ta CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES Two wrought Iron Sorgum rollers; apply soon to the and other r B'eefciy and Enlarged, r Teamsters and Emigrants supplied ONLY $3,OO PER AKKU3I !! should tako it Ercry-bod- y No. 1 of Volume 2 will be iesoe P. R. R Pflish in Sol rief. BGAO.VBIE CANKER SYRUP, 1 . . .r FLOWERS ! RANCHING! I & HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, and bedding planta for sale, vis.t purebared of Mr. S, M HAVING the SOS'S DRUG STORE, ROSES, undivided half of the JO as Hamblii & IllairK Rancho be found LILACS, a good k.vn SL George, Uiab, may of Spring Valley, 1 iu eait Ranche SP1REA3, Valley, Stock if - STOCKS, aolirit patro'tuge r( Pixie sleek grower. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, VERBENAS, Being brought p ir Tcx5s, I vouch nr the Medioines for of kind the better Ranche av on, owns or ever aau PETUNIAS, right Ae., I5LA OK the and Diseases BERRY. the t.orlli of Maacn & Dixons line. Climate, People, JAPAN WILLIAM AWOdY. LILIES, of the Country. WALL FLOWERS, , Prscriptioni put up with eare, by an Iris, Tuberoses, and many experienced Druggist, a chutes collect! n of Chinese alao others; Two' doers above St. Georgo Hall Chrysanthemum. J. E. JOHNSON. Tho Unerslgned olfer.1 a superior arti. :;t ',..iaosir.!-:Noni- . wire fastened cle of double-woun- d Strrtwti a hoi Inn R. Ijivi BLANKS I ! BLANKS ! ! P.LAMKS !! batprin or retail; Grain Brooms, at wholesale Willies Will XU part U kill iimk t, retara it For aala at the Time Office Blank and Produce received in payment. Jg ns . ; 3-l- BROOMS! esr PASSIFLORA diHi a yliiti Wattal ! ! faiated variety ef tkt infil araamaiital for ( tk few sa. ill t!ii, iruiiJ.ifI. JOHNSON. p npigaUai . tatta, rua. ct. u.tsn ALSO trust. ' A CIIOIUE LOT OF Powcnaitorney Bills of salt. Subpoenas, and many conveinent and us ful buainee blanks. i best viirictios; also ornasiz.! Blanks of any style printed to order on good mental i'rt- acd Shrubbery, and other eliert notice plants. A choice Ij of IIARDY. GRAPES, C. WHJtlNSOV, such as stand nis northern elirn:ito,niii j Deed, Bonds, Mortage, Dela oC - THE 8AT4M0AY EVEW-I- N POST- EXLARUED AND EEAUTIFISD. Tbia eldest and best of, the Liter. Ij Weeklies kss been reeeV.lly sv larged ako BKAVTimn. It is weekly. vi'.Ii Engravin- g- and it Xnvclkti mbal-Ifsb- vd Fruit nbundantlv. WAGON AND CAPiRIAOE MAKER A block and a I a!f sown of the Publi on Meiii Sfret. Good t in ;tr ai! 'quire, and work acme well an4 with 'lea patch. ' d. Sketches, Ac , are not su-.n:s- NERVE AND BONE LlNIMEMl For Rheumatism and all diseases r4 quiring outward applisation for Man Beast. The very beat Horse Liniment! EYE SALVE, For weak, inflamed or troublesome EtJ TONIC PILLS, Will euro the Ague, Chills and Inli mittent Fevcre immediately. Also Worm Medicines, Solves, Ointments for Itch, Piles, Ac. Ilivc Syrup, Composition, Syrup Snrsn pari flu, mid most other popular Family Medicines. note ! W. , ! JOHiTSOK, Soutli Temple sr., st.LalieClfyJ Keen? an extensive assortment of Fnmy Goods, Toys, Confestidnrry, iJools Medicines. Stationery nnd Yankee Nt tions, which hs offers at the lowest luor-- l ket figures. Look inno ch.irge for shcwiny hi I 01 SFKsxzszr.l ro.ce;s3, Good clenn Colton and Liarri Rig wt:i!l iPOTTSBY. mm?at this otfbe. S. G. HIGGINS. prepared to supply tho I - m no 2IL!1?S8 gC5VSSeOK Residence in tie north pnrt of the with nil oi 2Cja.T Z3ZJ.TZm. CROCKERY W A R E . City, Aimard: and St. George and two blocks west of Clarks Taniivry. Agcney for Findlay's cnlfibr&tod a Nuve rf S- c e v, bv Tiix Dragon. 1 lake Corn, Wheat, Flour, wili While for then thanking my pn irons Rhzaiie'h Prescott, be author of Mo- - a Cotton Yarn, Matches, wholes'ilo and retail, at Ghece, Coitm, Baiter, 1 wi.h in favors the inform to 7o:nau Had Her W-y- , past, Ac, or Lead in oxchange. ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE New N'Vfle'a continually anrcel thm, us well as the public generally StorcpnyCasli on run issituated the street Potierv each oilier. Among Cos a beady cu vrno may need niy services, that I have hard, crin progress, are, The M.etsey P just received from the New York labor- ning to Washington REGULAR MEETING a. Mrs. atories a the Keefa, j, powerful Rfory of Ecleetio assortment JOHN EALDLFY. good ltf The Gardeners Club, hold Homar; and Cut Adrift, or, Tbs Tid- cf Medicine?. Ilf Fetfi, by Am and e M. Douglas. weekly meetinss t iheir Club Ilali ere; The p. ist also gives the Gems ok the EnGLifn Magazines Tuesday evening; the year round. ! ! CRAGCN. 1 an Baurnm. thi rf Lirgo Acipy Any who desire, are at liberty ts atPb exilic Steei, Exg savins The oxq I have a choice collection of H cm cat Sea'--mi graved expressly for our J.tend, free of charge. and Cabinet Maker. St, George iher reader , at a cost for. the engraving J. 15. Julmar-- Pre S U I f A IV D 0 UN A M E KT L order line with F alone cf nearly $1C0 will be sen' (p -i will W II. Branch 8c s ltf. dispatch every fuil ($2,50) subscriber, : pid)to to every person aii.difig on a club! This is of good size for tranplenling, to a trnly beautiful engraving! Y by Gn'tive flV Lids, Sore Eyes, &e. Curiosities. Spring Lake YilLi, Ut ih. it - s commeaced ten splendid ft'ha Novtleti jat Ths Quken of th? Savaxnaii 1. F. JOHNSON. Uleexot a -- Proaix-- , Humors. ia Snap-Dragon- s, lik at tt For Canker, Sore Mouth, or well-assort- ed . fari. For Diurrhab, Cholera Morbus, Choi ic, Whooping Cough, Pain in the tee or face, and aa a Soothing Gordi.l fj infants gives immediate REFER TO STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSIESS MESf GENERALLY OF Correapoudenee should be addressed Wm. Lana. DENVER. :; ACYiUI, .1.; St. Georgy, Jan. 15. H 68. Ilf OMAHA or, 8t. GnoauiUtak. SALT LAKE CITY. BAKGIOVANSI C. t t the St, targe Drug ESSENCE OF LIFE, Back Oharges Paid CUAUORS in Shhliug and Kraals. SatSeptember lb at the Times Office urday AUEflTA&KK the TITIIIXU OFFICE. I 11 j MOXTAXA) any quamity. ! ! 1 Family Mcdicincil UTAH; ME IV MEXICO , (Dtan'2j,y PiPodMC,. ausscxoimirciistecACYiiiJs ' at Lowest Market Rates. .. VALUABLE Co., UCIRVE aiad FOmVAStSl a o O d S oi M v E K Y k iVii ' from the TERMINUS of the U. FLQUR, CnEAP ! MEGEATH& - w-1- 1 l-- y - 4 Fruit Trses V' rs - n in-bi- EDI STRA EXCHANGE for GRAIN aud other J. TERMS. of Several cows, Oxen, and young ftoek Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Produce; consisting Copper, g Premium Eugrr.n-in1 copy, (and the large Plum, Pour, Quire Apricot, i, the older branded J. E. J. oa' (he hem t. George, Utah ltf Apple, Peach, Chorry, Prmegrannte, Al$2)5 and moat all with a 6 Inh circle with (J) mond, Caialp:i,s, Allanlbus, 4 copies 6 CO inside on left shoulder I will reward the Locust, Honey Mulberry, -one AND WHIPS ft LARTATS. SjOO (and gratis) finder etc. etc., etc., -one ) lfi.99 (and JOHN L4IISKX, 8 gratis J. R. .T!ine. Also some Now, Choice, as well as St. George Apr,15 One copy each of Post ard Lady I'r eve!, St. Gtvirtre. All work in bniding, Ordinany, and Premium Engravirg 1,00 Ac., done with dispatch. ltf Native nnd Foreign Grapcl. CRAWFORD HOUSE, The getter-u- p of a club will always reand Shrubs, Also, Flowering Fruiting ceive acipy of the Premiurii Engraving C3-- 1 Washington. Utah, Travlers and Plants, Flowering Plants Strawberry Membara of a club wishh.2 ihe Premium House and Vines, Plants, etc. with the best I expect to remain in St. George and Et gravirig, must remit One Dollar, extra. Tontine A e is Biisi.i-stho stock above Li the of painting, small, those table comforts the market affords. to jpjfSF Spec :men copies arid graiie. who wish should be in seato &c..TiiHe purchist employ desiring ig; me nt orders Bro. leave their ltf W. H- - CRAWFORD. son. saotvs & Addrevv If. PRTCUS9X Co H mis my prra?nt residence. J.E. JOHNSON, St Georgo. ,319 WALNUT street Philadel hla will ehortljr have on lmi l a complete I tuck of COMPOUND Paints, Oils, Varnish, &o., &c. TO THE SAINTS in DIXIE U-- tf E 8. RUSSEL J. And elsewhere those of you baring busucsi 'POILILS in the South or West that yen wish me to atSt. Georg Utah, April 15 168. exot-lIrath Utiei var ran aal ehoiae, if grape., Many tend to, make known your wishes ky letter to tad hardy aorta New rarictiaa of apples Xowa, t Will deanso the Blood, rtmove Billions Home Georgia and you shall bo heard and to If in my power. G Complaints, etimuiate ibn Liver, relieve FL o JV E UBS! I those all relations and friends hav;ng Again Dyspepsia, break up Billions and other of varieties Best in the South or West or in the States anywhere Fevers, st i hr Headache, drive away A suprior Medicine Tor Whooping ean, by letter refer them to me at Rome Ga. STRAWBERRIES, Flatulency nil Loss of Appetite, hlf ftr information appertaining to thefaith and Gotlgh, CoUiJl8r. Colds, Hives, A u a Bail 0.1 , enre the Jaundice, snr GOOSEBERRIES, and affectionsof ihe Throat, or Lung-- : rovc t be be best family Pill in cris RASPBERRIES, tenee. Rro. John Brown 205. North 11 street St Lougives immediate relief nothin" be rieweriag viaee tad ether drsirahle plaata lor Sold nt ST. GEORGE DRUG STOR is Mo. (card A. J. Kershaw. W NIXON, 3EJJLlSr3?XlSl Boarders-acommudate- dec-jr.i- C-i'- 1 A it G I d M i 4 Nursery & Garden. iBOSfigftgT a, at-tend- M r KN SOOTHLVG SVBUP. SnR I -- 2 TtZ or-ha- rd . Jesse W. Crosby Boma.floorgiaNov21 58. Iftsertt Jfoxes, iwtuntsfl to copyy" T. ter can be used. Bold V6 aad Gardoa. Drag Store r W H, laiilnilUNnOfita HCSrrYV1ahCV)3lliai I if reraalafor eaahargrata. I ffjTMeney riiu&doi wlnm . ntiffaftion IFtnrt jtrra. I |